Reviews from

in the past

É um jogo bem divertido, ótimo para as tardes tranquilas e muito bem animado.
Nobody Saves the World é um jogo com uma temática simples, mas bem feita, além de uma jogabilidade muito interessante e também fácil de se adaptar.
A história é básica, mas bem feita, uma boa construção de mundo bem maluquinho, mas bem feito.
O que eu também mais gostei com certeza foi a tradução/localização do jogo para o Brasil, com varias gírias e formas que só br entende, por um tempo até acreditei que fosse um jogo br, muito bom.
Recomendo de mais para quem quer jogar algo simples, porém muito bem feito.

Nice as Bun-B when I met him at the Source awards
Girl he had with him - ass coulda won the horse awards

Un juego que ayuda a rellenar ese vacío que a veces sentimos los que nos gusta farmear un poco de más y completar misiones con una jugabilidad chula y original. Lo recomiendo bastante y más en alguna rebajita

Nobody Saves the World is an ugly cute RPG revolving around transforming into different characters for puzzles and combat.

The gameplay is interesting, with every transformation having different playstyles. Each transformation has its own set of quests you must complete to level them up and unlock more abilities for them. These quests are cool, as not only do they teach you how to play the characters, they encourage you to mix and match abilities with them, letting you experiment with different combat builds.

The dungeons are fine, but they tend to feel the same after a while, even with the different aesthetics and modifications trying to make them unique or challenging.

The story is basic and somewhat predictable, but I think it’s written well enough to not be boring or overbearing. The humor is kinda hit or miss though, as the game’s style of humor isn’t for everyone, and some jokes overstay their welcome a bit.

All in all, a fun game to play in short bursts, or as a quick time killer.

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un po' perusi (l'ho giocato con umbe)

Lets be clear nobody was gonna save the world if this was any longer, if it wasn't coop the gimmick would have wore thin even faster.

If you're in the mood for a isometric Zelda-like game with a crazy cast of characters, then you're in luck because that's exactly what Nobody Saves the World is. The gameplay is solid and a bit out of the ordinary due to the amount of playable characters you get to choose from with their own complete movesets and attacks. The bodybuilder, the magician and the horse where among my favourites, but the slug and the rat is also worth mentioning.

The game is filled with humour, quirky NPCs, slapstick and funny dialogue and if you're familiar with Guacamelee you know what to expect in that regard.

To me this was not a binge game, because when I had one third of the game left I needed a break and wasn't sure I would complete it, though having enjoyed it up until that moment. But returning to it a week later it felt "fresh" again and nobody ended up saving the world.

They tweak the gameplay for NG+ and the new rules sounded fun, but my run with the game was fullfilled. Happy to have played it.

j'ai tellement aimé ce jeu que j'étais dégouté de l'avoir fini

(from original post in 2022) pretty good

What a game, I wasn't expecting this to be this fun. Heck it's a game I've seen and ignored for years. It finally came to PS Plus and I heard some people recommend it. I then played it and nonstop played it until completion. It was super fun with decent jokes and a story that only gets better the more you play. I think this game flew under a lot of people's radars as it did for me but please if you ever see this game and think about getting it, I couldn't urge you more to take that leap.

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- Zelda mixed with dungeon crawler.
- I like unlocking forms and learning what their abilities are. The variety of forms is great. You get classic tropes such as ranger and rogue but also goofy one like magician and bodybuilder. The monk is OP.
- You later gain the ability to mix and match abilities and this open the game so much. It's fun to find the synergy between different abilities.
- I also like leveling system. Protagonist levels up via achievements and so the achievements push me to experiment with the abilities. Some dungeons and quests also have conditions which encourage abilities mixing.

This game is the embodiment of dopamine. It starts slow, but the rate at which you acquire new forms with unique abilities and passives during moment-to-moment gameplay is insane. The final key ingredient is that you unlock the mechanic to combine any non-signature abilities and passives to any form early on, and that's when the game truly became amazing for me.

