Reviews from

in the past

A game remake done right. Genuinely one of my favorite Bond games.

With multiplayer, I'm sure this game was great. Without it, it was a very middle of the road FPS. Had some fun levels, visually it looks fine. But it was a pretty forgettable experience overall. The final boss was extremely janky and bad as well.

I got it cheap so I enjoyed it, but not something i'll revisit.

Pretty fine Wii FPS. Not incredible, but it's fun

I remember this having pretty great online play

A perfectly fun, mid-2000s shooter with a Bond coat of paint. Has the poison chalice of the Goldeneye name on it, but it walks a nice line of homage and originality.

en cuestion de epicidad es el god of war de los shooters de wii: si no fuese por la caida de fps asquerosa que tiene, los lugares extremadamente oscuros y el doblaje castellano, seria un 10/10 pero no lo es, seguro que las versiones de ps3 y x360 son mucho mejores, en cuanto lo BUENO que es mas que lo malo: variedad de armas muy buenas, el sigilo no aburre, equilibrado de dificultad, muy buenos graficos, buen gunplay las armas tienen buenos modelados y sonidos, lindas ragdolls y una historia bastante buena para un fps, me encontre con un bug pero nada que no me dejara avanzar. Se tiene que empezar a mencionar mas a la hora de hablar de fps de wii y sacar un poco los cods de foco.

if goldeneye n64 was good

"This was the first time I played any iteration of Goldeneye and maybe my first shooter? I'll have to see when Modern Warfare Mobilized came out for the DS."

You would be well within your rights to hang me at sun up for such a lifestyle.

Not a terrible remake, it doesn't sully the original's legacy but doesn't add a whole lot to the original experience outside of a more bombastic, cinematic presentation and better graphics, though I would have preferred a straight port with improved visuals like the Xbox 360 port of Perfect Dark. Still worth your time if you want a decent Wii-exclusive FPS, and the multiplayer's still a blast despite feeling a lot like Call of Duty.

A good fix for people who only had a wii but wanted an FPS

its a cod game but not a bad one

Don't get me wrong, this seems like a great game, but it just doesn't feel right on the Wii. But on the other hand, it only feels right on the Wii... so....

Probably one of my favourite shooters, if not my favourite one.
The story is loyal to the GoldenEye movie and the graphics are (for 2010 Wii standards) extremely well done. The multiplayer gamemode is a pure joy: there are so many iconic James Bond characters to playand the maps are very varied.

i have shaky hands but this game fun as hell!!! i loved shooting my friends and family!!!

Daniel Craig remake of the original Golden Eye game. It has decent gameplay, but some of the levels are way to dark, and the brightness maxes out in the settings before the 'Logo' is even visible. This made some of the levels a tad frustrating.

Yeah, it's... Disappointing.

I love the Wii. I think it is one of the most daring moves of all the videogame industry, that fortunately led to a tons of ideas. The Wii relies on the Wiimote, that is a motion gaming pad good at pointing things, shaking, sweeping all the screen and detecting large movements.

If you've ever played a first person game in your life you'll certainly think it's the best controller for this type of game. I think you're right.

EA produced for the Wii my reference of motion-design-based-FPS which is Medal of Honor Heroes 2. In it, you have to put your Wiimote on your shoulder to fire the bazooka, you have to adjust your sniper's sight with the nunchuck and to pump the nunchunk to load a shotgun shell. It is incredibly fun and well crafted.

Medal of Honor Heroes 2 X James Bond stuff including fancy environements, silly gadgets, some boss design, a nice infiltration gameplay and a not boring asenal were my expectations when I launched Goldeneye Wii, which is a remake of Goldeneye 64 which automatically lessen my own will to play it because i hate remakasters. Let's discuss these points one after the other shall we.

"Fancy environements" are quite cleverly done. The game feels hemmed in the Wii, namely compared to the COD-hype that occured on the HD console at the time, but it somehow manages, by switching from inside to outside levels and alternating the snow decorset with other decorset, to hold it quite well in comparison. Some environments, like the nightclub for instance, are honestly superb, and rely on a smart technical tweak to be this impressive (using sprites instead of 3D models, which is a cool aesthetical way to match the nightclub theme of the level).

"Silly gadgets" are a joke. The game was out in 2010, so James Bond uses a Blackberry phone. That's all. In a way, it matches quite well this Quantom of Solace era of James Bond that I personally don't like very much, in which "realism" was more important than "arcady-fun" and gadgets were replaced by extinguishers and arm muscles.

"Bosses" are inexistant from what I've seen of Goldeneye. There a tank level which adds a bit of variety. That's all.

