Reviews from

in the past

i absolutely suck at this game but i love ian and paige

Las nuevas mecánicas de frío y calor que han metido son super divertidas cuando les pillas el tranquillo, las canciones nuevas son TODAS bangers e incluso una que es del modo práctica me pareció BRUTAL.
En serio, si os molan los juegos de ritmo jugado esto YA, es una verdadera gozada y ahora más con el nuevo contenido.

So fun and creative and, most importantly for this genre, it has a banger soundtrack

TASTY soundtrack, simple gameplay. will stay updated for future content

Really cute and creative, makes me want to get more into rhythm games. Absolutely onboard for the next update

Genuinely such a charming rhythm game. There's still more that has yet to be released, but where the game is at now, it is still 100% worth buying. Definitely a game I want to go back and 100% complete.

Eu quero muito esperar o final do jogo quando ele sair, mas Rhythm Doctor é provavelmente o melhor jogo de rítmico narrativo já feito. De um conceito simples que começa a ficar totalmente maluco, até personagens que são muito legais de acompanhar, eu ainda não consegui entender exatamente tudo que senti em RD.

Truly a one of a kind. If you enjoy rhythm games in any capacity then this is a must play, with a cute story as well. I'm not saying anything else, I think it's best experienced blind.

This review contains spoilers

I actually got so scared when it turnt my shit to windowed

The whole idea of it only using one button is done flawlessly without making it baby-mode easy, and honestly it's a joy to play through
Now getting a S rank on every song, come back to me once I've done it

This is a special game, in the fact that it has a unique concept, and unlike some other games, said concept is done EXTREMELY well and combines to make an absolutely amazing game when you add on everything else.

The plan is simple: You tap on the 7th beat. That's it. You do that for the entire song, and you win! But then, it gets ever so slightly more complex. Suddenly, you have to deal with two heartbeats at once, given the rhythm is extremely simple. And then, speed changes are added into the mix. And then, it introduces a concept so fucking kino that it should be ILLEGAL. (I won't leak it so anyone reading can experience it for themselves: but it is AMAZING.)

This has been about the gameplay so far, but everything else about the game cannot go un-noticed.

There is an extremely good story under the hood that, while VERY simple, is extremely well written and has some genuinely emotional moments on both ends of the spectrum. Every character has depth and feel like actual characters.

The game does not falter in the visual aspect OR the musical aspect either, having some shots that are actual eye-candy and some moments in the OST that are genuine, whole-hearted bangers.

Did I forget to mention that this game has one of the best level editors, and by proxy one of the coolest online level communities out there? I could talk for hours about this game's custom levels, but any search for "Rhythm Doctor Custom Levels" will find you some extremely cool shit.

Anyways, I love this game with my whole heart, and it's so fucked that it's still early access with how much shit there is in this game right now. Buy this game. Buy it now. Buy it now. Buy it now.

really good! the mechanics are easy to understand, the levels are challenging but not unfair, and the music is a BANGER! would recommend!

GOD. The emotions that I've been through with this game. This game gets it, they get it. The idea that a Rhythm game can be so immersive and interactive and deep while revolving all around one simple gets it.

This is one of my favorite games and I only really wish there were more of it. Really hope in the future they have as much fun with it as they clearly do in the first few chapters.

Very fun rhythm game lots of cool mechanics, and the bosses are sick af.

i love rhythm games and had fun with this one! i thought the mechanics were interesting and the music was great. for whatever reason though, i just did not love it as much as everyone else it seems.

Me interessei no jogo após ver uma gameplay no youtube no canal do Tropia, vi e achei o jogo interessante, mas na época, não possuía pc para poder jogar. Finalmente após anos eu pude jogar esse jogo, e ele é apenas incrível... acabei de zerar o jogo, e chorei horrores, sendo que a historia nem é focada nisso, mas chorei de admiração, de como é nítido o amor e o carinho depositado nesse jogo, sem duvidas ficara na minha mente.


Analisando mais tecnicamente o jogo e deixando meu drama de lado, Rhythm Doctor é um jogo rítmico com uma mecânica bem criativa, aonde consiste em você aperta a tecla na sétima batida da musica, uma mecânica simples mas bastante interessante, porem existia um problema nisso, era simples demais, oque tornava o jogo muito fácil, as primeiras fases era tranquilo de passar de primeira, incluindo o primeiro boss, mas ai entra genialidade desse jogo, a cada mundo e fase que avança, novas mecânicas são incrementadas, e aos poucos, vc percebe que oque era uma mecânica simples no inicio se tornou um turbilhão de dificuldade, tudo sem sobrecarregar o player, fazendo com que a adaptação fosse tranquila e gradativa. As musicas do jogo são memoráveis demais, tratando de temas super complexos, e o ritmo sempre esta em perfeita sincronia com a fase (exceto quando tem um vírus, jogue e entendera), por mais que a historia em si não seja o foco do jogo, ela não posta em escanteio, o jogo possui um historia cativante e bem desenvolvida, tratando de problemas comuns no dia a dia, como o burnout (excesso de trabalho), vícios, dificuldades criativas, adaptação e mais. Alem de tudo isso, o jogo possui um criador de fases para a comunidade, oque me impressionou, já que para jogar as fases da comunidade não precisa baixar nenhum mod, apenas o arquivo da fase, super pratico e rápido. Sem duvidas o melhor jogo rítmico que já joguei (menção especial as fases em modo janela, nunca vi isso antes na minha vida, incrível). <3

Bem difícil, músicas muito boas

This game has the perfect name. Very Rhythm and very Doctor.

