Reviews from

in the past

Interesting game, cool animations, only some special recipes were torture, it would be more interesting if the powders were crushed crystals, not as a separate recipe.

вроде что-то необычное, но надоедает моментально

A lot of potential here, and so much excitement going into the game. It certainly has a hook to it, allowing you to want to play more like an addictive substance. However, this will soon dissipate as the gameplay element never really evolves at a good pace, becoming more tedious to get further into the chapters. Overall its a very cute point and click puzzle game, one that with a bit more finesse could definitely be incredible, but for now, its just okay.

I had 100%ed this game back in its early access, and I enjoyed it so much that I decided to 100% it again in it's full 1.0 release. (I think my hours spent was about 22 in early access and 28 in 1.0). The game is extremely fun for those who enjoy puzzle games or even exploration. There's many outlets for creativity as well and using creative solutions to solve requests in ways you might not expect. The atmosphere is iconic and comforting. I'm definitely looking forward to any and all updates and will be more than happy to jump right back in.

The only gripe I might have is that I spent about the last 7 hours (read note at bottom) of my playthrough grinding out the one final achievement of getting the max popularity stat. If I could change anything, I'd maybe lower that achievement by one level, or maybe have each transaction earn you a few extra points of popularity than it did before once you reach chapter X of the alchemist's path. Because it felt a tad bit grindy. Everything leading up to that, however, was SUPER fun and not grindy at all. And since that achievement is not mandatory, I highly recommend this game!

NOTE about the 7 hours: I realize that if you take those 7 hours aside, I ended up playing 1.0 for about the same time as I did the early access version. I think it's important to notice however is that I spent 22 hours in early access when I didn't know how to play, whereas I spent 22 hours playing 1.0 that had much more content, while being able to speed through lots of it. It was significantly more content and I, again, highly recommend!

As primeiras horas de jogo são cativantes e relaxantes. Depois de um tempo, quando você já avançou o suficiente pelo "mapa", fica tudo muito repetitivo e com poucas adições realmente relevantes.

Lembrando que o jogo ainda está em early access, então espero que esse fator desinteressante seja corrigido no futuro.

The start is fun, but the more you unlock stuff the more boring it gets, and the OST is annoying so I just mute it and play Spotify in the background, but it's still worth playing

this is one of the rare cases where i wish a game was shorter
i think they've got something real good here, but it gets quite boring around the 5 hour mark

fun in the beginning, gets a bit repepetive, especially if you're out of a certain ingredient and it just ruins your rep to not be able to brew certain potions

Fascinating implementation of cooking in a video game that mimics how persnickety and difficult it can be to get right. It's a little too dry for me though.

borin. a good time waster. played this in cemestry class got an A ez w gg.

Neat, innovative idea and well crafted visuals.
Gets repetitive pretty fast though. After discovering most of the ingredients it gets very tedious.

A fun experience, but it does get repetitive after a while

Fun little game which helps pass the time. I did not complete everything, but I still play occasionally when I have some time to kill. The game mechanics are interesting, limited exploration, resource management and crafting. It's fun, but becomes a bit repetitive so I stopped playing for more than 15-30 minutes at a time after a few days.

played aprox. 8 hours? i love the concept but feel it asks for a little too much time commitment to play through completely. i only made the first crystal out of the machine, but once i saw that second recipe i knew i wasnt up for it. getting a level 3 brew requires some really precise planning as if you overshoot your movement, its done and will almost always require another ingredient. i think the haggling minigame is perfect as it takes exactly as long as it should. the cursor speed is a nice cruise and the refresh when you hit just feels so nice. but the whole game revolves around this singular mechanic of moving around the map, using these items to follow wacky paths. the problem comes in when it wants you to mortar and pestle every fucking plant to extract the most distance. i wish there was more "free" ways to move around as watering it down only gets you so far.

don't get me wrong, im harping on it alot but i do genuinely like what this game is doing. i wish there was a more relaxed version where i didnt have to economize each and decision i have to make.

Charming little game that's easy on the eyes with a sharp atmosphere thanks to some excellent art direction. Comes up a bit short for me past the first few hours though as the novelty wears off and the woefully repetitive one-trick soundtrack starts to grate on. The art direction alone could have almost carried this one for me but a game so adept at a very cozy medieval cottage atmosphere really shouldn't have me as anxious as it does about maximizing of every ingredient I use. The garden simply doesn't provide as much of the bare necessities, and the vendors and their prices are too seldom and random to be as meaningful as they probably should be. Run-of-the-mill simple potions frequently eat up basic ingredients and tumble the balancing act against exploring the map and hunting down new ones for the more demanding patrons. A solid improvement would be to include a static vendor that might sacrifice a day of patrons without a status or moral penalty, but lets you buy out a fixed amount of basic ingredients you'd like to have on hand, or better yet a methodology around upgrading the magic garden to increase the amount of those basic ones.

The unique mechanics of crafting a potion in this game are what I love the most and what leaves such a strong impression for me. Seeing the path each ingredient traces over the alchemy map, the discovery of new effects, it is something truly special and for that alone I think it is worth to check out this game. But then you add everything else and it is just not quite there.

It feels like even though they released 1.0 the game is not quite ready, and the extensive roadmap they published shortly after release kind of reinforces the sentiment. Haggling with merchants and clients becomes more annoying than fun very early and getting ingredients rely a lot on RNG.

The Alchemy Machine is an idea that has potential, but right now it just feels like a time/resource sink that isn't fun. It starts by already taking a long time until the merchant decides to sell you parts and recipes for it, and then it requires a good number of crazy potions that while adding challenge to figure out how to brew, it also introduces problems by requiring you to waste so many ingredients and time to ever use again. It feels exaggerated to the point you don't want to interact with it.

As I opened the review with, I love the act of crafting the potion, but then the game starts to demand a lot of time and it just feels like you are spinning your wheels and not making meaningful progress, there is a constant feeling that you are ready for the next thing and the game holds you into the same place for some time. I'll definitely be checking out further updates and I think it is very much worth it to put a few hours into it just because the crafting is so unique, but right now it demands too much to see everything it has to offer.

I assumed this is what it actually looked like when Walter and Jesse from breaking bad actually cooked meth

A great concept ruined by very repetitive gameplay and a soundtrack consisting of just two 3-minute tracks on an endless loop. MY EARS.

great concept but i think the amount of labor that goes into more involved potions/alchemy was a little bit daunting for me. this game wants you to put in the elbow grease, but in a way that's less challenging and more "time to do a bunch of precise, time-intensive work"

i appreciate the flex of "no, really, grind up these herbs and stir the pot and pump the bellows". in theory. not so much in practice.

Relaxing game, perfect for playing in the middle of online classes

very cool and interesting concept but this gets boring pretty fast

fun, relaxing game with a fun crafting system. would be nice if they had more than one track on the soundtrack so i didn't have to hear the same mediaeval song over and over but maybe that's part of the immersion.