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in the past

An additional piece to the MK 11 story, three new characters including Robocop, new stages, stage fatalities and friendships? This expansion to the game is actually as good as it sounds. Was hoping for Ash Williams instead but what are you going to do?

Imagine how much shorter these stories would be if Mortal Kombat characters learned to talk through their differences. Low rating is because of how expensive the DLC is for having less than a fifth the main games content with a $40 price tag.

Despite all the multiple timeline mumbo jumbo, It dind't feel as much of a mess as the last two

The fact the villains almost win shows how dumb the heroes can be sometimes.

mt pica menor, mas eh mt caro

The story is as inconsistent as the base game, but with a time travel story that's crazy enough to be enjoyable at the very least, adding some interesting characters and finally a clean slate for the future of the franchise.

Game #49: Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath

Aftermath basically picks us up from the end of the MK11, takes us to a tour and leaves it at the same place. I don't know if this DLC was really necessary.


Hikayeyi ikiye bölerek asıl sonu *seçerek görebildiğiniz mk11 in expansion paketi.Öncelikle oldukça gerekli bir dlc olduğunu ve oyunu bitirdim demek için oynamanız gerektiğini söylemeliyim.Hikayeye gelirsek bazı karakterlerin eklendiği ve daha çok kötü adamın ön planda olduğu bir hikaye ve oldukça mantıklı.İlk bölümde daha çok iyilerle oynuyorduk çünkü.Klişeler ve ihanetlerle dolu ama sonu şaşırtan bir hikaye genişletmesi olmuş kısaca.Tatmin edici fakat aşırı iyi diyemem.4 puan kafidir.

I really don’t remember details from the story.

Dlc que traz mecânicas novas e legais de história, bons personagens, e um final melhor pra história principal. Bem legalzinha ksksksk

MK11 Aftermath cumpre bem o seu papel como uma expansão, tem uma campanha que comigo durou 3 horas, é boa mas recomendo jogar um tempo depois de zerar a campanha por ter vários dos cenários da própria, a história é básica mas bacana de acompanhar e tem um fim bem fechado que dá várias dúvidas sobre como continuar dali (algo que vamos saber bem, mas bem breve) os personagens novos eu só não testei ainda o RoboCop, gostei do Fujin mas não tanto da Sheeva.
Acho que vale a pena se você curte a história e quer se preparar pro MK12 (ou 1 sla), mas só pegue em promoção, o valor de 130 reais no PC com certeza não é interessante.

Boa DLC, bons conteúdos e boa jogabilidade dos personagens novos. Porém, senti falta de uma história mais coesa

Played from – to: (2023-08-13 – 2023-08-15) – PC controller.
‣ 8/10 – Prime Shang Tsung is chiseled.
‣ Thoughts: Aftermath offers what I feel like is an alternative ending to the main story of Mortal Kombat 11. Here you get to play with many new characters that are absent from the main story. Sadly, I didn’t really like playing the villain and I hoped there would be more choices to make besides the very ending. In any case, this is a great expansion, but I still don’t feel like a 40$ price tag would ever be worth it compared to any other great expansion. Luckily, the sales for this game leading up to the new release were very generous and I got this DLC for just 5 schmeckles. With that in mind, this was a great deal and a worthwhile experience. However, the story here also suffers from believability issues and plot holes. When you are dealing with multiple timelines and characters from them it can get hard to track established rules of the clashing timeline characters. Secondly most characters who fight each other are super powered godlike killing machines, but for some reason they only use 5% of their powers while fighting each other. Only when the story feels quirky do these characters unleash more power and completely overpower anyone in their path because - writing. The best example I could give to illustrate this power believability issue is Thanos fist fighting every Avenger alone without using any of the power stones while wielding all of them on his glove. It is illogical and only done, because the writers could never justify Shang Tsung losing early since he’s set up to dominate everyone. Overall, I still think Kronika is a joke, and the story takes massive wrong leaps in power and who has the most of it, but I do respect the writers for giving us, the players, an option to choose who wins control over the New Era. I just can’t get over the fact how this New Era is like a fancy toy in a sandbox filled with kids who fight each other for a chance to have it.

