Reviews from

in the past

Exploring these vibrant areas while riding monsters is fun but I didn’t enjoy the combat and the game drags a lot

Very cute and vibrant style, that suffer from being tied to the 3DS. Fascinating gameplay premise, which does not deliver at all.

Some parts, like finding eggs and breeding new monsters feels very rewarding. The battle system tho is a slog, like someone took everything bad about the Pokémon system and distilled into a vial of repetive boredom.

With the great style and fascinating premise I think there is potential for a much better sequel, which was actually announced recently. Thumbs pressed!

the best pokemon game on the 3ds

"what if pokemon and monster hunter had a baby" is the closest one-sentence description i can give of this game and boy does it deliver. it monhuns as well as monhun games (and dodges some of their pitfalls) and it pokemons... better than most pokemon games imho.

the combat is really simple, it's rock-paper-scissors but with a couple skill options thrown in to make it just interesting enough as to not be too boring, but feels less limited than pokemon's 4-skill setup. the monsters each have their patterns as in other monhun games, but on a turn-based format (which i'm very grateful for, it's nice to have time to think). that said, the difficulty isn't trivial and some of the late-game bosses require you to think pretty carefully about what you're doing even if you're working with all level 99 monsties.

the story is... okay? it's not bad but it's a game for kids so it's understandably a story for kids. i was never that invested but the characters are cute and there's a handful that are going to stick with me after this (i'm looking at you number 6), so that's plenty for me.

the graphics are really nice, i love the stylization they decided to go for and everything is so nice and bright, it's really lovely. that said, this is pushing the 3ds as hard as it will go (and then some), and it really shows, because some areas have a lot of noticeable lag and framerate drops, which is a bit of a shame.

i already have over 200 hours on a single save in this game and i'm probably going to get at least another hundred trying to 100% it and once i'm done... i might actually start another file, dang.

It is a completely fine JRPG with a lot of personality. Unfortunately the story doesn't completely carry it through the extremely repetitive gameplay. Specifically the dungeons and exploring.

It is a JRPG and I have a looooooooooooot of patience for repetitive mechanics and nonsense but I felt very underwhelmed. Anyways, it was still mostly fun and riding monsters is real fun.

The iOS version actually has some great controls. Not always consistent but worked extremely well. Exceeded my expectations on that front.

It's solid, it plays well on mobile and it's brimming with charm. Just a bit on the shallow side, and I ended up bored of it down the line. I might finish it at some point.

experimento de intentar jugar a un rpg en movil. falló estrepitosamente (el juego estaba bien pero no me acostumbro a jugar en movil)

Fun but WAY too grindy at some points

Un intento de Pokemonizar la saga de Capcom que no termina de funcionar a ningún nivel.

- La versión de móviles incluye un set de objetos que facilitan un poco más el farmeo.
- Los coleccionables principales son cerdos con diferentes disfraces.
- Los objetivos de la historia están siempre marcados y son fáciles de seguir.

- El sistema de combate es muy limitado y repetitivo.
- El juego invita demasiado al farmeo si no quieres que los bosses de la historia principal te maten de un ataque.
- El proceso de captura y entrenamiento de los monsties es demasiado tedioso.
- El sistema de misiones secundarias es lento y repetitivo tanto en su ejecución como en su conclusión.

So fun and builds on Pokemon's ideas to make an even more engaging battle system.

I like the emphasis on story compared to the mainline series although it didn't really still out to me compared to other RPGs.

If Pokemon is for kids, this is for fetuses.

Really wanted a pet Nargacuga, and idk how you can't keep my attention with that sell, but yeah, not pushing through this one. Too tedious/repetitive, and features the same mindless farming of the main MH series, but without a solid gameplay loop behind it. Dialogue is eye roll worthy, but tbh I don't think I'm the game's main demographic.

★½ – Unplayable ❌

Don’t play after playing the second one because it’s not nearly as good

It's got a great style and some really cute stuff in there, but it's about twice the size it needs to be and drags terribly.

i feel like i've lost a part of my soul playing this to the finish, but at least i got to be friends with the cool monsters :)

A lot of personality but not a lot of substance. I applaud the battle system for trying to implement the feel of tradition MonHun fights, reading your opponent's moves and having all of the familiar items available and whatnot, but it just didn't do it for me. Adore the aesthetic. The game just meanders too much to stay engaged with it.

Es mi juego favorito por muchísimas razones. Hay mucho de que hablar así que si tienes tiempo, lo perderás aquí jaja.

Antes de comenzar, un resumen general del juego:
Sistema de combate corto, piedra papel o tijeras representado en tres tipos de ataques (agil, técnico y potente). Una historia muy buena, la cuál va en contra de los ideales comunes de Monster Hunter (en vez de cazar monstruos, son aliados de estos). Buenos gráficos, aunque tardan un par de segundos en cargar por completo, así que no te preocupes si ves una silueta gris caminando por ahí.
Realmente sentí un gran vacio cuando lo terminé por primera vez, y lo sigo sintiendo cada vez que lo termino, pero supongo que es una señal de que algo fué llenado por grandes personajes, y momentos de tensión y alegría únicos.