As you might assume, the difficult balance must be broken as hell, and that is where I'm gonna surprise you by saying no. The dungeons in this game present modifiers that push you to craft optimal builds for your forms, despite the numerous options available. This becomes especially important in the new game plus mode, where unique dungeon modifiers present additional challenges. This game's difficulty is impressively well-tuned for how easily it could've broken in half.

The charming visuals and writing that Drinkbox Studios is known for are once again delivered in this game, which I fell in love with when playing Guacamelee for the first time last year. However, I do have one complaint about this game, apart from the slow start. I find it puzzling that your form quests are locked from completing them in the main big dungeons. This decision is something I don't quite understand.

My overall conclusion is that I strongly recommend this game if you are in the mood for a mix of 2D Zelda & Diablo that has carved its own identity that Drinkbox Studios has excellently crafted.

Really fun ideas, but subpar execution. The audio and visual clarity are lacking, the interface is bad, and the combat is generally a bit unsatisfying. The shapeshifting and build making is really cool, the humor lands fairly often, and the story was better than expected.

Hopped into this one to give it a shot for a few minutes in between other games to see what it was like. And then hours flew by in the blink of an eye, I was leveling up and I realized I was hooked line and sinker. Other than like a half hour of Diablo 3 splitscreen co-op play on the Switch, I've never played a Diablo or any other similar action RPG - despite my partner putting several hundred hours into Diablo 2 I would watch her play and go, eh I don't really think it's for me. But Nobody Saves The World made me see the appeal big time, holy shit.

The best part of this was that the "grinding" to level up, was just a ton of playing around with every player form and trying out all of their attacks and mixing their unique powers with other forms' attacks to make these wacky builds. Going into dungeons and wrecking shit, it didn't feel tedious until the very end of ranking every form to the max level, and even then I wasn't bored. I got every guy to S rank and still wanted more.

The world building, stupid little freaks and characters everywhere with their silly lines and quests, so much funny and cute stuff - and then there's some really gross and nasty cartoon-ish horror effects for some enemies, and especially the main villain; that final guy was nuts and I loved the design. I loved the Skyrim-like factions you join, and all of the regions and villages with their own flair and feel - reminded me of Paper Mario a bit.

What a sleek little title, super easy to navigate UI and menus, the addictive pop of leveling up and completing quests, the combat is just horde smashing fun (along with a tiny bit of a planning required for dungeons/enemies having different criteria for completing/defeating).

I got every trophy except the one for completing new game plus, otherwise I'd have the Platinum. I just got other games I wanna play instead, but I can def see myself going back someday and doing another run through the story. I also beat the final boss at level 69 - hell yeah. Great great great little game!

fun with a friend but apart from the visuals and music, I wasn’t really feeling this at all. I like the concept of having all these forms that fill different niches and the progression of getting new forms and abilities to play around with, but the execution is super clunky. Combat is mindless and hits have 0 feedback, switching between forms is awkward, and enemies only dying to certain forms feels like a cheap way of annoying the player into engaging with the transformations rather than naturally letting them experiment with the different play styles they offer.

Ultimately not much to stick around for, I can’t say I found its writing all too compelling or funny either.

Been a while since I've played this game, overall it's a great action RPG. Mix-matching abilities and exploring the world feels really, really good.

The story is quite simple and “hints” you throughout the game. It also has some quite clever character arcs!

hidden gem of a game this was an absolute blast to play with my friend and I highly recommend it. we would get lost while playing this game as well.

Accessible, stylistic RPG with enough variation and excitement to entice most players, for a while.

Nobody Saves The World would have made an excellent Adult Swim or Nicktoons animated series. The graphic style and writing is wacky, humorous, and slightly off-key without being too ridiculous. Characters are well developed and even NPC's have distinct styles of speaking or acting. Everything looks and sounds good as you endure waves of enemies and some very mild exploring of a pretty strange world.

All of this style doesn't get in the way of some solid substance, as well. The gameplay choices are interesting, as you can use your magic to change form at basically anytime to best suit what the world is throwing at you. I found myself preferring a certain form for a while and then reconsidering my build as we entered a dungeon that required a certain skill to defeat the enemies within. Mixing up skills from some forms into the other forms added a level that kept my interest, as well. My partner and I did a co-op playthrough and having a second player made the game a bit less challenging but made the hordes of enemies an summoned demons, zombies, or familiars a bit more hectic. Pairing up builds was pretty fun and working together to unlock other forms was our main goal.

