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in the past

i have a video on my Instagram of me throwing this game in the trash. the case cracked when it hit the bottom of the trash can. i was happy about that

While ultimately a standard run of the mill JRPG plot, Wild Arms at least presented a sincere story and memorable characters. The real standout is found in its soundtrack, which conveys their distinctive theme better than anything else. Another novel idea is their Legend of Zelda influence, an idea already explored in Lufia II the year before. While interesting, the tools of LoZ are otherwise wasted in forgettable, basic dungeon designs and simple puzzles.

I didn't know much about Wild Arms but after seeing footage on later entries I wanted to get into it. Seeing that the first entry was cheap and short I figured I'd start from the top.

While it is a Wild West theme Wild Arms instead relies on a lot of ideas you'd expect from JRPGs at the time. Monsters, demons, even princesses and kingdoms play a significant role. The western theme serves to freshen it up, but those looking for something that really uses the western genre to it's fullest this doesn't attempt that.

The game is also more similar to Snes standards than ps1 or beyond. With 3 characters there's not too much experimentation, and a high encounter rate that you'll only be able to mitigate with a few tricks mid way through.

That said I did enjoy my time, you have three prologues to pick from to set up the characters and they all carried the weight pretty equally. With their unique tools to puzzle solve through dungeons naturally giving them character.

Wild Arms may be worth it for those who still don't mind going back to the old conventions of SNES RPGs, or those who really want to see how this series evolved from the beginning.

a very solid early jrpg with a pretty nice story and theming. it's not my favorite but i like how it uses the wild west setting in a fantasy jrpg way

When this came out I was aghast at how bad the game looked during battles. (Not to mention that it looked like any SNES game while in the field.) The gnarly anime intro sequence felt like a con! But even with my opinion of the game being as low as it was, I still was too young to grasp the full extent of the game's badness, as even the writing is terrible- You're somehow expected to know right off the bat that the guy's pet hamster is able to talk, let alone which of them is currently talking.

It has an enjoyable story and very nice soundtrack, however battles get repetitive quickly and the constant random encounters made the game frustrating when I was just trying to explore or solve puzzles.

Very charming and brisk. The dash abillity introduces an expressive quality to exploration, and I imagine the rollerblades contribute some interest to speedrunning scenarios. I also adore the battle sprites, fashioned after their overworld counterparts as to deny the assumption that the latter are only abstractions of the former. Not bad!

Really nice JRPG that's a lot of fun to speedrun


Que mala onda que de jefe secreto no este clint eastwood fue una oportunidad desperdiciada.

