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Supermassive Games have well and truly hit their limit when it comes to their particular brand of 'cinematic horror games'. While The Quarry excelled in areas that their past games have not, they are still yet to produce a game that goes beyond that of imitating the usual cliched and self-aware premises of traditional horror movies. These games need to get bolder, not just bigger.

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The Quarry is inspiring and depressing.

Inspiring in the same that many schlocky B-horrors (or indeed Hollywood thrillers) are - You don't have to make a masterpiece for people to enjoy themselves and become devoted fans. On the other hand, it must be somewhat depressing to be one of the hundreds of people who worked on this game and watch as its narrative slowly unwinds itself from the spool in the later chapters.

Here is the main reason that I fell so far on the wrong side of this story. There is almost zero tension. The game wanted me to disobey the hunters the entire game, even when in the earliest chapters we had already established that they are the characters who know the most and clearly have the best intentions for the counsellors. An early encounter with Jacob proved this as they slapped werewolf blood on his face and set him on his way. And still the game insists that we shouldn't trust them and constantly wants to make decisions that endangered both the hunters and the counsellors just because they 'be kinda sussy tho'.

And what is my reward for not listening and not trusting the games invisible hands? I don't get to save Silas. I either have to give in and shoot the boy in the back or watch as my favourite characters are slain. There was no twist ending (unless the hunters wanting to kill werewolves and not humans was supposed to be a shocker) and there is no payoff. Just kill the defenceless wolf in a random ditch.

Furthermore, Chapter 7 was an exercise in how NOT to do a flashback sequence, with it being overly long and full of exposition I would have rather just figured out on my own. Thankfully, I had figured out Chris's secret before the world's most blasé plot reveal.

The Quarry does not trust the player's intelligence and repeats obvious facts several times, turning the lodge into an armoury of chekov's guns until the biggest and most obvious one is fired straight into the chest of the nearest werewolf/counsellor.

Beat this game in one 8+ hour session with my brother. Such a good game, did everything 2015's Until Dawn did great and did it fantastic. Absolutely one of the best games of the last few years.

as musicas desse jogo sao horriveis

No llega al nivel de Until Dawn, pero es la apuesta más digna de Supermassive Games en este sentido. Creo que este es el camino a seguir para consolidarse en su nicho de mercado como absolutos reyes indiscutibles. Las mini-aventuras de The Dark Pictures tengo la sensación de que no dejan contento a nadie nunca y con juegos como Until Dawn o The
consiguen suficiente crédito como para permitirse tres o cuatro pifias más de su antología.

Tanto en Until Dawn como aquí tenemos historias de terror mucho más a la vieja usanza, mucho más al estilo slasher clásico que los frikis del género de terror, como yo, valoramos sobre cualquier otra cosa. Consiguen que ese pensamiento que todos hemos tenido de "¿Qué haría yo si estuviese en su lugar?" sea real y es increíblemente disfrutable. Espero que sigan sacando más títulos de esta envergadura y, de ser posible, con mayor asiduidad.

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i was really hyped for this game but there's a lot of disappoint from me. GOD the first few chapters until nick and abi go into the woods are insanely boring. i feel like it wouldn't be half as bad if the characters were actually... interesting?!

the characters in until dawn, like em or hate em, but they had personality. they had chemistry. these characters interact so awkwardly with each other i thought i was playing life is strange. from the main cast, kaitlyn and dylan were the most interesting by far. travis and laura were great too but they only get their spotlight near the end chapters. nick, emma, abi, ryan and jacob were downright boring. the only plus jacob has is that he's hot. 💀

furthermore, i feel there are so many plot holes? what a dumb decision to leave a group of curious teens alone and expect them to not party and go out?? all the counselor had to do was talk to his brother and make him keep an eye on them. literally LOCK the whole place up like he did laura and max. i just feel like so much in this story doesn't make sense. and the reveal of silas the final encounter of the game is one of the most underwhelming moments i've experienced in gaming lmao. THAT'S silas?? the white wolf?? please. it was so disappointing.

por mais que tente nunca será until dawn

#17: The Quarry (PS5) 8.5/10. An improvement on Until Dawn in every way, shape & form! The characters get more development, the choices have more depth/conflict, breathing mechanic added to the Supermassive Suspense formula. Highly recommended once it drops in price.

