Reviews from

in the past

Aah DOA 3, Back when I only played Male characters because I thought it'd be weird to play as a girl. Now I only play as women and femboys, how the turns have tabled....

DOA 2 had so many unlockables and extras that this one just feels like a step backwards. Still a fun game though, just gets stale much quicker.

The only things I miss from DOA3 when I'm playing DOA2U are the stages, and some costume variety.

pretty decent. idk hardly feels like a step up from the last, the lack of content does hurt the experience for me. i wanna see my girls jiggle up and down :(

I remember beating the arcade mode and the end cutscene was a shower scene, my mum walked in just as it was playing and banned the XBOX for a month or so. Great game.

Tranquilo um dos melhores jogos de luta do Xbox clássico, que ja era lindo em 2001, mas no "remaster" da retrocompatibilidade para Xbox 360/One/Series, ficou simplesmente deslumbrante.

O gameplay é o arroz com feijão de Dead or Alive, sendo 4 botões (defesa, agarrão, soco e chute) que vão dar diferentes imputs conforme os personagens, direções e combinações de botões. Simples o suficiente para qualquer pessoa pegar um controle e se divertir e funcional o bastante para alguém se dedicar a extrair o melhor do jogo.

Infelizmente, o pouco conteúdo do jogo com um story mode bem fraquinho, poucos modos de jogo (time attack, versus e tag team, basicamente) e quase nenhum desbloqueável (creio que apenas o chefe final) fazem ele parecer bem pobre em comparação aos concorrentes.

Mas é legal dar uma jogadinha. Se segura muito bem ainda.

"She kicks high" really does encapsulate an entire era

A good time! Good sequel to DOA2 and just another good one in the series. I thrououghly enjoyed this one. Tho higlighting Jann Lee on the boxart is curious to me. Why? Well...Ultimate has this boring one, so....but atleast Volleyball focuses on the chicks like it should. Nothing wrong with focusing on Jann Lee but if you want a dude to represent the series, I'd say Hayate is the one you should pick, or Zack. Either way, DOA2U easily outdoes this game so it's a bit hard for me to go back to now, tho I like the way they did the Story end boss, more fresh than Tengu. A good entry all around, not much else to say.

I recommend DOA2U over this but if you wanna play this, get the PAL/JPN version as they have more content and both have English option. Otherwise you'll have to get the Booster Pack for US version...and I don't even know how that stuff works on an emulator, maybe it's simpler on Series X and One BC?

legitimately was one of my favorite games as a kid, now anytime i mention it people think i was playing a porn game

Like what I said with DOA2 I don't really have a deeper intricate understanding of the mechanics to really say what's changed between this and previous games in the series, but it sure has a fancy new coat of paint! For an xbox launch title this looks freakin WILD dude if I was there I would have totally thought graphics couldn't get any better than this. There's also like weird bonus content you can unlock from demo discs for some reason so that's neat.

probably my favourite DoA game. it's a shame that it's the only mainline entry that never had official online support.

a lot is said about DOA being insatiably horny but not enough on how incredible the holds are. pulling one off makes you feel like a God.

a fun japanese fighting game that has a lot of great characters included, most famous is Ryu Hayabusa from the Ninja Gaiden Franchise. The characters are all unique yet this is a very basic arcade style fighter so it's very quick in terms of fighting. Yet still a classic to own on your Xbox.

Voici des fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles et des branches
Et puis voici mon cœur qui ne bat que pour vous.
Ne le déchirez pas avec vos deux mains blanches
Et qu’à vos yeux si beaux l’humble présent soit doux.

Cool game, though other than the graphics I can't tell what 3 adds to the table. It feels like Dead or Alive 2 again, but on the Xbox. That means it's good since I like DoA2, so I'm not complaining too much.

An absolutely gorgeous new update to the series with some fantastic additions like breakable stage props and much more insane transitions when you ring out in just the right place, though sometimes these take just a hair longer than they should considering how much you'll be replaying the same stage over and over. The normal difficulty AI feels more harsh than ever but the input reading isn't as big of a deal when the counter damage has been nerfed across the board. I still prefer the way DOA2 HARD*CORE is balanced, and the amount of content on offer here seems to be even less than the previous game, but the package is so polished and a joy just to watch unfold.

