Reviews from

in the past

Unpacking this game's themes and story is quite frankly something I'm too exhausted to do, but I will say that this one has my personal favourite gameplay in the series so far

Этот фильм обосрал 99% кинематографа, учитесь у гения бездари!!!

replay value is pretty bad but its a fun movie to watch when you play for the first time?? i have mixed feelings about this game

This is dogshit😃, it plays worse than 3, it looks ugly as hell, runs like shit, and the story is a total disaster that pisses in the legacy of 2 and 3 with the shittiest plot twists ever made by humans

It would be interesting to revisit this game as part of an MGS series replay to see if it's not as bad as I remember. It'll be even worse, but it would be interesting.

Awful. One of the worst games I've ever played. It's basically a shit anime that occasionally lets you play.

The actual stealth gameplay is fine. Its a nicely streamlined version of MGS3. But the overall storytelling, pacing, and level design is easily the worst for the series.


This game has a lot of high highs and a lot of low lows and is extremely up it's own ass in a lot of ways that are good and bad. I've never played this before, but I've watched other people play it many times over, and I think playing it for myself has given me an overall greater appreciation for what it is.

That being said I have one big criticism, besides the fact that the people behind this game don't know how to write women, but I think everyone can agree on that point. And that criticism is that it is trying to be political but comes off half-baked in it's beliefs. The game understands (in excuciating detail) a lot of what is wrong with the world and it knows the only way we can truly improve is to move beyond capitalism. But what does it think that system should be replaced with? An uncommitted shrug and platitudes about how the next generation can figure it out. It's very baby boomer liberal in that sense.

This is also a game where a cyborg ninja can use a sword with it's feet and you can accidentally break the dick off a statue and the villain makes his submarine secret base look like a replica of mount rushmore except it has the faces of the man he loved and his three terrible adult sons, but that's neither here nor there.

The cutscene at the end of this game just before the last fight is so glorious that the game gets five stars just for that.

This game is the exact opposite of a passion project—it's a meticulously crafted hate project. Bravo Kojingus.

Sony is scared. Kojima has made a game so Intense and profound. That they're keeping it on the PS3 cuz there scared of the game. That's what I'm going for why they haven't ported it.

One of the best video games experience I've ever had that's all I'm saying.

The best way to end a video game series. It's highly entertaining because of the story about making sense of MGS 2 and 3, and delivers the best finale in a video game in history.

This is the worst best game of all time or maybe it's the best worst game of all time.

Like some sort of an idiot I played this game without playing any other in the series, I had no idea what was going on or why there were hour long cutscenes. But the gameplay was fun 🤷🏼‍♀️

I really enjoyed this entry in the MGS franchise. It neatly ties up just about every loose plot thread and introduces a lot of really engaging systems, even though it still feels less than MGS3. I never had the urge to revisit it though.

if riot designed mgs they'd nerf the cardboard box

reader, you do not know the pain i went through to play this game. my ps3 stopped working, i tried to repair it, bricked it. i bought another second hand one on fb marketplace, but to get it i had to walk for about 45 mins in the rain in the middle of the night to an area in my city where an infamous mass shooting took place. i picked it up, didnt get shot, excitedly listened to mgs2 soundtrack while i walked. i imagined i was a member of a secret anti-metal gear group on a clandestine virtuous mission of my own, to pick up a mysterious package which may contain knowledge of some new metal gear... the roadmen that passed me by were the faceless, nameless soldiers of whatever military organisation was the enemy of the day. i was ready to take them down, kill them if i had to. they are people too, i know this. but as soldiers we take the risk of death as an everyday hazard. we are all fighting for something, we all believe in something. i will remember them, once it is done. but i will not hesitate.
anyway i got the package back to base... i mean, my flat. bro sold me a broken ps3
at this point i was at my wits end, even my parents were invested in my quest to just fucking play this god damn game. they helped me out with some money to buy a refurbed ps3 and AT LAST! AT LONG LAST! A WORKING PLAYSTATION!!
i excitedly set it all up, put in another game to check that it worked... it did!!!!! THIS IS HAPPENING BABY
my friends trickled into the livestream, boy were we going to have the time of our lives watching the finale, the end to the story of solid snake and otacon. the moment we had all been waiting for..!

this game is pants. i wasted loads of time and money on it too so im gonna be more bitter about this fact, but it is a load of pants. the ONLY things i liked about it are below:
- guinea pigs
- liquid fist fight obviously went hard
- laughed a lot with my friends at all the awful shit things this game does

dont invest in nanobots

Glad I played it after Phantom Pain
The Perfect Ending for the Franchise

Sin duda una de las joyitas de kojima vaya putisimo pedazo de videojuego dios mio

Some of the best cinematics ever conceived in a video game, and a satisfying end to both Solid and Big Boss’s story.

