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in the past

Best monster hunter game and my favorite its that SIMPLE

An improvement over the base game in every single way. Don't listen to people who didn't even play it.

It's more monhun and that's always a good thing, though the overabundance of MR quests that are just monsters from the base game made it kind of disappointing compared to iceborne. The new monsters that are there are cool though and made for some fun fights. The new areas are also neat, especially the citadel at nighttime. It's nice that they added a lot of new switch skills but I can't say I really got much out of them.

Good expansion but pacing isn't great. Has you mostly go through base game monsters at first and is rather slow to have you face more new/returning monsters compared to Iceborne. That said, the ones they added are fantastic and I especially loved the brand new additions which fit thematically and have some cool gimmicks.

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Está bien por el precio justo, 40€ me parece exagerado, no tiene tanto contenido. Si os gusta Rise, este os gustará.


A ver si los parches lo mejoran.

Sunbreak was a really good expansion. Definitely gonna be here for all the updates, but overall, Rise as a whole has topped MH4U to become my favorite monster hunter. Sunbreak added a lot of new additions to keep you coming back, and a lot of the new and returning monsters were a treat! I love this series so much, it's my favorite multiplayer experience and I can't wait to see where they take it next!

I like basically almost every change they made to the game? Very fun to play and make the numbers go up.

Ramped up encounters and satisfying build diversity feed into a compelling endgame for Monster Hunter Rise.


Love the aesthetic, love the characters, love the follower quests, LOVE THE NEW MONSTERS, LOVE THE NEW MECHANICS! This is DLC done right, taking the base game and improving it tenfold. Only thing keeping it from a 5/5 here is the story beats were very predictable and I didn't at all feel surprised; I know this is par for the course with MH games but it's still a negative tbh.

Rise didn't need an expansion as desperately as World did but when Iceborne finally arrived my expectations for further Monster Hunter expansions were increased substantially. Iceborne did so much for World that it's hard to think of World and Iceborne as separate entities. While I wouldn't say Sunbreak exceeded in terms of what Iceborne did for World, Rise was an already far superior game to base game World in numerous ways and Sunbreak has now eclipse World as the best Monster Hunter game.
Rise is just flat out the most fun to play Monster Hunter game. The clunky older games have lots of merits like their simplicity and intense challenge, but no game in the franchise feels this polished in terms of control and movement. Everything is snappy and very few things feel like they take way longer then they need to. This may be why Sunbreak felt a lot of shorter then World/Iceborne, but I honestly see that as nothing but a good thing.
The monster roster is incredibly solid. Tons of variety in sizes, shapes, and movesets without being too obnoxious. I can only think of one monster that I wasn't too fond of, which is impressive since every game I've played (4U, GU, & WI) have several monsters that I just can't be bothered to fight more then once if I can help it. Even then, the one exception mentioned is nowhere near as bad as some of the low points in other games.
Like any Monster Hunter it's challenging in a way that makes every fight exciting. The hours really fly by, very rarely I felt I wanted a hunt to be over sooner. Maybe some of the endgame hunts but a patch very recently addressed that issue thankfully.
Arguably the biggest "flaw" is that it'll be harder to return to the older games. I did criticize some of them but I still believe them to be well worth your time with stuff that even R.S. can't give you. But the more the franchise improves and streamlines, the harder it'll be to adjust with the lack of quality of life in the older titles. I still forget how you needed tools to mine and catch bugs which also have limited durability, or how crafting anything can fail if you don't have enough books.
Still at the end of the day if I were to recommend a game to a newcomer, I'd honestly recommend Rise first and foremost and then Sunbreak if they enjoyed themselves. And as a fan of the franchise I had a blast and will continue to play it for quite some time.

