Reviews from

in the past

Pro: RPG, play with your mii, fun
Con: US$50 because Nintendo

This game is full of charm, the character customization is amazing, probably one of the or the best in any game ever. The addition of the outings makes the game more charming too, where there are tons of wacky scenario that never fail to bring a smile or a laugh.
In addition, the community qnd their mission are amazing, letting artist create every single character in existence practically, from the teletubbies sun to some of Junji Ito's characters.

The horse is a fine addition too, but I dislike horses, and this guy was annoying.

this game is so fun even on your own. i made so many Animal Crossing inspired abominations.

Un RPG muy sencillito y muy tontorrón que resulta tener más chicha de lo que parece a simple vista. Esto, sin embargo, juega un poco en su contra porque la historia es excesivamente larga y se hace muy repetitivo cerca del final.

Aún así, tiene muchísima personalidad, es muy gracioso y tiene mecánicas y sistemas muy interesantes que, en una potencial secuela que los aproveche mejor, podrían hacer algo brillante.


A very simple and silly RPG that turns out to be much meatier than it looks. This, however, is a bit counterproductive because the story is excessively long and it becomes very repetitive near the end.

Despite that, it has a ton of personality, it's hilarious and it has a few very interesting mechanics and systems that could turn into something brilliant in a potential sequel that makes a better use of them.

The character creator is EXTREMELY good and learning new moves is always a fun time but gameplay is way too repetitive and grindy that its not worth playing for a long time. Better in short bursts.

Basically Mad Libs: The RPG. The character creator is so robust you can make literally just about anyone in the game. There's not a lot of meat or challenge to it, but can lead to a lot of funny moments with the right picks. Just kinda wish there was more substance to the RPG aspects of it.

Not a masterpiece or anything, the main campaign is way too long, and the gameplay is a bit repetetive. Still though, watching all my favorite characters fuck around and occasionally do things that are actually in character is pretty fun. The hours went by pretty quickly, so I guess the game achieved what it wanted. Harmless, but enjoyable stuff.

Amazing first three chapters, and is able to coast through one or two more. Really starts to get stale towards the end, though.

Got bored since I already played the original and the gameplay just doesn't hold up well enough for another go.

The game can get repetitive quick, but with friends this is one of the funnest games ever

idk why I like this game so much, I just do lmao. Also across the switch version and the 3DS version I have done like 5 separate playthroughs of this game (Most of which in 2020) i didn't finish most of them but i still thought I'd mention that

Literally the best character creator in any video game

Actual game is pretty bad

Definitely a make your own fun game but a fucking amazing one. I love Miitopia.

Definitely has the most personality out of any RPG I’ve ever played

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Miitopia is a decent JRPG that gets repetitive by the end. The early areas each have their own storyline, with the fairy forest probably being the best and even featuring some additional battle companions and a nice ending cutscene. However, it all goes downhill after the Dark Lord's Castle - you have all your companions, all the candies, Mii Relationships are probably pretty far along, etc. Despite all that, the game manages to stretch itself out for 5 more hours by introducing a second villain to take down and making you go through boring worlds that only exist to run through to fight "sidequest" bosses. The true final boss is cool, but it can't make up for the slog the last fourth of the game is.

I wish I could go back in time and tell myself not to 100% this game cause Jesus christ getting 100% completion is probably the only real issue I have with this game

hatsune miku consoled me when my roommate had his face snatched. can't recommend enough

Just a solid fun turn based RPG. It's nothing crazy or amazing but you'll enjoy your time with it. There's also a lot of content, much more than I was initially expecting. I have a few complaints, one is that I wish there was some control for other party members. Even if not direct control, something like Persona 3's Tactic system would've made it more enjoyable. Instead you just have to pray to God the AI is smart (it usually isn't). Also, for a game with so many classes and potential party members, it's a shock that there's zero EXP share of any kind. I can kind of understand a level reset from changing classes, but party members not in use not getting any EXP makes them basically useless, and makes things like party splits and sick teammates very annoying.

Overall, maybe wait for a price drop for like $40 and I'd say it's pretty worth it.

Dude this game's like, so cute and funny. The gameplay is pretty fun and easy to get into and I love the simple story. Miitopia is like, one of the most unique experiences I've ever had. Where else could you see Demi-Fiend and Goku fighting against Hitler? Yeah, exactly. This game is incredible, I wish there were more games like this

The strangest fanfiction I've ever had the fortune of playing.

the greatest anime, gaming, and movie fanfiction of all time

Every single time I look at this game, I just get reminded how I'm never going to beat it no matter how hard I try...

