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in the past

Honestly I got this as a joke but it was kinda alright, while the level design had its rough moments and the final boss did not need to be as hard as it was I liked the controls and overall things weren't nearly as dire as I've always been led to believe, I feel like most of the reason this game gets shit is just the circumstances of its development and release leading to huge disappointment with a mediocre game rather than it being truly abysmal.
i never unlocked the dash that makes me breakfast though so that was a shame

Con lo que llevo esta divertido. He leido el porque todos odian este juego y con lo que he entendido es comprensible el porque es muy criticado en aquellos tiempos. Habría sido bueno que este juego no haya terminado tan mal y hubiera salido esa versión de 3DS

Para mi el juego mas o menos vale la pena si no está en un precio muy alto, hasta considero comprar la versión de PS4

My biggest guilty pleasure. It's not a good game, but I love it to death. I've beaten it so many times.

An abysmal game, that is exactly what Mighty No.9 and y’all are not shocked to hear that by now.

Mighty Number 9, also known as the ‘spiritual successor’ to Mega Man is an old internet tale that spread like fire in the early days by the sheer amount of disappointment one game can give to an abnormal amount of people in matter of days, but I’m not here to discuss the story of how it came to be, I’m here to tell if it is bad or not, and the first paragraph already says it all.

To start with something good about the game, the gameplay loop.
The Gameplay loop is focused on Bell’s (A.K.A Mighty No.9) Dash and I’m gonna say that is the best part of the game, the dash is very responsive and powerful, together with the ability to pass through enemies after stunning them to gain time limited bonus is a neet idea the ties very well the gameplay,unfortunately the other aspects are not so good compared to the dash mechanic.

The stages are very mixed, some of them are fairly balanced having a good challenge while having a fair learning curve (Battalion), others are so easy that is funny (Dynatron) and others are completely horrible and are unnecessarily difficult like the first boss on the list Pyrogen, yes the first BOSS in the List.

Like the Mega Man series, Mighty has the power to get the bosses power after saving them, these power range from useful, very situational and out right Overpowered, in this case the overpowered weapon is the battalion’s one, being the only weapon in the game that can be easily used to kill 7 of the 8 bosses in the game.

The Optimization is horrendous, I played the official Linux version of the game and I had lags almost every time the game presented more than 3 enemies in the same screen, horrible.

To summarize, Mighty No.9 is not a worthy successor for the Mega Man series, while the gameplay loop was good and very fun almost everything surrounding the game was either Meh or very shitty, using outdated game ideas from the first two mega man games as if the series never evolved.
I would recommend it if you're a diehard fan of the mega man series or just wanna see for yourself, at least the Steam version gets very cheap on sale.

Everything people say about this game is bad is true so there's no point in reiterating it.

As a Mega Man fan, I ended up enjoying this more than I thought I would, despite its flaws.

It's fun to control Beck, there's some pretty alright music (Mighty No. 9 main theme is actually a great song!), decent voice acting, story, use of color.

Some of the boss fights may be a bit too simple, but I generally enjoyed them, found the harder fights very satisfying to overcome. Also the game's challenge mode is surprisingly fun.

My biggest issue with the game is the amount of Instant death sections in every regular stage. It feels like the game goes out of its way to include them, and some of these require very tight air dashing, and falling spacing. I think so much instant death sections were probably added to make sure the game wasn't an absolute breeze for Mega Man fans/vets like myself, since aside from a few other small sections and bosses, they were the only real challenge and thing that prevents you from just dashing endlessly through the levels.

Despite that I felt the game's final levels were actually pretty good. Yes, they had instant death and other nasty surprises, but that's fitting for the dr.wily levels of any Mega Man game in my mind. Plus the Final boss was pretty tough but satisfying to overcome.

I wasted money on this game so I can officially say that Keiji Inafune robbed me

i'm probably not feeling as angry/upset because i didn't back this game on kickstarter and the expectation was "WORST GAME IN THE HISTORY OF GAMING AS A WHOLE?????" but it's just like a mediocre mega man clone. i've played hundreds of insanely more offensively bad games than this. don't get me wrong, it is pretty bad! just was expecting even worse. controls pretty well, and i will say i do actually really like how when you beat a mighty number boss they show up in the stage and help you out! that's genuinely pretty cool. everything else is at best just fine and at worst confusing/frustrating/bad though. i think a lot of the hyperbolic statements on the game itself come from feeling slighted from the kickstarter promises and that whole ordeal, which is entirely fair. makes a ton of sense even, just not something i really had to deal with.