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i thought the game was very similar to until dawn. i mean, the way the story goes, people turning into monsters, teenagers doing shit in the middle of nowhere, but i think it's just another cliche like we all are used to

good game, i think i liked the story and the characters more than until dawn but in a general way i still prefer until dawn, maybe it's the emotional attachment

Played it two times now. The first time with two Friends via Couch-Coop and let me tell you, that's the best way to play it. The monster-design is a little bit disappointing and feels like they reused the wendigo design from Until Dawn and changed it a little bit. The characters are really well written and the story is gripping. We had such a blast unraveling the mystery of what happened and what kind of monster is hunting you.

Also Kaitlyn is best girl

Had an absolute blast, just felt a little abrupt and incomplete at the end

This game is actually kinda entertaining. The drama and the weird social interactions are fun to watch. But the mental gymnastics and the lengths the characters go to to dismiss shit is insane.

I actually had a lot of fun with this game, as I have tons of fun with the "choose your own adventure" type of game. Especially with horror games, it is incredibly immersive making split-second decisions that can affect which of your playable characters get to live and die. My biggest issue is that this game feels like a very poor execution of the choose your own adventure horror genre of game. A majority of the choices you make end up not mattering in the long run and a lot of the ones that do are very poorly developed. None of the relationships and character traits you develop throughout the game end up mattering at the end because the game ends so abruptly and without any meaningful and satisfying resolution. The plot from Chapter 9 and onward is incredibly rushed and does not leave any time for the player to process the developments. The ending doesn't feel like the ending, as we don't get any closure with the characters and their arcs and no resolution with the entirety of the main cast. Lots of plot points end up going nowhere as a result. It's a shame because the mystery is very cool and the characters are for the most part very interesting. The biggest problem is that the game leaves you wanting more because it doesn't realize the full potential of its plot and characters. I would have loved to see where the characters end up after the main game and to see the relationships you develop during the game flourish into something meaningful. I can only hope that there will be DLC to tie up all the loose ends left by the game's finale.

Sometimes play games with friends

Would have been higher if brenda song didnt die

I was surprised with this one. Its really entertaining and better than Until Dawn in some parts. I hope their future games are a bit more innovative but honestly I dont even mind

Hits all of its marks. The performances are genuinely thrilling, level design and scenery were clearly a major focus here, and choices not only matter but are formed and presented in ways previously unexplored. Gets to the root of videogames ability to tell a narrative in ways only a videogame can. The tricks and illusions here are bountiful. I could see people missing the curiousity of the game. Gives you back only what you give it.

Word of warning: play on new hardware. This pushed my little old PS4 to its absolute limit.


The ending of my first playthrough was a little disappointing and I couldn't save everyone but I'm so excited to play more and unveil all the secrets.
The production value of this project is insane and I'm so happy that Supermassive finally made a worthy sucessor to Until Dawn, one of my favorite horror experiences ever. This was such a treat.

The Quarry knüpft da an, wo Until Dawn aufgehört hat. Ein wunderschön filmisch inszenierter Horror-Thriller, bei dem vor allem grafisch gezeigt wird, was möglich ist. Auch die Story hält einen bis zum Ende bei der Stange und der Couch-Coop macht wahnsinnig viel Spaß.

Ryan best character, he has the sauce 🥶

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The Quarry, Supermassive Games' next big horror cinematic adventure game (not counting the Dark Picture Anthology titles), sees us in an 80s reminiscent horror adventure full of horny teens trying to survive the night from a supernatural threat. While I overall enjoyed The Quarry, there are issues that hold the game back from being as good as it could be.

On paper, The Quarry is the best game that Supermassive as ever developed. Visually, the game is absolutely stunning. If your PC is able to run the game at Ultra settings, you'll get a game that damn near looks real. Lighting and textures are incredible. Character models and faces look great and resemble their respective actors perfectly. Everyone gives a great performance, in particular Ted Raimi and Siobhan Williams. Choices can have looooooong lasting effects and, while they don't immediately lead to a character's death, can eventually go that way after a few chapters (hell, a choice in Chapter 1 can lead to a character death all the way at the last chapter).

The pacing of the story is alright. The beginning is incredible and honestly the best part of the game. Then a little over midway through, the main story takes a detour to show some events that happened earlier on in the story that we didn't see. The pacing is at its worst here, but does pick back up at the end. The game does a great job at making things feel tense, especially when you have that dreaded choice to make.

