Reviews from

in the past

I played both the GBA version and the Console version and I enjoyed both, but which one would I say is better?

Surprisingly enough I would have to choose the GBA version more so (and that's what my star rating is based off of), it caught my attention way more and levels didnt drag out for so long that they didnt get boring. There were actual bosses in the GBA game and I thank sweet Mary Sue every day for that.

The console version does have its fair share of strengths though, both games have wonderful soundtracks but the console is more memorable and sounds better, both games also have 3 segments of playing as spongebob, patrick, and plankton. The 1st and 3rd segment of the GBA game were much better than the console version but the console version has a better 2nd segment of the game, plankton destroying bikini botttom and Patrick's rocket rodeo were SO much better than the GBA version.

But in the GBA version patrick gets to fly and flying is the best thing you can do in any video game.

No battle for Bikini Bottom, but decent enough. Planktons levels were definitely the best ones.

Played the DS version. Don't like it. The touch screen controls are awkward and barely functional, and all of its mechanics seem over-obsessed with using the DS's gimmicks in way that feel completely un-natural and irritating.

I honestly don't remember which version of this game I played between GC and PS2, but in either case it was a fairly uninspired and slow level-based 3D platformer. It was so unmemorable that I forgot I even owned it for some months, and as soon as I found it I immediately sold it to GameStop for pennies 'cause that's all the game is worth.

Super underrated. Comparing it to other Spongebob games, this one is super unique. Apparently, there are different versions of this game, I recommend playing the GameCube version.

Only played this on the DS and it's really bad on there, yet to try the home console versions

Pior jogo do Bob Esponja disparado!

They're declining in quality but there's still fun to be had here

US version

this game is just boring to play. the only good play style in the game are the patrick levels and there are only a couple of those. but even the patrick levels get pretty boring. the story is pretty ass. at least the controls are music are pretty good but that's really the only good things in this game. i give this game a 4/10

Macrophilia Plankton Fetish.

No I will not explain.

Ranges from fun times destroying everything with a Giant Plankton, to just being an absolute chore to play through. A few levels last only 30 minutes, others might last you a couple hours, which makes missing a collectible absolutely gut wrenching. Levels having unique aesthetics to them was a charming touch, ranging from a rat fink inspired world of car parts, to Bikini Bottom in a flattened comic book world, to pure psychedelic nightmare induced race tracks. The music is shockingly well-composed, and perfectly fits each level.

Mi primer juego de wii (que no es el Wii Sports). Me recuerda tiempos tanquilos, en mi casa en Venezuela en un día lluvioso de tormenta, jugar este juego tranquilamente mientras pasa el tiempo y disfruto de su entretenimiento, niveles, gráficos, música, y chistes. Relajado en el sillón de la mecedora con el que me había pisado un dedo. Que recuerdos, los niveles de conducción, el plataformeo y combate sencillo pero muy divertido. Usar a planckton para destruir y extinguir toda la vida marina, etc. Ser un súper héroes con poderes y que se saca los calzoncillos.

After Truth or Square, now this is more like it. Was kinda disappointed at first but then I started having lots of fun. It oozes variety, creativity, really funny dialogue and weird, almost psychedelic vibes, just like classic SpongeBob should.

The plankton city battle was kind of annoying

this game tries really hard to be a weird and dark spongebob game by having these unconventional changes in setting, art style, and gameplay. too bad none of the gameplay styles are particularly fun, the combat is drolling, and levels take forever. also, anything that isn't the patrickman segments looks ugly and the writing hardly got a chuckle out of me.

The combat feels like a sneeze that won't come out.

People forget this game exists for some reason. If you like spongebob its not a bad game at all. Solid.

I love the creativity of this game. That along with it being a fun, easy platformer with great music, I can say this is almost on par with Battle for Bikini bottom

I rented this one and got scared from the first stage as a kid.

I'll give this one credit for going all out on the imagination side of things but otherwise Creature from the Krusty Krab (or Breature from the Krusty Karb as Nintendo accidentally called it once) is truly a mixed bag.

You get some great parts (like the cel shaded Patrick section and the fun giant Plankton section) but also a lot of really duff nonsense (such as the races that aren't really races at all and those god forsaken annoying mini games that pop up, lemme get back to the action please, god damn it!) and in the end it's not really a game I'm ever gonna come back to anytime soon.

If you are planning on playing this though, then run away as fast as you can from the Wii version because good god, are the controls a hunk a big ol' junk there.

Fun spongebob licensed game, basically

Sempre tive dificuldade na fase do Plankton grandão

Not as good as the SpongeBob movie game, but still has some fun moments and is very creative. Levels tend to drag on for way longer than they need to, though.

Almost no redeeming qualities. Between either of its versions.

Very mid platformer compared to other Spongebob games, characters don't have much variety in abilities and the Patrick levels are mind numbingly boring.

Some levels like the Hot Rod one are visually striking but everything else is very generic and forgettable.

I haven't played since childhood and I have fond memories but maybe there's a reason this doesn't get talked about ever.