Reviews from

in the past

Awesome game. Since its the first the game feels a lot more "expository" compared to the other Ace Attorney games I've played. The 4th trial is exceptional, and the 5th trial is also very good (a bit too long for my taste!). Iconic music and spritework!

Loved the stories. Loved the characters. Loved the soundtrack. Overall just a good time. Honestly it became a bit of a slog at times but I think that’s just the nature of visual novel type games. At least for me. Some of the jokes were genuinely funny, and the characters don’t make me easily bored. Big recommend!

"No one can change the past. The only thing we can do is strive to make up for our mistakes. Why must we make up for our mistakes, you ask? Because in doing so... we can find the way back to our path. And once we've found our path, we can move on from our past mistakes toward a brighter future." -Phoenix Wright

The Ace Attorney series is about a man named Phoenix Wright and his tales as a defense attorney. The series has always been known as a non-gameplay heavy series, and even so, it is still a series I would recommend you pick up story-wise.

However, because of that, I would quickly run out of things to say if I were to just talk about this game in general. Thus, I will talk about each of the cases as well rank them based on how much I liked them.

First Turnabout- Phoenix defends his troublemaker friend after he is accused of murder.

Not really much to say about this one. It does a somewhat good job introducing the characters and world of AA, but gets outshined in that regard by the next case. The main problem is that it's extremely short, like you can beat this case in 5 minutes. It's good at explaining the main mechanics though. Ranking: 5th/5th

Turnabout Sisters- Phoenix defends the younger sister of his mentor while facing off against his childhood friend, Miles Edgeworth.

Now THIS is where the game starts to kick things off. Introducing important characters, setting up a big plot point that would become important later on in the game, this case sets the expectations of what you would come across in the series. It's also pretty short, but not 5 minutes short like the previous case. The one I really dislike about this case is how they shove Phoenix into the backseat to explore some of the other character's lore for the rest of the game. Ranking: 3rd/5th

Turnabout Samurai- Phoenix defends an actor on a kid's show who is accused of killing his co-star.

Not every case in the series is going to be some insane lore-building case, so sometimes you'll get filler cases like this one. That doesn't mean they're all bad though. This one is alright, it doesn't have anything too crazy in it. Unlike the two previous cases, this case's problem is that it's too long. It has three days of trials and investigations, which add up to six segments, which is especially long for a filler case. But I still think it's more interesting than the first case. Ranking: 4th/5th

Turnabout Goodbyes- Phoenix defends Edgeworth while also investigating an incident 15 years ago that turned Edgeworth into a cold and cruel prosecutor.

Now this is PEAK right here!!!! Having Phoenix face against his childhood friend-turned-rival's tragic past to thank him for being the reason why he is now a defense attorney. Standing up for Edgeworth when no one else will because he did the same for Phoenix, even though it meant going head-to-head in court against a man who could be considered the greatest prosecutor in the world. Yuuuup, that's peak yaoi right there. It's the same length as Turnabout Samurai, but it doesn't feel like it's too long. In my opinion this case is one of the best in the series. Ranking: 1st/5th

Rise from the Ashes- Phoenix defends the Chief Prosecutor with the help of her sister while also investigating a case that happened 2 years ago that's strangely connected to the case at hand.

Originally, Ace Attorney got it's start on the GBA, but when it was ported to the DS, this case was added to make use of some of the aforementioned handheld's features. In terms of writing, I think it's on par with Turnabout Goodbyes. But while Turnabout Goodbyes had the cases before it to create a build up for it, Rise from the Ashes doesn't have that. It's just a standalone case, so it doesn't have much of an impact like it's predecessor. I also hope whoever designed the jar puzzle was fired and banned from ever working on a video game again. Ranking: 2nd/5th

Talking about the game in general, the soundtrack is alright and characters are pretty good (Edgeworth is my favorite AA character for future reference). I also liked how the game being non-gameplay heavy makes it easy for anyone to pick this game up and enjoy (except for that jar puzzle, that shit sucks ass). As mentioned before, I don't like how they just shove Phoenix to backseat to expand on other character's lore (a common problem this series has). But, overall, yeah this game was pretty great and I'd recommend it if you like story driven games.

Love this game my goodness. Series is awesome and this one started it on a pretty strong note. Only complaint is that the original only had the four cases, and cases one and two both reveal the killer instantly and case three is kinda just a case three. Case four is fucking nuts though and case five is good if you are willing to slog through how long it is.

