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ბაგების და არასათანადო ოპტიმიზაციის მიუხედავად არ იყო იმედგაცრუება, დიელსი ან გაგრძელება დაიდება უეჭველი. მომეწონა ექშენი, სტელსი და ჰორორი როგორი დაბალანსებულიცაა. სიუჯეტი მინიმალისტურია და ზოგადად ზედმეტი არაფერი აქვს თამაშს, შემდეგ ნაწილზე იმედია ცოტა კომბატს და UI-ს დახვეწავენ და იმედია უფრო კარგი, დიდი და ეპიკური გამოუვათ.

First I want to point out that I didn't buy this because I thought this game would be the next Dead Space and it would be game-changing for the horror franchise. I just bought it because I love the space/horror setting and it gives me Dead Space (btw easily one of my favorite games of all time) vibes.

- great good graphics
- Great voice acting (can't expect less from that amazing cast of Josh Duhamel, Karen Fukuhara, Sam Witwer, Louise Barnes, Zeke Alton, and James Mathis III)
- Decent story which could actually be better on a sequel (doubt its actually getting it tho)

- I play it on Maximum Security for the platinum so it wasn't super easy, but the control man, especially the dodging system omg was it tedious. Obviously, you get more used to it later on but it's still a pain mainly when fighting more than one enemy, which tbh I just found it best to get a shotgun and throw them far with the GRP
- I'm relatively easy to get sacres at horror games, which is why I love them but man Callisto barely (if any) got me shitting my pants. It had tense moments but it was not scary
- The characters were not boring but they barely give me something to even cared much about them
- The story was simple and nothing out of the ordinary and the ending was really open for a sequel (which again I doubt it will get one and if it does hopefully they fix all of this)
- There were not that many death animations. There were 3 or 4 for each type of enemy and at times 1 or 2....It got repetitive and boring seeing the same death animation over and was fun seeing them the first time tho

In general, it was a fun game but it could have been much better. And I know this team can do it, or at least I hope so. I give it a 3 star but is easily between a 3 star and a 3.5 aka a 6.5 on a 10 scale with decimals.

Ps: I barely experienced any bugs and had 0 crashes, which I heard a lot of people were having problems with.

Even it has some (fixable) problems, this game is enoughly good otherwise some people blaming the game instead of thier shitty ways of the playing

vastly underwhelming with a combat system infuriatingly antithetical to the survival horror genre and nowhere near as enriching as its spiritual predecessor.

Play Signalis instead

Clearly derivative of Dead Space and predictable, but it’s pretty fun overall and the visuals are really impressive (honestly one of the best looking games on PS5 right now). I hope it gets a sequel since there’s definitely potential to improve

I see criticism about the combat but I mostly thought it was fine? The dodge is kinda jank, but easy enough since there’s no timing and you just have to move the stick in both directions. You can also pick up and throw enemies into wall spikes everywhere, so I rarely felt swarmed

I guess its main issues would be how linear and uninspired the prison felt compared to say the Ishimura, and there’s too much time spent climbing through crawl spaces or vents. It also notably drops in quality in its last few hours when they start reusing these awful boss fights

And then there’s way too many annoying enemies that grab you in QTEs, which you can’t dodge and will still take a piece of health off. And simple stuff like being able to listen to audio logs while outside the menu just wasn’t in this for some reason

This review contains spoilers

Spoiler warning

Gonna start this off by saying two things. First. I tried my best to not compare this game to Dead Space while I was playing it but the game really made it hard to do. Second, this game wasn't scary at all and considering how I'm easily scared, that's a BIG problem.

Going in I had heard about the dodge system and I thought that was going to be my biggest issue, it wasn't. The dodge for the most part was fine, if you were only fighting one enemy. If you were unlucky enough to be toe to toe with multiple enemies then just accept your incoming damage. If anything the biggest issue was Jacob doing a 180 to attack the enemy I wasn't JUST ATTACKING which would allow it to mutate into a stronger enemy. The combat in of itself was repetitive. Even as a melee preferred player it was incredible basic. Hit them three times, shoot them until the blue icon goes away, rinse and repeat. This was on maximum security btw, the hardest difficulty and this still worked. Enemies couldn't be knocked out of an attack most of the time though, so mashing would get you punished and I'm unsure if that happens on the lower difficulties.

