Reviews from

in the past

I love all the jank in this game that never made it to other MPs. Losing coins as the loser in 2v2s and 1v3s. Busted-ass games like Whack-A-Plant, Bash-N-Cash, and Coin Shower Flower. Last place person getting punished in the endgame cutscene.

The original Mario Party is great when it isn't trying to kill you and ruin all of your relationships.

i still have scars from some of the stick spinning mini games

Mario Party was very unique when it came out, but it has since been eclipsed by it's successors. What is on offer here is still fairly good, a good selection of boards, minigames, and lots of charm, but there isn't much reason to play this one over the later entries other than for curiosity's sake. Still a really strong start for the franchise, all things considered.

Mario Party was a golden game for casualty in the literal sense. In its own time it was a good game, but has now been overshadowed by the sequels. Its offers are boards and minigames that are terrible as in some board designs just are not fun and minigames involving the N64's stick rotation got Nintendo to have protection for the incidents of carpal tunnel for a reason. If you want to pick this game up, please do so at a caution of your hands and salt. However, I recommend other titles than this one for it has better content than this game.

It's Mario Party. I guess this is the worst one of the original trilogy.

It's really crazy to me that this was the first ever Mario Party game, there's been 10 that have come out since then and the series has changed so much to the point where it's completely unrecognizable to me, and while this one may not be everyone's favorite or the most well put together Mario Party game, it's still a classic in my eyes and there's a lot of nostalgia that goes along with it. The concept was pretty simple, if you're not familiar with Mario party is that 4 players walk around a board by rolling a 10 sided die and attempt to beat the other players by collecting the most amount of coins and stars, stars are worth more than coins so that's the thing most people are going for. After each player has taken one turn, they play a mini-game which is essentially the meat and potatoes of the Mario party games, if the mini-games aren't good then the game isn't good. So how are the mini-games in this one? Well, they're alright, again I have a lot of nostalgia for this game so I have some bias but looking back the minigames in this one were not always the best or most fair, the board design this time around also wasn't great and there wasn't really much of a single player mode (but then again you got to be a whole new level of lonely to play Mario party by yourself). It does include mini-game island where you just play every mini-game once and make your way to the next one which is fairly easy but not a ton of fun in my opinion. As you play the game more and more you will eventually unlock two new boards which again are OK but not great. Overall this was a pretty good start to the series but there was definitely much better things to come over the years.

This game ruins friendships and lives.

Best Mario Party game. It’s incredible fun with other friends and it’s overall artstyle along with the board designs are great. 8/10, 4/5

Pretty fun Mario Party! Most of the mini games were fun to play and the maps were good! Only problem was that in the hub world I found myself getting confused very easily (maybe I was just a naïve child)

Boards are fine, but nothing to write home about. Mini games are good, but the mini-game island is absolutely brutal.

The game also gives you stigmata if you want to beat the CPU at any of the "spin the stick" minigames.

a good proof of concept, has more little trinkets and charm than it has any right to

I love all the weird stuff this entry in the series does that none of the other ones do, like have minigames that can take coins, give each board its own story and "reason" for collecting the stars, the way stars and coins were added up to a bank that could be used to unlock new features and eventually unlock the "final level" of the game. Just, the game's whole framing of every board being an adventure is really neat. Also pretty cool that this game can hurt you. In general this game feels a lot more cruel than any Mario Party, and I find that very appealing.

I just realized, Mario Party 2 actually does a lot of what I'm talking about that I thought was exclusive to this game oops.

Just thinking about the game gives me some sort of shadow pain in my palms.

Despite the palm-spinning games, this is Mario Party at its most raw and rage-inducing. No mercy. Straight for the throat. Exactly what Mario Party ought to be.

fun in bursts, but very unbalanced and unpolished. it's a lot more fun to watch than to actually play in my experience. there's a reason most people recommend skipping this one and just playing the second or third one if you're doing a throwback party game night.

Very much not my sort of game, though given particular negative-credit due to how physically harmful the rotate-the-stick games were.

For the series' first outing, Mario Party tried a lot of ideas and realized that many of them were no good. Anyone familiar with later titles will find many of the decisions here baffling, which in some ways makes this game feel incredibly unique.
The two biggest problems this game has for me is it's boring yet frustratingly designed board layouts, and the amount of unbalanced minigames it has. You may have fun with this game (except on the joystick rotating mini-games, you will never have fun with those) looking at it historically to see where this series began, but don't try to get too competitive with it because this game probably has the least strategic elements of any pre-Mario Party 9 game.

its funny that nintendo had to give out gloves because this game physically hurt people

Destroyed the sticks on my controllers thanks to this game. Good times.

Pretty hard to go back to when I could play any other entry prior to 10, but still incredibly charming and fun with friends. Minigame island is fun too and nice that you don't have to unlock it unlike Minigame Coaster in 2, but the singleplayer in 3 is far better.

Mario Party deu o pontapé inicial em uma das mais antigas e contínuas franquias da Nintendo. O conceito da mistura de minigames com um tabuleiro inaugurou um dos jogos multiplayer mais divertidos da Nintendo, com resultados imprevisíveis e muita confusão.

I don't have much to say but the only time I played this at a dentist's office

This is still the best Mario Party, no matter what they release I don't think it will top the nostalgia levels this one grants.

Fun but your hands will be destroyed.

tbh, out of Mario Party 1-7, this one is actually my least favorite. but it had to start somewhere