Reviews from

in the past

Le boulder? Heh? Boulder? Ya you like that, funny isn't it??

Horribly paced and poorly plotted, Resident Evil 5 is a perfect example of a series that has lost the pulse on what its fans loved about it in the first place. Ditching the horror elements of previous titles for a focus on action would have been fine if they committed fully to the concept, but holding onto old series tropes like limited inventory space and relatively rare ammo make the game a slog at points, with a number of frustrating ui decisions that continued to hamper my good time.

Things are passable for the first 3 chapters, but the back half of the game turns into a real slog once it becomes a cover based shooter. I understand that the Gears franchise was huge when this game came out but aping mechanics from others franchises that do it better leave large chunks of the game feeling dated.

The plot is atrocious, even for resident evil standards; I had no real motivation to care about any of these characters. Chris is one dimensional, Sheva is barely introduced, Sheva's friend is just there to show up when you need a third character in the mix, the villains motives are vague and the characters themselves are cartoonish. The ending string of fights are truly atrocious to play, with me and my friend who I co-oped the game with left wondering if we were even doing any damage to the bosses due to a lack of feedback from getting hit. Overall, I would not really recommend this game unless you are a fan of the series and looking to play something with a friend. If you are looking for a single player action horror experience, stick with Resident Evil 4!

Definitely better with co-op, as Sheeva can be a mixed bag at times as an AI partner. Boulder-punching memes aside, the game's pretty alright and at times, even somewhat fun. It's not going to win any awards by me, but I definitely enjoyed it enough to pick it up on discount for the PS4 years later.

It was better than I expected. But the KI makes it painfull to enjoy in single player. Maybe I'll play it sometime again in Co-op.

Story: nice background information about the origin of the virus.
Setting: Horror is nearly completely gone. Some may like that, I don't. Still not too bad.
Worst thing: Sheva. I don't want to say anything further.

Update: Replayed in Koop, its actually fun and Sheva isnt such a bitch when she's plaid by a friend

Never got the trophy for the last chapter :/

Plays like RE4, without the things that made that game special. Also, it's astonishingly racist!

There's a good game in here, I swear. Also, maybe has the worst, stupidest AI companion you will see in any game ever. Almost unplayable without coop.

It has some of the fun things in RE4, but it lowers the exploration and treasure finding elements and tries to get more serious with the plot to its downsides. The inventory is also hell on earth to try and manage. It does get a bit too much flak, I think, but it's not unfounded.

Great game if you play it in co-op, fine if you play it by yourself

iive never played this but i like his aarms

This game is bad. I can imagine playing co-op should be fun but the single-player experience is appalling. The AI companion is unbearable and completely ruined it for me. Not that the game was great apart from that, everything is so uninspired and dull. The worst RE so far. Chris punched a boulder lol

sheva! sheva! sheva! chris! okay! okay! c'mon! follow me! sheva! chris! sheva! c'mon! sheva! okay! chris! chris! okay!

fun multiplayer game

I helped out to get the platinum trophy the whole way through and I can say for a fact that this game is trash.

I can't stress how much of a headache this game gives me.

come on! come on! come on! come on! come on! come on! come on! come on! come on! come on! come on! come on!

About a 2 1/2 - 3 at best single player-wise, but an easy 5 for Co-op.

Replaces the cheesiness of past Resident Evil games for boring grittiness to make it the second-worst mainline title of the series.

It also gets really weird near the end when you're mowing down villages of native Africans as a boulder-assaulting white guy.

Obviously, not as good as RE 4, but it has its charms.

RE 5 controls rather well, and runs for a rather alright length that isn't too short nor outstays its welcome, but there are real issues biting at the game.

As a start, this story is just completely unengaging like 4 or any other RE story before. I didn't care about Sheva, rarely cared about Chris, and thought the whole setup was just super bland.

In terms of the combat, again, it's rather good, but there's a severe issue in just how long ecnounters can last. Enemies are far more powerful than they were in RE 4, and with that, even standard enemies take so much longer to kill than is acceptable. This issue also relays into the boss fights, which are so overdrawn to the point of lasting 15+ minutes. I know JRPG fans are laughing at that with their 90-minute boss battles, but I have more things to do that sit around and just mash the triggers all day at an annoying sponge masquerading as a boss fight.

While I played RE 5 on PS4 with a friend, I figured to try the PC port for a go, and couldn't stand it. This game NEEDS to be played in coop. I know some are fine with the AI partner, but I couldn't stand the sheer idiocy of the AI and how frequently she got herself killed and with all the obnoxious menu organizing you have to do with her since she picks up everything like a vaccuum.

This leads into another complaint which is the inventory system. By god, this system is so terrible comparred to not only Resident Evil 4, but the current remakes releasing. 9 slots total, with gigantic guns taking the same amount of space as a little vial with a green herb in it? Give me a freaking break! This is all implimented to engage in coop more, and it is remedied with a partner that streamlines the process better, but I will never dare go through this alone for a whole playthrough due to all the timewasting needed to request, collect, and trade items with the AI.

My last complaint is one many will scoff at, but yeah, RE 5 is rather racially insensitive. Now, the whole game isn't racist or anything, that's nuts, but after going through the shanty towns towards the beginning chapters, all the bigs in the jungle are filled with the most jingoistic racial stereotypes one could imagine. The jingoism ends rather fast, though, going back to normal as soon as it starts, but it's an issue, nonetheless.

Overall, okay, not great. Certainly do not play this solo.

Capcom seemed to learn all of the wrong lessons from its predecessor. A fine enough game, memorable really only for its unique setting, but so many missteps too- Where's the horror? What's with the forced co-op play? Why does this feel vaguely racist?

bons momentos jogando splitscreen

La diversion principalmente viene de jugar en cooperativo.
En modo de un solo jugador es como un parque de juegos al que vas para hacerle bullying a los enemigos.
Tiene su encanto :)

nowhere near as good as the previous installments in the Resident Evil franchise, but it does get TOO much shit if you ask me.

Mecanicas refinadas de su predecesor, ¿Problema? Diseño de niveles y de enemigos poco inspirados.

Su mayor virtud es el online CO-OP, el cual hasta el dia de hoy no es igualado.

one of the peak co-op experiences. too dumpy to call the whole thing great but full of so many wonderful cheesy moments that its an instant classic. still, play co-op

The push for action felt like a logical move considering the success of Resident Evil 4. It's not the best title in the franchise but I was properly introduced to Resident Evil through this game and it's still good fun, especially with other players.

Making the series more and more action-oriented takes away all the suspense the classic games had.

Had amazing memories playing through this game with my older brother. Being terrified of this game and the temple level. Took us ages to beat. Pretty bad low tier game in all the fun ways. Shit narrative

stupid but fun. but not as stupid & fun as RE4

fun with friends, couldnt imagine playing it alone in a million years

look man, it's one of the best co-op games ever made. it ain't great as a traditional RE game, but that co-op is next level shit.

It's so fucking stupid but I love it.