The designs of these enemies I thought were pretty generic body horror. They're forgettable and odds are if you like horror you've seen these exact designs before. There was 6 or 7 enemy types but one was just the normal guy with a different outfit. Hope you like the Two Head boss cuz you're gonna be fighting him 4 times. And I don't mean in the "it flees from battle and comes back rival style", no I mean you fight four different Two Heads in the last three chapters of this game and tow of those boss fights have adds! The cardinal sin! The final boss has them too! STOP THAT! The guns aren't interesting either they might as well be normal guns. You got the hand cannon, riot shotgun, assault rifle, and 2 other pistol types I didn't make. Half the game you only have the hand cannon but at least the guns don't take up inventory. ITs great they don't cuz you would have no space. You are Chris from Resident Evil 1 with 6 inventory slots and you cannot upgrade it by choice. You'll get the inventory upgrade to 12 and a health upgrade 2/3 of the way through the damn game. The shops did not seem plentiful enough to warrant such a small inventory with how many sell only items you can find. The health item is a single level only so once you get the upgrade it takes multiple to full heal from low, and it takes a little bit to heal as its a whole animation that needs to be done which you can be hit out of. No healing in combat unless you can put 15 miles between you and the boss.

The story is a big nothing, if you have played Dead Space you know the plot. Felt like I was missing a chunk of the story despite finding all audio logs. Oh speaking of audio logs, you have to remain in the menu to listen to them. No walking around. Sure they aren't long, the longest was probably barely a minute but still, you never know when you'd get jumped by something.

As I said in the beginning I didn't find this game scary despite being as easily scared as a rabbit, but its the truth. Its atmosphere was fine, it just couldn't deliver. Every scare they did was predictable and some were directly taken from Dead Space such as its end stinger. Speaking of Dead Space this game is the definition of "legally distinct". Yes same creator, that's the whole reason I was even interested, but even the features it takes form Dead Space were undercooked both in plot and mechanics right down the "the cult did this" reveal.

Performance wise I can be mostly positive. I played on the PS5 and in performance mode it was stable the whole time and I only had one bug and crash. A prompt wouldn't resolve so I had to reload a checkpoint. The state of the industry were a single crash is considered "good" when a game shouldn't be crashing at all.

I can't recommend this game to anybody, at least not until bargain bin. You'll get about 10 hours out of it, or at least I did. I wanted to like this game, I really did. I tried to not endlessly compare it to its predecessor during play but its hard not to. I'm mad that it couldn't deliver and sad that it wasn't just wasn't fun the whole way through. In my opinion the worst thing a game can do is make you want to play another one, even if its on purpose, and this game does that in stride. Just play Dead Space

The Callisto Protocol is a visually impressive but ultimately hollow survival horror action game and a disappointment on more than one level.

Firstly this is simply not the game most people, myself included, were expecting it to be. Besides the apparent similarities in the setting and visual design, The Callisto Protocol is not the spiritual successor to Dead Space. It is not a systems-driven physics playground full of space terrors to stomp but rather Glen Schofield's take on The Last of Us Part II in the most generic "AAA game from the Xbox 360 era" sense imaginable. The game is very linear and way more focused on wowing the player with noninteractive cinematic setpieces rather than through the gameplay itself; you won't find any interesting game scenarios resulting in emergent narrative in Callisto. That's the initial letdown with the game in a nutshell but its core faults still lie elsewhere.

The second layer of disappointment stems from what Callisto is rather than what it isn't. The sci-fi horror adventure that Callisto promises to the player is completely clichéd, unoriginal and outright bad. The high production values and the script filled with (attempts at) bombastic story beats are all for nothing when the plot is so unbelievably trite. From their paper-thin backstories to their B action movie dialogue the characters are also about as generic as they come - wasting Sam Witwer on that Batman: Arkham Asylum thug looking dumbass is some bullshit. The original Dead Space was no clever head-scratcher either but the slow revelation of what had occurred aboard USG Ishimura was infinitely more interesting than Josh Duhamel's journey through narrow passages on Jupiter. If you've seen a bad sci-fi film circa 2000 you've experienced The Callisto Protocol - this is way more Ghosts of Mars than Alien.

