Reviews from

in the past

one of the most average games ive ever played. did i have fun? oh fuck yes i did

معندهاش شخصية بس فيها كام حاجة صايعة

Apesar da história meio criminosa é legar , só que bastante enjoativo, é preciso jogar aos poucos pra não ficar loko e desligar o video game

Mad Max (o jogo) é um atestado de que bom design de som e efeitos de fogo legais podem tomar um jogo extremamente genérico em algo quase memorável

A forgotten masterpiece, idc what anyone else has to say

The game has a ton of reptition and the story is really aimless, but Avalanche continue to prove they're the overlords of open world insanity. Plus, Max Rockatansky is finally portrayed by an actual Australian in Bren Foster.

Surprisingly really solid Mad Max game from the studio that made Just Cause.

YEAH, bastante aburrido tras las primeras.... 4 misiones kjjjjj

quiero pasarme esto YA porque recuerdo que me divertía mucho

EDIT 04/08/2022: yea no era tan bueno como recordaba, las cosas más divertidas del juego quedan diluidas ante la repetición y los clichés aburridos del mundo abierto. me lo tendría que haber pasado cuando tenia la paciencia de hacerme todos los campamentos de cada zona

I remember enjoying this back when i played it, but maybe my opinion would change if i replayed.

Mad max é o tipico jogo 7 ou 8, é só bom, não passa disso. Mas tem que dar destaque pros graficos e otimização(que foi uma das melhores)na epoca também.

Repetitivo como él solo y anodino a más no poder, ahora extrañamente disfrutable.

What if we made the worst possible Arkham ripoff we can?

Fine game, overstays its welcome and becomes samey towards the end.

Played it until only only Races where left. Stopped at 95% Progress.
Habe es solange gespielt bis nur noch Rennen übrig waren. Bei 95% Gesamtfortschritt habe ich das Spiel für beendet erklärt.

Story is pretty bad and this is really just one of those open world games where you're checking boxes off a list.

But it's a very good one of those.

Played about 10 hours. Really enjoyable, but I got the feeling that the next 20/30 hours are more of the same. Great, great driving though.

Good gameplay but you do same thing that you learned in the first hour of the game over an over an over until you are bored or cutscenes no more

at its best, when sparks are flying and the audio fills with sounds of crashing metal and fiery explosions, mad max is, for a moment, the perfect snapshot of any of Fury Road's breathtaking action scenes.

that memed "this licensed game really makes you feel like that licensed character" critique is sincerely relevant here because this does make you feel like you're inside a mad max action scene. i feel like the game even goes to great lengths to paint each equally barren but distinct desert biome with a colour grading fitting each and any of the four mad max movies (there are areas where the desert looks more desaturated and akin to the early mad max movies, to areas that are as proudly and vibrantly orange as fury road). it's a beautiful and very unique game world where with the addition of random brutal car combat encounters creates a thrilling tension of disorganised chaos. any simple trip from point a to point b in mad max can turn into a spectacle potentially worthy of its own scene in fury road.

where the game really falls flat on its arse is in how tied all this natural freedom and chaos is to such a banal and ubiquitous modern open world game formula. the actual game is never truly as untethered and unbounded as it appears. it locks a lot of story progression behind level systems and upgrade paths that are like concrete to breakthrough. the map is littered with junk (literal junk, that you collect as currency). i can see a argument for how this is reinforcing theme, e.g. this is a game set in a harsh, cruel, unapologetically post-apocalyptic environment where survival is not a given, it's something each and every occupant of mad max world is fighting for 24/7. but at a certain point the game where you crash a car fitted with flamethrowers and spikes into other cars, trucks and through gates and steel structures at high speeds should feel like more than work, and after only just a few hours they really manage to turn a mad max game into work. and it's not like this is an RPG that's demanding you think your place in these environment, the whole game is designed to be a simulated mad max playground. it just kinda sucks it isn't more fun to actually progress. i ended up putting this down for two years for this reason.

and maybe i don't rewatch the early mad max films as much as fury road, but i also think it's disappointing that for a game released seemingly in unison with 2015's fury road - a movie famously celebrated for the feminist themes underpinning its entire narrative - that this is would be game seemingly written in a room with "women?" circled around it on a whiteboard. forgetting how rote and tiresome "save this damsel in distress" is as a plot device, where it ultimately goes with it (and it's only major female character) is so lazy and thoughtless it's like a cold slap in the face. the ending of this game is only somewhat redeemable to my eyes because for how ultimately committed it is to Max's nihilistic surrender to living in the past and how dreamlike the whole game is.

enough colour and personality in the world and gameplay here shines through for it to be a nicer alternative to any number of similarly boring modern games, imo.

decent adaptation of mad max that's ultimately held back by handholding open world design and undercooked combat.

For a game that its prime gameplay component should be the car combat, it fuckin sucks.

Honestamente es un juego que me ha hecho pensar en cuanto a si me gusta o no me gusta. Antes, cuando me lo pillé por puro amor y fanatismo a la saga de las películas, me encantó el producto pese que esta versión de Max no me era tan cercano o innovador si lo comparamos con el Max clásico y el Max reciente en Fury Road. Tiene su explicación el porqué este juego tiene sus cosas que pueden aburrir o desagradar a algunas personas. Cuando te enteras que es un producto en donde ningún momento colaboró el mismísimo George Miller y que todo fue tratado a manos de la Warner Bros quienes tenían los derechos y tomaron la rápida decisión de sacar tajada a esto, las ilusiones se desvanecieron y ahora lo único bueno que veo es en cuanto a la conducción.

