Reviews from

in the past

I played the ds version and was my first game on any Nintendo system. It has a lot of sentimental value. While it is a bit generic, it's still fun to play. Plus the soundtrack is pretty good.

Mais uma vez entre centenas, um jogo divertido porem que ainda precisava de muito para ser BOM mesmo

Far from the game that Happiness Squared was promised to be, but given that it's a Nick game, it doesn't shock me that the company hurried the devs to rush it out of the door and tie it into an awful (also messy and rushed) TV special.

Truth or Square was meant to be the return to form for the SpongeBob video games, bringing back in beloved devs Heavy Iron Studios. The rush job that resulted from the devs being forced to push the game out as quickly as possible is repetitive, lacks originality and recycles a hell of a lot of content from those beloved 6th gen Heavy Iron titles. The game's over as quickly as it starts, and leaves a whole lot of nothing for you to churn over in your mind.

What did Nick learn from this? Absolutely nothing. Every licensed game ever since (even the good ones) have been rushed out to meet arbitrary dealines, but at least we live in an age of patches and DLC so those games had a chance of being fixed later down the line. ToS wasn't so lucky. It's fun for all of about 10 minutes before the game loop begins to repeat. Not one I'd be in a rush to replay again soon unlike Heavy Iron's other staples of my gaming diet.

A pretty nice return to form for Spongebob 3D platformers, but there's this weird feeling of aimlessness emitting from it. It almost like Nick just gave them a short sentence premise about the episode and just told them to do whatever they want; but the premise of the episode reallly dosn't leave anything to the imagination so it just feels hallow.

The DS version of this game is the best way to play it

I'm shocked I've seen so many disappointing reviews. I thought this was a great SpongeBob adaptation!

I will say, however, this is the only SpongeBob game I've played, so that probably helps.

Sure it doesn't have any replay value, but I feel that way about most games I beat / 100%. And honestly, for this game being 13 years old, the graphics were pretty decent!

This brought me right back to growing up watching SpongeBob on Nick and I'm not mad about it.

Decent SpongeBob platforming game for fans of the series. Kids can easily pick it up and play it. If you still have a Wii, Xbox 360, PSP, or DS and you're a fan of SpongeBob SquarePants and platformers, pick this one up. You won't regret it once you beat it the entire way through or at least start playing it.

spongebob except he gets high on acid and lives in a fever dream

Esse jogo não faz sentido, mas é legalzinho

Bob Esponja esqueceu onde guardou a receita secreta do hambúrguer de siri sendo que na cena anterior ele guarda ela no bolso e o Patrick diz para ele procurar no bolso e o Bob diz que não está ali. Bob fica triste e com medo de onde a receita foi parar e todas as 10 missões (entre elas lutas contra bosses) são para recuperar alguns itens de uma festa que está rolando na casa do Bob e que, recuperando isso, vai deixa-lo feliz, pois estar feliz é a única forma de faze-lo lembrar sobre o local que ele guardou a receita.

Esse é plot do game, maaas obviamente o plankton está envolvido nisso tudo e é aí que tem um pouco a mais da história envolvida e de como ela se desenrola.

Tipo, no geral a história é bem sem graça, os elementos cômicos tão presentes nos desenhos não possuem o mesmo peso aqui, aliás eu não achei graça em nenhuma tentativa que o jogo fez para ser engraçado.

O jogo é um coletaton beeem modesto, com fases até que interessantes, inimigos bem simplórios, gameplay diversa em power ups e em geral game um pouco divertido para falar a verdade. É gostosinho de jogar, principalmente pela duração que dá pra fazer em uma tarde.

Uma experiência bem regular, com conquistas bem fáceis de conseguir também, tendo uma pessoa para jogar junto, dá pra fazer 1000G sem nenhum problema.

Heavy Iron really said, "This is our last SpongeBob game, so we're gonna remind you constantly that we made Battle for Bikini Bottom."

