Reviews from

in the past

Bought day 1 because I loved Mega Man 10.
I even remember purposefully ignoring the bad reviews and buying it anyways.

Well at least it's not as bad as X6 and X7

I still need to find a way to play this game without having to do it on my Wii U (yeah, I was one of those poor losers that backed the game for Wii U) but the worst part about this game is the really cool character designs that are never going to get out of this game and into something actually good

Probably less bad than people have hyped it up to be, still not worth playing.

Given the game's reputation, I went in expecting a mediocre game at best and a trainwreck at worst, but it's a surprisingly competent Mega Man-style platformer with some solid character design work and some neat details that I enjoyed.

I get where the backlash came from as the Kickstarter was sorely mishandled, but the game itself isn't bad. Dashing through the enemies and building up a chain of points is really fun, and the added touch of the bosses you previously beat helping you out in later levels is a really cool addition to the Mega Man formula.

I can see how it might have been a bit of a letdown if you donated to the Kickstarter and were expecting some massive, grandiose masterpiece given the amount of money it raised, but as it is, the game's fairly decent.

Não merece nem um pouco o hate que recebe, é melhor que muito jogo por aí

It had like 3 gun levels. Such a disappointment mighty no 8 was cool though

Like an Anime fan on prom night

Keyifli la oynaması işte şımarmayın keiji inafune adamsın zırto

SICKENINGLY SATISFYING but a 'mega' lack of polish leads to some choice jank moments and real funny instant death shit with a couple untelegraphed OHKO's here n there. But ahh... like the anime fan on prom night - nobody's perfect~~~


it's not the abyss fiction i expected but it's not really good either. it has its moments but whenever it does it reels it back in with shitty level design

Movement is excellent and the main gimmick of having to finish off enemies with your dash move is very inventive and quite addictive. Yeah it's ugly, but there's more to it than that.

Honestly, this game's way better than a handful of beloved MM games (and others not so much) like MM&B and every X game after 4.

It's good, people. Get it on sale at least.

Copiando o comentário do megamurilox
"megaman só que paia"

wha tthe fuck?
what the fuck?
this game is super good?
what the fuck?

I'll never get the time back; I shouldn't have touched this. All the bosses are total pushovers except for the final boss, which is so aggressively hard, the only good thing I can even say is the design for some of the bosses are cool, kind of?

I tried giving this game another chance but this game is fucking miserable

La gente exagera mucho yo creo que es mid de cojones y ya

There is nothing to this game. it's just sad. Go watch the trailers and you'll get what I mean, you can just see that the game sucks. The one thing that always stuck with me was how cheap the explosions in this game look. It really encapsulates this whole game: cheap, looks horrible, isn't exciting.

I tried so hard to beat this game even though I didn't care. I was literally at the final boss when I gave up. Mighty No 9 was a huge disappointment to mega man fans, but Azure Striker Gunvolt really picked up the pieces after 9 dropped them.

Also pretty sure there's a bug in the Mac version, to this day, that makes one of the levels unbeatable.

Real shit? This games title screen track still makes me tear up it's really really good.

Gonna finally write a genuine review

Not going to get into the buildup to release. I know it was a disaster, you know it was a disaster, and it doesn't really have any bearing on the game itself.

-The dash mechanic, helps the game flow better
-The level design
-Most of the bosses

-The level design (That part in the Prison stage comes to mind)
-Cryosphere. Fuck Cryosphere.
-Almost all eight Mighty Numbers having an instant-kill attack
-No comfortable way to select weapons

All in all, I found this game to be decent. Is it unfairly maligned? Yes and no. While I feel like there are genuine problems, from what I can tell most of the criticism comes from "JohnVideoGames456 said it's bad therefore it's bad" and "Haha four million dollars".

In short; Give it a shot!

Even distanced from the con man antics surrounding it, this is just a B-tier Inafune/Inti joint with all the hacky game design you'd expect. Tricks you into thinking its good cause they're just working with the same template as all the other MM greats, and it DOES pull out some catharsis-driving moments with the dash-chaining, but it's too obnoxious too often and has no good music or window dressing to back it up. The bosses are bizarrely Nintendo-esque in how they're fought, too. I was honestly going to be charitable and give it a 5/10 bc I was generally okay with it, but the last boss is so miserably bad that I couldn't. Complete embarrassment of a project that should've been better given the staff surrounding it, but was inevitably going to sink given Inafking's lunacy. Hope that man boils in his own piss.

This game is not the living hell people make it out to be, although I imagine it is if you were a high tier backer. This game is largely inoffensive and even feels nice to play sometimes. Unfortunately the budget is not reflected in any way. Boring cutscenes, some wack levels, and a horrible final boss. A couple things bothered me about the movement. It feels nice but Beck has some momentum involved that can ruin your precision. This killed me many times on the highway level featuring instakill floors.

The most egregious thing this game did was take up my entire CPU. It would run fine a lot of the time but randomly decide to run like shit and slow down my ENTIRE system. This happened on one of my final boss runs and I nearly broke something.