The third and final (major) disappointment for me was the uninspired game design mixed with the general lack of polish around its mechanics. We're still talking about a video game here so even if the story didn't land I could easily look past that if the actual game part felt fun and engaging. Unfortunately this isn't really the case with Callisto.

It's clear that the game was rushed out hot from the oven to beat EA Motive's Dead Space remake to the punch, but this also lead to a lot of technical hiccups and less time to fine-tune the game mechanics. With that being said, I doubt that the experience would've been much better had the game been released, say, a year from now if e.g. the basis for the combat system remained largely the same - most of it just isn't that great to begin with. That's not to say that the gameplay is all bad however, I had my fair share of fun beating mutants to a pulp or using the GRP Device, this game's equivalent to telekinesis, to fling them into spiky walls but the mechanics in place feel either strangely disjointed from each other or too janky to actually feel satisfying. Some of these shortcomings may have been fixable with further development but things like extremely static environments and objects, the complete lack of exploration or puzzles and the scripted nature of many enemy encounters are seemingly parts of the intended experience. Whether that's due to a lack of vision on Schofield's part or budget constraints, in any case, it's still a bummer.

Don't be completely discouraged by my rant though, The Callisto Protocol is not entirely void of fun - it's just quite a big letdown for me personally. I'll end this wall of text on a slightly more positive note with a list of pros: both the player and enemy deaths are very gruesome, the melee feels nicely weighty most of the time and for once the DualSense's haptic feedback is actually utilized well on the PS5. And just to reiterate: the graphics are genuinely great - the game looks like a proper next-gen title. Better luck next time, Glen! I think I'll stick with Dead Space for now.

I liked some of this, but it has drawbacks that badly let it down. The biggest problem is movement. It’s painfully sluggish, and hampered by the strange contextual dodge and block actions.

It’s a shame as fighting enemies can be fun. Strategically using the environment and positioning yourself smartly, listening for enemy movement. But it’s so trial and error in practice. I admire the game’s minimal UI and tactical combat, but just a little improvement here would go a long way - button presses for dodging/blocking, slightly faster movement, a quick turn, something!

It’s also a bit short and not much variety. I was enjoying myself until the second half of the game, where monotony and some tedious boss fights kill the momentum. The game looks amazing throughout, gorgeously lit, wonderful snow, squelchy caves and detailed machinery. Every action feels weighty and satisfying, the dual sense is used really well. The bones of a great game are here, but it's got some pretty big drawbacks.

One of the biggest disappointments in recent memory.

Performance on PC was never great, even after the day 1 patch. Went from unplayable to moderately playable with random stutters and slowdowns throughout. That's only the beginning of the problems I have with this game.

The game waits until the last chapter of the game to do all it's exposition. The game waits until the second to last chapter to throw it's first boss fight at you. I could excuse bad pacing and a bad story if the gameplay was actually good.

The combat in this game is so strange. The dodging and melee stuff works fairly well in one on one encounters, but the game insists on forcing you to fight 3+ enemies at a time. Good luck trying to balance melee, gun combat, and your mostly useless GRP gravity gun. It becomes a frustrating endeavor with you against the controller very quickly.

The camera is so far up the player character's ass, you cannot tell where other enemies are when you're fighting them one on one. I can't count how many times I died in the middle of combat because I got surprise attacked from behind from a guy I didn't even know was there.

When you kill an enemy, you can stomp on their corpse to get money, health, or ammo. Unless you use the environmental hazards, for which the game punishes you with no supplies due to the corpse being obliterated into a million little pieces. It's wild that the game actively punishes you with no supplies via using the in-game combat mechanics.

Also it appears that at some point in the last 3 chapters that your health injectors become less effective and you can't get back up to full health. There's no health upgrade options, it just appears that the game removes the effectiveness of your healing at some arbitrary point.

