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in the past

Similarly to games I quite enjoy like Ultrakill and Gensokyo Night Festival, but are either in unfinished Early Access states, I'll simply just leave a score based on how much I like the game so far. When the full title is released, I'll give a full review.

This is an immaculate FPS game. I love it. I like it more than Doom Eternal, Dusk, Ion Maiden, or even Titanfall 2.

The random weapon drops, the random skills they could have, and just the sheer variety of weapons (80+!) always had me wanting to try new things out, and the weapon roster stayed fresh for me even until the end of Episode 3. The grapple hook you get in Episode 2, which then gets upgraded in Episode 3, was such a great addition, and you can really zip around at high speed like Spider-Man in the more open levels, I love it. The music and sound design kick all kinds of ass too.

Levels are randomly generated but they follow a setting/theme with a pool of enemies and rooms that are clearly crafted and then stitched together at random. And despite the random level generation, when it came to puzzles/keys and progressing, I never once got trapped or soft-locked in a level. This is randomization done with care and it shows. I also really enjoyed the secret hunting; I was always on the lookout for a cracked wall to kick down. Yes, there is NO wall-humping for finding secrets, thank goodness.

I think I'm just starting to ramble now, I could talk endlessly about how cool this game is, and how good the enemy designs are, and the mini-games you play to get character upgrades, and exploring the hospital, and- and- and-

I just absolutely fucking adore this game.

My experience playing this reminded me of those trashy horror movies that once ruled the video store shelves before being dumped into streaming service catalogues in the 1/5 star section; Gunning for the gross and ghastly, but not feeling any pressure to let a coherent story get in the way of some action.

I think what held it back for me was the randomly generated levels that became more aimless as the game progressed. Like I was on board with its pacing for the first 7 hours, but then 10 more hours happened and similar to a trashy horror movie, it sometimes doesn’t know when to end at the right time.

The first half of the game was fucking amazing however the further you get in the more combat feels like it takes a backseat, the randomly generated level design is cool at first but in those last episodes it becomes a fucking mess at times trying to navigate and find keycards and other gimmicks. Weapon list is fucking massive and great however.

incredible arsenal of weapons, great enemy variety, cool settings. only thing i didnt like was the level design in the final third of the game since it got really messy.

Sağlam mekanikler, oynanış ve sunum ama oyunun normal modu fazla uzun. Oyunun sonuna doğru bölümler açılmaya başlıyor ve rastgele yerlerde görünmez duvarlarla karşılaşıyorsunuz ve tüm bosslar düşmanların büyük hali. Düşmanların canı ve saldırıları gittikçe artıyor ama size verilen silahlar rastgele olduğu için bazen bölümlerde takılmanıza neden olabiliyor. Sanırım oyunun %90'ında bıraktım, sadece bitsin diye koşarak oynuyordum artık.

Extremely fun game that would be 5/5 if it didn't take 11 years to beat the game.

doesn't feel right, can't deny that the shotguns specifically and movement feel great but its aimless; the guns are weird and have modifiers that just make them not work, game has these shitty minigames like a pokemon and a mario for some reason that you like have to engage with? and they suck? why? what the fuck is this?

a game that so desperately wanted to be Blood 25 years later but got caught up in being Gunfire Reborn instead and didnt want to use Blood as a crutch and so decided to be inspired by DLC Quest for some bewildering reason instead

I'm not exaggerating when I say this game has almost endless replayability thanks to plentiful content and an insane arsenal of weapons and variants. The story is also delivered in an interesting way.

My main issue is the level design, as it slowly gets worse as the game progresses. Some later levels are frustrating to navigate and the procedural generation looks unappealing at times.

the flying head made me shit

A holy union of roguelike and boomer shooter that has come a long way from its early access days. As it is now, this is a supremely addictive shooter than makes some really creative changes to both the roguelike and boom-shoot genres. It doesn't have the playtime of games like Isaac or Noita, but I honestly don't think it needed it. It's a fairly long and incredibly repayable romp that needs more of a spotlight on it.