"Infiltration" is okay-ish. You know, it's the old kind of boring way of stealthing into an area with a crouch-get-behind-enemy-and-press-A-button-to-eliminate infiltration gameplay. Not good, but I cannot blame the game for it considering it was out in 2010. Not bad either, because some area are cleverly deisgned, with good patrols patterns and vents tunnels.

"Arsenal" is composed of pistols, machine-pistols and rifles. Yay. No golden gun. No rail guns. No "prototype weapons" that try something different. More disturbing: no explosives! No grenades in 2010! As we say in french "Aie aie aie !"

So... Yeah, you better play Medal of Honor Heroes 2. Plus, it is cheaper. And less rare.

Goldeneye 64 is a classic. Goldeneye Rogue Agent is a very bad joke, way too hard and not so interesting. Goldeneye 2010 is simply forgettable.

With a big gap between Bond films, it was Activision’s time to cash in on the “GoldenEye” name. While this is based on the story of GoldenEye, it’s not a remake of the Nintendo 64 classic, but rather a game based on an imaginary Bond film where the story of GoldenEye was adapted as Daniel Craig’s third Bond film. It originally came out on the Wii before a remastered version on 360 and PS3. While those versions look better, it’s the same game and I picked the Wii version because of the ease of getting screenshots and not needing to drag consoles out of storage due to a lack of backwards compatibility.

After a brief tutorial at MI6, Bond and 006 (who looks so young, it must be his first day on the job) are sent to investigate weapons trading at a dam. The first area of this heavily based on the N64 game, but that single area is the only similarity in terms of level design. 006 steals a truck and you have to shoot from the passenger seat before shooting your way through the rest of the level. The gameplay is heavily based on Call of Duty, but in GoldenEye, aiming and turning just feels stiff and awkward, it’s a massive step down form Quantum of Solace.

We get a opening credits that actually uses the original GoldenEye song, but instead of Tina Tuner, we get a bad cover of it. I would have much preferred something different to suit Craig’s era more. The placement of the song is also odd, in the middle of the opening instead of its normal place.

The facility serves as a tutorial for the stealth mechanics. You can hack objects to cause distractions and take enemies down with stealth attacks. However, stealth isn’t really important for any mission after this and it doesn’t work well anyway. I’ve had enemies say “I think I heard something” after shooting them with a silenced pistol, somehow unaware of the bullet wounds, while on the other side of things, if you hack turrets remotely, enemies will instantly shoot towards Bond’s location – when enemies are “alert” they simple know where Bond is, line of sight is irrelevant.

After 006 gets shot, Bond blows up the facility immediately. If they hadn’t been caught, the deal they would have stopped would have still happened due to how long it takes for the place to slowly blow up in a chain reaction. There’s a colossal base outside the facility you have to fight through as things explore before reaching to a plane and escaping. The game teases you with a motorbike before control is taken away from you and you just aim.

Bond’s investigation leads him to Zukovsky’s nightclub, where the gangster talks about Bond giving him a scar in the past. He reveals what information he gave to Ourumov before being assassinated by Xenia, who runs away claiming that Bond shot him. You have to fight your way out, but the setting and atmosphere make this the most best level in the game.

Heading to an arms fair in Dubai, Bond tries to stop Ourumov and Xenia from stealing an EMP hardened helicopter. You chase them through a frigate before placing a tracker on the helicopter. This game has a big theme of really dark corridors.

Heading to Siberia, the most notable part of surface is a really cool shot as the GoldenEye satellite hits. The snow in this level happens to form “corridors” for you to fight through as the Russian army takes out the guards of the facility. Bond kills as many people as he can on both sides as he makes his way into the bunker.

Even right after playing this…I really can’t remember much about this level other than Natalya running away and it just being really dark. I thought I heard 006 setting explosives and was wondering if we would get an early reveal of Janus, as it’s not really going to be a surprise to anyone in this version, but it instead ends with Bond and Natalya getting arrested.

This one follows the film a bit closer here, with Ourumov killing the defence minister and pins it on Bond, although the way he does it – shooting then running away crying “he shot the defence minister” – made me laugh, especially as the same thing happened in the nightclub level. This level was when I realised why I found the level design to be really off: it just feels like random rooms and corridors attached to each other, it doesn’t feel like any real building. Anyway, it’s time for the tank level.

It’s…fine. This might work better if there were other vehicle segments, but with aspects like the lock-on, this feels oddly like an arcade style game, like we’ve just stepped into a tank level from Star Fox. While you do have full control of the tank, it just feels very on-rails. After chasing Ourumov, he makes it to his train, parked in the middle of a construction yard.

