Reviews from

in the past

What is with the SNES and making terrible games based on existing movies? Toy Story, Lion King, and this are all awful games that I actively hate on. I don't think I ever got past level one

Be careful the empire might strike back

A fun sidescrolling action game elevated by its stellar presentation given its age, accurately representing the look and feel of the films, though its grueling level design and tough difficulty can deter less-patient players pretty quickly.

A dificuldade insana diminui a nota.

One of the hardest games ive played

Incredibly hard, but still a very good platformer

Man, this game seems cool at first until you realize how difficult and kind of bullshit some of the stages are.

Looks and sounds rad for its time. But I don't have the patience to get past the second level.

This is certainly from the era of super difficult, quarter draining side scrollers. Thusly I've never made it very far. I still think it's neat tho.

Great visuals that really evoke the look and feel of Star Wars, coupled with equally well done sound design. The action platforming is also solid, but the difficulty in each of the three games is just obnoxious and feels like it exists solely to extend the length of the games.

People talk about the insane difficulty of Super Star Wars but I think the real problem is that it's really inconsistent. The levels will be quite merciful and simple for a good while, then suddenly that one jump will appear and fuck your world up. The 3D sections can also control a bit messily, especially the Death Star mission where you're destroying all the towers. But, the game is usually a decent run-n-gun, and it does try pretty hard to convey a cinematic feel with all the Super Nintendo's special effects, which is pretty cool. It's definitely an early technical showcase for the console, which fits a Star Wars game well. Good amount of voice samples from the movie as well.

I do also wish it had a couple more level songs. So much of the game is spent on Tatooine, yet you don't hear the amazing first minute of its musical theme at all. Wouldn't that have been nice? Game's okay, anyone who likes Star Wars and 16-bit platformers should check it out.

Hard as it takes, and a great game overall

Quit during the first person mode 7 shooting stage near the end lol

The super star wars games in general are really tough and its most apparent with this one. The first two or so stages give an extremely bad impression with how frustratingly difficult they are; its made quickly apparent that enemies just keep respawning and spawning on and on and on, and the platforming takes a little while to get used to due to the jump timing (and there being technically two jumps, a regular jump and a high jump).

There are mode 7 stages that just kinda suck tbh lol, moreso than the regular stages.

The game isn't all terrible which makes me even more frustrated with it. It gets better later on and there's clear effort put into making this game fun. But they really fumbled with the difficulty and that awful, awful first stage.

The game also has some really bad framerate issues for like 90% of the game. If you can I'd suggest playing it overclocked or whatever.

I don't really have much to say otherwise. I'd comment on how it portrays the star wars franchise but at the time of writing this I have not watched any Star wars movie. Game looks nice and the music sounds good, and the three playable characters are distinct enough from each other.

Super Star Wars is a run and gun developed by Sculptured Software and Lucas Arts for the SNES and released n November 1, 1992. It is based on the first ever Star Wars movie 'Star Wars' or 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope' as it's called now. There are over a dozen stages that take you through many familiar locations from the movie and (partly altered) scenes from the movie are used for cutscenes and overall storytelling.

I had not watched the first Star Wars movie before playing this, ever, so it was nice to get some motivation to finally do so. My conclusion: It's very good. The movie, not the game. The game itself is OK, not bad but not as good as I had hoped it would be.

Let's get this out of the way first. This is definitely on the upper half of licensed games in terms of quality. Whether it is in 2D platforming sequences, the vehicle stages (which tbh weren't that fun) or the trench run finale, all sections of this game are of high production quality relative to the majority of video games of its time. Animation work is also pretty solid, my favorite part being Luke Skywalker's hair flying in the wind as you run forward. Sprite work is good here too, though almost all enemies you face in this game are not from the actual movie.

In general, the game takes liberties in how it uses the movie framework. C3PO runs to Luke and tells him that R2D2 has been kidnapped, so you step into your landspeeder and destroy dozens of enemies on your to finding him. When did that happen in the movie? Or the bar fight scene, which is pretty much just Obi Wan and Han Solo shooting one guy each, but has you run through the bar with either Chewbacca or Luke and shooting another few dozen enemies. Or the 10+ boss fights, out of which I believe only the final one is actually somewhat part of the movie. As you do your trench run, Darth Vader's TIE Advanced appears in front of you, though is disposed of within seconds. This is all not a big deal, but worth noting.

One pretty poor design choice in my opinion that was made here is that enemies infinitely respawn for some reason. This was odd from the get-go, as you start the first level on a desert setting and run through sand dunes to get to the finish line and are constantly bombarded with enemies from all sides. Kill an enemy that is about 5 feet in front of you, and by the time you get to his position, he will have been replaced by a clone already. You're also constantly subjected to attacks and projectiles from all angles, and here is the second weird part about the game's design. Almost all enemies you kill drop a heart, which regenerates a little bit of your health. You might think that's excessive. On Easy mode, it kind of is. But you're also constantly hit and lose health, so it's kind of necessary to get this many healing items. How about you don't have enemies constantly respawn and rebalance things that way?

It doesn't help that projectiles are almost impossible to dodge because your character takes way too long to jump once you press the button, so you almost always get hit in your legs unless you know an attack is about to be made.

Again, to counteract this, you constantly get health refills and have a lot of health in general. You also get "Health Laser" power-ups, which extend your health bar, but only for the stage that you are on. Other power ups include a Darth Vader mask which gives you "2x points", a thermal detonator, a timer that adds to your overall time, a boost to your blaster and extra lives.