The game isn't going to convert anyone who isn't a fan of these types of games, though. This is a "cinematic experience" game all the way through. While there are sections where you directly control your character, these sections are mostly about picking up collectibles. The evidence collectibles, of which there is one in each chapter, are the most important to collect, while the clues simply add more lore and explanation to parts of the story/characters. Other than that, its a lot of QTEs and choices to make. There is also the occasional shooting action, of which I'm glad there wasn't too many of and lots of good reason to NOT pull the trigger as well. I for one love these games every once in awhile, but it won't do anything for those who don't enjoy these types of games.

The Quarry also has some cool little things here and there that are worth mentioning. For starters, there is a movie watching mode where you can just sit back, relax, and see different ways that the game can turn out. This is a good mode for those who aren't used to playing games with a lot of QTEs or that just want to see a way the game can turn out (such as everyone dying). There is also a Couch Co-Op mode for those who want to play this game with friends. I think this is a great idea. This mode is perfect for those who want to play the game with a group of friends. I can see this game being a classic to play around Halloween in particular with friends or family thanks to this mode. I also want to mention how much I LOVE the little horror details in this game. With references to The Evil Dead, The Twilight Zone, and more being present throughout the entire experience, there is a ton of things here for horror aficionados to appreciate.

While the game has a lot going for it, there are definitely setbacks as well. For one, the game fails to make every character have a good amount of the spotlight. While some characters have very satisfying arcs, such as Laura, Travis, and Dylan, MANY characters don't get enough time. For example, Jacob starts us out in the first chapter (after the prologue) of the game. It introduces Jacob, his problem with Emma dumping him, and even has Jacob be the reason that everyone is stuck at the camp. After this though, Jacob (literally) runs around in his underwear for the rest of the game. Him and Emma don't have any kind of arc to their relationship, and Jacob's ending (if kept alive) is so disjointed and unsatisfying to see. Other characters that I was disappointed in was Ryan (starts off strong, peeters off at the end), Kaitlyn (not enough screen-time, expects us to like her as a badass at the end), and Nick (gone for half of the game, never seen again after he runs away from being shot). Granted, I am not sure how much of this is based off of my decisions. I was able to keep all of the campers alive, so I'm not sure if I followed a particular path or not, and if any of these things could be changed based on certain choices. Please let me know if I'm incorrect, so I can change this section of my review.

The most disappointing thing about The Quarry though, in my opinion, is the ending. Now yes, there are many different endings to get in this game. However, all it results in is a basic sequence where the game tells you who lived, and who died from all of the characters in the game (not just the counselors). There is no ending of the surviving campers leaving the camp, no seeing the characters interact the next morning, no falling action at all. The ending just feels so abrupt and disjointed from an otherwise very well written and paced game. What happened to the budding romances I set up between certain characters? How would X react to hearing that Y died while they were doing something with Z? We never get these moments at the end of The Quarry, and its so disappointing to see. Juxtapose this with the ending of Supermassive's last big game: Until Dawn. While there wasn't much falling action in this title either, it at least shows you interviews from the surviving characters, giving you their perspective on the events of the game. It would go in depth about their choices, people who died, etc. This game has none of that, and its extremely disappointing to see, especially as a big fan of Until Dawn. I still very much enjoyed the story, but man was that ending botched to hell.

It is also worth mentioning the bugs I got on the PC version as well. For starters, BYPASS THE 2K GAMES LAUNCHER. I got around 3.5 hours into the game, then upon trying to play it the next day, the launcher had completely messed up and I couldn't get the game to launch. This also resulted in my save getting corrupted, so I lost all of my progress and had to start over. I also had an issue where the game said my video card's memory was full during the second half of the game, even though I had played the game at ultra settings for most of my playthrough and it was fine. I have a 3080 and this game shouldn't have pushed it to the edge. I believe this was some glitch, but I could be wrong. Regardless, you may be better off playing the PS5 or XBS versions at the time of this review.