Fire God Liu Kang can [REDACTED] my [REDACTED] and also [REDACTED] my other [REDACTED] until [REDACTED] and til the paint peels off the walls.

Things I liked: RoboCop........................ that's it.

I think the story mode in this was "better"? I'm not 100% sure I still didn't like it but it was shorter and had a better ending so that's something I guess.

A fun continuation of probably the best single player fighting game campaign I've ever played, but just falls short of MK11's great story. More repetition of the main story and less than half the chapters left me feeling a tad short changed.

A great expansion for the premier story mode in all of fighting. This expansion feels like a whole new campaign, maybe just an hour shorter but just as important if not more important to the overall mythology. It stars Shang tsung acted by the brilliant Cary Tagawa from the MK movie. So you got Hollywood level voice acting with a great story. I bought the ultimate package which came with a bunch of new characters all very fun. MK11 continues to shine as one of the best fighters in recent times.

Score: 8.0

This review contains spoilers

Esp: La ambiciosa historia contada en el Aftermath da un final épico al ya increíblemente épico final del MK 11, más que un DLC es una continuación a la altura, seguir la historia a través de los “villanos” planeado todo por Liu Kang para una batalla final extraordinaria. Con dos finales por elegir, siendo el “correcto” el de Liu Kang, abre nuevas posibilidades para el destino de la saga.

Eng: The ambitious story told in Aftermath gives an epic ending to the already incredibly epic ending of MK 11, more than a DLC it is a continuation to match, following the story through the “villains” all planned by Liu Kang for a final battle extraordinary. With two endings to choose from, the "correct" being Liu Kang's, it opens up new possibilities for the fate of the saga.

2 hours of Shang Tsung trolling the entire cast

NetherRealm has supported its last four games with a healthy amount of premium and free DLC. From stages to characters to finishers, each has had a healthy flow of content over the years. But the Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath expansion marks a new era for the team, as it adds in story-based DLC in addition to those aforementioned standbys. And while it’s familiar and rooted within what the base game already did, it manages to be well done enough to justify its existence.

Read the full review here:

surprised Story DLC even exists in a Mortal Kombat game but its appreciated. Kinda funny considering its ending is the same exact thing as the base game though but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to milk out shock value out of us in the meantime. i do like that they simplified the fights that happen in the story by making us fight two characters at once instead of having us go through 2 different best of 3 matches in one scenario but honestly now i kind of want to play a MK game that just lets you play 2v2 fights again

A bit on the short side, but if you’re a fan of MK lore, you’ll likely find this conclusion to 11 more satisfying than the original game’s.

DLC boa, mesmo que a história seja meio merda e o seu final nem importe muito já que o do Liu Kang é oficialmente canon.

essa dlc é o pior conteúdo de mortal kombat que eu já joguei

ela consegue piorar a história do jogo original (que já é ruim) e ainda não faz sentido nenhum existir:
traz personagens antigos só pra vender dlc;
os diálogos são podres e eles destroem completamente alguns personagens ou deixam eles burros pra conveniência do plot;
a kronika fica o jogo todo sendo tratada como uma ameaça suprema mas toma uma surra de qualquer personagem facilmente (além do plano dela ser burro e não fazer sentido nenhum);
a história começa num lugar e termina do exato mesmo jeito que começou, não fazendo sentido a existência dessa merda;
tem dois finais sendo que só um é canonico.

resumindo: essa dlc é ruim demais meu deus do ceu

nota: 4

Honestly I fuck with story DLC for Mortal Kombat

Shang Tsung, and Fujin are the best thing to come out of this DLC.

Definitely a better story than the base story mode, but goddamn did they do Sindel dirty