Reviews from

in the past

2015 sure was a time to be alive huh

i'm just gonna post the Arcane Kids manifesto and let it speak for itself:
- shut up about video games
- the fastest way to the truth is a joke
- stop listening to advice
- start your own scene
- art isn't about giving people what they want
- do NOT call us punk
- communities need spaces to grow
- fuck formalism
- fuck puzzles
- play with structure
- bad is more interesting than good
- the purpose of gameplay is to hide secrets
- make games u wish 2 see on the dreamcast

Im actually gonna to review the game, unlike with takechi challenge, normally and seriously, because this game isnt only a jock: its a actual satyre about the cliché of the fandom of Sonic:the oc, the fanfictions and fangame, all the furries and weird fetish about Sonic and his universe are present it this, lets say, compilation ? You can "create" your own original hedgehog, play a crappy "mmo", create your own movie while Sonic peg rouge, and be suck into Sonic eyes because you want his booty in vr. This game is honestly so stupid, a great satyre, i love it, and even tho it doesnt deserve that much, (its just a big old middle finger to the sonic community) its just so stupid...i cant rate ir lower than this

Even tho that, as a game, its pretty terrible

It is a waking nightmare to know that the style and irreverence of Arcane Kids is only ever going to be a thing of the past, and can never be recreated. Have fun clawing through "All New Releases" on steam for anything that matches Sonic Dreams Collection, a free "joke" game about sonic weirdos, by any metric.

Look, maybe this will make me come off as someone who can't take a joke or is taking this too seriously, but people talking about Ben Esposito's writing in Neon White reminded me of this game so I'm just going to say my piece.

I find it absurd that Arcane Kids pride themselves in being this super transgressive, subversive, "fuck you and everyone else" type group, and yet what they come up with here are jokes that Newgrounds cartoons and gamer webcomics have been making since the 2000's. Like, this is the target that needs to finally be taken down a peg, Sonic fans? Why does Bubsy Visits the James Turrell Retrospective feel more understanding of what Bubsy is than this feels understanding of what Sonic is? To be fair, the game does add a layer of surreal-ness and intentional discomfort to these jokes through it's interactivity and presentation, and that does make it a notch above like, Arin Hanson yelling at Big the Cat or whatever. But these jokes are just so immediately tired in my opinion, it's like making a game centered around Chuck Norris. And also, this complaint may sound silly to some, but like I said earlier, I never feel any actual care towards the Sonic series in this game. Bubsy 3D certainly was mean-spirited in a way, but this game just feels spiteful the whole time, and again, not in ways that are all that original.

The Arcane Kids manifesto insists to some extent to not take anything they do that seriously, and their games do feel like they mock the idea of trying to do so. So in that sense, I might be totally in the wrong for making these complaints. Maybe I'm even the exact kind of sucker they're making fun of. But just because a work of art markets itself as transgressive doesn't mean it can't also just be bad. Those t-shirts of Sonic smoking weed and it says "Chronic the Hemphog" on it offer more incisive commentary than this.

This is my favourite Sonic game.
This is not a joke.
Not sure what that says about me...

This needs to be incinerated

i will never recover from this experience

This was like the culmination of every edgy 20 to 30-year-old internet user who hated Sonic and loved pointing and laughing at whatever weird micro-communities with content relating to Sonic that they could find. "woahhhh man have you ever looked at the WEIRD sonic stuff they put on deviantart???? talk about CRINGE am I right?? sonic fans are so CRINGE dude" fuck you man. I don't care if there's some hidden profound meaning or ARG or whatever the people who played this game aren't here for that they're here to point and laugh

Tengo 59 traumas nuevos pero bueno.

game about how cringe and annoying niche communities of sonic fans can be that manages to be just as cringe and annoying

As someone whose favorite website back when this came out was DeviantArt, I was frankly a little disappointed by the presentation here; it's far too tame.

I'd rather play Sonic Omens

The first game I ever completed in VR. Truly beautiful.

Ama çokolata kom
Hamama milimom pattırabeyn
Mama milimiliman pattırabeyn pattırabeyn

Make your little 6-second movies of Tails spinning around like a drunk marionette on the hospital floor! Give Sonic a good tickle without pissing him off! Walk around as a Star Wars AT-ST with a Sonic head while feeding worms to Dr. Eggman! Create your own Sonic OC with names like Spyro the Cyborg Hedgehog Prower!

But in all seriousness, this one shows just how bizarre some people in the Sonic fandom can be. A surreal, kinda scary, kinda hilarious experience to weird out Sonic fans and haters alike.

necesitamos más colecciones así. fangames absurdos que salen y las revistas anuncien como si fuesen cosas extraoficiales.

make my sonic - worst one not interesting or that weird at all

eggman origin - weird but just kinda boring

sonic movie maker - the best one fun to mess around with but gets old pretty quick

my roommate sonic - weird but doesnt really do much

overall this game is weird but not that interesting

I liked the smell of rouge's uterus

The scars this gave me may never heal...

Meu pc antigo não rodava nem roblox ou club penguin, mas de todo jogo ruim que ele podia rodar, ele rodou logo esse. fiquei traumatizado 😔

My roommate in college showed me this game and I'm not sure I've ever properly recovered.

only horror that legitimately got a scream out of me

Блять, когда нюхал краску 10ч. А потом закурил, видемо это то что видит человек в таком случае