I sure do love shooting demons (mental illness)

Good aesthetic.

In terms of straight up gameplay, "Nightmare Reaper" is absolutely fantastic! Combat is fast, thrilling, and gruesome; everything you could want out of a boomer shooter! The huge array of enemies, weapons, and levels makes the game feel incredibly massive, and the large amount of upgrades achievable through cute little retro-minigames are great (though admittedly, a little confusing outside the primary skill tree). The story is also pretty interesting. Its told entirely through level design and little notes you get after completing every level. Its vague enough to remain interesting, yet direct enough to not be confusing, a perfect blend for a game like this.

For the most part, I adore everything about this game. But to fully understand it, you have to understand its most interesting, and polarizing feature: RNG.

Aside from the hospital layout, the survival maps, and the minigames, everything in this game is built around RNG. The weapons you get, the level layouts, and the enemies you fight are all random (there's some restrictions in terms of biomes and what kinds of enemies you'll fight at certain stages of the game, but still, everything is put together algorithmically instead of being crafted by a human hand). It uses so much RNG that if you try to explain what the game is to other people, they'd likely assume its a roguelike (which it isn't).

This huge focus on RNG shows off some great strengths, but far more often, it showcases the incredible weaknesses of the system. For instance, since weapons and weapon stats are completely random, you will likely pick up an insanely powerful weapon at some point that completely trivializes the combat. For me, this was a legendary shotgun with 9 slugs that shot cannonballs instead of pellets. I picked this gun up roughly halfway or so through my run, and never put it down. After that, I stopped bothering with other weapons altogether, as my one incredible shotgun was basically a perfect solution for every problem the game could throw at me.

You could attempt to maybe self-enforce some sort of restriction on yourself so that this doesn't happen. Maybe drop a weapon after using it for too many levels? Or maybe sell it when one of the doctors shows up and offers you gold for it? You could try that, but then you'd be facing down the other major issue with this game's RNG...

As I said before, this game isn't a roguelike. In those types of games, death means a reset of your run. You lose all the weapons you gained and have to start again.

Here though? Death just means you lost that one run of that level and you have to try again; with whatever weapon(s) you started the level with. Not a huge problem, you can just try the level again. But since you'll have no idea what to expect, there's no real way for you to strategize. So if you happen to run into the level with a mid or even bad weapon, you'll either have to hope the game will grace you with something better, or that the number of enemies will be low enough for you to deal with. The amount of times I started a level only to have the very first room I walked into after spawning be a massive arena with an insane surplus of enemies was astounding. If I didn't have my OP shotgun through the later half of the game, I would have had a far more frustrating time with it. Are you going to risk having to play through a level a dozen times in hopes of finally getting something good, or would you rather start off with something good and have a much higher chance of succeeding in the first place?

After a while of playing the game, I started to have this feeling that my own skill wasn't all that important. What really mattered was what kind of gun I had. And nowhere did this feeling pop up more than the boss fights. I honestly did not enjoy the vast majority of this game's boss fights, entirely because it always felt like my victory was solely because of the weapon I was holding and nothing else. In the first half of the game, I struggled against every boss until I happened to pick up something powerful enough to waste them by pure luck. Then, in the latter half of the game, I almost never struggled at all because my shotgun obliterated every boss on my first try.

The RNG in this game can be incredibly fun when you're toying around with all the random weapons and getting a feel for everything. But once you really sink your toes into everything, and you eventually get that one extremely powerful weapon, the RNG just becomes background noise. Which is a shame.

When I finished my first playthrough and started new game+1, I went in with the goal of finishing the skill tree before stopping. But on my way to my goal, I ended up selling my shotgun for a huge sum of gold to help me unlock more skills. As a result, I was left with nothing but my chainsaw, and found the level I was on to be completely impossible afterwards. After dying over five times without getting anywhere, I shrugged my shoulders and decided it wasn't worth it, and just stopped playing. A weird end to a game I enjoyed so much.