Fue una aventura curiosa a veces la historia te lograba atrapar de verdad para que después te drenara totalmente las ganas de seguir el ver como las cosas se tardan y TARDAN Y TARDAN EN AVANZAR EN LA TRAMA Y entras como en 20 calabazos para buscar el objeto de turno, es tan formulario y los calabozos solo varían pues en puzles e enemigos que logra cansarme de forma rápida que solo me ganas de jugar una hora o dos a que esa otra es cuando me tenia que obligar a hacerlo, el apartado grafico si esta feo se que no fue una obra con mucho presupuesto, pero cosas como las invocaciones y las magias son poco espectaculares o interesantes, las locaciones son curiosas algunas son muy aburridas como ya sables típico pueblo medieval a cosas mas interesantes como bases tecnológicas o ruinas antiguas, los villanos se me hacen sumamente olvidables la verdad creo que el que mas recuerdo es boomerang y eso que sale poco, los otros son solo MUJAJAJA SOY MUY MALOOOOOO, si no saben por que en su historia sus villanos son villanos usen la típica de son demonios y chao, son poco memorables para mi la verdad, otro problema del juego son sus contantes CONSTANTES combate aleatorios es realmente molesto como oh estas en un medio de un puzzle los cuale de por si son medio hijos de puta y que vengan bichos a romperte la pelotas cada dos segundos, son dos pasos y pum pelea, también escapar es molesto para el ultima mazmorra es casi imposible escapar de enfrentamientos, de por si los combates no son muy fluidos que te limitaras a esperar a cargar un guardián o solo pegarles con un golpe fuerte para matarlos rápido por que en serio, si bien el juego intenta introducir la mecánica de la fuerza la cual es una que permite abrir muchas estrategias interesantes, el constante flujo de enemigos te hace dejar de prestarle atención y molestarte, es un apartado que se puede ''''arreglar'''', con un hechizo QUE ENCUENTRAS A LA MITAD DEL JUEGO, en resumen el juego sufre problemas de ritmo atroz y tuve que sacar un poquito de voluntad extra para terminarlo, ojo tampoco es que me obligue a pasármelo contra mi voluntad por que genuinamente quería saber como acaba la historia por que si el juego logra algo de forma excelente son sus personajes principales, no será mi party favorita de todo los tiempos pero mierda amigo, el juego logro que simpatizara con ellos de una manera muy buena, su evolución y sus motivaciones junto algo de su personalidad simplemente me conquistaron, junto a momentos muy bonitos como el plop twist de rudy y su historia o el dilema de cecilia, junto a la evolución de jack de verdad me gusta mucho, el problema son algunos segundarios que si bien te caen bien se merecían mayor tiempo de pantalla, otro problema es que muchas veces el juego ni te da pistas para donde mierda ir PERO PERO, casi se me olvida que debo hablar de lo bueno, el ost si bien repetitivo y eso se puede volver un poco molesto es de una gran calidad compadre, ya quiero poner el ost en mi colección, logran darle un toque a la historia de 10, además la obra tiene una dificultad muy interesante, no te lo puedes pasar sin pensar contra los jefes pero no estarás un mes intentándolo, (Otro problema weon es que a veces te ponen jefes de forma muy aleatoria), el final es algo conmovedor pero no logro hacerme llorar pero si un ohhhh, que bonito, recomiendo wild arms para gente muy MUY METIDA EN EL JRPG y con una buena paciencia, pero si tienes otros juegos pendientes mejor te recomiendo ver que onda con esos otros, no te lo recomiendo como un juego de principal urgencia para jugar.

World setting reminds me Might and Magic series with the fusion beetwen advanced technology and medieval world.
Intro and ending are very good for standards and can feel the excellent art that have the game.
RPG part is a bit weak because only one character can heal properly to everyone, dungeons were pretty decent aside two or three retarded shit.

If I had played this at launch I probably would've liked it more.

Other than some great animation outside of battles and very good music the game feels standard in a lot of ways.
The story could have elevated the game but instead it's not very coherent or memorable, it felt very disconnected and more like an afterthought I can't actually recall any of the plot points or events in the game.

The battles can be slow in terms of framerate.
What I played was easy, there was never any real strategy or thinking I had to do in battle, it's fine for what it is.

At times the game does a poor job letting the player know where to go, once the world map opened up I had no idea where the next objective was and backtracked through the entire game trying to find it, I had to use a guide several times to get a sense of direction, I ran out of patience eventually, but that might be my own fault for not paying enough attenion or missing some important dialogue, it still felt meandering.

I never found what was supposed to be my motivation to keep playing, it had a strong start, but at some point it was no longer clear what the characters are fighting for what is important in the plot or when the game would start being enjoyable to play, and I lost interest.

I think there was a lot of potential here that just hadn't been reached yet, Maybe Wild Arms 2 will be an improvement I will give it a chance sometime
I'm glad I played this just to try it. It's an inoffensive RPG, there's nothing wrong with a game being simple or easy, but I think it could have been executed better. regardless this was good for an early PS1 game when there weren't many games to choose from.

this game went way harder than what i expected it to tbh really enjoyed it

when the psx was new, before ff7 the jrpg choices were pretty much beyond the beyond, suikoden, and this. those two are totally decent, but this is the one i loved most. it may look sort of low-budget or inessential in hindsight, but the music is fantastic and the puzzle-y dungeon exploration is good. it's a totally solid early psx jrpg!

The first thing that jumped out at me when I first played this was its extremely distinctive setting, with its aesthetics and architecture clearly inspired by the Old West. The next thing that jumped out at me was how fantastic the music was. It nailed both the sweeping epic orchestral tracks as well the nostalgic introspective moments excellently. With such a cool setting I was all ready to love the game, but none of its other aspects engaged me very much.

The story had its moments, but was let down by a very weak script and inconsistent translation. Some of the dialogue was actually snappy and very competently translated, and some was barely coherent, and unfortunately most of the latter was reserved for the major storyline moments. It was hard for me to get into the game when many of the big events and twists were inadequately explained, or when the characters barely reacted to them.