It's not bad; it's just a very standard platformer.

pretty weak, feels like the leftover scraps of the previous spongebob games. the levels aren't interesting (nor original), but surprisingly the cutscene dialogue is pretty alright. however, spongebob never shuts the fuck up. this game would probably move up half a star if spongebob didn't feel the need to open his mouth in reaction to the player attacking, jumping, walking, breathing. it's fine

This game is really good in terms of execution but amazing in concept

My only gripe is that the soundtrack uses re-used music, but even then the re-used songs are really nice and a good way to feel happy

very fun underrated as heck part of the spongebob game series (specifically the home console version)

It's okay but uninteresting in comparison to Battle for Bikini Bottom and The Movie Game, feels like filler.

This game is very lazy and boring. All it feels like is a reskin of Battle for Bikini Bottom with some new things occasionally, and its so bland. Funny enough, this game actually reuses most of its music from Battle for Bikini Bottom, with some other tracks being from the movie game and the series itself. The idea of the game is pretty cool, but if anything, it feels insanely rushed and not cared for enough.

Heavy Iron Studios' third and final round with the little yellow sponge is easily their most disappointing one of the trio.

While it is better than the massive pile of poop that is the TV special which this game shares the title of and was also released around the same time, Truth or Square also proves that it does not share any of the same charm or fun that both Battle for Bikini Bottom and The Movie games provided which is a real darn crying shame considering just how good they were.

What happened here Heavy Iron? As a certain Star Wars character would say "You were the chosen one!"

this was my reality and my life for months on end. this was all i was. i can't rate it less

I want to like this more because it did feel rushed and unfinished. At first I was happy to listen to familiar tracks from the old THQ games again and to see some new attacks but then I realized the laziness of the levels in comparison to those of the classics it's based on, and then the game was over (after an admittedly fun final level). Still, it was a cozy time.

A fun but short platformer that does feel rushed and a bit aimless.

remember when spongebob hit bitches w a spatula

Me and my brother, who are both huge SpongeBob fans gave this a play and it's actually so much better than I thought it would be. Nowhere near the best SB game I've played but it was still fun nonetheless, even if the story is kind of lackluster.

Worse than Battle for Bikini Bottom, still a lot of dumb fun (Wii version is stupid because motion controls)

If you recall my review on the Wii/Xbox 360 version, you'll probably know I wasn't particularly impressed by it.

Despite being developed by Heavy Iron Studios who gave us both Battle for Bikini Bottom and The Movie Game, it essentially just felt like a soulless and pale game with barely any of the charm that made those two titles good.

Japanese developers Altron were put in charge of this DS version and to my surprise, they've managed to do a far better job than what Heavy Iron did.

It's a charmingly fun platformer with the whole memory storyline working pretty well on the DS making it easy to pick up and play. Like most DS titles I've covered it's got some touchscreen/microphone stuff thrown into the mix, though it's mostly every now and then and you can still do SpongeBob's attacks via the buttons.

There's also a couple of minigames thrown into the mix with some of them being kinda fun and others not so much.

Some of these sounds effects though makes me chuckle a lot.

This game is the most nostalgic spongebob game (BFBB is probably second) the game itself is a decent platformer but for the nostalgia value it gets a higher score.

it doesn’t matter how niche the game might be huh they got it on here

This game takes the gameplay from Battle for Bikini Bottom and The Spongebob movie game and doesn't do much new or interesting with it. It was an okay platformer that at least held my interest until the end but didn't seem to innovate or improve much between console generations. There was also a bit of clunkiness to the gameplay that would sometimes result in unfair deaths but honestly the game was pretty easy so I had a ton of lives to spare. I would only recommend this game to fans of Spongebob games like the ones I mentioned who are purely in it for nostalgia.

A good platformer that works on the same basis as the Movie game or Battle for Bikini Bottom, but ultimately tries to do too much in quite linear and easy levels that it feels too boring.