The construction yard section is decent, with a few ways you can get through it, but he train itself is just a couple of carriages and not its own level. You end up meeting with Xenia and Ourumov (Janus hasn’t been revealed yet, so he’s not part of this bit), with Xenia killing Ourumov and setting the train on fire. Bond has to shoot a panel on the floor with a gun. I can understand trying to change the plot, but all the character of this moment has simply been removed. Natalya doesn’t even use her skills to discover where to head next – she just overheard Ourumov talking about a meeting with Janus at statue park.

The first area of this level looks great, with plenty of statues of different sizes, but it slowly turns into a generic looking compound with some underground corridors joining different parts of it together. Here 006 reveals himself as Janus. His motivation in this game has been altered a lot: it’s no longer about revenge, it’s about “bankers and their bonuses”. Because the government is now corrupt and treat people poorly, he’s become a terrorist that plans on launching an EMP attack on London, killing thousands of innocent people in the process. He traps bond in a helicopter set to explode, but a quick time event lets him escape.

Oh, and Natalya was told to sit in the car, but instead gets captured. Luckily Bond spotted a computer with a map to where 007 will control the GoldenEye satellite from: a solar energy station in Africa.

After crashing in the Jungle, this is a level where you think you can be stealthy, but taking over the turrets simply turns stealth off (you can’t get past them if you don’t hack them). If stealth did work properly, then this would be a really good level, as there are sections where it semes like you can set off turrets as a distraction while taking a different route. It ends with a quicktime event fight against Xenia.

Heading towards the solar facility, it looks fancy, but doesn’t make a lot of sense as the system isn’t designed to send signals to precise locations in space. You fight through an entire army before getting captured – luckily the final few guards were the only ones that were told to not kill Bond.

In the tower, it’s revealed that they need Natalya to arm the satellite or something (Boris is nowhere to be seen), but Bond sets off an explosion elsewhere in the facility and the satellite will fire just fine, and Natalya is the only one that knows how to stop it. I’m not really sure why 006 brought her here. After you protect her for a bit, it’s time for the final encounter.

There are three stages to the final fight, the first is a quick time event. The main part of the fight turns 006 into a bullet sponge enemy with ridiculously bad AI as 006 spends half his time hiding behind a cover while you stand behind him, repeatedly shooting him in the back. After a few hundred bullets, he flees for the final quick time event fight ending with a slow mo “quick” draw.

This version of GoldenEye isn’t a bad game, it just isn’t a good one. It’s a pitifully average shooter, but its flaws are just highlighted more by Activision cashing in on the love for the N64 game.

Not really much of a shooter fan, but I did have some fun with this one with friends. Industrial is a real tough cookie though. I kept getting lost and sniped by my buddies from out of nowhere... Decent game, but judging from my own tastes, nothing special.

"Eu sem entender porra nenhuma:"

Less unique and charming than the original by a mile but at least it hasn't aged terribly so...

Also apparently the big head mode cheat is only for MP?? Actually evil if that's true

Call of Duty multiplayer without voice chat. Basically the best CoD by proxy.

can't fight the controls, you gotta lean into the auto aim and play on the game's rules (i.e. you rarely have to look up or down -even when going up/down stairs the game looks up/down for you- so focus efforts more on horizontal aiming).

It sure was a shooter on the Wii

Les 1v1v1 avec Jayce et Willie en revenant de l'école la bonne époque où le ministre de l'intérieur était pas accusé de viole tsé le mec qui force

I have no nostalgia for the original game, but I can say making this into a run-of-the-mill modern military shooter did not do the remake any favours. The controls just seem impossible get comfortable with--and I don't have general disdain for motion controls, in fact I loved Metroid Prime Trilogy and Splatoon is the only console shooter I can even play online only because of its gyro aiming. But more so than that, they simply made a linear console shooter without understanding Wii's hardware. Games like this simply does not work on standard definition because aiming becomes unnecessarily difficult when in sub-HD. I can't see anything when everything looks like the same bloody pixel. The stealth sections become as painfully repetitive as the firefights, there is very little room for any kind of tactical maneuver (I mean, you don't even get a hand grenade), and most objectives are either boring or downright frustrating. Shows that once again, modern military shooters only really work if they can put so much budget into production value to distract the players that they aren't really getting anything novel.

As good as the N64 game, and still playable online with a modded Wii.

A remake but one that takes numerous story and gameplay cues from the much loved original and brings it bang up-to-date in terms of graphics, gameplay and production values. Fans of the original shouldn’t worry at all - the game is as worthy successor as we are ever likely to see and an essential purchase for those yearning to relive their multi-player student days. Perhaps it’s time to settle those old grudges online?

The first time that I ever shot someone