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The Alpha series is fun as hell, and this is no exception. Best cast in the sub series, a ton of weird and intricate tech while also being incredibly fun and easy to pick up. One of the greats for SF's histroy, easily.

I don't think any run of games vibe harder than Capcom fighters from the 90s

I play this game everyday and do 30 Pushups after reach fight. That's 300 Pushups for the whole arcade mode.
Alternate Workout: Do 12 Squats after each match in survival mode. Thank me later

eu joguei uma enorme quantidade desse jogo no meu finando psp nas varias filas e viagens de ônibus que eu passei. Eu era horrível e nunca aprendi a verdadeiramente jogar mas o charme desse jogo é de outro nível

Dudley isn't in this one ☹️ still good though

this game kicks so much ass

Estreia do meu minino Cody! Jogo delicia.

Now we're reaching the next level and while it doesn't bring back everyone it builds the roster back up to quite the respectable size.

I played as Karin, wasn't the greatest as her but I got through it, it did loop back to Bison (at least with this character, not sure of the rest) but the ending was pretty great so it's fine.

por culpa desse jogo tem o Rolento no Ultra SFIV. Piadas à parte, eu não tenho muito a comentar sobre esse jogo. Os gráficos me chamaram mais a atenção do que o resto do jogo em si.

Um dos melhores jogos de luta do mundo, muitos personagens e mecânica simples e boa

not quite as good as previous alphas, but still good and strong entry into the series.

Main - Akuma

definitivamente a versão mais solida e ate com melhor modo historia
mas por alguma razão prefiro o alpha 2 gold
mas foi uma otima trilogia

Simplesmente o jogo de luta definitivo, que dispensa quaisquer comentários, a unanimidade porradeira hoje e sempre.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 é um daqueles clássicos que não há quem discorde da qualidade, seja pela fluidez da gameplay, beleza dos sprites, ou simplesmente a grande variedade de personagens que temos aqui.

O game é bem balanceado, tanto na questão da movimentação, que se não for perfeita, é algo bem próximo de ser, e também na constituição dos bonecos: não visualizo um que seja notoriamente pior que outro, a questão aqui é se saber usá-los da forma correta, qualquer personagem pode vir a ser uma apelação pura, o sistema tá ali, vai depender mesmo é do jogador.

O estilo da série alpha dispensa comentários também, eu sempre curti bastante esse traço, porém não é apenas isso que é digno de destaque, cito também as trilhas sonoras realmente muito boas que temos por aqui. No geral é um game bem rico artisticamente, pago pau mesmo.

A barra de dificuldade no modo arcade no geral é bem linear também, porém eu acho que ela vai de 0 a 100, começando bem fácil, e terminando como o inferno na terra, então tenha em mente de que não é um jogo fácil de se dominar, principalmente se for jogar com um personagem que não tenha as manhas e as estratagemas preparadas.

Rapaz mas o pau que eu tomei do Bison não tá escrito no gibi. O pior foi ter tomado game over na primeira run e descobrir da pior forma que não tem continue nessa luta. Admito, usei save state somente nessa. Cara, que jogaço, esse jogo é a versão definitiva dessa saga, que por si só é uma das sagas mais incríveis (se não a) dos street fighters e de todos jogos de luta. Jogaço. Um único ponto que realmente me incomodou e me fez gostar um pouco menos do game é o fato da CPU ser extremamente injusta (rolento e chun-li que o digam), e o lance da luta final não tem continue me deixou muito puto

outro jogo do Street Fighter que eu consegui jogar e eu também fiquei muito feliz quando eu joguei ele no mesmo Playland que eu joguei The Simpsons Arcade Game

V ism lets me murder people for fun

the best in the series for me

Video games kinda peaked with this era of capcom fighters. Nothing has ever been as fun to play and as beautiful to look at.
One point off because i like the portraits in Alpha 2 more. Sorry chuds.

At this moment in time, this is my favorite fighting game. I'm an extremely casual beginner who is slowly building up their skill, and despite its weird little mechanics, this is my favorite game to practice on. The presentation is great, the gameplay is smooth, and the roster size is worth dying for.

I don't have anything insightful to say here as I'm not a pro and the gameplay is pretty standard. It plays like Street Fighter. You press the buttons. You punch the guy. You move the joystick around a fireball comes out. Alpha 3 does have a few interesting things going on though. Firstly, the giant roster of 28 characters is awesome. All the characters seemed pretty balanced too, or at least I haven't run into any unfair matchups. I could be wrong about that though. Second, the guard meter is something I wish more games had. It doesn't become a factor often, but when it does, I'm glad it's there. It prevents an overreliance on blocking for both you and your opponent by causing them to be stunned once a threshold is reached. The threshold is quite generous and therefore not too annoying or exploitable so it's a welcome little mechanic. Thirdly, the "-isms", probably the game's weirdest mechanic and the biggest sore spot for balancing. You can pick between three "-isms" when selecting a character. A-ism is the standard option where you do normal damage and have three super bars.
X-ism is supposed to sort of mimic SF2, I think, with only one super bar, but it does boost your damage to try to balance it out. V-ism turns your super meter into a custom combo meter and I don't even know what that means in my little fighting game pea brain. I guess the "ism" system is kind of neat, but it probably didn't really need to be there.

Though I love this game, I do have one massive qualm with it, that being the fight M.Bison at the end of the arcade ladder. You get one shot at it. If you lose to Bison, it's game over. You're sent right to the results screen. I just think that's so frustrating and unnecessary. It wouldn't be so bad if Bison didn't have ridiculously BS moves that covered the whole screen and ate 50% of your health. I know arcade games are meant to be unfair to eat your quarters but JEEZ. I did play this game on the SF 30th Anniversary Collection which does have save states, but it would be nice to not have to be required to use them. It just puts a big damper on the singleplayer content considering the fun of arcade modes is to see the endings.

Sound and visuals:
There isn't too much to note about the music and sound design. It's all pretty solid. However, I do absolutely love the announcer. The announcer puts all other fighting game announcers to shame.

The visuals are stellar. The whole Alpha series' art style is just so good. The characters are animated well, the stages look super nice, and the UI feels appropriately energetic. It's a seriously good looking game, though I will say that some of the character portraits can look pretty weird.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 is a great fighting game. It's got some downsides, but overall, it's a lot of fun. It's simply just so fluid and high-energy, and there's a lot to explore with the mechanics and roster. It'll be hard to top this game for me, and I definitely recommend it (and the whole SF Alpha series in general) to any fighting game fan who hasn't tried it yet.

Booted it up and turned it off shortly after, feels like such a visual downgrade from Alpha 2 and gameplay somehow feels more annoying to chase down the cpu that runs away from you half the time. Had a hard time trying to stay interested

Such a fun SF. Presentation is fresh and attractive, the "-ism" system is really fun to play around, and there are so many cool modes. Love the Young Fighters anime art style. Lots of weird ports with funky add-ons.

The only thing holding this back is it isn't MAX on the PSP. (INSANE roster.)

Está bien pero no es Akatsuki Blitzkampf: Ausf Asche