Reviews from

in the past

About as good as the first game, although the AI can be frustrating and the HUD isn’t as good. I think I prefer the first though. Great theme song, however.

-Jogabilidade divertida.
-Possibilidade de "upar" o carro.
-Multiplayer para até quatro pessoas.
-Você não tem controle sobre quais pistas você está correndo (o jogo vai guiando você por pistas aleatórias).
-Os itens para "upar" o carro são muito caros (Claro, você pode economizar dinheiro de corrida em corrida, mas isso obviamente lhe causará desvantagem comparado com os oponentes).

A big improvement over the first, RC Pro-Am II fixes some of the niggles of the first game and adds in some new improvements, such as multiplayer.

The graphics are more fine tuned. They don’t have the cutesy clunky toy look, but they’re overall better detailed and include 3D-looking elements for more elaborate tracks. Handling also feels much better, making cornering easier and it feels less slippery overall.

One big notable change is the enemy AI. They now feel like proper competitors more than obstacles. They feel much fairer and don’t feel like they’re cheating anywhere near as much. It also helps that the game gives them names, making them seem like opponents. With these changes, I felt like I was actually playing to win instead of just playing to progress, and managed to get an overall 1st place (barely) across all the cups.

One small issue is one of the obstacle types. One some straights, a plane will come and bomb you or shoot you. These are difficult to dodge and the plane is out to get your specifically.

The upgrade system has changed. Instead of collecting upgrades on the track, you collect money to spend on specific upgrades, or to buy power ups to start the next race with, such as rockets, shields or nitrus. These power ups can also be found on the tracks.

RC Pro-Am II is a great classic racing game. The snapshots for this were fine, with one difficult one requiring you to dodge two planes – one of them while your car is on ice.

A little improved from the first game with power ups and more interesting level design, but the RC car driving is still very basic.

A great sequel that builds a lot on the bones of the first game while staying true to the fast paced racing that made the first one solid. Most dramatically, tracks now have changes in elevation which adds a little visual variety as you tear around the tracks. It doesn't effect gameplay much, but careening over the tops of hills looks very cool. The upgrade system is also more elaborate since you now buy upgrades in a shop between races. The game still feels really good and goes nice and fast.

An improvement over RC Pro AM for the most part, with elevation adding cool tricks, upgrading in the shop adding more strategy, and the AI being more fair for the most part (it will rubber band to be infront of you, but it'll slow down a bit if you get too far behind to make it feel like you have a chance)

I will say though airplanes are an awful addition of a hazard, and the upgrade system for the AI makes no sense since cars will still automatically become better than you when logic dictates that you should generally remain on top.

I counted playing through all 24 tracks and being ontop of the leaderboard as beating the game, as asking you to repeat 12 tracks so the number can reset just feels like unnecessary padding when I've already seen everything the game has to offer, even if it isn't "X but slightly harder". Again it's from a different era where games weren't meant to be beat but played as long as you could go arcade style, so I can't hold it against the game too much.

It's an impressive game on the NES, and if someone can explain to me how an NES game can have 4 player I'm curious to know.

Pretty similar experience to the first entry. The upgrade system and improved tracks make it somewhat more enjoyable at least.