Overall, "Nightmare Reaper" is an absolutely fantastic shooter with great gameplay and engrossing shooting. But it is heavily hampered by its focus on RNG, which ends up taking away a lot from the game's potential. I'm giving the game an eight out of ten because the combat loop is just that addictive, and I had an insane amount of fun with it. I played one or two levels a day after work every day, and to me, that's the best way to play this game: in short, nice, bite sized chunks. It's definitely worth a playthrough, just make sure you know what you're getting yourself into.

مالي خلق اكملها بس لو بكملها بكملها عشان الاسلحة
اي شي ثاني سامج بهاللعبة

تحديث: سامج بالبداية.. ما استبعد يصير كل شي فيها حلو اذا كملت لكن عمومًا حليلة

تحديث ثاني: كملتها واستمتعت فيها شوي رغم الاشياء المتخلفة اللي فيها... كرهت كيف مخلين الليفلات عشوائية بهالشكل... اوه قاعد تسأل ليش؟ عشانها روغلايك... ابو السماجة ياشيخ اكره العاب الروغلايك!!!

عمومًا كنت مرة مستمتع فيها ومستمتع بالغرابل هووك الروعة حقها اللي خلاني اتمرجح كأني سبايدرمان بس يوم قرووا ينزلون اللعبة الكاملة اكلت زق وحرفيًا ما قدرت اكملها وبعدها تركتها وما اظن بكملها مرة ثانية

I can not stress how amazing this game is. I'd suggest going into it blind if you can.

had a whole lot of fun with the retro shooter/loot shooter mashup but by the time I hit chapter 2 i was bored of monster room after monster room.

i'll probably try to come back at some point

Attempting to replicate the feel of the classic Doom games is going to pose a challenge to any budding developer. What I feel makes Doom and Doom II so great is the complexity of level design merged with the simplicity of the gameplay. In a nutshell, Doom has a pretty barebones design philosophy. Hell, you can't even look vertically! But the decision to keep the focus purely on moment-to-moment gameplay is something which will likely never truly be achieved. I feel like Nightmare Reaper, at it's best, manages to capture that same feeling, but it is not at it's best enough to make any sort of legitimate challenge to the Doom games. Nightmare Reaper is dictated by two major design philosophies which each have their own drawbacks. One is the looting, with all kinds of weapon types and algorithms attached to them which can change the effectiveness of use of a particular weapon quite excessively. The other is it's randomly-generated levels, which will completely change any time you attempt a level. I found myself getting a bit frustrated with the level design toward the end. It's a lot of repetition despite the nature of things technically being different, and it lacks the structured environments that make so many of these game enjoyable. Towards the end of the aggressively long campaign, I was almost exclusively using my assault rifle which shot out explosive shurikens. This is badass, obviously, but it's all I would use for like, 7 hours. Game's too long and falls victim to the trappings of it's own design a bit too harshly. Story is surprisingly fun though. I thought it was dumb at first, then it was confirmed to be dumb, but also kind of fun? I do think the focus on themes of drug addiction and sex trafficking are really stupid. Generally if you're going to write current-standing political issues into your game, maybe have something interesting to say about them? I dunno, just kind of a pet-peeve of mine. 4/6

Presentation is good and I really enjoy the weapon selection but this game just isn’t really well thought out. Randomly generated levels and every room being filled to the brim with enemies is not my idea of fun. Was really into this for the first few levels but it’s quickly dipping in quality for me. Might pick it up again later but honestly I’m not rushing to do so.

Not much to say about Nightmare Reaper. It's got a lot of features in it, and boy they sure are all in this video game. I have trouble thinking about this game because despite having so much going on, Nightmare Reaper doesn't create any noteworthy gameplay experiences outside of your standard Rogue-adjacent snowballing. At least, not by hour 13 when I found this dank Fireball Book, like, 2 hubs ago.