The return of Gore Magala does not sway me in the slightest this is mid.

honestly just a coinflip whether your game breaks or not, but for me it works fine, so I can say that I recommend sunbreak, though apparently game breaking issues can happen

You know a game is good when you suddenly start grinning from ear to ear after realizing just how much fun you're having.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's core gameplay is unbelievably polished. I haven't felt this sense of cohesion between combat and movement since Titanfall 2. Every single weapon has so much depth; I have been almost exclusively been using greatsword as of writing this review and there are still so many switch skills and builds that I haven't even tried yet. The portable team has finally achieved a perfect balance of empowering the player while still making the monsters feel threatening. It isn't insanely tough, but monsters--especially as you get into later master ranks--are quite intimidating with how quickly and relentlessly they can throw out attacks.

I've heard some complaints about how the size of the new roster isn't as robust as some would have liked, but in this case I'm glad Capcom went with quality over quantity. Every single new fight in this game is fantastic. And while it may take some time to get to the brand new guys, the master rank versions of base Rise monsters got really interesting updates to their movesets, and in some cases this can change the encounter dramatically.

The only real criticism I have for this game is a super small one: there are two monsters present here (if you've played through master rank, you probably know which ones I'm talking about) that really should have been incorporated into the story better considering their significance to the Monster Hunter universe. They were still wonderful fights, but I wish they were given more importance in the plot (which was actually quite entertaining for a Monster Hunter story, I might add).

I don't know if I can say that Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is the perfection of the Monster Hunter formula, since Rise as a whole has a very different design philosophy from the other, more grounded MH titles. However, I can say that this game perfects the formula that base Rise set up and is my favorite Monster Hunter experience to date. Here's hoping for some great title updates in the next 6+ months!

Rise was already my favorite game to play, and Sunbreak is exactly to Rise what Iceborne was to Monster Hunter World - it looks at what did work and what didn't work and then expands on the things that were already great while revamping stuff that didn't quite appeal to the players which personally made this an absolutely perfect experience. Such a ridiculously fun game.

As is tradition for MH expansions - it's bigger, better and harder than the maingame, so if you loved Rise this is absolutely worthwhile.

I also wanna give a quick shout-out to Follower Quests - I'm pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable they are. Feels like they actually took a shot at making their characters a bit more memorable and enjoyable, and it paid off really well. Really fun stuff, Fiorayne's fantastic.

Proof that MH4U makes every game epic

Sunbreak takes the already outstanding base that was Rise and trims the fat and further polishes a combat system that has been already shined to near perfection over the last several entries. Simultaneously it ups the difficulty substantially and adds several standout monsters, both new and old. New Master Rank armor gives a greater degree of control over player build options, and the new skill swap abilities gives an unprecedented level of expression and freedom. As far as combat in video games goes, it just doesn't get better than this.

Capcom outdid themselves, this log is just for the story hunts but wow

played through MR50 urgent and some A4 quests: unless the MR70/100 monsters and the title updates really really mess up, probably going to wind up my favorite Monster Hunter. Switch skill swapping is fun & lets me use skills I wouldn't touch otherwise, the new monsters rock so hard (I like all of them, even, shockingly, Magma Almudron), the difficulty is better than base Rise but still probably somewhat easy (I soloed every monster before going into multiplayer, and I would frequently cart but I never failed a quest), and even though I'm sure a meta will form (something will always be mathematically the best), I feel a greater freedom toward build diversity than I've ever felt in a Monster Hunter. Which might be because I'm playing on release for the first time, in fairness. The Citadel is the first time I have ever explored a Monster Hunter map and had fun doing so. I love the updated monsters from LR/HR, so I don't mind the slow pacing at the beginning (I wouldn't have complained if we got, eg. Tesucabra or Malfiesto, but since I think base Rise's biggest roster problem is the abundance of "easy" monsters, I think it's fine we only get a few new ones in MR). And then I literally cannot overstate how much I love the new monsters. Malzeno might be my new favorite flagship (it was Valstrax). When I'm thinking about the roster, I do feel it's a little small, but when I'm actually playing the game, I'm having so much fun that I simply can't bring myself to care. All I can do is hope the title updates are substantial and that all the fights they add are as fun as the ones we have.