The in-game economy surrounding upgrades feels extremely broken. There were many many instances where I simply didn't have enough credits to upgrade ANYTHING in my arsenal during the middle sections of the game. I'm the kind of player that explores every nook and cranny in a survival horror game, and usually end up with way to many supplies. This game rarely rewards that exploration and gives you some of the smallest supply drops I've ever seen.

There's audio logs, but otherwise no real collectibles and very little incentive to explore the mostly barren environments.

This game does that "prestige showcase" thing way to much, where you simply walk through visually impressive environments while some other character is talking, or sometimes in silence while spooky noises play in the background. The game is extremely empty and void feeling throughout.

Visually, yes, this game is next gen AF looking and is impressive. When it runs well, it looks amazing. That's the best thing this game has to offer you.

In terms of PC performance, I played this game across 3 different PCs. One with an AMD 6900XT, another with a 6800XT, and one with an RTX3060. I tried 4K and 1440p, and had stutters and issues maintaining 60fps on most settings.

É estranho, The Callisto Protocol não parece feito pelo criador de Dead Space, parece feito pelo filho tentando impressioná-lo.
Sim, ele nos deixa apreensivo, dá alguns sustos, MAS ELE NÃO DÁ MEDO.

Jogando 2h você prevê o final. Não tem plot twist, aquele momento empolgante, não tem nada. Os personagens são um desperdício de bons atores, especialmente Sam Witwer.

Quanto ao gameplay, o polêmico sistema de combate é quebrado e simplório demais. Funciona bem contra no máximo 2 inimigos, mais que isso a câmera se embanana com os inimigos nas costas, você vai morrer algumas vezes e sentir que a culpa não foi sua, felizmente o jogo facilita e sempre coloca armadilhas nos ambientes com vários inimigos, passar raiva depende da sua percepção ao redor.
Outra coisa irritante é a mecânica das animações (trocar de arma, pegar itens do chão, healing).
Parece frescura, mas atrapalham MUITO em situações específicas de combate, toda a jogabilidade em si é detalhista mas MUITO LENTA! RE5 ensinou que esse tipo de coisa não é nada funcional, SEMPRE o simples é melhor.

Pensei ser o diferentão que ia amar, parecia criado pra mim. Só queria um game simples com aquela vibe dark onde nos encontramos presos no inferno e é impossível escapar, mas descobrimos uma nave lá na pqp, e então temos aquele fio de esperança em meio ao caos... Nope
É um castelo de cartas. Diverte, mas quanto mais jogamos, mais problemático fica (edição deluxe deve ser o flop do ano).

Very fun and intense survival horror action. The gameplay is extremely heavy and visceral. It just felt so exhilarating to fight through these mutant freaks!

It's also a technical achievement. One of the best looking games out on current gen consoles.

Some negatives - Reuse of boss fights is a bummer and enemies ganging up on you can feel unfair. Story is a very basic Resident Evil type affair. A stealth section later in the game is a low point.

Overall, I had a good time.

Resumiria The Callisto Protocol em uma única palavra, decepção!
Particularmente um jogo que eu estava bem hypado para seu lançamento mas não atendeu em quase nada as minhas expectativas, a história não conseguiu me prender em nenhum momento, combate corpo a corpo bem chato, pouquíssimas variações de inimigos e o principal, o TERROR! O jogo em nenhum momento te deixa com medo ou com o coração batendo mais rápido, é tanto jumpscare bobo e previsível que depois de 1h de jogatina você nem se assusta mais. De pontos positivos citaria os gráficos que são excelentes e as animações de morte no estilo "fatality" achei bem legal, fora isso pra mim foi mais um jogo de ação genérico que nem vários que já joguei.

