Reviews from

in the past

literally the perfect pokemon game. not just nostalgia talking.

wowee it's like those other games but you go into the Dark Dimension to fight the one weirdo legendary

Played DP but I'm too lazy

This is pure nostalgia to me since I grew up with the DS.

Felt shorter than most of the other games, but maybe that was just me. Despite that, it feels very sluggish to play, and overall isn't worth going back to.

Still don't like Sinnoh or the HM progression at all but its such a huge improvement of the original game so its fine.

see they call it platinum because it's good

The best of the Gen 4 games that took place in Sinnoh, giving you no real reason to play Diamond or Pearl. The post-game and Battle Frontier, as well as Giratina's story, just make this the best game in the trilogy.

yesssss swell game. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum are a triple whammy other than the slow start.

objectively better than diamond and pearl. yes it's slow and yes i'm nostalgic for it but idc it still slaps

there's like 2 hours of great content in this game and i hate the fact that it takes 60 hours to get there

The only pokemon game in which I have Caught God.

This was the first ever game I ever played and I absolutely adore this game also

While Emerald holds a special place in my heart, Platinum version was the first Pokemon game with which I got to experience the craze of fandom. With this game I became acquainted with the anime, card game, as well as friends who were equally excited.
Pokemon Platinum has a unique feel compared to the previous entries. While generations 1-3 felt very excitable and adventure bound, the fourth generation feels emotional and quaint. The supporting cast have personality; they pop in and out of the story to add intrigue and interest, making the world feel more alive and real. The Villain in this game feels particularly refreshing in terms of motivations.
The gameplay is what you'd expect from a Pokemon game. In addition to new monsters, older monsters got some love in the way of new evolutions.
Overall, Platinum's interesting locale, characters, story and gameplay make it worth checking out for anyone who hasn't already.

My favorite Pokémon game, bar none. I know everyone complains that Gen 4 is slow, but I'll take that if it means I get to experience all the joy of playing through the Sinnoh region.

Still real slow and team galactic suck, great music and still enjoyable at times but one of the weaker pokemon games

Gen 4 gets a lot of shit since is kinda slow, but it also has a lot of cool designs, I would say that the legendaries of this gen are some of the best ones and the last section of the story gets a bit tripy.

I frequently come back to this game,it really is a fun way to pass the time.

It got there to be the best Pokemon gen ever, but some mechanics to catch and/or evolve pokemon like Muchlax and Feebas make it downright impossible to complete the dex (see: Munchlax). You were so close to being the best next to Gen 5.

Cool region with some great new pokemon but the game feels so slow (old DS design problems) and weaker than usual story for a pokemon game.

Platinum was definitely a much-needed upgrade over Diamond and Pearl, but unfortunately the layout of the map was such a detriment to my enjoyment that I still never want to scale Mt Coronet again. If I never see snow to get stuck in in a Pokemon game, it'll be too soon. With that said, it's a Pokemon main line game, of course it's mechanically solid and a fun time.

This is peak Pokemon and peak nostalgia for me, only second to Minecraft in terms of the latter. Diamond was my first Pokemon game and I'm pretty damn sure it was the first video game I ever played. I played the absolute balls out of both Diamond and Platinum way back when.

The challenge, soundtrack, and sense of adventure all come together to form a Pokemon experience that is second to none in my Massive Objective Brain. HMs still suck balls but after playing through this game countless times, I know it like the back of my hand and even such a glaring problem doesn't stop my little goblin brain from blasting through it every year.

I may or may not have somehow lost my first copy of this game somewhere in my backyard, so shoutout to my mom for buying me a second copy because I don't think I'd hold this game so close to my heart if I had just played through 1/6 of it after beating Diamond.

NOW HERE. HERE'S A GOOD GAME, and the entire reason I love Sinnoh as a region despite Diamond and Pearl being huge messes. This game was a major improvement in every conceivable way aside from still being kind of slow and having too many HMs, but the upsides are good enough that I can't complain.

The story was good enough that Gen 5 having an even better story was a natural progression, I love the starters, and the Pokemon availability was significantly better. All the characters originally from Diamond and Pearl were better utilized and it introduced Looker, who is one of the best characters in the whole franchise. Also, it did some absolutely wild stuff on the DS! The Distortion World is one of the most memorable things in Pokemon and I really hope that if they remake Gen 4, they don't just remake Diamond and Pearl and sleep on the Distortion World. This is definitely one of my favorites in the series.

Oh yeah I guess there was a Battle Frontier too. That's neat for people who like that kind of thing I guess.