With the Rhythm it's nice that it keeps throwing gimmicks at you instead of raising the difficulty on the individual gimmicks too high. When the gimmicks get overlapped it can be hit or miss but it's mostly hits. Playing a level well is satisfying and it doesn't require too much to get past a level which is good because...

The little narratives explored in the Doctor side of this game are all so charming. All the stories feel so small but also cover such grand emotions under the surface. Things like love, and anxiety, and regret. The songs bring out these big explosions internally but externally the narratives are so insignificant. There is also a lot of melancholy here that you could only get in a hospital setting.

The game also has a lot of grand boss fights which is fun for a rhythm game. They bring out all the tricks and gimmicks for those and they are pretty delightful to experience.

Just a solid little guy. The Baseball guys plotline, in particular, got me so emotional for how ridiculously cornballs it was.

this game is pretty fun with a taiko drum and on easy mode

Starting this by saying I've been following this game through development since 2017; the concept is really cool! It mashes an EKG style heart monitor into a rhythm game. Rhythm Doctor also tests your internal clock by smearing distractions all over the screen. and I mean a LOT of distractions. Gotta rely on audio cues for this one, which can be a fun challenge!

RD would be a 4 star for me if the single beat cues were consistent. I've played a good amount of rhythm games, and while the patterns in RD are really fun, the single beats in between just kill me. I'm either trying my hardest to ignore the cues or just guessing where the single beat goes. It's crazy to me that I can get a better rank by not paying attention and autopiloting vs. trying my best to match the cues, but I digress. The single cues may be frustrating, but the rest of the cues are really cool! My favorite are the SVT beats and the swing beats, they feel so natural to do.

Most of the song selection is Lo-fi. It creates a super vibin atmosphere that counter-acts the distractions for a unique experience. I love the simple story too, I'm glad there is one at all. The pixel art is lovely too. There's no doubt that the devs put tons of love and care into this game over its extremely long development.

I'm almost through world 5 but I'm unsure if I'll finish RD. Blast beats and freeze beats are easy, don't get me wrong, it's the funky single beats in the middle that screw me over. Despite my personal struggles, If you really love rhythm games (especially indie ones) I highly recommend Rhythm Doctor! It's got a chill vibe that can't be beat.

só não é 5 estrelas pq não ta completo, e pq o sistema do trem é uma MERDA e eu ODEIO

Ganha fácil como um dos melhores jogos de ritmos já feito, o carinho que é feito em cada detalhezinho, mostra que os devs realmente se importam com seu jogo, com sua criação e com sua arte. É engraçado, é divertido, é ótimo, é incrivel, E A MÚSICA É DE SE LEVITAR. Joguem, o jogo é curto(aparentemente ele ainda esta em "acesso antecipado") mas o jogo vale muito a pena(recomendado em comprar em um dia com promoção)

A pretty casual rhythm game with a good OST, and a bunch of unique and cool gimmicks. Sometimes the visual effects are just a little too much.

Simply perfect, amazing, incredible, i don't have enough words to express how fucking good this game is so much it pretty much changed my life trajectory and it isn't even finished yet it's still in early access, i know they'll cook with act 6 tho

Incredible rhythm game, the best I've ever played by far. It manages to create amazing gameplay with just the spacebar, and adds way more to the table then any other music game I've ever seen. Instead of just focusing on the gameplay, Rhythm Doctor actually ties music with great characters, a great setting, humor and stories.

The effect that it causes is unlike any other, plus the songs themselves are also really good. They can also be kind of wholesome and heartfelt in the context of each character's treatment and story.

As a musician myself this was also very educative and good practice. Incredible game, can't recommend this enough. There's also a certain boss that's guaranteed to BLOW YOUR MIND.

Playing through this was a challenging and emotional experience that I never thought I would get from a rhythm game. Each stage had so much character and spirit imbued into it that you could instantly feel what the people behind the game were trying to say.

Gameplay wise, the game is certainly challenging. However, it is never impossible, and only requires a bit of time. Every few levels a new type of beat is introduced, always adding a bit more variety, while also coinciding with the characters you meet.

There is an unbelievable amount of attention to detail and passion behind this game that I can't help but want to replay through each level just so I can experience it again or find anything I missed. Luckily, there are a plethora of bonus levels to complete, meaning I'll be having fun for quite a while.

I recommend this game to anyone and everyone. Even if you're not good with rhythm games, this is a experience you won't forget.

I adore this game so much. The songs are so great and the things they can accomplish with each song are still mind boggling to me. I love all the mechanics and the story it tries to tell with its really charming characters and writing. It's the perfect rhythm game and I can't wait for it to be finished.