Reviews from

in the past

Nice tight platforming controls, amazing music, interesting story, a fun sense of humor, and a unique visual style all come together to make this a great little indie game.

The only thing keeping it from being a 5 is that so far, secret areas don't lead to alternate paths or warp zones, but instead to either a small bit of story or a joke. Then you're forces to go through the level again for the proper exit. It rarely ever feels rewarding to find one.

A cute adventure beset by a charismatic AI that nags and bullies you for pretty much everything you do. I was genuinely surprised at how much dialogue was packed into that game.

challenging levels and a story i didnt expect. go go unicorn, go!

I followed the dev a bit of this via Jonas' trailer on Youtube, but now I finally got around to playing it. It's a solid precision platformer, if a bit to trolly/"I wanna be the guy"-ish for my taste. It's definitely a unique and clever take on AI, but it can be really frustrating sometimes, obviously on purpose. The visuals got old after a while, the soundtrack was better than I expected considering Jonas did it himself. While it didn't blow me out of the water, I would recommend playing this to fans of platformers for a unique experience.

The platforming is fine, the whole gimmick with the AI learning your movement and predicting where you'll go to kill you is an interesting premise. It's a cool rage platformer and I respect the dev, though on the hardest difficulty (especially underwater) it gets really frustrating.

I do think the characters are interesting though!

This game knows what it's trying to do and does it really well!
I enjoyed the little story that was going on, and Squid is really funny to have in the background mocking you constantly.
I'd like to come back and 100% this game at some point.

Pretty solid and difficult platformer. Super cool story aswell.

Super unique platformer. I loved the small jabs the AI would throw at you if you changed the difficulty or died a certain amount of times on a level, It felt like the AI was actually observing me as I played.


satisfying platforming, but i wasn't motivated to replay it past beating it initially. cool gimmick with the ai spawning traps but it really wasnt enough to justify hours to find secrets and such.
also im not a fan of games that add achievements for dying a certain number of times, especially because i didn't even nearly reach 1000 deaths for the achievement after beating the whole game.

Its an interesting concept, and its actually pretty well executed, but its hard to feel the effects of the idea? I think the amount of fun in the mechanic was probably not worth the amount of work that went into making it. Which kind of sucks cause Jonas seems like a really talented guy, I wanna see what he ends up doing after this.

It was pretty good for an indie game. The unique ideas and mechanics were cool.

I've never had a game neg me every time I die. I was called a coward for lowering the difficulty for one level?

I know that having the evil robot man yell at you constantly is the game's whole bit, but also, maybe chill it out for the harder levels.
The game's dedicated relaxing level is surprisingly fleshed out, though. Worth playing through once if it's on sale.

Eh, merkilegar hugmyndir en þær passa dáldið illa saman

It's a standard challenge-room platformer where the goal is to make it through without dying. The catch here is that the game learns from your efforts and will put barriers in your way to prevent you from engaging each level purely by muscle memory. The strength of these challenges is adjustable whenever you want, thanks to a fairly generous option to change the difficulty at will. The negative here is that you are insulted for wanting to make the game more playable, which is so played out at this point. At least it's thematically appropriate here? Given that, the AI who follows you around is doing a lot of work to make this game memorable. The voicework is incredible (Apparently done by the game's main director?), and the ability to shift at the drop of a hat from comedy to tension is phenomenal. I mean, it's partly due to the effects added on to the voice, but it still is cause for some memorable moments in an otherwise forgettable game. The tight controls and input only do so much when you really are just jumping around. There's no advanced tech here compared to the likes of Celeste, and relying on randomization as your primary hook is a trick which wears old a bit too fast. It's fine, and the speedruns I did watch afterward were cool, but I also had more fun watching the speedruns than actually playing, and I'm not sure if that is supposed to say anything to the quality of the game or not. 3/6

While I mostly bought it due to the youtuber who created it, I was happy to find a decent rage platformer game waiting for me!