A weak script can still be saved with good engaging gameplay, but it wasn't very satisfying here. The exploration felt rather hollow; due to the very zoomed-in camera, exploring towns were more of a chore than they had to be, and much of the treasure hunting in towns amounted to little more than "here's 100 identical barrels, 5 of them have treasures, go nuts". The dungeons didn't fare that well either, with many of them being monotonous and linear (and one in particular being obnoxiously mazelike). It's a shame because this could have been one of it's really strong suits had it more fully explored some of the mechanics it introduced at the beginning of the game: namely, character switching and tools. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses, and the tools could have added a Lufia 2-like puzzle element to the dungeons. One segment near the end, where your characters are split up and need to navigate a dungeon separately and clear obstacles for each other, was really great, but on the whole these mechanics felt underexplored.

Finally, combat was generally too easy, with almost every enemy and even most bosses easily dispatched by regular attacks and healing. There was one brutal boss fight about halfway through the game where you fought two hard-hitting opponents at once and didn't have access to party healing; I thought it would be a wake-up call boss, but immediately after that the difficulty level went back down again, which is probably more a symptom of poor balancing rather than an intentional difficulty spike.

I need to reiterate that this was a game that I really wanted to like given its unique setting and fantastic music, and if any of the above things were tweaked just a little bit it would probably have improved my experience immensely. There was enough promise in this game that I am looking forward to playing its sequels at some point!

Just a solid auld JRPG with a theme that still for some reason almost brings me to tears to this day.

Ya tocaba iniciarse en esta saga, y salgo de su primera entrega con un muy buen sabor de boca. Sin ser una obra maestra, prácticamente da todo aquello que pretende. Un rpg clásico, nada denso, con un universo interesante y una sensación de aventura en todo momento.

Aúna elementos de fantasía y ciencia ficción. Cada elemento fantástico que entra le intenta dar una explicación coherente con su universo. El guion lleno de giros pocas veces se siente algo como un deus ex machina. Historia simple pero bien trabajada, y genera interés.

Si que toca algún tema típico de este género con algo más de profundidad (racismo, superar la pérdida, empatía, la maldad de la humanidad...), pero tampoco es necesario nunca quebrarse la cabeza de más para entenderlo o se abre a diferentes interpretaciones. Tampoco lo pretende.

Los gráficos se dividen en partes de exploración, usando 2D, y combates, usando 3D. No han envejecido realmente mal ninguna de las 2 partes, sí que es un poco más vistoso el 2D y hay una buena variedad de entornos, pero tampoco es que se te vayan a caer los cojones al suelo. Sí que me ha parecido curioso en los combates, más que ese cambio a modelos el 3D, el uso que tiene de la camára, es bastante interesante cómo va situando los planos cuando vas realizando acciones para darle una mayor espectacularidad, y le sale bastante bien todo sea dicho.

Pero lo que más me ha molado, con diferencia, es su banda sonora. Más allá de que sus localizaciones tiren al western, donde de verdad se nota ese rollito es al juntarlo con la bso (limitiaciones gráficas obvio). Ese rollito anime/aventurero/western mola un cojón.

Como mayor pega quizá sí que se me queda a deber en el apartado de personajes, a los protagonistas les intenta dar profundidad, sobre todo a Jack (el mejor sin duda) y Cecilia, porque Rudy fucking pj sin diálogos. Los secundarios son más herramientas que otra cosa. Un poco interesante es Calamity Jane (o Juana Calimidad, puta traducción xD), pero tampoco es que le cojas demasiado cariño. Empatizar con los pjs le suele venir bien a estas historias, pero lo poco que lo intenta, para nada lo consigue, no están mal (los protas) pero sin más.

Casi se me olvida comentar la jugabilidad, que tiene cosas interesantes... Los combates están entretenidos, cada personaje con sus habilidades y su rol, aunque sí que se echa de menos más profundidad. Al final usas la misma estrategia para vencer al 99% de los bosses. Pero las mecánicas más interesantes creo que está fuera de los combates, dando hasta 4 herramientas a cada uno de nuestros personajes para resolver una gran variedad de puzles, alguno bastante cabrón de resolver, y premiando bastante la exploración.