I will say that you can taste the Early Access in this one; Nightmare Reapers first third isn't on the same level of quality as the other two. I can't really pin down why, so I'm gonna chalk it up to a lack of narrative development in this first act and the feeling that all the levels are essentially the same. I mean, that last thing is a problem for the whole game, but it's specifically noticeable early when the level generator doesn't vary much between chapters.

Check back in a year, maybe the game gets better after New Game +3 (that is a joke I doubt that will happen).

Nightmare Reaper was good fun for me. Gameplay-wise it feels good with a plethora of weapons with randomized stats to keep things interesting (though I did feel locked into one really good weapon I found for most of the game, so I didn't get to try a lot of them). Fast shooting, some puzzle-ish elements, fluid movement, tons of unlocks with neat (if simple) minigames, and enough narrative to keep you wondering what's happening. The soundtrack is pretty awesome too if you like djenty metal a la the new DOOM stuff.

My only primary complaint is that the game is a bit too long. It didn't bother me much since I was still having fun with it, but others might find that themselves in a slog pretty easily.

Overall, if you like boomer shooters, roguelite elements, and a neat retro style, definitely give Nightmare Reaper a go.

The game's initial phase is quite enjoyable, but the later stages—which involve looking for keys and placing items into rocks in order to open doors—become incredibly tedious and the ending was very dissatisfying

Boring levels, basic combat, tons of pointless loot, lack of clarity when it comes to how much progress you're making.
Badly optimised.

one of the best fuckin boomer shooters i've ever played. legitimately so fun to go through honestly.

Single-player looter shooter with a boomer shooter aesthetic. All of the guns feel great, but I'm starting to fall off of the game

I was initially put off this game by a description of it being a rogue like; it isn’t that at all, but it is an FPS with procedurally generated levels and weapons. Just clear about 80 of them and you’re done!

Loads of weapon variety, with the later level 3 weapons being completely ridiculous and a lot of fun. Maybe not the most technically proficient in terms of design, and it made my 3900X processor suffer later on, but it’s so easy to get caught up in the blasting as the enemies and gunfire increase.

Genuinely a really entertaining shooter that does have some shortcomings due to the fact the game is randomly generated. There is a lot of debate on whether or not random generation games are good or not, but I can definitely say from my point of view that random generation creates boring environments and lessens the incentive to try different weapons, as most likely what will happen is that early on, youll find a weapon whos mixture of stats melts enemies and youll use that for the remaining 2/3rd of the game. Despite my complaints, I did have a lot of fun, and the feedback loop of blasting a room of enemies to bloody chunks with a rocket launcher and receiving a stream of coins afterwards is very satisfying.

After playing it for 5.6 hours, I think I can pretty confidently give my opinion since this game is really repetitive and I don't think that it will change much in the remaining time.
Nightmare reaper is an alright game. It is fun. Not excessively so, but it is quite decent at that.
I think the biggest problem with this game is its focus on quantity instead of quality; It has a lot of weapons, but most of which feel pretty meh to use, with them also having a big range of random modifiers based on the weapon's "quality", and the levels are procedurally generated, which I think is the worse of these aspects, since despite being each time something different, they feel like each time the same. This description may lead some to believe this is a rouge-like, and that is not really the case. The game do is divided by levels (or at least I think so, since it is very hard to distinguish each level), with each one being harder than the previous one, but always randomly generated. You need to complete each level without dying, and you can only keep one weapon at the end of each level, meaning you will have to loot in each level. There do is a permanent upgrading system though, which also features platforming mini-games which feel really awful to play.
And that's all the game (I think, since I didn't beat it). Going trough unmemorable and random levels, killing stuff and looting weapons. I wanted to at least finish the game, but aparently it is about 20 hours and I have already passed more than 5 doing the same thing over and over again. So no thanks. Really a shame because I think that the concept of the nightmares and stuff could be great to ambient a game and if this had a more lineal and quality before quantity approach I think it could have been a really cool game.

Nightmare Reaper is a great game with fantastic weapons and gunplay that only gets better the further in you delve.

However due to the proc generation, it can feel pretty repetitive at times, and certain levels on later NG+ can be extremely frustrating