Otacon be like “his bitch got a gyat I hit her with rizz”

shouldnt this be on letterboxd instead hahahahahaha get it because the cutscneme,s

This review contains spoilers

I am so fucking confused bro

MGS4 is a weird game because I really liked it but also I fully understand almost every complaint I've heard. The gameplay to cutscene ratio is hilarious, the first 2 acts are great whilst the latter 3 dip bit by bit, thebosses are great but only few are as memorable as bossfights from the first and the game itself doesn't run very well. The story is impressively coherent considering what it was working with and does a good job at rounding up old loose ends while making new ideas and twists enjoyable, but it can be a bit weird at times with certain things like 'nanomachines' just becoming a deus ex machina for whatever the story needs. Also certain important stuff isn't touched upon enough and leaves you with questions more than answers, answers that are only partially available in the game with the true lore being hidden in some database app on the ps3 that is luckily archived on the internet. But most of the present-ish stuff like Snake's relationship with Liquid and Ocelot is well handled and satisfyingly concluded

Despite all these complaints there is a lot to like, plenty of new mechanics are added to polish the already enjoyable gameplay of the first 3 such as crouch-walking, more complex CQC, even better camouflage and the most intuitive MGS control scheme to date. Also the living battlefield idea was excellent and made me completely gripped by the first 2 acts of the game. The concept that stealth doesn't have to mean quiet and you can influence this dynamic moving set piece is fascinating, however it doesn't much exist in the last 3 acts. I understand why this may not appeal to certain die-hard fans who want a core MGS stealth game and I thought that would be answered in Act 4 which comes across as the most promising yet, until you discover there's no REAL enemies and the games one chance to hold some of its old DNA is squandered. There are still gems in these last few acts, I only really disliked 1 boss fight out of the games 7 proper ones and 2 of the late game ones are super cool and well made, also even in the lower parts of the game it looks great even for a 16 year old game and the level design is for the most part pretty good.

I didn't dislike MGS4 but it frustrated me how close it came to greatness sometimes only to fall at the last hurdles, I can understand why people say this is one of the weakest in the series but I still think its an absolute jam regardless and I'm probably only as harsh on it because of the standard set by 1-3.

In some regards its the best MGS game but in others its the worst. However from a climactic point this is a fantastic end of an enthralling saga.


P.S. I take major issue with how it tries to connect 3 and 4, I can believe that perhaps Zero and Big Boss became 'villains' through their disagreements and disillusion with the Boss' dream, however Sigint and Para-Medic being straight up 'evil' is poor writing. It comes across as an attempt to make the games more connected but undermines two characters that were clearly designed to be likeable and positive. I struggle heavily to believe the nice, basketball loving, weapons guy from Snake Eater turned into a corrupt, populace controlling military leader who took massive bribes for the development of world-ending technology AND the equally lovable survival and health expert turns into a deceitful mad scientist who betrayed Big Boss and immorally cloned him (she literally said she doesn't condone it) and also captured and experimented on Gray Fox for 4 years, completely mutilating his body. I think its a stupid decision that both these characters were an entire façade for the entirety of MGS3 with no hint to ulterior motives when DARPA Chief and the doctor beyond Les Enfant Terrible could've easily just been their own separate characters. They could still have both been members of the Patriots just being convinced by Zero (their CO) about its benefits for society.

Make no mistake, most people believe this is a Movie, but in actuality this is more like a Litmus Test, specifically crafted as to identify and discriminate between those who are gifted with the ability to enjoy fun things that are fun and the poor peasants who probably haven't even played this game in the first place, and just ended being mere parrots of the zeitgeist (Youtube Video Essayist).

If you happen to be among the former group of people, like yours truly, then I'm positive you're cursed with an High I.Q. and your life is one of hardships, but do not fret! As at the very least, you're one of the lucky Pals or Gals who has actually played one of the finest games to be released back in the late 2000s.

As for everybody else... I just hope you'll one day be able to play experience MGS4 for yourselves and realize how wrong both you, and the Youtube Bad Opinion factory were. If you happen to be one of the few who has actually played this and yet still thinks the zeitgeist is correct, I'm afraid there is no hope left for you in this world. May whichever deity you believe in have mercy upon your wretched soul, Amen!