Eu me diverti mais do que eu esperava com esse jogo, mas não tive paciência pra terminar.

Kickstarter games can be controversial. For new developers, it's great to resort to crowdfunding, hoping to get the necessary funds to make your game a reality. We've seen some successes before, but sometimes these success stories can spiral down quickly when diving into the meat of development issues and release, causing hype and anticipation that swiftly change to disappointment, and this was no more apparent than with Mighty No. 9. Keiji Inafune's spiritual successor to Mega Man after he departed from Capcom in 2010, and there was a reason to be hyped for it. Being a Mega Man in the early 2010s was bleak after witnessing a multitude of cancellations left to right and was laid dormant for a while, so this was a great opportunity to fill that void. I think most of us know about the Kickstarter debacle, so I'll spare you the details. If you want to learn more about the development history, I'll leave these two links down below.

The gameplay is your typical Mega Man fare, you jump and you shoot, and also has a dash, so there's a bit of Mega Man X in there too. What I want to touch on is the new absorption mechanic that was featured in that masterful trailer that Deep Silver squirted out onto YouTube. When an enemy is weakened, Beck can dash into a foe and absorb it, displaying a percentage number on the screen, and can utilize this ability to rack up combos. It is also obligatory to use it on bosses to ransack their health; some are more annoying than others without their proper weaknesses (specifically Mighty No. 1-8) but after some trial and error, they aren't too bad to take down.

The level design is... fine, but it's so boring and basic to traverse through that I don't find any stage in the game to be memorable. They're mostly just straight lines that you can just infinitely dash through (and sometimes break certain areas) to reach the boss room, there's just nothing to it. The stage environments look bland as hell and the same can be said with its presentation. There's something about it that feels cheap and lifeless, and you can probably see the budget cuts. The characters and cutscenes are also uneventful as they revolve around them standing around spewing dialogue and changing expressions without any lip flaps whatsoever or being devoid of personality like Call. That's pretty much all I can say about this game, so I'll wrap this up.

Mighty No. 9 isn't a bad game, it's just not a good spiritual successor to Mega Man, but I think it should be remembered as a cautionary tale to those looking into game development and crowdfunding. This is a prime example of a producer being overly ambitious with its goals and not being able to deliver on all of them. Inafune shot for the moon and instead went down and destroyed the Mighty No. 9 brand, which is a shame.

Way back in the prehistoric year of 2016 there was a notorious amount of really Weird shit that some would say felt like a calm before a storm
If you were a shit-head from the 'states that is like ya girl
I think that circling back around to this game after so fucking long and not having even touched it before is such a unique experience
I avoided it like the plague because of everyone saying it was a waste of money and that they fumbled HARD with mno9
But i never actually saw much gameplay or anything!!
I completely went with the mob on it and fast forward about 7 years later now ive finally played it

and im here to TELL! YOU!...
Its honestly fine! no really ill explain, okay so this was rightfully so deemed a flop
but the dash and combo system is actually REALLY fun and i love how the mighty number powers regenerate overtime or regenerate from different types of dash xel shit

Now if youre readin this u probably never even played this bullshit so ill briefly give u the rundown
its a pretty standard mega man story setup except youre moreso purifying beck's friends
some of the mighty number powers are pretty fun and useful in a pinch
and some others i didnt find much tangible use for, which is more of a thing with mega man design than anything else

the final level does have you using MOST of them but it still pretty much felt like the explosive missile power and the propeller power were CLUTCH
the BEST shit ever
and you dont really get a Rush style dog companion in this game tht you use for your base alternative power to test the swap up with
instead you get the ability to summon little thin laser shooting drones at about four a piece before they start disappearing
this is NOT to be slept on because even though it doesnt do hefty damage it lays on pressure rlly well and i thought it was so clutch because you dont even have to be around it to keep it shooting.

Now the level design IS REAAAAAAAALLY where this shits difficulty curve goes bungee jumping LMFAO
like i picked Dyna(electric girl)'s level first, and i thought it was solid, acceptable
and then you get to Shade's(sniper) level and its like oh? why is this completely horizontal level cool but why are the aesthetics just buildig building building

hes also very easy but thats okay because atleast he was cool! somethin i cant say for the Mine guy who has a level gimmick thats fine but i really didnt like it apart from his actual fight
And even then i didnt use the power you get from him much at!!! all! and idk why
i was like that with the pyro ability too,

but we can talk specifics and nitty gritty all day i think the most important take aways are how I think Call shouldve got more things to do in a more optimized gameplay sense
and speaking of optimized!!! this game doesnt run like dog shit! like the explosions look like some dude goatsie'd with spaghettios up his ass Sure but the game also still runs pretty smooth and i didnt find ANY bugs or glitches

youd think a game with a rep like this one's that there wouldve been a good serving of those but it genuinely is just all the empty content promises, the hit or miss level design and i guess the voice acting too(which im not gonna sit here and say is awesome bc its not)

