Reviews from

in the past

Pretty fun co-op game with a nice handful of unique puzzles to do.

A fantastic and cute way to end a relationship, using really well thought out and creative puzzles, which requires a lot of lateral thinking and the concentrated hate of your 1000 ancestors.

A super fun and adorable concept let down by the fact that there's nowhere near enough content here. I blasted through this with a friend in an afternoon and was kinda sad to not see the concept explored more. Sequel, perhaps?

Pretty fun game to upset your wife with

It's great fun if you play with a friend. It's not particularly hard or long but it was worth it to have as a back-up game alongside BOTW when the Switch launched.

Although I heard from some people that it made them want to murder the person they played with, I had a lot of fun with it so far. For us it was the most fun to brute force some of the puzzles and not solve them in an obvious way. It makes things unnecessarily complicated, but this way we pog harder when we actually manage.

This game's design is really cute. I love its style and all the cute faces the characters make.
I did think it was a bit expensive, though. I waited forever for a sale until I got it.

Pretty fun and cute little puzzle game. Great to play with a non gamer.

fun for like 10 minutes but then gets extremely stale

It's fun and creative but it was over so quick that we felt pretty shortchanged by it.

Cute title when the Switch came out and does its job well. No real complaints but this isn't exactly something I'll come back to.

Funny but frustrating game. Super fun to play with your partner

I played it with my sister and a session never lasted more than 3o mins out of frustration

Made to play with someone else

Great reminder of the wonder Nintendo still holds over the gaming market to this day. Always fun no matter who I played it with, great way to have started out the Switch's life cycle with.

played this with my best friend for around 20 minutes before we both got bored and lost interest. not particularly challenging either

I got this game on the Switch's launch day and tried to play it a bunch of times with friends, but inevitably we always ended up feeling a little awkward and embarrassed about the fact that we were a bunch of haggered late-twenties men hunched over a cutesy papercraft game, clutching little multi-coloured controllers that looked ridiculous in our big stupid ham-hands. Thus, the game languished at the bottom of my library for four years.

Cut to present day, and ~my girlfriend~ and I have exhausted most of the good co-op games the Switch has to offer. She ends up buying this on the eShop, only for me to realise about halfway into the second level that I actually own a copy already. Woops!! Awkward!!! At least it's cheap!!!

This is primo Girlfriend Gaming right here! Is this the first romantic co-op game? Uwa... After playing through the first few stages, it totally makes sense why this game gave me the self-conscious willies when played with The Boys - it's all about that to-and-fro negotiation between couples, sprinkled with all these tiny intimate moments, like when you sidle up close to make some adjustments to your partner Snipperclip and they start giggling - so cute! I love it... You might think I'm reading too much into it, but the last couple of levels involve protecting a little group of babies from a variety of hazards before putting them down to sleep. And then the game implies that the Snipperclips fuck! Whoa!! N-Nintendo!!!

The game's puzzles are rarely difficult, but that isn't really where the fun of the game lies - the best moments are found in sharing something cute with someone close to you. Or fiendishly fucking them over so that you can see your Snipperclip do a little shit-eating grin. It's fun!!

an actual thing i have experienced: snipperclips-adjacent sexual tension

Cute little co-op game I completed with someone. Music was good, and it was cute.

a really cute and fun co-op puzzle game.... my friend and I would have a ton of fun just cutting each other into nothingness

A legitimately unique puzzle-y time killer

Played with: Bisylizzie

A fun but very mentally challenging puzzle game that had me completely stumped for a majority of the time. A relationship test for sure. 😆

A nice game to play co-op for like 20 minutes.

multiplayer puzzle games stress me because everyone is worse than me

lowkey an IQ test on you and your playmate.