Si quieres saber más detalles del juego, aquí dejo varios datos más específicos:

1- Sistema de huevos: Existen muchos tipos de huevos (herbívoros, wyvern alados, wyvern brutos, etc.) y cada uno tiene distintas características visuales de las cuáles puedes saber que clase de monstruo es sin saber el monstruo exacto (ejemplo: huevo con manchas grises y fondo verde oscuro=Aptonoth, monstruo herbívoro y muy básico). Además de esto, existen huevos livianos, normales, y pesados (monstruos comunes, raros, y poderosos, respectivamente); como dato antefinal, los huevos tienen los colores del monstruo en particular; como dato final, los huevos son como una ruleta (en el sentido de que no puedes seleccionar un huevo en específico. Agarras un huevo, si no te gusta lo dejas y vas por el siguiente, pero no puedes regresar al anterior). Digo esto porque te da la posibilidad de armar un equipo de acuerdo al estilo de combate personal.
2- Mundo abierto: La historia solo va a continuar si vas a lugares específicos, pero si tienes los monstruos con habilidades indicadas, puedes pasar por todo el mapa (que no es pequeño en lo absoluto) recogiendo otros objetos, o simplemente explorando.
3- Personajes: Cada personaje tiene una personalidad completamente formada. El lore de cada uno es explicado de una manera que incluso uno mismo puede meterse en el sentimiento del personaje. Cazadores, Inventores, Jefes de tribus, Investigadores, hay un repertorio gigante de gente por conocer, y personajes principales a los que realmente les tomarás cariño.
4- Genes: Un monstruo tiene un gran potencial en un área, pero no te gustan sus habilidades? No hay problema. En cierto punto de la historia puedes modificar los genes base de tu monstruo para adaptarlo a tu estilo de combate, otorgándole o quitandole habilidades, fortaleciendo zonas específicas, e incluso cambiando un color de su cuerpo (ejemplo: El Tigrex es naranja y azul, pero darle un repertorio grande de genes potentes, osea de color rojo, pueden generar que ese azul de sus rayas cambie a rojo. Según en el juego, a esto se le llama pigmentación genética). En el competitivo, todo esto ayuda a adaptar a un monstruo a estrategias personales, y da una gran ventaja sobre aquellos que no tienen idea de que un monstruo acuático podría lanzar fuego si se le da los genes correctos.
5-Sistema intuitivo y guía general: Cada parte del menú de opciones es totalmente intuitivo, y es facil encontrar lo que realmente buscas. Navirou (el guía del personaje principal) es un gato que mediante pase el juego guiará al jugador y lo llenará de consejos para no perderse.
6- Protagonista: Este personaje es totalmente personalizable desde el principio del juego, y puede armarse con diferentes armaduras y rarmas que puedes comprar, o forjar tu mismo con elementos de monstruos derrotados, además de poder cambiar el color de ojos, pelo, y armadura en el transcurso del juego.

Esto es una visión general, pero no quiero tocar cada punto del juego, para no arruinar la experiencia.
Lo único que puedo decir es que es un juego muy recomendable, y en lo personal, el mejor spinoff de la serie de Monster Hunter. Generalmente se juega en consolas, pero también existe un port para Android y iOS, lo que aumenta aún más su accesibilidad.

literal rock paper scissors gameplay

JRPG entretenido, pero ultra repetitivo. Si eres fan de MH probablemente te guste.

A fun romp through the monster hunter universe. A beautifully rendered world with a lot of silliness and charm. I thought the combat was terrible but pretty easy to power through, exploration and egg hunting and party building were fine.

Enjoyed it from what I can remember.
(played on IOS and 3DS)

un juego que me sorprendio mucho, un amigo me intento meter en mh una banda pero la saga principal me frustra un monton al punto de que le deje un trauma cranico a toda mi familia, pero vi que estaba este spinoff tipo pokemon y decidi darle chance, tiene un sistema de combate de piedra papel o tijera bastante original, la historia es simple pero es como jugar un pokemon PERO SIN SACAR PURA MIERDA CADA POCO TIEMPO, aparte lo podes jugar en celular, una locura.

Got about 3/5 of the way through and felt like I'd had enough during the grindier parts.

It has a lot of charm, and does some stuff really well. Narratively, it's on par or slightly above most pokemon games and it does a pretty good job of delivering an alternative to MH that is more welcoming for people who wouldnt otherwise like them or couldn't play that sort of thing.

I did eventually get tired of the mechanic and since the monsters featured only had a small handful of ones I really wanted to collect(and did easily), plus the narrative not being altogether that interesting to be absolutely compelling, I decided to put it down. It did increase difficulty, but not in a way that was fun. It's a lot of guesswork going into rock paper scissoring your way through the combat to then get to another scene. rinse and repeat. And since the scenes were a little flat, albeit stronger than some others and without a ton of real motivation to collect monsters, that's what made me drop it.

The central battle idea is an ever-shifting version of pokemon types, with some strengths and advantages brought over from MH along with turn-to-turn advantages you get by trying to trounce the enemy's attacks. This held my interest a lot longer than if it had been a simpler JRPG style battle system.

It's interesting enough I might eventually play MHS2 but it'd be pretty disappointing if there weren't some major improvements to the story or some increased hook to it.

Very enjoyable game though there admittedly is little reason to play it these days thanks to its sequel

Un bon spin-off à la "Pokémon".