Reviews from

in the past

The best game in the Rance series, the best game Alicesoft has made, and a contender for the best game anyone has ever made, really. A grand love letter to Japanese games of all sorts with impeccably tuned, consistently rewarding gameplay and a story of truly brobdingnagian scale. It also manages to have the best soundtrack in the series, despite neither Dragon Attack nor Shade being involved.

Play this, but make sure you play the rest of the series first.

While it sounds crazy enough to write a review about a game thats not even OUT LMAO. I why I can 100% confirm that this game will be my favourite game ever when it releases.

Rance X is from a series I'm genuinely not that familiar with. beside playing Mamatoto on my old PC years ago. Having played a few hours of Sengoku Rance on the personal computer and having watched like 3 episodes of Rance 01 anime and then dropping it out of boredom. You would genuinely be insane from a series where your intertest was never fully captured nor grasped to have the latest entry be your FAVOURITE GAME EVER?! Well here I will try to concretely enough explain my "My insanity" or for some of you guys "Stupidity" I'm assuming.

I found out about Rance X pretty late actually the game was revealed by Alicesoft in 2017. I accidentally stumbled upon the game in march pure on whim. I was watching videos about JRPGs and I saw the games promotion opening in my recommendations. I didn't even wanna click on the trailer nor did I want it to play YouTube Autoplayed it for me when I went to the toilet lol... but when I came back I was like "fuck it why not" and pressed replay and my mind was blown away... to most it's a standard trailer nothing outstanding or experimental enough for someone to lose their shit over it but man... I WAS IN. From the music and the narrator to the strong post-apocalyptic athmosphere but with a striking distinct visual style. It reminded so much of every favourite post-apoc series I love and it happens so rarely that I ever have such a strong sense of nostolgia from past of something in the present that I have no strong knowledge. But from the previously mentioned things and flashy gameplay and strong and striking character designs. I just knew it was the one. The JRPG genre is a VERY important genre to me because it helped me allot as a person throughout my life and I honestly watched allot of japanese media but super rarely has this same feeling been matched before. I literally searched up every information about the game since and don't think I've ever been as hype for something as this game. The latest Info dump just made me even more confident in my feelings. I rewatched each trailer over 10x and watched the gameplay showcases over 10x. Did as much research as I can on the people working on it. Theorize heavy about future characters , environments and potential story beats. I genuinely have 100% trust in this game and don't think I can get dissapointed really.

So it really a case of pure feelings of nostolgia , charm and trust that makes me so sure. I know this seems goofy asf to write this but I know myself the best so I know best what my true feelings on the game will be.

( P.S I've done this before and know how my expectations work so I really cannot be dissapointed. also I will do a follow up in November on this when I play it.

peak of the rance series and overall just a giant love letter to the eroge industry as a whole.
everything in this game was clearly made with love and it shows; the sheer amount of characters present and different paths you can take on top of the really fun gameplay and great plot solidifies this as a fitting finale to the rance series, as well as one of my favorite games.

I abruptly get off my bed. I do fifty-seven push-ups and perform seventeen prayers in front of my Bird Lithe poster. As per usual, I wear my yellow and blue coloured outfit, Bird Lithe themed respectively. I open my computer, greeted as usual by my Bird Lithe themed wallpaper. I log on to discord. I call the filthy, lowly men slurs while i hit on several women at once imitating my hero Bird Lithe. I jump into the shower. The water dashes over my clothes furiously while i likewise, furiously knead the usual soap across my body (did you guess it's bird Lithe scented). I dash outside butt ass naked. I find myself falling into the usual existential crisis. Maybe Bird Lithe was the real me while I, myself was the fictional character? Perhaps he is already aware of my existence? What if i was only born to be a mere shadow of this character?

A 300+ hr climax that exudes nothing but SOULLLL from how much it cares about the 30 years of history that preceded it while having a great gameplay system that somehow mixes all the ones prior.
Beautiful and heartfelt message that gives the reader a new perspective on the series and made me appreciate eroge/jrpgs/media just a bit more.

Love this series so much theres nothing quite like it, from the characters to the lore, soundtrack and much more, please give it a try if you are interested im sure you won't regret it.

Everything i wanted from the end of this series.

I am so good at Clash Royale.

Hmmm, the Eroge award. We told our Chinese sponsors that this award was a demand from our audience and they relented. Looks like they don`t mind it as long as it showcases the filthy Japanese degeneracy. Without further ado:

After 28 years of blood, lore, and semen, Alicesoft brings Rance to a climax. Rance X returns to grand strategy, but with the series’ highest stakes right from the start. Choices and replayability are king, and tons of secret content will keep you coming. By La Way, even though this is the “final” game timeline-wise, Rance IV may still get a Zero Four remake, so odds are the Hyper Weapon will get at least one more chance to shine again. Until then, enjoy the ride.

Still can't believe this game really exists.