Will You Snail? (2022): Me gusta cómo la IA se adapta a tu forma de jugar y cambia el nivel para putearte. Cierto que a veces abusa y roza lo injusto, pero eso unido a una historia interesante que revienta la cuarta pared lo hace uno de los indies recientes más interesantes (8,00)

This game is frustrating and hilarious. It's one of those games that you don't get often. There's so much love put into this game it's insane, and the gameplay is... Y'now Gyuh-huh-in difficult. But I enjoy difficulty.

this was one of the very few video games that i was hyped for before their release, and i'm glad that it delivered. it's a very solid and unique indie platformer. i've only completed ~75% of everything the game has to offer (excluding unlockable dialogue snippets) but i had a lot of fun with it. the level editor is also pretty versatile.

(This review is biased as I'm a translator)
Core mechanics are great, some rooms are hell in easy mode. The game is very difficult, it mostly feels like you die due to RNG.

Story and OST are great! Visuals are very catchy and charming.
One of the best things about Will You Snail is the huge amount of voice lines, seriously, it never ends.

Challenging; interesting ways to add some replayability with the water pump changing the flow. I enjoyed the game's challenges and will come back to it from time to time. Controls are really good.

Ein kompetenter Platformer mit einem unterhaltsamen Antagonisten.
Es ziemlich cool, auf wie viel verschiedene Ereignisse der Antagonist provzierende Antworten hat.
Die Steuerung ist sehr präzise, die Fehlertoleranz ist auch dementsprechend niedrig.
Ich mochte die automatische Anpassung der Schwierigkeit, da sie dafĂĽr sorgte das Momentum beizubehalten. Wenn die Schwierigkeit einem nicht passt kann man sie immer noch selbst anpassen, was ich auch einmal gemacht habe, da es sich doof angefĂĽhlt hat gerade in den Flow zu kommen, wenn das Spiel entscheidet, das ich zu lange brauche.
Neben der niedrigen Fehlertoleranz störte mich hauptsächlich, dass das Spiel sehr viel verschiedene Elemente präsentiert ohne dem Spieler die Zeit zu geben diese besser zu verstehen. Da durch die Aktionen der KI man meistens bedroht ist, hat man keine Zeit sich die Sachen in Ruhe genauer anzusehen, wenn man sich nicht sicher ist wie man Handeln soll. Generell hab ich den Eindruck, dass beim Design etwas das mangelnde Wissen eines Erstspielers vergessen wurde, weshalb Level mit neuen Mechaniken einen schnell überfordern können. Auch gibt es einige Level wo einfach sehr viel verschiedene Sachen auf einmal eingesetzt werden, welche mich auch oft überfordert haben.
Dass die KI versucht vorherzusagen, wo der Spieler sich befinden wird ist ein sehr cooles Konzept, dass aber insgesamt sehr zurückhaltend eingesetzt wurde. Der Großteil der Herausforderung kommt von statischen Elementen, die dynamischen Elemente sorgen meist mehr dafür, dass man in Bewegung bleiben muss. Es gab nur wenige Level, wo ich aktiv versucht habe mich unvorhersehbar zu bewegen und die KI in bestimmte Aktionen zu ködern, davon hätte ich deshalb gerne mehr gehabt.

i dont know how to phrase it so im just gonna say basically what the review below this says because i agree: interesting concept but hard to feel the effects of the idea

It is an odd feeling to be playing this game in the year 2024, where crypto-turned-nft bros have moved on to “AI” as their next big panacea. It is a game that imagines AI as both less and more than it is today, where its mechanical force is to effectively play the game out in front of you in order to put obstacles there (something we’ve been able to do for decades, at least) but its plot force is to effectively be the singularity, a superintelligence far outside the capabilities we can imagine. But it’s surprisingly easy to suspend that part of my disbelief. I can engage with each part of the game as two sides of the same coin. Or maybe, instead, as one treats a model of the solar system: one a toy of the other.

But it is surprising, which half felt lackluster to me. Its platforming, while serviceable and tight, too-infrequently makes use of its own predictive conceit. The story, on the other hand, was engaging and well told - if a bit basic. It was a pleasantly unique perspective into the genre. It is not so often that we get stories from after the singularity, and very much not in this medium.