Reviews from

in the past

it's so dumb and charming

the gameplay is pretty simple but it makes up for it with how weird and sometimes funny the interactions can be, it's really funny imagining a serious scenario with a dumb character cast its just all in all really fun.

charming with surprisingly good music. although, i think it kinda goes on a bit tooooo long for how little the gameplay changes over its course so it gets kinda repetitive, and i was starting to get tired of the humor by the end.

Had an absolute blast playing through Miitopia over discord with a bunch of internet friends. Stories that developed at random included many love triangles, one of our buddies having a strange penchant for sneaking bananas into people's pockets, and two members of our party getting sick almost every day.
This is a fantastically off-beat game that knows how to set up strange scenarios in just the right way so that the players can find their own fun.

You, Mii, and my friends against a dark lord who looks like Ronald Mcdonald or Tom Cruise.

Miitopia is very creative for the customization of Miis who plays the rolls of this world. Letting you to create a mii to go on a wacky adventure playing as the hero to save everyone. It doesn't have to be you it could be someone completely made up or someone from a tv show or movie doing this quest.

miitopia has a variety of jobs that you can give your mii. they can be a warrior, mage, to even being a pop star or a cat with different abilities. once the mii enter a fight you can't control on what they do. you can heal or help them but most of the fighting is up to the miis. sometimes they will attack, or they will be standing around doing nothing but using healing items. this could be frustrating to some people but be funny to others.

I recommend this game if want a creative and sometimes random time.

A surprisingly fun RPG. Being able to create mii’s to fill roles in an RPG is really fun and can lead to absolutely hilarious scenarios. My only major is issue is the combat. It gets repetitive after awhile and it doesn’t help that your main party can have arguments with each other which gets annoying after awhile. Overall I enjoyed it for what it was.

RPG Speedball

oddly enough, probably one of my favorite rpg battle systems but ONLY while holding down the fast forward button at all times. the fact that it's 75% autobattle combined with how fast every animation goes makes for a wholly unique experience that i keep coming back to. for a game that is pretty much entirely built on speed, my issue is every form of tedium that comes up within the game. there are rpgs that are nothing but grinding that i have zero issues with but i cant help but groan every time i see a triple branching path, moreso if it has 6 options. the lategame is also a struggle to get through, but the game's humor helps in keeping me entertained enough. highly recommend.


This is a certified hood classic

I have spent an embarrassingly long time trying to 100% this game

i also own the original 3DS release but this version has makeup and wigs and a Horse. I wish they could have added more things like extra Jobs, new dungeons and/or a way to control the team a bit better. either way the music is phenomenal.

This version of Miitopia is a new revision of the original for the Nintendo 3DS, that adds tons of new customization for the miis such as makeup, wigs, and a lot of facial characteristics.

Even if it's a good "remake", the features added make you wish they remade Tomodachi Life instead of this, as it would've been better if they added more levels, roles, harder difficulties and more.

Nothing better than creating a team of funny anime girls to kill god.

This game is the only game in which you can make imagination come to life. I freaking love it.

i love the new customisation features and all the chaos it can create but i unfortunately found the game to be a tad bit boring after a while.

wonderful however i do not have the motivation i had in 2016 to finish

Update: I have bought this on Switch and the amount of abominations that have come out of my own hand is horrifying.

A very charming and funny little game. I want to make my funny little mii's dance and murder and kill and maim and harm.

I haven't actually played this myself, but I've been watching the boy go through it and it just seems like a real good fun time. Simple snappy combat and menus, streamlined progression, weird emergent mini-narratives, flashes of Miitomo and Tamagotchi Life.

My 6yo played and finished a JRPG starring himself, his family, Mario, Minecraft Steve, Admiral Ackbar, various other Miis we managed to drag over from the Wii U, and he's still having a great time in the post-game. A triumph.

The only game where the dark lord Morshu can take on a team of Dio Brando, Shrek, and the members of Tally Hall.

Finally beat the main game! If I had to put this on the same level as a movie, I'd say it's on par with Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. Just a really charming, funny, absurd experience that I thoroughly enjoyed from beginning to end! I will say I wasn't a fan of some of the repetitive tediousness the game had to offer, but I ended up getting used to it, especially with the help of the fast-forward button to speed things along. The amount of sheer creativity this game's Mii creator has to offer makes me so happy, and I love seeing familiar faces getting into funny scenarios, brought to life with just Miis. I kinda wished I got to play this game sooner, considering I could've gotten it for my last birthday, but then again, I got Undertale on my last birthday, and that ended up being my 2nd favorite video game of all time, so maybe it was for the best to hold it off. Overall, a really great game that I would highly recommend. I mean, what other game are you gonna find that has Bowler Hat Guy, Geno, Undyne, Marnie, and Rodney Copperbottom fighting alongside one another to defeat the Dark Lord Frisk Undertale?

Y'all are gonna kill me for this, but I think I like this more than Smash Ultimate.


Though it's a little long for a mii game

you can make so many things with the mii creator in this game, i just wish it was less repetitive and had a little bit more content

I can have a gumball machine and fortress piloted by 3 mini men attack a stack of tomatoes. So chaotic and I love it

It's a legitimately BAD game. Despite offering hilarious opportunities to put random people from your life as minor NPCs, it's the shittiest RPG ever since it literally plays itself. You can do nothing and still win by mashing A.

If this game had even a basic Dragon Quest battle system, I'd be happy, but it's Persona 3 style where your teammates play for themselves, but in a game with no challenge and almost zero variety or strategy.

It actually, totally sucks. Even a kid would get more mileage out of Dragon Quest 11 or a Mario RPG.

The Switch release of Miitopia features the greatest Mii customisation ever, and combined with the relatively hassle-free process of finding Miis you may want, makes for one of the most uniquely charming experinces around. I'd love for this level and depth of customisation to go on to appear in a future Tomodachi Life game, or just be incorporated into the Switch's base Mii maker.

It's just unfortunate it's attached to Baby's First JRPG.

The amount of creativity and customization available is amazing, and really adds a lot to the game. However, not much has been done to fix some of the more annoying aspects of the 3DS original. All but one party member is AI controlled, without even as much as a tactics menu to help guide them in the right direction. Expect lots of frustration directed towards party members inflicting unwanted statuses on eachother, wasting their turns on useless moves, wasting their turns on unwanted healing, and not healing in vital moments. This, combined with a difficulty primarily consisting of unavoidable OHKO attacks spells a recipe for disaster in the more challenging areas of the game. The game has practically zero replay value outside of the first playthrough, and postgame is more artificially difficult than anything else.

This game is essentially a $60 Mii Maker. It's still cool though.

Very goofy and fun game, certainly not perfect but it does nicely build upon the 3ds version for the better.

Grinding's kinda meh as usual but everything else is SO COOL.