Não posso dizer que não gostei, porque o jogo me imergiu e eu quis ir ate o final, mas pqp esse jogo passa uma sensação mto grande de potencial desperdiçado e ate irrita o tanto de jumpscare forcado a cada 30 minutos que depois de um tempo você n tem medo de mais nada e as coisas começam a se tornar previsíveis

This game is fucking RE6-2
AAA game cliches? Check
Derided as not really being horror? Check
Poor boss fights? Gottem
Fucking awesome melee x gunplay combat system most people don't care enough to get into the intricacies of but I'm entranced by? Helllllll yeah.
Idk man I got a laundry list of problems with this game from the visual style to the story to the shimmy shimmy sections but at my core I'm a simple woman, and the combat in this game is ungodly satisfying to master I can kind of ignore the rest of its pretty obvious flaws

First I must say that I am not a big fan of Dead Space, because I never got to play any game in the series, but The Callisto Protocol made me very curious to play the first ones and even made me even more interested in the remake of the first one Dead Space.

The best part for me was the gameplay, it's very good to play, although at times it gets very repetitive and the enemies and weapons don't have much variety, in addition to the mini-bosses that are also very repetitive. But overall the gameplay works well.

Another positive point is the graphics and setting, which are very well done and very beautiful, the animations are also very well done, which are very bloody and grotesque...

The story also works well, despite being quite cliche and even predictable at times, it pleased me a lot (I want a continuation T-T).

But he has his problems, not a big deal. One of the problems I had was 2 crashes that happened in inconvenient moments (like in the middle of a battle or in the middle of the auto-save) anyway, there were some bugs, but nothing that spoiled my experience.

Anyway, I think that for those who are already a longtime fan of Dead Space, or are a fan of the genre, or are curious to know the Dead Space franchise, I believe that The Callisto Protocol can please you, for having many improvements and also being much more updated for today.

Well, that's all. Up until.

Loved dead space games and had high hopes for this game. I wasn't deeply let down or disappointed, I enjoyed it, but a barely 10h story with repetitive combat leaves a lot to be desired. Graphics, audio, atmosphere, i.e. "feel" of the game, animations and voice acting are superb. Gameplay and story-wise is average at best, hence 3/5.
That being said, I got the game cheaper than release price on PS5 and the entire experience is not worth the full price they're charging.

Throughout this game I kept thinking about how much i wanted to play dead space

I think this might be the biggest disappointment of the year for me... Well, to be fair, I don't think this is a bad game - as you can see, I gave it three stars, and that, by my definition, is definitely not bad. Not good, either, though. It's a fairly generic sci-fi horror story with astonishingly beautiful graphics, great DualSense support, and with sound effects and atmosphere that are all spot on. Shame that the whole gameplay is just a recycled and weaker version of Dead Space, and with insane difficulty even on the supposedly "easiest" mode, especially because switching weapons and healing take forever, which can pose quite a challenge when facing swarms of monsters.

Also, the campaign is excruciatingly short considering the pricetag on this one, so yeah, keep that in mind before buying (I believe it can be finished in around six hours). There are also quite a few glitches here and there, and a tragically low enemy variety. Ranged weapons were fine, at least, but I could never really get the hang of the dodging mechanics in melee combat... All in all, The Callisto Protocol in its current form is nothing more than mediocre, as far as I'm concerned.

Painfully mid and failing to have the characterization of Dead Space, a game that had truly silent protagonist and came out years ago.

Forgetting for a moment how bad/dumb the combat is in comparison to other 3rd Person Shooters or Brawlers, of which this wants to be some strange chimera of both, this game simply isn't interesting. The blandness of the viewpoint character is painful, the cliched nature of the story borderline parody.

A more interesting plot does exist, but outside of your character, which for some inexplicable reason, is a space trucker who's great regret is his space trucking buddy's death. When the lady with a real connection to the space virus nonsense is... right there?!

Added onto how the game simply feels incomplete, lacking the accepted sort of multiple difficulty/play through options that a proper survival horror game has to justify its short runtime and that is that.

Honestly a waste, and I wish I hadn't gotten it instead of just replaying Dead Space.

For all of its faults, Callisto Protocol really had me invested in both the gameplay and the story. It isn't perfect and there are a lot of things they could have done better in hindsight, but I really enjoyed it and the ending left me wanting more. I didn't experience any problems on the console I played it on which probably made me lean more toward making a positive review than a negative one since I have only heard bad things about the PC version.

