Reviews from

in the past

Great art. Horrible level design.

very average platformer with great visuals. transformation mechanic is neat in concept but kinda annoying in practice

Definitely a game that feels like a gift from a human, rather than some divine creation of gods. This doesn't add much charm or anything though, it's more of a determination of quality than anything.

Shantae may not be worth the 200$ entry fee, but if you plan to buy it on the virtual console its worth the investment. Shantae borrows a lot of great elements from titles like Castlevania, Metroid, and Zelda with its need for exploring, item based combat , and transforming based platforming. The game is not without faults though, as much of the game is still stuck in the past, with a lot of merciless platforming and exploration that could have easily been better design with a better hint guide and/or map system. Still, Shantae is an ambitious Game Boy Color title that's worth exploring as both a game and IP.

Quite impressive for a GBC game, but it's very hard to go back to and play due to it's age.

Shantae is hot as fuck… but also underage. The rule of Dad states: If she’s too young to drink, she’s too young for the dink.

God, swamp water smells so bad.

This game aged as well as milk in the Sahara Desert.

The graphics are pretty impressive for a game boy game…. I did have a ruff time getting through the game due to boring gameplay and dungeons!

One of the few Game Boy Color games aged really well

this game is good when bitches ain't yelling in your ear about how the controls are floaty.

This game has aged pretty decently despite being a near ass 2 decades old game from 2002. The game has a pretty simple introduction to get you into the swing of things and I like it. The game might start off as a bit challenging since you're unfamiliar with it but over time you can really get the hang of it and the game becomes easier. You can even cheese the game to get maximum coins in the Gecko Chamber minigame with save states on the Switch version or on a generic emulator, which makes things even easier. Plus the Harpy transformation basically invalidates nearly all platforming lmao. Sometimes it's annoying to do backtracking or figuring out where you need to go to progress (especially if you forgot where you left off in a labyrinth)... but you kinda get used to it. I like the whole Transformation gimmick where you have to do belly dances to turn into animals. It kinda makes the platforming more interesting. I also appreciate how smooth the animations are, the visuals are pretty good, the characters are charming, the minigames are fun and the OST is memorable. I think this is a cool little game and it's underappreciated. If you're gonna play this on a GBC emulator, I recommend the GBA enhancement patch if you want better colors. Or just play it on the Nintendo Switch or something. Also, when you're walking through towns you need to talk to the NPCs with every opportunity you get. They're pretty helpful and sometimes even funny.

Very impressive for its time. A shame that the series was never able to live up to this first entry.

There's a lot wrong in here design wise, but what it manages to do on a GBC cartridge cannot be understated. Almost every track is good (including some ultra-good bangers like the Labyrinth theme), some really creative designs for labyrinths like one that uses magnetic polarities to solve puzzles, and really good visual variety in the overworld map. I think I appreciate this game much more as a Game Boy Color game than I do a game overall, so I'll be nice with my score :)

Es el juego mas bonito y mas avanzado de shantae. Me sorprende que podria haber sido mas popular si no hubiera salido practicamente en el cambio de GBC a GBA

Su estilo gráfico deslumbra, con animaciones bien cuidadas, un uso máximo de la capacidad del GBC, gran banda sonora (aunque jodida por el chip sonoró) y un mundo y personajes encantadores.
A nivel gameplay... es un desastre, Shantae es lentisima o muy rápida para avanzar sin recibir daño gratuito, el mundo es enorme, más tu campo de visión vaya que no lo es, el rango de la main weapon es de besarte con las hitboxes, existen ataques que te persiguen incluso estando fuera de tu visión y vaya que dañan y el sistema de danzas de transformación, si bien es inventivo a la vez es una perdida de tiempo y, en el peor de los casos, salud al no detener el gameplay mientras se realiza dicha mecánica.
Shantae mejorará paulatinamente, aunque para ser francos, este inicio no es muy prometedor

doesn't control well and made by a guy who says stuff like "wowzers, what a babe!"

Animation aged pretty well for a GBC game but good god that's some serious screen crunch.

Not a very good game, unfortunately. Shantae has nice spritework and cool characters, but the game itself just sucks. It's a boring platformer where you have to waste half your time backtracking with no real purpose and the screen crunch is terrible. The dances, the main thing that make the game unique are painfully underutilized and feel more like keys than abilities. I used to like this game but it's not worth playing at all. Do something else.

Feels like some kind of modern fan-game made to old specifications, for better and worse - everything besides the look^ is amateurish. Boring levels, bad enemy design, floaty platforming, questionable hitboxes on everything, and, uh, some eyebrow-raising character design. That last one is no crime in itself, of course, but it's weirdly pervasive.

There's some halfway-interesting exploration stuff and an exciting-on-paper open world, but the areas are huge and just not well-made at all - I imagine backtracking through them METROID-style even once would be intolerable. I wouldn't know, I didn't get that far.

^which, it must be said, IS truly impressive for the Game Boy

Veredito: legal e competente, mas só isso.

Basicamente um mini-Zelda de plataforma. Até o sistema de dungeons e os recipientes de coração estão aqui.

Não é ruim, muito pelo contrário: nunca joguei nada no GBC que conseguisse fazer tanta coisa, no gráfico e na jogabilidade. Cacete, o Game Boy só tem dois botões e eu consigo mandar combos dignos de jogos de luta. Só que fica repetitivo rápido, o sistema de dia/noite foi mal desenvolvido, e o final foi praticamente colado com durex.

Mas é um jogo curto, simples e bastante divertido, como tem que ser. Embora eu provavelmente não vá jogar de novo, gostei bastante do tempo que passei com ele.

so underrated!! beautiful sprite work and really fun level design even if the harpy breaks the game

Aged very well for a Game Boy Color game, and honestly one of the best games on the platform. Everything, from the world design to spritework to music, is very high-quality and still holds up several decades later.

One of the most notable examples of the "Mandela Effect Theory" is that some people remember Risky Boots as having massive G sized boobs when in fact, hers are only F++ sized ones.

a very impressive game for GBC. had a hard time with the controls and inconsistent hit boxes (btw that last dungeon design sucked ASS), but the character design is really cuteee and it can be a really fun game overall.

This was a very good game, for a Gameboy Color game it aged well and is a great platformer game. The music is amazing, and the animation is actually pretty good. Shantae's character is very lovable. The story is kind of simple, and the characters are forgettable, though the overworld is riddled with hard enemies and the bosses are not as mindless as one would expect for this type of game, though sometimes the NPCs are useless/misleading I look forward to the next game.

Zor lan baya zortlatabilirler dikkat


HARD AS F**CK, but one of the best games in GBC, the animations e colors are beautiful

A game desperately fighting to the death against the constraints of the GBC, and it's commendable for coming out in half a piece. Shantae's certainly a weird one to recommend, and a game I openly admit I respect more than I probably like. It's a number of things, between a transformation gimmick that tends to bog down the pace, screen crunch that makes leaps of faith revoltingly common, a live system to really twist that knife in, and a lot of meandering in an overworld between the main dungeons. It's not the best game in the genre by a long shot, and the worst of its own series, but if you can get past that, you've got a quaint Metroidvania on your hands that's oozing with character. Just one that's massively held back by its faults and trappings.