The game did a lack a really compelling story (we guessed the twist kind of early on) and was a bit of a slog if you focused just on completing quests, but overall, it was a decent time in a fun and fantastical world.

Review from

Coitado do Randy, o radical sofreu mais que a Juliette

Pretty fun game. The artstyle blends cute & disturbing pretty well, the writing is very funny, the gameplay keeps things fresh with frequent unlocks. Can get a smidge grindy if you're going for S-ranks with every form (my 100% playthrough was around 50 hours, but my NG+ run was 7 hours). Didn't play co-op, but that's probably a good time. My only real gripe is how small everything is, including some of the UI elements. I had to get up from my couch and get closer the the TV to make details out clearly (which, yeah, #thestruggle, but it was a bit annoying). Altogether would recommend.

Had a lot of fun with this game. Cute and quirky writing with a good sense of humour, interesting and diverse character, and a great roster of abilities and decent scope for build customisation. Played co-op and got through it pretty quickly, but immediately started a new game plus as it’s a pretty addictive game once you find your ideal combo.

This is a phenomenal experience, especially in couch coop. I bought it for 11 euros including the DLC and it‘s worth every cent.

- great design
- nice gameplay
- motivating
- cool music
- funny characters

It feels like a mixture of an old 2D-Zelda game and Super Mario Odyssey with all the different transformations.
I highly recommend this game if you can play it with a friend! ❤️

## Edit after beating NG+ and 100% ##
Well, I sort of got addicted. I love this game! The deeper you dive, the better it gets. Building whacky builts or just crushing through a dungeon with zombie familiars etc. is so fun to do.
This COULD be my GOTY already! ♥

Game is addictive, loved the combat system based on different forms, give it a try if you haven't played this game, it won't disappoint you!

Very fun co-op dungeon crawler! Lots of different characters you can unlock through fun objectives. All characters have their own fun unique abilities.

Jogo divertidíssimo, a historia é muito engraçada e a gameplay é muito dinâmica, jogo bonitinho

falta 1 troféu pra platinar, talvez um dia eu jogue de novo

This review contains spoilers

Nobody Saves the World is not a revolutionary RPG game, but it brings a ton of innovation to the genre. The game takes all of the classic RPG elements and adds something new. Classes, level progression, quests, skill sets, and character impersonation all have a unique interpretation here.

The story, although simple, is also quite unpredictable. The answer to the main mystery surrounding the game is literally on its poster, but you can only notice it after the first playthrough. Making Astrolabus seem accountable for the fungal infection, while the main character is the real culprit, was an interesting plot twist I was not expecting from a game that initially appears so naive. While not a revolutionary idea, many stories have used this plot twist before, the fact that it was unpredictable is a testament to how well it was told and demonstrates the strength of its narrative.

It is worth mentioning that, at the beginning of the game, I felt a familiar sensation. Indeed, its storytelling is very similar to the Guacamelee! series, and only later did I discover that they were made by the same studio. The jokes are perfectly timed and fit seamlessly into the story, enhancing the charisma of secondary characters and even NPCs with no major relevance to the plot. Once again, Drinkbox Studios has created a game that evokes the nostalgic feeling of playing video games while innovating at the same time.

I postponed playing Nobody Saves the World because I underestimated it. I thought it would be a very simple game, and in some ways, it is. However, it is not just that. It is a funny and innovative attempt to create something new in the RPG genre.

A proposta do personagem se transformar em personagens diferentes é legal e da uma boa variedade e possibilidades de como jogar, e poer combinar algumas habilidades é bem interesantes.

O mundo é bem criativo baseando e universo com leves satiras, mas voltando a mecanica, por mais interesante que seja, ainda parece bem simples e fica o gosto de poderia ser mais.

Só recomendo se formar jogar com algum amigo.

Got a little repetitive after a while, but I had a blast playing this. I wanted a little bit more out of NG+ but it was still fun.