En fin, un juego muy recomendable para los amantes de los jrpg clásicos. Con un universo bastante original en el género y con mecánicas de exploración bastante interesantes. No es una obra maestra, pero muy entretenido de jugar y con encanto, desde luego seguiré en la saga.

Solid classic JRPG. Wild Arms delivers a nice story with surprisingly good character moments and a great soundtrack. I was a bit disappointed when the cover and intro gave me more western vibes and I found this was pretty much just limited to Jack being a cowboy, but it was fine. It was kind of underwhelming that you only have 3 party members for the whole game but they end up being nicely developed. Rudy's past and identity as a machine and Jack's confrontations with Harken in particular delivered some earnest emotional scenes that I didn't expect. I also quite liked Rudy's interactions with Jane and I wish that was more prevalent in the story. The gameplay is okay, the battles are slow because of fairly long loading times and laggy animations. There are some neat aspects though, like Rudy's different arms, Jack's fast draws and Cecilia's crest graph system. Also the use of each character's tools for puzzles in the field is interesting and makes them feel a little more unique. Unfortunately each boss battle pretty much plays out the same way with having Cecilia cast Slow/Armor Down and spamming Rudy and Jack's strongest skills but that's something a lot of JRPGs have in common so I can't knock it too much. Visually Wild Arms doesn't stand out much from its competition with serviceable 2D art out of battle and lackluster 3D models in battle, but in terms of music there's plenty of great and memorable tracks that really help set the atmosphere of the game. Overall Wild Arms delivers a solid classic experience complete with the usual repetitiveness and tedium but with enough charm to make up for it.

the lack of western settings and the prevalence of medieval settings is disappointing. the story was not well written enough to save this. the phenomenal soundtrack was.

First RPGotQQ played for 2022. A pretty solid game. Nothing spectacular, but a good PS1-era RPG nonetheless. Enjoyed the characters and combat, though the story was a bit nonsensical. Some interesting gameplay bits involving splitting the characters up, but otherwise pretty run-of-the-mill as far as gameplay. Still enjoyed my time with this one!

I have a hard time putting into words how I feel about this game as part of it I love and part of it just isn’t good. The first thing I love is before the game ever starts. The opening theme to Wild Arms is without question my favorite opening song in gaming. The music as a whole is great. I really liked the characters in this game and I liked the abilities you could use outside of battle. There wasn’t anything special about the battle system as it was fairly standard stuff. I didn’t like the fact that it was supposed to be “western” but there were very few places that felt that way. My biggest problem is the story went all over the place and it wasn’t that great of a story before it starts jumping shark after shark. Overall though it is a solid game that deserve the 3 and a half stars.

An underrated SNES classic about a wild-western rag tag team of Bomberman in more ways than one, knock-off Indiana Jones, and literally every female JRPG main character ever.

i think about this game nearly every day of my life

The opening FMV is amazing and the overall tone, soundtrack, and western feel I really enjoyed... unfortunately, that was about all I really liked about it.

Maybe I'll give the game another shot in the future...but with so many games in the backlog already, it might be left abandoned.

A decent adventure with a safe battle system that was rewarding enough. The gameplay gimmicks, like changing characters midway through a dungeon, were fun enough however the game was spoiled for me at points were puzzles were impossible without a guide to help. Easy enough to complete 100% in under 50 hours which felt quite satisfying for a JRPG.

Viejo Oeste+JRPG da la combinación de un juego que dada para muchas cosas, pero al final queda en poco y nada, pero amo la estética que lleva el juego y la música es un deleite para los oídos, lo mismo que el combate no se siente pesado ni lento en todo momento, además el sistema de la barra de Fuerza que con cada nivel de Fuerza tenemos una habilidad para hacer da un toque al combate, las funciona no son ni difíciles ni fáciles, lo mismo con los puzzles, ya que cada personaje brinda algo puzzles dependiendo de sus herramientas, ya la me gusta mucho quitando a Cecilia y todo su arco de evolución y Zed com su gran carisma y sus motivaciones, los demás personajes se quedan muy cortos a pesar de que les dan cositas como Jack y su búsqueda del poder o lo del pasado del prota, Rudy.
Al final, hasta los villanos se quedan atrás, teniendo una base muy interesante y usable, pero no exploran ni dan momentos ni nada, espero que Wild Arms 2 mejore esto.