The Quarry is a very solid love-letter to 80s horror. It has some glaring flaws, but I feel very satisfied with my experience despite this. I can see myself booting up this game again around October with some friends or my girlfriend to see what kind of adventure we end up having. I still think Until Dawn is Supermassive Games' best title, but this was a solid experience to add to their repertoire.

soooo bad im sorry :/ but they played ariana grande's moonlight in the beginning so that was good

Some great schlock, some great vibes, some nice touches, and a great time with friends. Some choices and happenings weren't the best imo, but such is life. Worth a play co-op especially

Until Dawn has been hanging over Supermassive Games since its surprisingly excellent debut in 2015. Every game since has been not only much smaller in scale, but also not nearly as good, from the forgettable Hidden Agenda to the most recent Dark Pictures entry. The Quarry is being positioned as the studio’s first true spiritual follow-up to Until Dawn, given its larger scope and horror angle. But even though it is Supermassive’s best and most polished game in seven years, it’s also disappointingly stale as it does little to break free from what almost every other one of the studio’s games has done over and over.

Read the full review here:

The best Supermassive has delivered so far is Until Dawn and House of Ashes. The Quarry is an improvement in some areas over those and a disappointment in other places.

The quality of the character models and facial capture is taken to another level here. Everyone looks great. The performance of the actress that plays Laura shows off how much nuance in facial expressions this tech can capture realistically. Brenda Song's character model is so realistic that it just feels like I'm just staring at the real Brenda Song at times. While the faces look good, the limb movements can often look pretty bad and stiff. Also, some effects such as water splashing can look pretty bad too.

The cast is great. The writing gives them more depth than I have seen Supermassive give to any of their characters in previous games. I found myself moved by moments between characters in a way that Supermassive's previous games never pulled off. But this deeper look into the characters came at a cost. There's often scenes of characters taking their time walking and getting to know each other when they are in a life-or-death situation with people depending on them. I would watch these scenes, which are amusing to be fair, feeling annoyed that they aren't rushing as fast as possible. The scenes feel out of place.

The story is a retread of what they've already done in Until Dawn and even House of Ashes retreads this territory a bit too. I wish they had brought something fresh to the table. It's mostly handled well still. There are great moments that feel they came naturally out of the choices I made. The ending feels anti-climactic, and I wish there was some sort of epilogue of the characters, who spent majority of the game split up, come back together. The game just abruptly ends. They spent so much time building characters and relationships, but they deliver a payoff to most of them. Rolling credits felt so unsatisfying that I had to look up to see if there was a "true ending" that I could get by making different choices. There isn't one. In fact, I had gotten the "good ending", so this is the best the game had to offer. Also, there's some bullshit choices in the final chapter of this game where the options I was given were unclear leading to the death of a couple of my characters. I replayed that chapter three times to get the version that saves these characters which just further exposed how bullshit the choices were.

The QTEs this time around are much easier to a fault. I don't think I ever missed a QTE. All of them are either, tap "A" as fast as you can, hold "A" until you are out of danger, or move the left thumbstick in the direction it tells you to. The thumbstick ones give you plenty of time to get ready and react. This is nice, but there was a nerve-wracking tension that came from being asked to suddenly push a random button that worked really well in these games. It's part of what made the finale to House of Ashes so great. The moments where it asks you to tap "A" quickly are the only moments that come close to this.

Very fun walking simulator while not as good as until Dawn I still enjoyed my time with my initial playthroughs seeing all the different endings

Absolutely fantastic storytelling. Supermassive Games continues to improve upon this formula, and it resulted in a compelling and exciting tale with some fun twists and turns. The lack of reliance on solely QTEs is welcome. They matter, yes, but so do the character relationships. How they interact with each other can affect their mental state and therefore later actions. It's absolutely brilliant and makes for what will surely be the best replay value yet in one of their games. The moment we finished we wanted to go back in and start making choices that would help us fill in the gaps.

It also features gorgeous looking environments. Shadows, light rays, and landscapes look great. Characters look better in cut scenes than when you're in control. The hair doesn't move dynamically and some of their movements can be really stiff and blocky. There is also texture popping occasionally and we had some weird glitch three or four times where a single line of dialogue would suddenly be shown via subtitle out of nowhere. The lack of this polish didn't affect our enjoyment, but it was noticeable and worth mentioning.

The other thing that sort of brings this game down a bit is the ending we received. It is partially due to who we got killed (and how many), but there doesn't seem to be a wrap up or conclusion cinematically like Until Dawn provided and that is a real bummer. We felt like we wanted closure that wasn't there. Crossing my fingers that upon further playthroughs this is something that is better provided, but I'm worried it might not be. Still, between Until Dawn and The Quarry, Supermassive Games has shown they have the ability to make a masterpiece once they put all of the right pieces together into one game. I CANNOT WAIT to play that when they do.