Vamos por partes. La historia no es nada novedoso, nos introduce a Max queriendo recuperar su coche después de que un grupo grande se lo robe. De ahí conocemos a nuestro mecánico que nos pinta como santo y tendremos varios aliados no sin tener que acordar un trato, disminuir la presencia del villano principal en los territorios de nuestros aliados y beneficiarnos de mejoras cada vez que entramos en las fortalezas. Todo bien, son secundarios que no llaman mucho pero por la falta de presencia se olvidan de ellos rápidamente, acabando con las misiones del páramo en secundarias rápidas que te las fulminas en unas pocas horas. Este es mi principal problema en cuanto a narrativa. Habría preferido más conocer estos personajes que no el supuesto ''''interés romántico'''' que se nos presentan a mitad de historia y del cual nos obligan a seguir por ese camino como historia principal.

Literal que cuando te acabas las misiones secundarias estos aliados son solo herramientas NPC, solo aportan un granito de arena para la historia principal para avanzar y poco más. Se nota que querían hacer un juego hiper mega genérico y no calentarse mucho la cabeza en profundizar en los personajes y desarrollar un mundo apocalíptico al estilo Mad Max, pecando en lo superficial y vago.

El tema del combate se puede discutir, no son para nada satisfactorios cuando peles cuerpo a cuerpo, los minibosses son copia y pegas e innovan solo el escenario pero no cambia mucho. Con respecto a matar y ganar en peleas mientras conduces tiene mi voto a favor pues han respetado la idea de que estamos en un mundo donde los coches son medios de transporte, de carga y armas por lo que preparar tu vehículo, preparar estrategias improvisadas cuando un escuadrón te intercepta te satisface de una forma que casi te olvidas todo lo que es a pie.

De igual manera, creo que este juego solo funciona para los fans a las películas. Hay varios guiños y referencias con respecto a las películas, incluso del propio estudio que desarrolló el juego. No obstante, eso no quita que para alguien que le es nuevo esto de Mad Max y juegue a este producto, solo vea cosas repetidas una y otra vez, le guste la parte de la conducción y no vea nada de interesante en la historia mas un sin sentido y un tono que cambia rápida y radicalmente. Es mi primera reseña negativa que le doy un juego, por mucho que intente ver cosas que me gusten, creo que esta vez se merece un no rotundo para aquellos que busquen algo innovador y un sí para los que conozcan Mad Max y se dediquen 20 o 30 horas realizando la historia y objetivos secundarios.

Horribly repetitive and boring game. The game fails to get the player interested in the story or the characters from the its very beginning and keeps it going way too long for one's liking. The combat is clunky and depth is nowhere to be found. The graphics are okay but there is no diversity in atmosphere or scenery, just the same beige/yellow/brown visuals all the time. What the game's best at is the driving and the recklessness that the movie famously brings.

Mediocre open world and Batman combat with some fun story missions, especially at the end. Love that Mad Max dialogue but could have done with being more focused and half as long.

Mad Max is a tough game to rate. On one hand, I felt that it was a solid open world game set in the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max. Howeve, there were parts of the game that were flawed and did impact my overall experience with the game

Let's start with the positives. Firstly, the car combat is amazing. Over the course of the game, you will receive access to a variety of weapons to use, whilst driving the Magnum Opus. These range from a grappling hook to tear off pieces of enemy cars to explosive harpoons that allow you to literally blow up your enemies. Since you spend most of your time driving around, making the car combat entertaining is important and the developers definitely achieved that.
The other major thing Mad Max excels at is its open world. Too often, I find open world games either try to stuff their worlds full fo activiites and collectibles, making it a chore for players to fully complete; or don't fill their world enough, leaving it empty and quite boring to explore. Mad Max has the right balance. There are a number of different activties and collectibles, which there are usually one or two of each kind in each region; giving the player an incentive to explore the world fully.

Unfortunately, its not all positive. The boss fights are very disappointing. Although there are plenty of boss fights, most bosses have the same attack patterns; which means you spend most of the game fighting the same person, except in a different outfit, making these fights rather repetitive. I will call out the final boss fight, which was very anticlimatic and disappointing. For any developers out there: don't spend the whole game telling the player how strong and 'invincible' your main antagonist is, when in the final fight a player can take the boss down in two attacks.
Speaking of the ending, I found the pacing was very rushed. You play through the first three acts, which will take you several hours to complete, if you are completeling the game fully; but the final two acts only take about an hour combined to finish. It almost feels like the developers were rushing to meet a deadline and decided to cut some narrative corners.

So, as you can see, I have conflicted feelings about Mad Max. On the one hand, I think its a solid open world, post-apocalyptic game; but on the other hand, it isn't a polished game. It is rushed and there are some parts of the gameplay that have been duplicated, like the boss fights, making the game feel repetitive. I would recommend Mad Max if its one sale or if you are a big fan of open world/post-apocalyptic games.