I also think its cool there's like an online racing thing, so many challenges, able to tweak the amount of lives the game gives you and get some things to make the game easier on you
I think that mighty number 9 really is just a Fine game with at worst mediocre traits going on that REALLY reared a lot of heads of criticism because of all the lip service they were giving before
All the premature celebration absolutely had this game goin through it
cause i dont even hate how the game looks, i think its weird the mouths dont move for these close up voice acted bits
and i think its weird there's TWO gun related powers
and i think everyone deserved one final big moment together with the big bad.... but its honestly a miracle this happened At All regardless of the outcome
im like one of the only people on the planet now that doesnt think this is garbage
and i rlly wish there was ATLEAST a comics thing to go off of :( because this Does seem like itd be a cute little universe to flesh out better, the show absolutely is still never gonna fucking happen though pftftft

but yeah thats it, its a secondhand sometimes hard sometimes piss easy mostly classic inspired with a hint of X mega man game
mighty number 9 3ds port amazon listing will be the EVA01 of our generation
that shit is not gonna budge and at this point, i hope it never does

edit: yes i know these little assholes are in mighty gunvolt, i MIGHT play that sometime if i remember <3

Sempre todo mundo falar muito mal dele, mas quando fui jogar achei o jogo realmente muito divertido. O único defeito é que é muito feio, mas a jogabilidade é excelente. Pra mim jogo tem que ser acima de tudo divertido, e esse é muito

El juego por si mismo es bueno. Es divertido, y cumple con ser un sucesor espiritual de Megaman, heredando su gameplay, a la vez que le da su toque propio

Aún así, no puedo omitir la polémica que hay detrás de este titulo. No afecta al producto final, pero es cierto que pudo tener un mejor acabado con el apoyo que recibió

This is the one and only game I backed on kickstarter.
Never again.

I liked the colourful PS2/Gamecube era looking artstyle and hud, I like the concept of boss weapons being weaknesses to the level in addition to just the boss at the end, and that’s it. This game is otherwise atrociously bad. It controls like ass, the graphics and animations look incomplete, having to dash into enemies to absorb them doesn’t have the same satisfaction as blowing them up, the levels are just plain poorly thought out with infinite air dashes trivializing platforming, but with cheap enemy placement, cheap insta-kill obstacles, and the bosses having cheap insta-kill attacks that’ll all be sure to cheat a death or two out of you. Then there’s all the little technical things, the way mouths don’t move when characters speak, the sound bugging out, clipping issues galore, and countless other glitches. Blatant levels of polish were not applied here, and I could only imagine how backers must’ve felt when they got their hands on it after anticipating it for so long.

The infamous crowd-funded spiritual sucessor of classic Mega Man that turned out to be a huge disappointment, and that ruined the reputation of mr. Keiji Inafune. We've all made the jokes a million times already (cry like an anime fan, pizza explosions, it's better than nothing, etc.) But hey, anybody can look past a shitshow rollout/development is the end result is a solid game, right?

There is absolutely nothing here that hasn't been done better in other Mega Man games. While the core gameplay remains the same jump/shoot side-scrolling style, the new dash mechanic used to finish enemies and harm bosses is something I've always felt slows the game down and makes it less fun. A rather lame attempt at giving the game its own identity, despite its obvious ties to Mega Man. The music is absolutely boring and forgettable, the graphics are dull and lifeless, the voice acting is atrocious (not even "funny bad" like in Mega Man 8 or X4), and the overall design is so lacking that it truly feels like the game doesn't understand what made Mega Man appealing in the first place.

It was so ironic and beautiful seeing a project fueled by the extreme hatred against Capcom fail this hard and become a laughing stock, and then see the villain "Crapcom" live long enough to see itself become the hero with Mega Man 11. I hope we've all learned something here.

This game makes me sad. I didn't follow or support the kickstarter, but everyone knows it was a mess. People are right at being mad at the end result, i wish we got what was shown at first.

However after playing it a few years ago i really liked it and i hate that the IP had to end the way it did. I'll be honest i had more fun with this than i did with MM11 or anything i've played form Inti Creates in the last few years.

