Reviews from

in the past

Visualmente impresionante y Gameplay inmersivo, Lastimosamente su Drama es inconsistente entre las 2 campañas y la direccion cinematografica deja mucho que desear hacieno un choque con el tono del juego y siendo intrusiva por momentos.

The original game has always been my favourite one, not just in the RE franchise, but in general, among all the survival horrors I’ve ever played. When I first heard about this remake, I wasn’t sure what to make of it because previous remasters of the series were… well, not bad, but nothing special, and they certainly couldn’t live up to the originals.

Well, I’m happy to say this is not the case with this game! It doesn’t just live up to the original, but oh my God, it does so much more than that! A perfect example how all remasters should be made – it’s not simply an HD remake, but it was built up again from scratch, modernized and changed in a way to create an unexpectedly fresh experience for players of the original one, too.

Honours the memory of a twenty-year-old game, while creating a whole new survival horror classic that can stand on its own. Imaginative puzzles, depressing atmosphere, brutal boss battles, well-timed jump scares – well done, Capcom!

No sabía cómo me entraría un Resi 100% survival, pero esto es un remake y un juego increíble. Vaya manera de crear tensión, de diseñar los escenarios, de dar momentos memorables. No me olvidaré de Mr.X y de la comisaría pronto.

amazing sound design. pants-shittingly scary. need to finish

Need to get back to this, just need a couple hours free for a SPEED RUNNNN

Good but has an annoying linear back half. I figured this would be fixed from the original but I suppose not. Recommend it highly, the rating is my personal opinion more than anything, but I feel the original stands superior.

I've not played the original RE2, but this remake was definitely my type of game! Fun (albeit rather simplistic) characters, great level design (particularly with the survival horror gameplay in the RPD building), and genuinely terrifying & creative enemies. The fact that there are two different sides to the story to explore makes it all the more enjoyable.

Seriously, I've not gone for many Platinum Trophies purely out of fun & an urge to keep replaying like I have with RE2 before!

Really good remake that modernizes the original while still keeping true to the spirit of it. I have some minor gripes with it and I feel that the way it handles B-Scenarios is clumsy but overall I'd say it's one of the best remakes ever made.

This is also everything I wanted in a horror game.

Everything I've ever wanted out of a survival horror game.

Manages to improve an already great game by approaching it through a different lens. Pulls together the best elements of the classic and modern games. Impeccable atmosphere. Fun to replay. One of the best games in the series.

One of the best remakes ever.

Keeps the soul of RE2 alive while still completely recreating it for a modern audience.

very fun game but why cant i use the shotgun as claire

I never played the original and I didn't want to go back to the old tank controls so I settled for this stellar remake instead. The over-the-shoulder controls and technically stunning lighting work made this a tense ride. I'm a Resident Evil vet so the puzzles were fine but I could see this being a very confusing game if it's your first RE game.

haven't played the original but this really blew my mind the first time i played it.

The pacing of this was created in a lab

some of the best execution of RE's brand of survival horror with current-gen AAA production. there are things that could've been expanded upon, but it's still a great game

"Welcome to corporate America."

It's been a long time since I've found the motivation to replay a game's story mode--games are often long, life is often busy, and my backlog is growing faster than I can shrink it. But this game's second run system which turns your understanding of the game world inside out by sending you through it in a different way while telling a new (but connected) story within it tipped me over the edge. I beat it on my first run about a week prior, took some time off to beat Resident Evil 4 (a masterpiece in its own right), then came right back to this. I'm working through my second run, Claire's B campaign, on Hardcore mode this time, and it is intense, difficult, and even more terrifying than last time. I love it.

It takes all the strengths of classic Resident Evil, (the interconnected, puzzle-littered hallways of the police station will feel familiar to anyone who has braved Resident Evil 1 Remake's mansion--have you? It's also an incredible game!) but anything that might have even verged on tedious is cleaned up; the map marks rooms with things left to find and unsolved puzzles instead of asking you to memorize them, write them down or wander aimlessly. While the beautiful, cinematic fixed camera angles of that game will be missed, the crisp control of Leon and Claire's shooting and the increased action allowed in boss fights or more dramatic enemy encounters as a result of the over-the-shoulder camera feels like the full realization of what classic Resident Evil merely evoked with its more simplistic fights.

And the scares! It's not the most terrifying game ever made, but man is it tense. Mr. X has had volumes written about him, so I won't belabor the point, but he'll get his moments over you, as will many other enemies, sooner or later. I hope I never have to hear a set of loud footsteps approaching when I'm out at night. There's always just the right amount of ammo to make it possible to get around enemies but impossible to actually kill more than a few at a time. This combined with the ever evolving layout and paths around the station makes it an uneasy but immensely rewarding task to venture out of your save room.

This core gameplay loop of exploration, infrequent combat, and the occasional bombastic, brilliant, satisfying boss fight before the eventual return to peace makes it downright addicting for the ~8 hour length of your first campaign. It's tight and utterly devoid of chaff, and this is what makes the prospect of a second run with some changes so appealing--it's simultaneously satisfying and leaves you wanting more of it. That, to me, is the mark of a perfectly paced game, and the character switch takes such smart advantage of it that I wish more games focused on being concise, well-crafted, and replayable instead of big, big, big. The characters themselves are both easy to get attached to, too, and they each have their own arcs with a few unique supporting characters. Leon is immensely relatable, always seeming to say what I'm thinking, and Claire is both believable and likable as the unlikely hero of her story.

That's not to say it takes itself seriously all the time, of course. It's impossible for Resident Evil to totally shake off its B-movie charm, even with the insane production values of a game like this. The nine-foot-tall Mr. X dresses in a fedora and trench coat to blend in, for one. It could never avoid being hilarious. It's just that, like some of the best classic low-budget horror films (Evil Dead 1 comes to mind), this doesn't get in the way of its thrills, scares, or story. The gradual amping-up of the stakes and scope doesn't feel like a cheap or formulaic escalation, but a necessary and satisfying payoff. The narrative is just as gripping as any other part of the game, and every part of it gripped me tighter than an angry Tyrant. It's rare that a game comes out which is simultaneously so focused and so crowdpleasing, so tough and so well-designed, so highly-produced and still so passionately made. It's been so long since I loved a game quite this much, but then again, it's been a long time since I played a game quite this good.

Haha hey guys is it just me or is Birkin kinda cute (post virus)

After the excellent Resident Evil VII, Capcom is keeping the gas pedal held down on this series with a fantastic remake of the PS1 classic. Resident Evil 2 doles out spooks and catharsis with expert precision, keeping you hooked to the very end.

minus one half star for making Leon less of a bishounen hottie than he is in RE4

A beautifully ugly game that is paced exceptionally well, controls great, and instills a feeling of terror with the roaming Mr. X. A fantastic game everyone should play.

Like Resident Evil 2, but sand-blasted for the modern day

Now this is what a remaster should look and feel like.

A remake to one of the best Remakes not only succeeds but might even surpass the original. Seriously, one of the best remakes I've ever played!