Most boss fights are pretty similar in how you approach them. You simply button mash and try avoid as many hits as possible with the limitations the controls set on you, and what happens in the end is that you simply try to deal more damage than you take to outpace the boss. Most boss fights are trivial, if you simply could actually dodge whenever you would press the jump button. Instead, you watch as slow projectiles hit your even slower character.

Overall, this was enjoyable enough thanks to its visual and auditory presentation. The characters you know, the orchestral sounds you're familiar with and the locations you revisit make for an experience that Star Wars fans at the time will have undoubtedly enjoyed, and it plays differently to most games, which I appreciate, but I can't say it was a good is at it could have been.


- Story is of the first Star Wars movie with liberties taken here and there
- Story told after each stage and using images from the movie
- Overall, story takes a backseat to the gameplay though

GAMEPLAY | 11/20

- Controls have their highs and lows
- Varied levels, though landspeeder parts not that fun
- Platforming and Run and gunning enjoyable enough
- Many boss fights


- Voice acting limited to Obi Wan saying "Use the force, Luke"
- Sound design is really good, utilizing all the sounds you'll recognize from the movie
- Soundtrack faithful to the movie, so if you like that, you will like their SNES versions too


- Locations you visit are from the movie, look great
- Animation and sprite work is on a good level
- Nice special effects
- If you like the Star Wart art design, you'll enjoy this from a visual standpoint


- Sounds, looks and plays like a Star Wars movie, putting you in the role of your favorite characters, letting you drive a landspeeder, wield a light saber and fly an X-Wing
- All faithfully created

CONTENT | 6/10

- Over a dozen stages with bosses at the end of each
- Landspeeder levels not that fun, boss fights feel similar after a while
- Three difficulty modes, but plenty of unfair deaths on Easy due to slow jumps/dodges, don't want to know how Hard feels like


- Varied levels
- Poor choice to have enemies keep respawning
- Sometimes you can't see where you are jumping and fall to your death


- Overall a successful recreation of the first movie
- Pretty fun to wield a lightsaber


- You can play some levels with different characters, but for the most part, they play the same
- You can play on three difficulty levels and try to beat your high score


- Worked well at all times

OVERALL | 67/100

(This is the 76th game in my challenge to go through many known games in chronological order starting in 1990. The spreadsheet is in my bio.)

A pretty fun, but very difficult run and gun title. I never thought the Star Wars galaxy was THIS dangerous...

Needlessly difficult. Why not make you feel cool instead?

A game from my childhood, I decided to start with this for my 500 follower celebration on Twitch!

The game follows the story to the first of the original trilogy, but takes a whole lot of liberties too though, which lead me and my viewers to make fun of it with a "...just like the movie" pretext. To the point that the developers were VERY creative with any new monsters that they added.

There are a mixture of driving/shooting sections and platforming levels where you end shooting up monsters before getting the lightsabre, doing far more damage and making short work of most bosses.

Again, they take a lot of liberties with missions, such as a section with the speeder where you shoot down Jawas and according to this game, Luke's Uncle Ben didn't buy the droids, but Luke attacked a Sandcrawler, massacring all the Jawas and a ugly monster at the bottom of the thing that lives in lava-sand and was guarding R2-D2.

This is a trend that continues with the sequels, but it still makes it a very fun game, even if not very accurate to the movie.

Gameplay + Stream

Feels excellent to play, but much, much too difficult to be reasonable. Best enjoyed using cheats, don’t put yourself through the trouble of trying to beat it legit.

Crazy difficult, but still awesome

Went back and dug into this on an emulator years and years later. Really fun, much better than the NES or GB adaptations. Definitely crazy hard for SNES platformers

Most unnecessarily stupid fucking hard game ever, and I love it for that

Ah, man. Really not as good as I remember. Still too hard for its own good, which I had already been well aware of, but it also just feels like a very blah experience past that. It spends 75% of its time on Tatooine, and while A New Hope certainly does more than enough to get by with only two or three main locations, it feels unvaried and kind of shit when padded out to 12 stages. Around the second half of the game you get the option to play as Han or Chewbacca, but there's never really any reason to play as Han since Luke retains his blaster after receiving his lightsaber anyways, and Chewbacca plays poorly and doesn't really feel suited to his surroundings. Also around this point, many levels seem to use the same song in a row and it gets really grating. One of my friends ended up just muting the stream until it was over, and honestly I can't blame him.

It's really only the graphics and presentation that shine here in retrospect, and everything else needs a bit of work. Having to pull teeth to complete the game even on Easy isn't really worth it when there's already not as much to appreciate. The sequels are a little more varied if my memory serves me well, but even harder. I don't even know if I can endure them again.

Have yet to beat due to difficulty

insufferably hard at times, even on easy. lotta bullshit with enemies respawning, and insta kill gimmicks (the mario world flattening things in the 2nd death star level). almost every level reuses the main star wars theme over and over. some levels are just repeating hallways that throw enemies at you (both mos eisley levels and the hilarious tie fighter spam death star level for example).

but idk it was kinda fun at times. the art is cute, presentation overall is great. and its short enough that it doesnt reallllyyy frustrate you. it kinda sucks but it has some merit still.

chewie having a dedicated roar button is cute.