It's a Dead Space game, except the enemies are bland, the guns are not inventively designed, the plot is extremely basic, and your playable character looks look Obligatory Space Marine #12 starring Josh Duhamel. In other words, it's decent and the stronger emphasis on melee combat does make it feel at least slightly different, but it's missing the identity and spark that makes Dead Space so memorable.

- Combat molto cinematografico e guidato. bello da vedere, ma troppo semplice da eseguire
- Atmosfera on point
- Tentativo di imitazione dei giochi story driven di Sony
- Storia di qualità infima, ma comunque in linea con la media degli horror

The combat is really fucking good. It takes the arsenal of Resident Evil 4 with a sci-fi twist, the sci-fi telekinetic ability of Dead Space (called the GRIP in this game), and adds a new, deeper melee combat system. Each is satisfying and fun to use, and combining them together is even better. Each has their own weakness which will make combining them a useful strategy: using melee to conserve ammo or handle enemies when they get close, using guns to kill enemies before they get too close, and using GRIP to manage spacing or to throw enemies into a trap for an instant kill. It has me itching to play more even though I've already played through this game twice.

The game has a strong atmosphere. It put me on edge in a way that only The Evil Within was able to achieve. There are some good jump scares both scripted and created through combat that help create that feeling. It provides a good amount of challenge while keeping me vulnerable enough where a few mistakes would end me. The deaths are shockingly gory and varied. It's can be both fun and disturbing to watch. The devs bring a fucked up sense of humor to the gore at times that delighted me. There are two amazing set pieces in this game that kept me on the edge of my seat with one being a call back to one of my favorite moments from Dead Space 2.

The story is kept pretty minimal. It opens with several questions that aren't addressed until the final two chapters. The focus of the characters is just escaping the prison and getting off Callisto. The answers are satisfying, but I wish they did more with the characters to create a deeper connection with me. I will say that playing again after beating it did lead to some moments coming off differently with the new context of how it ends. It filled in the characters a bit more. They fill in the world through audio logs and employee files which reveal some fucked up details about how the prison was being run.

This all came together really well. It's a standout in the genre, and one of my new favorite horror games. I would put it next to Dead Space 2 which is my favorite of that franchise. I'm happy to have gotten a new Resident Evil 1 style horror game with Signalis and a new Resident Evil 4 style horror game with The Callisto Protocol and both of them knocked it out of the park.

- Somewhat engaging narrative
- Serviceable cast
- Conceptually, the combat is interesting and the emphasis on melee separates it from others in the genre

- Boring antagonist
- Mediocre level design
- The combat's execution is piss poor with a weak dodging mechanic that works only 60% of the time
- Script is very B-grade

I have mixed feelings about this game. Of course it would have some resonance with Dead Space, given the team behind it, but it feels like a mimic with little soul integrated into the game. I think this is less survival horror and more action horror, but it tries to emulate the best of both worlds while not really striking either. I did enjoy my time though, and I do hope Glen can do things better if a sequel ever does get greenlit. Will be waiting for the Dead Space Remake in the interim.

The melee combat needs to be deeper, the gun upgrades should cost less or have more stuff to loot so I can buy upgrades, a story trying to blame someone who didn't even cause any of this and the game needs to figure out what it wants to be. It juggles between being Dead Space's combat, Last of Us's cinematic melee combat and a little bit of unnecessary stealth. Can't wait for Dead Space (2022).

A Horror game by the creator of Dead Space that reminds me more of Lost Planet than Dead Space.

Just another Cliché AAA game that brings absolutamente nothing interesting to the table, horrible performance, shit Enemy Design, cringe Dialogues, shitty crafting mechanic, an below average horror game in an era where the genre is at full steam at the market

"So what, we some kinda of The Callisto Protocol"

Probably an actually line in the game. Everything written in this game feels like one of those Hollywood Ai generated scripts.

josh duhamel can go to josh duhell

janky controls, boring characters, and cheap jumpscares made this game so annoying to get through. not worth $70, wait for a sale or the dead space remake lol.