And finally, I honestly liked Rise's lack of endgame. I played it way longer than MH games with actual concrete endgame loops, like Iceborne. It let me be very self directed, and I spent a ton of time just using the "Random" button in join requests and helping people with whatever came up or learning a new weapon. Sunbreak has a more concrete endgame so far, with grinding afflicted versions of monsters to make the final weapon upgrades (which nearly every weapon gets, which really helps make this feel diverse, build-wise), but there's a degree of freedom (there's a few monsters, not just afflicted Garangolm, that I can farm to get the highest upgrade Garangolm weapon, for instance) that I enjoy. Hopefully it's enough of an endgame to satisfy those that need one, because it's open-ended and freeform enough for me, who never really wanted one.

+0.5 stars for the improvements, fun new stuff, Fiorayne and actually cool True Boss fight.

While I do feel slight burn out from essentially non-stop playing all of MH Rise and now Sunbreak (started around 3 weks ago), I'm still excited to try out other weapons and quests thanks to just how much there is to mess around with.

This review contains spoilers

they made a better rise, great game, worth the wait.
also shoutouts to that second to last main story quest with the monster corpses, really cool atmosphere, i hope they polish the concept in future games.

This review contains spoilers

Everything was so cool, new monsters, weapons and armor were fantastic.

That last urgent quest was so misterious and creepy with all those dead monsters...! Loved it!

So, after playing and beating Monster Hunter Rise I had heard they would do an expansion like Iceborne did for World. To be honest I didn't really have much expectation for the expansion (Sunbreak) even after it first got announced, I expected maybe a few areas and some new monsters and that's about it...

I was wrong, Sunbreak really does feel like what they were going for with Rise, not that rise was a bad game at all, but Sunbreak feels more polished in pretty much every kind of way. The lands you hunt in while not as many as Rise, feel every detailed and rich with appeal. The weapons now have extra moves as well as silkbinds that give the game that faster pace that Generations had giving a bit more of an arcade vibe. You are no longer tied to having to use one set of attacks, you can switch on the fly with the new switch skill scroll mechanic, further giving that arcade vibe and freedom to build your playstyle in a unique way.

The story is definitely a huge step up, the characters feel more like interesting people and while the stakes feel only slightly more higher than Rise, it still doesn't touch World or Iceborne...which I feel is a decent trade off, if the characters can hold lesser story up then it's just as good as a great story with lacking characters.

The new solo missions with the NPCs are a really nice touch and totally 200% better than the Rampages of Rise. The difficulty of the game has definitely been ramped up, not really to an overly hard degree, but rather steep at times compared to Rise.

If I had to give the game any slack, as someone who mains the Hunting Horn only, I felt that there are very few new Hunting Horns to make as in monster to weapon tree, most of the new monsters just enhanced one of the old Rise trees, so there weren't a lot of new horns or returning horn models from the past games, and honestly if that's my ONLY real complaint then they did extremely well.

I really enjoyed this from start to finish, it's a series I love and it's great to see it's getting it's due and is treated very well with a lot of love and care.

This is how you do a g-rank dlc, absolutely fantastic, great new monsters great returning monsters and a challenge.

honestly pretty bummed with this one. new switch skills and switch skill swap feel pretty worthless and almost every weapon i play just feels better the way i played it in vanilla. new content was doled out much too slowly and hearing that postgame content is at 50 and 100 is baffling to me. already feels thin on content so to put things at such extreme ranks feels like padding. jungle map is a mess and not really fun.

i liked the characters and cinematics and the citadel is maybe my favorite mh map of all time. malzeno owns hard and so does the last boss. maybe my expectations were just set too high from iceborne? i dunno. hopefully patches add more.

SPOILER the last boss is NOT a giant fucking lagiacrus!!! very disappointing!!!!!