Can't say for sure because I haven't played 6 yet, but this is probably my favorite DOA, the visuals are incredible for the original XBOX, the gameplay is probably the cleanest the series ever had, the story is... Okay, so yeah I really liked it.

Dead or Alive 3 (2001): Lo puse sin esperar nada y encontré uno de los mejores juegos de lucha de su generación. Simplifica priorizando espectacularidar antes que complejidad y funciona de maravilla. El elenco me parece cumplidor sin más, pero en lo demás raya a buen nivel (7,50)

More than dead, it's alive, for the third time.

Dead or Alive 3 is a new sequel that doesn't do anything new, in fact, it's pretty much just Dead or Alive 2 but with new maps and two new characters and I'm totally fine with that.
So yeah it's just Dead or Alive 2 with a new story mode that is even more cryptic with its storytelling than its predecessor and the main quirk of this game is the graphics, this game looks crazy for 2001. Outside of the usual boob jokes have you seen how good the environment looks in this game? The stages are really fun to play in and they look really good, same for the characters, fun to play as, and damn they look gorgeous. Sure they all might seem out to date by nowadays standards and it's not a Wind Waker situation where the game relies on a stylistic art style to stay relevant till the end of time, but damn it was relevant for the blokes in 2001, it was one hell of a showcase of what the Xbox could do, and Xtreme volleyball also proved us that tits could look even better in 2003.

I guess the only thing that disappointed me was the lack of unlockables, unlockables characters are such a nice feature to have, this game unfortunately only has one and it's just a reskin but honestly, I'd rather have a reskin than nothing at least it gives us goals to work for.

Outside of the graphics, there isn't much to say that wasn't said for Dead or Alive 2, they can both be enjoyed and one doesn't overshadow the other. Ah, and unlike Dead or Alive 2 there's only one version of the game compared to 2's 6 different versions, it really avoids the headache.

First off this is a pretty damn good-looking game. The stages and character models all are pretty great-looking (and yes, they're hotter than ever). The character cinematics too also look pretty decent still today for the most part and still have a lot of charm in the places that they don't age the best.

Unfortunately I think the overkill on some of these visual are what also tanks the framerate in about half of the stages, making some of them just outright unenjoyable to fight in. X Octagon was by far the worst offender though, fighting there was like fighting in a pit of molasses, just awful. DOATEC HK as well would chug like crazy if you knocked your opponent through/got knocked through to the basement or the street area. I am willing to concede that this may be some kind of weird quirk of playing this on Xbox 360 instead of original hardware or emulation though.

One thing I KNOW isn't the fault of playing on 360 though is the Omega boss fight. Like yeah, he's SUPER fucking easy, but that's kind of my problem. Also I despise the weird perspective thing they did for his fight/stage. I do not like it at all.

All of that mess aside though, pretty much everything I enjoyed from DOA2 on Dreamcast is here though, so that's pretty nice! Survival Mode and Time Attack were still really fun to do, and I enjoyed playing through the Arcade mode as Kasumi, Tina, and Lei Fang once again. And even though I didn't hate my time with this game, I definitely still enjoyed DOA2 on Dreamcast more overall.

Lackluster single-player like with most fighting games. The boss can be beaten by mashing one button. Great graphics, especially on Xbox One/Series X. I wish this (and other fighting games) had an actual tutorial. This genre is very hostile to newcomers.

Its no Tekken, but still a fun fighting game thats also a really impressive graphical showcase as an original Xbox launch title.

Also theres boobs, and they sure do have physics of some kind.

And Kasumi will always be that girl… like that’s daughter

ost is kind of bland, and that's kind of what made doa2 5/5 for me so yeah, besides that everything is cool

I'm biased toward this one over 2, probably just because I like the stages better. Like with 2 I wish the AI had more bite to it, but this is just so extremely polished. Looks fantastic, sounds even better, and uses 3D space better than I think any other 3D fighter I've played. Well... until the boss of story mode, that is. I have beef about how that's executed, unfortuantely.