Rance X is a venture to ace all the previous set-up made over the course of decades by attempting to rearrange its iconic joyful atmosphere into a cruel setting filled with high stakes, all this while going through the hurdle of dealing with an ambitious project that greatly overpowers its budget.

The result for me was, easily the best gameplay I have experienced within alicesoft, be it in depth, variety or creativity.
But, sadly I did not feel like the stakes were as properly delivered as I had hoped, some of the intended impact could not reach me with as powerful a feeling as I thought it meant to, alongside the pacing and length of some parts, I could not help but feel that it ends up clashing with the enormous wager that is within the game's story, which ended up, unhappily for me, contributing so that the parts of the game where I truly felt emotionally engaged were quite few for how much of a behemoth the story is.
Otherwise, this isn't to mean that the experience was ever close to being just good, no it was always greater or better, as I was mostly having fun with only the best gameplay alicesoft ever made, and always experiencing the usual joy this entire series can offer no matter the game, it is truly a delight to experience.
With that, I can say that I liked Rance X, liked quite a lot.

I'm rating this based solely on the last 20 hours of this massive 200+ hours videogame.
Because that I did not like, I loved.

This review contains spoilers

Что понравилось:

— Визуал. Сюда можно отнести как дизайны персонажей, интерфейс, да и общий визуал игры. Всё выглядит стильно, приятно.
— Звук. Музыка вообще отличная, атмосферная, звуковые эффекты к месту, ощущается импакт.
— Геймплей. Общая концепция мне понравилась, сама по себе боёвка достаточно глубокая, да и можно столько всяких билдов сделать.
— Вариативность. Казалось бы, есть жестокие условия на босса, победить в самом начале хода просто невозможно. Но если вдруг победить удастся, то откроется кое-какая интересная возможность. Или, например, если в команде есть определённый персонаж, то может появиться какая-нибудь новая сценка, либо можно будет пройти по другому пути.
Что вызвало смешанные чувства:
— Персонажи. Их слишком много, из-за чего как таковое развитие получают лишь новички, либо небольшой костяк. Конечно, есть возможность посмотреть какую-то небольшую сценку с персонажем либо в самом начале хода, либо в самом конце, но тут как повезёт: либо это будет какая-нибудь короткая шутка, либо развитие персонажа. Правда, понадобится немало удачи, чтобы нужный персонаж появился в списке.
— Некоторые истории и диалоги. Здесь есть как отличные истории, так и совсем проходные. То же касается и диалогов.
— Продолжительность. Учитывая геймплейные механики, игра до жути долгая. Да, после первого просмотра можно скипать диалоги, но всё равно игра очень длинная. А проходить её нужно не раз, и не два. Не обязательно на все-все-все концовки, но кое-какие условия исполнить будет нужно, чтобы увидеть продолжение истории.
— Некоторые концовки.Всего в игре 14 концовок. Правда не все из них хорошо прописаны. Да и не у всех есть CG.

Что не понравилось:

— Гача-механика получения новых карт. К этому у меня очень много претензий. Дело в том, что новые карты тут очень нужны и важны: они не только дают буст к силе определённой фракции (Лизас, Хэлман и т.д.), но некоторые дают бонусы к другим статам (защита от магии, защита от физ. атак и т.д.). У некоторых карт есть альтернативные варианты, которые дают свои бонусы, ну и повышают характеристики персонажа. А ещё, некоторые персонажи нужны для каких-то конкретных событий. И вот тут появляется проблема с гача-механикой: можно за всю игру получить нужных персонажей как в самом начале, так и уже под конец, когда нужное событие с ними закрыто. Ещё карты можно получить после боя, но для этого тоже нужна удача, либо куча бонусов после боя. И тут в дело вступает сейв-скам: не появляется гача? Перезапускаем битву. Не появляется нужная карта? Перезапускаем битву. Ну и некоторые карты доступны только на определённых рутах. В общем, идея может интересная, но тут она очень сомнительно вплетена в игру.
— Part II. После первой половины игры, она показалась какой-то слишком… никакой? Я понимаю, почему это было сделано, зачем, но это не отменяет того факта, что сюжет в ней совершенно посредственный. Хорошие моменты там есть, но лишь моменты.
— События, оставшиеся за кадром. Я не буду говорить, какие именно, скажу лишь, что путешествие одного персонажа раскрывается не в самой игре, а в журнале, который выходил только в Японии. И его дальнейшая судьба тоже. Предыстории некоторых персонажей раскрываются там же.

Итог. Игра отличная, но не без недостатков, притом серьёзных. Лучшая ли часть серии? Для меня в пятёрке лучших уж точно.

literally no fucking words can describe my joy for this.
this was such a fucking journey.
all the games that built up to this point made this all worth it in the end.
thank YOU TADA for bringing me this absolute masterpiece.
fiction has never been more over.
thank you.
additionally i am retiring the word peak fiction.

