Reviews from

in the past

To this day, this is the only game I've completed 100%. But why?

Very fun game it’s everything you expect but nothing more but still a good game

It was pretty a-okay. It was rather lacking in the actual "Tomb Raiding" department, but not bad by any means.

Despite some logical plot holes (so man Russians on an Island south of Japan) and Lara Croft mass murdering her way, it is quite some satisfying reboot to play.

Mi favorito de esta nueva trilogía

i had to kill some of them, i had no choice

that can't have been easy..

it's scary just how easy it was

gameplay wise like uncharted (only played 1-3) minus puzzle frustration, plus weapon variety

wheter this is a great reboot or not i guess i can't say, since it's my first, but judging by the bits and pieces i do know about the character, i think they did a great job reimagining her.

as origin story it's smooth as can be. the larger story is pleasently intriguing without ever taking away from her personal one, and the fastpace gameplay does a great job of establishing urgency, always upping the stakes, making you want to rush to your next objective.

this was a fun, breezy almost one session playthrough. (played most of it on the 14th with some brief breaks inbetween, then finished it within about an hour today)

my game wont tell me how long i played.. but it must be about 9 ish hours maybe. 66% completion at time of beating it. the photos of the developer teams in end credits were a nice touch.

i for one am geeked to get to know lara craft more. gonna have to revisit last years movie even, which i liked fine enough. happy that ones getting a sequel.


Windows 10, Keyboard & Mouse

this game pisses me off but its ok

weird fuckin game dude like the most generic AAA game from 2013 i can possibly think of but just like smeared with this really intense "look how FUCKED UP we are" veneer over it, particularly in the way it treats Lara herself that makes the whole thing feel creepy and gross

Puta merda como eu amei essa aventura cheguei até a platinar e re-jogar um pouco de tanto que gosto dessa porra.

Good rebirth to an old franchise

Great game, I'd recommend this along with Rise of and Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Nothing remarkable about it. It started of with some horror aspects but that just fizzles away the more you play and it becomes pretty standard.

Interesting history and great gameplay

Best of the trilogy, i.e. Rise and Shadow
Linear, Cool at all, HEADSHOOOOT!

English/German Below

Took me a long time to play it, but its nowadays totally worth it too. The Game itself is stunning and has an exceptional scenery and story.


Was very fun and the more it goes the better it gets. The mystery about it is very interesting. I am a bit divided in my opinion about Lara. I liked her looking and for the most part her relation to the environment. But her characterization is a bit to fast for me. I would have wanted a bit more time to see her grow in her struggle to survive.


All good. The shooting is fine, the riddle and tombs are very interesting and u can stealth kill most of the enemies. I would have loved if they contributed more to the survival aspect, more really necessary hunting and more.


It looks really really good even in 2020. Lara is beatiful detailed and the isle has very goodlooking parts and you have some difference in it. But I would have liked more places to go to.


Good Game and way better than the Film 4/5.


Momentan auf dem Action-Adventure Trip. Habe das Spiel nach ca. 10 Stunden beendet. Lara macht auch sehr viel Spaß.


Der anfängliche Survivalaspekt auf der Insel hat mir sehr gut gefallen, leider musste das relativ schnell der Bekämpfung des Kults weichen. Zwar fand ich die mystischen Aspekte der Story sehr cool aber das Einbinden von mehr Survivalelementen (Jagen etc.) hätte mir ziemlich gut gefallen. Auch Laras Entwicklung hätte etwas mehr Zeit gebraucht.


Gefällt mir ziemlich gut, einige nette Rätsel auch die Bunker waren cool (da muss ich mich aber noch reinfuchsen). Die Sammelobjekte hatten viel zu erzählen und jegliche Steuerung war in Ordnung. Auch konnte man durch gutes stealthen vielem reinen Geballer aus dem Weg gehen, was schnell hätte langweilig werden können.


Sieht wirklich sehr hübsch aus das Spiel auch Lara natürlich. Inszenatorisch ist es eben das ein oder andere Mal etwas drüber aber das kennt man ja auch von Uncharted. Alles in allem ein hübsches Game, auch wenn ich gerne noch andere Schauplätze gesehen hätte.


Teil 1 von Lara war schonmal ein guter Start, der noch Luft nach oben hat. Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht. 4/5 Stürzen.


As much as this often frightening reboot feels constrained by its own series heritage, Tomb Raider lingers in the mind like a post traumatic encounter with death. Not just one death, but numerous visceral incidents where the body of the young Lara Croft is beaten, bruised, and expunged by the inhabitants (both living and ecological) of the aggressive island encasing her. Nearly every action taken -- scaling steep rockslides, forcing open doors and valves, investigating artifacts, skinning wildlife, hunting with bow and arrow -- emphasizes a burgeoning woman coming to grips with the menaces of culture as she explores and comes to recognize alarming truths.

A forested coming of age tale not unlike Gary Paulsen's Hatchet, sprinkled with the claustrophobic terrors of The Descent, and enveloped in Uncharted-inspired gameplay mechanics (with actual instated narrative accordance); Tomb Raider is overall a familiar product which often falls into typical AAA trappings. However, this wartorn experience investigates the fabrication of a brutal, apathetic soldier, a trepidatious tragedy made suitably empathetic by applying the lead's psychological journey through violent interactivity. In other words, Kill or be killed. "I can do this," Lara remarks early on, muttering affirmations to herself for the sake of survival, unaware of the monster she will later, inevitably become.

As the excessively gruesome scenarios unfold throughout the game, her determination to live eventually becomes an eagerness to conquer, as sickening as the incalculable death scenes prompted with every Game Over. A thrilling and dizzying ascent up an antenna tower to signal to civilization affirms the final process of her evolution: a huntress emerges bloodied and vindictive, callous towards those threatening her and fueled by an internal perseverance; she CAN do this. Supportive assurance becomes fact.

Indeed, every appalling casualty she suffers at the hands of the player's own failure wrecks the mind. Intentionally attempting to capture a debilitating and distressing audience reaction overall justifies the developers' brutal depictions, for it instills a similar determination within the player to push through hardships and ensure Lara's progress, no matter the human cost (her's or otherwise). A legitimate survival story as any other, flawed though it may be, thanks to forgettable archetypal characters and questionable scenarios; but nonetheless remarkably poignant and humanistic.

This game is a LOT of fun to play, even if the story is middling and clearly just trying to be Uncharted but with Lara Croft.