Reviews from

in the past

one of the few games actually worth buying a vita over. double surprising since its western, and not a lot of western devs supported the thing. The game is absolutely charming with a lot of the vitas gimmicks all being used in various fun and unique ways. The game just has a lot of heart put into it, which isn't surprising considering the developer here being media molecule. If you have a vita, you have to play this game for sure. If you don't have a vita (i do not blame you), there's a PS4 port that exists that replaces a few of the vita features with dualshock features, but I haven't played that specific version yet so idk how it be. Game is absolutely a fun pleasant time.

Cute tech demo for the Vita - it was a little bland overall though. Decent enough platformer.

I really wanted to love this game. Making the back touchscreen controls mandatory made it entirely unplayable.

Never have I smiled more playing a game than I have with this game.

The creativity on display here is next-level. It's amazing how well Media Molecule has implemented every single feature of the Vita into this game. That said, beyond these fun features, the game isn't terribly interesting. The platforming is quite simple and the combat is equally trivial. This is a game that wholly stands on its charm and set design, but beyond the spectacle doesn't carry much substance.

One of the games that make me happy to have a ps vita

pretty much the only truly brilliant Vita exclusive, and the kind of game that I would genuinely recommend anyone getting their hands on the console just to play this; It's welcoming, warm, effortlessly charming and looks, sounds and plays wonderfully. it makes actual creative use of the Vita's features and throws something new and fun at you each and every chapter right until your personally decorated protagonist comes to the end of their brief but surprisingly affecting journey. I plan on playing the PS4 version soon (which I imagine given the missing hardware features necessary to make the story work here, can't possibly live up to this) and am particularly excited to see how they adapt the story and controls. Tearaway exceeded all my expectations.

Really fun launch title for the vita. There were some parts that were annoying like sometimes the sensor puzzles wouldn't detect my fingers or every time I got a cut out, the game would remind me again and again to go their website to print them out. Despite the issues I had, I say this was a pretty cute platformer. I'm aware that the PS4 version does improve on this game by tenfold though.

Un jeu très charmant visuellement et qui exploite très bien les capacités de la PS Vita (et l'un des seuls d'ailleurs), dommage qu'il se finisse si vite.

The perfect game to show off what the PS Vita can do. Must play if you own the system.

This was such a neat platformer but kinda forgettable in the long run

A really awesome platforming/adventure game, it felt kinda derivative in the first hour but as new game mechanics started rolling it, it became progressively better and better. Took me about 7 hours to beat. The story of this game is like one I have never seen before, really awesome and fantastic ending. The soundtrack is amazing(really wonderful), the visuals of this game are incredibly compelling and the whole game is just massively creative. A must own for the VITA.. Almost a system seller.

the best game on the vita, even though it's on ps4, it's a different game there.

A pint-sized platformer that still manages to cram more adventure, charm and invention into one of its seven hours than most games do in their entirety. It's papercraft aesthetic has a timeless quality that amounts to the most visually impressive Vita game I've ever laid eyes on, while MediaMolecule have integrated all the handheld's unique gimmicks features in a way that never feels intrusive, but totally organic. A grin-inducing romp from start to finish.

More of an 8.5 than an 8.0.

Very basic platformer but kinda meta.

What a freaking cute game. Man. I want more stuff like this. The creativity that Media Molecule poured in to this is unrivaled. This is one of few games (if not the only one if I'm being honest) that truly used ALL of the Vita's functionality to make the game more interesting. The camera, touchscreen, and back touchpad were all used in a cool way here. (and the mic, I believe?)

Recently news has broken that MM is moving on from and shutting down Dreams. I'm happy about that, because I want them to make actual games again. I miss LBP and this. This might be the best Vita exclusive. (At least until it was ported to PS4).

This game is really comfy. I like how it uses the back screen, it provides a new level of immersion that you don't get in other games. HOWEVER, I did encounter some strange collision detection issues, like getting caught behind walls and having to restart and whatnot. It didn't totally ruin my experience but it deffo lowered my view of the game. Other than that, it's quite fun. If you have a vita, get this game!

"Tearaway" is an incredibly creative game that showcases the ingenuity and originality that is familiar for Media Molecule. The game features unique puzzles and a high level of customization, allowing players to not only customize their character but also draw and create things in the drawing board making you feel like that is YOUR world. One of the most impressive elements of the game is the way it breaks the 4th wall by incorporating the camera and the finger touchpad, which is both clever and inventive.

The 3D platforming is enjoyable, but the camera can be frustrating at times, getting stuck in awkward places. Moreover, the Vita mechanics feel sluggish for most of the game, particularly the back touchpad finger and the "physical rotation of the Vita" mechanics. This can detract from the overall experience, leading to some frustration throughout the game.

Despite these flaws, "Tearaway" is an enjoyable and relaxing experience. The story is simple but cute, and the graphics and overall art style are fantastic. The game's chill and laid-back vibe make it a perfect game for anyone looking for a more relaxed gaming experience.

Media Molecule is a company known for its creativity, and "Tearaway" is a testament to their prowess. Although the game is not perfect, it is a great addition to their catalogue and a must-play for anyone looking for an innovative and charming game on PS Vita.

This is a very boring game. I tried to truck through it because I liked Little Big Planet, but what I liked about LBP was its level creator. Media Molecule isn't a good game dev based on what I've seen.

pretty cute little pseudo tech demo. made me actually feel like all the dumb shit they slapped onto the vita has a reason to be there. i think there need to be more games willing to embody the same weird, silly atmosphere that this game has.

Tearaway is a charming, novel little game. It does its best to utilize every hardware feature on the PlayStation Vita, sometimes to a fault. The papercraft aesthetic is lovely, the controls are mostly solid (apart from the gyroscope ones), and the music occasionally teeters into greatness.

However, the story leaves something to be desired. As short as Tearaway is (the game can be beaten in a single sitting), there's still a bit of fatigue from the repeated fakeout endings. The characters may be cute, but the saccharine world and the narrators acting like hosts on a preschooler's television programme might take a while to grow on you. There's also no denying how much the game feels contrived around the handheld it's on, though that isn't entirely a bad thing.

There's little doubt that kids would love this game, but adults may well get a kick out of it too. As gimmicky as Tearaway is, it's a unique experience that makes for a cozy afternoon's play.

the best ps vita game. i loved it sooooo much

Good use of the Vita that didn't feel like tacked on gimmicks. Better than on the PS4

They should have done more stuff like this for the vita maybe people would still think about it then

While the charming creativity and surprising use of the PS Vita features in the gameplay deserve merit, I cannot deny the fact that it's mechanically too simplistic for my taste. It has really great ideas and I think they would bring much more memorable moments if they were executed with more nuance and time. I was not able to play it straight for hours because I was not fully pulled in; it's an example of a game that is best played briefly, bit by bit.

But it brought a smile on my face and I think that's wonderful.

The ending made me weirdly emotional for some reason, cried my eyes out. This game fills me up with a feeling of childlike wonder and the whole meta narrative just sticks. This game uses vita's full potential and I'm extremely happy that I played it. The soundtrack, the artstyle, it's just that good. I don't even know if this game needs a sequel. It tells a pretty complete story about stories, but I just want more

JOGASSO, mas termina em 5 minutos de forma brochante

A Short little game with a really charming look and well-integrated hardware gimmicks.
The gameplay is not its strongest suit, but at least it becomes more involved in the last third.
I'd say this is more suited for younger players than I am.