This review contains spoilers

I played this game on release after greatly anticipating it and following the series for years at that point. Of all the things that could be said about it, what's really most remarkable I guess is that it exists and it doesn't suck. The only similar long-running RPG series with a continuous story I can think of is Trails, and my interest in that precipitously declined when they got to Cold Steel, so Rance running for thirty years and ending relatively well was unprecedented and I don't know if it'll ever happen again.

I was very positive on it at the time, probably amplified by the high that comes from reaching the end of something so long. Rance X itself is a ludicrously long game, to say nothing of the series itself. But there are problems here, and by now I don't really think this outdoes Kichikuou.

Part II in concept is a great twist and I was floored when I first reached it (thankfully unspoiled), but honestly, I barely remember what happens in most of it and it ends with literal deus ex machina. It's cute playing as Rance's kids and I like the Toushin Toshi quest for the nostalgia, but little of consequence happens until you finish collecting the Dragon Quest orbs and go to fight Rance.

I understand of course that by this point the game has mostly stopped concerning itself with the events of this world and a lot of this is metatextual. I love that the game completely stops being a porn game now that Rance isn't present and only starts being one again in a couple of instances when he is, that's pretty clever and I kind of can't believe they did it. And at the very end they just spell out that the intention of all of Part II is to show "God" (the player) that perpetuating the suffering of this world (continuing to draw out the series) is not the greatest joy that can be experienced, and instead you can Collect Orbs and Fight the Demon Lord (play Dragon Quest? But who knows how much longer that's going either with Toriyama dead.)

Nice idea, but you kind of fucked it up because Part II is not nearly as fun as Part I or most of the rest of the series when taken by itself. It's Part I but far more linear and limited, and the lack of dramatic conflict amongst the characters outside their immediate goal of fighting Rance doesn't give them much depth. Maybe this is me being a huge masochist as I certainly am, but I do enjoy a little suffering, and I can't say this story convinced me to not enjoy it. And the depiction of suffering had already been greatly reduced by this point in the series anyway outside of scenes like designated Bad Ending gratuitous rape scenes and such you go out of your way for, which makes it feel especially fetishistic and not very real.

In Kichikuou the perpetuation of suffering was an inevitability and the greatest possible ending was to delay further conflict until after Rance would likely be dead. This is a much more realistic outlook, but I understand wanting to do something different and I'm glad they didn't just go with a Kill God ending given how impossible that's been established to be and how little it would mean narratively as anything but a power fantasy. But while I respect the attempt I don't think it actually lands.

I haven't even talked about Part I, but the problem with Part I narratively is that it's all what you would expect from the buildup across the previous games. This is The War with Kayblis, Kichikuou already did this but far more succinctly. In some ways this is better and in some ways that was better, but it has been done and reaches the same conclusion, so only what happens afterward can be that novel. Mechanically it's more open-ended than Part II, but not nearly as open as Kichikuou could be, and the character events have again been greatly watered down from what they were in that.

Anyway it is good and in some ways remarkable, I won't deny that. But I don't know if this is really the ideal ending that it could have been. I don't know if that ever could've happened after the main writer changed after Sengoku Rance either; the games from Rance Quest on don't quite feel right.

I don't think there's enough word in the English language to describe how much of a masterpiece this is. It's practically the most perfect work of art I've ever experienced. Just the mere thought of it makes me cry as few things have impacted me in such a way. God bless this series.
This was the perfect conclusion to the series, and one that will stay close to my heart forever.

What the hell… they made this into some kind of card game? dafuck… this is so bad compared to the original…

Haven't played this series but I read about 1-9 on a wiki and had my japanese friend explain the plot of X

This is a true masterpiece

If this doesnt make me hate everything i have played i will kill myself

Peak video games. Perfect end to a long running series. A love letter to RPGs and the history of Alicesoft. Not only is the story compelling, but the gameplay also manages to be possibly the most fun in the entire series, with near endless replay value. A special series that needs to be experienced to witness this grand conclusion.

I am retiring the phrase "peak fiction"

I do not believe I will ever experience peak fiction again
everything else I play from now on will be rated on a scale of
mid fiction to good-but-not-peak fiction

I've never been even remotely this excited for any other piece of media, and it actually delivered

If this isn't peak fiction I don't know what else could be

This review only cover the first part of rance X, i still need to finish part 2

Rance X is the finale of the rance series, it's in the title, and what final... This game is a very especific case that you overhyped something and it really is what you expected, maybe my overexpectation have some impact in my enjoyment tbh but i'am in none hypothese saying that don't have attend, it's a very strange feeling i can't explain.
I don't think this is the "fiction ender" that some persons talk, maybe it's change in part 2 (i'am really enjoying) but at this time, this is my conclusion.

Now i have finished part 2 and i will kill myself

The only decades long series that actually ended on a high note. Absolutely insane game, one of the best ever made.