The world was saved thanks to me and my team of Erma Williams, Gertrude, Kiwi The Bard, Tamatoa, Mio Honda, Moguro Fukuzou, Hop, Stingy, and Toph.

fun fact! this game came out the exact day i graduated high school

Miitopia was a game that nearly flew over my radar and I'm glad it didn't. I was introduced to it through the demo and was thoroughly impressed by how much I enjoyed it. The game was loads of fun and gave me an absolutely unforgettable experience.

Miitopia is your standard turn-based RPG on the surface. You've got your four party members and your various character classes. You've got your magic/skill systems. You've got your stats to manage. However, what Miitopia is all about is relationships. You gain lots of party members throughout the game who all develop relationships with one another. The better the relationships, the more powerful your team becomes. The player can manage their team at inns where they can organize rooming situations and send their members on outings. This is also where stats can be increased and equipment can be swapped. Mixing and matching party compositions is a lot of fun and getting to see their interactions is even better. A lot of unexpected things can happen in Miitopia because of the relationship system and it makes the characters feel so alive.

Speaking of the characters, YOU create them yourself. You get 10 party members through the main story and can make many more afterwards. You get to choose their appearance, personality, and class. Their personality effects the random events that occur within gameplay. It's not exactly a balanced system, though. Some personalities are clearly better than others. "Laid-back" is probably the worst with "cool" having virtually no flaws. You can also create all of the NPC's appearances. Miitopia is a very personalized experience, which is a major part of what makes the game so fun and engaging. Characters can also be changed in any way at any time, minus changes in class until the late-game, so no decision is permanent.

Back on the topic of the combat system, you only play as the main character. The other party members control themselves. The AI is very good though and party members make wise move choices for the most part. The only thing I found frustrating was the unnecessary use of healing items. A party member could be either at full health or near full health and use up a healing item. The player does have these things called "sprinkles" which can be used between turns and at the player's discretion. They can heal, revive, restore mp, etc. Even with very little player input, the battles are kept fun with flashy animations and random events. There is also a fast forward button to speed through animations if the player chooses. The gameplay does become quite repetitive eventually though, but it's not really a big problem until the post-game. The combat is also almost ridiculously easy early on but luckily ramps up in difficulty later. The post-game almost gets too difficult with little XP being given in proportion to how hard enemies are.

Speaking of the post-game, Miitopia is a massive game packed with content. The main story will take about 30 hours to complete. The map is huge with varying locations that have tons of areas to explore. Areas can be selected on a Mario-esqe map and your team travels across them in a linear 2.5D fashion. Areas are worth going through to find treasure chests that contain some great rewards. The map also houses other fun goodies in the form of NPCs to interact with. The map might be almost too big for its own good as it contributes to the repetition problem as mentioned earlier.

Miitopia's story is A TOTAL BLAST. The writing is so witty and entertaining. I found myself loving every moment of it. It follows the story of the player character who goes on a journey to save the world from a face-stealing Dark Lord. Along the way they meet new party members and hilarious NPCs. The dialogue and interactions are full of funny moments. The plot also has some great twists and turns. It is overall a super fun time that will take you on a total rollercoaster.

Sound and visuals:
The sound design is pretty competent, as should be expected. The music is really good. Nothing I would listen to outside the game, but it's still some great stuff. There's a lot of tracks I still remember.

The visuals are really great too for the most part. Locations look great, the art direction is really good, the UI is well done. Of course you have the Miis which still hold up really well, big thanks in part to the new wig and makeup system. What I don't like is a lot of the enemy designs. Designs get reused a lot, especially in the post game, and some of the color alterations can look really ugly. Many designs just look really ugly or weird in general. Sometimes it's to the humor's benefit but sometimes it's just hard to look at.

As I mentioned before, Miitopia is a great experience. There's tons of fun to be had with this game. The whole thing is just so personalized and it feels special. The writing is both silly and legitimately interesting. I'd highly recommend this game to RPG fans who are okay with a more simple experience and want to just sit back and watch a fun story unfold. Don't feel bad for not sticking around for the post-game, though.

This game was fun but the customization was the best part by far

30 hours to complete this game, well spent👍

Demi-Fiend teams up with Spider-Man, Minecraft Steve, Sora and a $19 Fortnite card to defeat the Dark Lord Yasuo from League of Legends. Obviously a great game.