I'd say this game is like a "mid tier" MM game, it's not close to his best games but hangs around the most "ok" ones, maybe even slighlty above them.

I streamed this game for some friends to laugh at it because everyone said it was so terrible and we all ended up enjoying it and finding it kinda charming. One of them even bought it for himself.

The way this game handled the robot masters and tretated them as characters that help you after beating them by appering on the stages or giving you hints about the boss weakness was very cool. I hope MM copies that ability for the next game, i already like these guys more than like 95% of the robot masters.

And that's why this game makes me sad. It did a few thing very well, the characters have some charm to them in spite of the ugly graphics, the game itself is pretty fun to play, but now the IP is fucking cursed because of the kickstarter disaster and it's never getting another chance. Everyone lost.

If I wanted to take the easy way out, I could leave a one sentence review dunking on this game. "Every Mega Man fan's worst nightmare," right? But this game isn't that.

Say all you what about what this game was supposed to be; I hate Keiji Inafune just as much as you do. But through all the bad advertising, broken promises and baffling release cycle, Mighty No. 9 is still has good-- hell, even great, in the game itself.

That great is Beck himself. Despite it all, this game actually plays unimaginably well. His movement is excellent, and the core game design behind shooting enemies just enough to absorb them, then doing that quickly to keep up the momentum is a truly good evolution of Mega Man X (not Classic, though) gameplay. I'd say it's better than those games at this aspect, even. Beck's the most fun blue robot to play as, get over it.

Unfortunately for Mighty No. 9, making the character feel good to play as is not really a large part of these games. Jump N' Shoot Man has always typically been about the jumping and shooting; i.e, the level design.

This game's level design is game ruining.

It's just so... basic. So boring. It's like the developers didn't understand what a fun base they created and failed to utilize it effectively. While Beck plays like a Mega Man X character, the level design seems to want to be like Classic, and that creates such a big rift between how the levels are designed how the game encourages you to play through them. And regardless of that fatal disconnect, these stages aren't really good in a vacuum either. They're genuinely almost all nothing-- way too many of them are literally straight lines to boring ass enemy rooms, then a continued straight line to the end. It's so... goddamn... boring.

The bosses don't fare much better either. Again, almost all of them are boring. Usually Mega Man bosses make you interact with their attacks and movement in interesting ways, but this game doesn't do that either. You get in their faces, you mash, they die. It's not everything in the game, but it's damn close. It's unbelievable to me that people complain about Trinity so much she at least requires constant interaction from you and forces you to use actively use the base mechanics. It's a glimpse of what this game should've been.

Enough about the gameplay though-- everyone knows the deal with the presentation in this game. Popcorn explosions and all that. However, this game's graphics are like, fine? They're certainly not the biggest issue with the overall feel of this game. That would be the story. While you can ignore it, it makes this game feel childish in a way Mega Man games usually don't. "Is this game for babies? Did they know who their audience was?" came up more than once when I was playing through MN9. The music in this game is also rather mediocre. It's one of Matsumae's worst works, which is sad. She's typically a pretty good composer.

At the end of the day, Mighty No. 9 is a tragedy. Through it's development for one, but through the game itself for another. They had it all-- and it was all sqaundered because this game just has bad levels. Maybe someone will make a spiritual successor to Mighty No. 9 someday.

Not you, IntiCreates. It's over, bro. Let it go.

Cópia descarada de mega man que não gostei nem um pouco.

Nunca perdoarei Inafune e companhia pela covardia absurda de terem abandonado Mighty No. 9 invés de fazer uma sequencia que tentasse ser melhor. Não é como se mega man não tivesse jogo ruim, sabe.

Didn't back this game and so I'm not that angry but I actually enjoyed this game? I had fun playing it and after remapping the dash button to be on the right trigger I had a lot of fun with this game minus the part where I had to play as Call.

Giving money to this, because I love Mega Man, and to Yooka Laylee, because I loved Banjo-Kazooie, are two of the worst decisions I ever made in my life. I will never contribute to any kickstarter after getting burned by these travesties, no matter how the game looks. After Mighty No. 9 I'd be worried about even giving a homeless guy on the street a single penny. What's his angle??? What long dormant franchise is HE claiming to revive? Hell no man, I'm not giving you any money!

So kudos to Keiji Inafune I guess, you made me wary of any form of charity.

El creador prometió un MegaMan......lo que no prometió es que hiba a estar divertido.....

An awesome thing that is awesome

Mediocre Mega man game that got inspired by some of the worst parts of the series. Why no sliding or charge shots??? Final boss sucks