Reviews from

in the past

SNK's lazy Final Fight knock-off with sluggish combat and some poor hit detection. Just play Final Fight.

Tedioso e repetitivo até pra um briga de rua, não via a hora de terminar logo.

pretty much the blandest beat em up there could be. lots of annoying hitstun on your character for some reason which leads to a lot of unfair combos that the enemies can dish out. I literally remember nothing else about this game. Beat em ups rarely can be bad but they sure can be forgettable

[ACA NEOGEO PS4] £2.89

The definition of an average arcade brawler. I liked the pixel art backgrounds best. The characters were alright, but the animation wasn’t great and there wasn’t much variety in the enemies. Music and sound was fine but not memorable. Gameplay started out ok but quickly got cheap and frustrating. Can’t see myself returning to this one in a hurry.

The first real FINAL FIGHT clone, and at least it's a fairly competent one. The art is pretty good (especially on machinery and the delightfully destructible environments, for some reason), the combat is fast and hard-hitting (if shallow), and the music is great. As a whole, it is pretty vanilla, though. Not a lot of personality. Occasionally there's a funny little animation or some minor quirk around the margins, but not enough to give this its own identity beyond being a blander version of its very, very obvious 1989 Capcom progenitor.

P.S.: Can some game company out there put some of their awesome Shinkiro art from the boxes and promos and whatever into the actual game someday? Make the plane out of the black box, etc.

P.P.S.: Yeah, yeah, I know, Bionic Commando: Rearmed

This review is dedicated to Duffy.

Fuck you Duffy

O começo é bem divertido, mas indo para o final começa a repetir muito os inimigos, ate os chefes são repetidos.

The poor man's Final Fight. It is trying a few new things to not appear as a blatant ripoff, but it really isn't that good.

I would write a long review for how this is probably my current least favorite Neo Geo game. But let me just sum it up into a few words.

Um bom Beat 'em up, mas a história é praticamente nula. Mesmo a gameplay compensando a falta de história, o jogo peca muito em ser raso demais.

Os chefes são totalmente genéricos, o boss final chega a ser vergonhoso de fácil. Até o level design das fases são rasas demais, sem nada muito "único".

O jogo é MUITO parecido com Streets of Rage, com exceção que Streets of Rage tem personagens legais, bons chefes e um ótimo level design. Não apenas uma jogabilidade Beat 'em up viciante.

If Duffy has a million haters, then I'm one of them.
If Duffy has ten haters, then I'm one of them.
If Duffy has one hater, then I'm THAT ONE.
If Duffy has no haters, that means I'm dead.

Simple beat 'em up game that isn't really remarkable in any way.