Just finished playing this with my girlfriend on the collection. These games definitely are better experienced with friends on a larger screen

The first four episodes are so fun, the writing is hilarious, the pacing is great throughout, and each episode has great characters that are off the wall. I love the slow building of the reoccurring characters or the one offs (Missile the Dog, we love you.) I screenshotted so many of the dialogue boxes, so many hilarious in and out of context pieces of text. It’s a very simple loop of a game, but it’s always fun seeing where it will take you and if treated like “watching” tv for an hour or two at a time, it’s an absolute blast

My biggest gripe is the “5th” episode Rise from the Ashes. I know it wasn’t part of the GBA release, but I’m including it here. It’s definitely way too long. It runs almost the entire length of the first game (a great value at the time for DS to justify getting the game “again”) but the pacing is off (Day 1 of the episode is SLOW and I almost quit.) It builds momentum and becomes really great at the end, but it’s a tale of two halves. Also, you can see the writing is very different since it was written after the first 3 games.

My final thought - the music for the first game is INCREDIBLE. Capcom GBA compositions at their finest.

it hurts so much to not give it an 8 but like I'm sorry it's been a year and a half and I still haven't recovered from Rise from the Ashes (derogatory)

this is one of those games where i got to like the very end but its been too long to go back because im lost and i dont want to start it again because i dont know if its gonna have that same charm as it did the first time.

Rather underwhelming compared to later entries: out of 4 cases in base game first two are essentially tutorials; another one is mostly unrelated to the overarching story. Case 5 added in the DS remake is a decent enough filler, but filler none the less.
But even the weaker Ace Attorney games are pretty damn good and should be played by everyone interested in detective/murder mystery games.

Today is my birthday! And for such an occasion, me and my bestie are playing through the Ace Attorney trilogy, in what is the first revisit I've had to the original games since I was a child

Anyone who knows me knows the importance the AA trilogy had in my early years. As an adult, I'm somewhat forced to view the game in a different manner, but I can also now look back to see the purpose this held to me, in the past. To be a child in the western world is to be ignored, I think. Especially a child like me who could understand these things more than most. Adults play little lords who can offer no refuge from the agony they bring, purposeful or not. It always seemed to me that everyone was making base mistakes that I could never fathom, that reflected off them and burned into me because children have no say in anything that goes on around them. And I could never understand their actions- I could never understand the screaming, I could never understand the deeply ingrained violence, I never understood why no one listened or could even parse things that were immediately obvious to me. Or why no one felt spurred to change. For years, I just ghosted the world feeling like one big tear all the time, very alone, but I would rather be alone than be with people like that. But I never forgot it, the extreme frustration of being that child. The child who is forced into situations with no voice and no autonomy, getting punished when I myself could not say anything back, lashing out and being unable to convey my desperation. Its pure bile and anger to be there.

I had so many feelings and thoughts about this growing up, the above can only be a tame simplification of many years of displacement. But one day, I caught a glimpse of a weird lawyer game on my shitty little ipod's app store in 2013, and things kind of changed. As I played, suddenly, I could see what it was like to have a voice. I could see what it was like to have friends, to find a family. I was introduced to a manner of things through Ace Attorney, a new manner of thought even, which at the time felt very cathartic to me. It reinforced a conviction that I've held since I could remember and I could see myself a little in it, sometimes. It was a comforting space. As an adult who knows more about the world than I did then, the writing isnt so mind-blowingly fantastic. But boy, as a child was it sure fucking incredible. To shout your objections and have pure, undeniable proof of what you meant at terrible people who otherwise would never see it. It was the spark of that more than the actual meat of it.

As for this game itself, it's more about what it did for me rather than what it is. To encourage thinking for ones self, to encourage that faith in an informed conviction. And that which fueled my fire for creative work, that I am still drawimg today. I talked about this a lot in my aai2 review, and I will talk about it again, but the introduction of Miles Edgeworth resonated with me so much back then. Who doesnt want to watch their shitty father bash their head into a wall- but that meant so much to me then. Actually, I forgot that this character largely introduced the concept of homosexuality to me. I would have figured myself out sooner or later, as I would with all these things, but at the very least I finished this game back then with an appreciation for a masculine demeanor and a strong need for a fitted suit.

I'm kind of rambling, and not well, but its my birthday so I'm allowed to. In present times, I'm noticing many spelling errors and sometimes a lacking of tone. And sometimes I feel like it relies too much on a joke so that the whole thing comes off as clowny, but I also feel like it might just be the english translation that made things this way. This was the first of its kind after all, and I've seen how the series has grown, so I can cut it some slack. Turnabout Goodbyes and Rise from the Ashes are still fantastic cases, and what's been even more fun than running down memory lane is watching my best friend experiencing it with me for the first time. I cant explain how much I absolutely love every piece of these games, though. They feel like a part of me, and I'm fairly proud of that. Its been a blast, and I cant wait to rediscover the rest of the series again.

Dont forget DL-6!

I have my issues with Takumi's writing, but honestly, the thing where you find a contradiction, and call an objection and then the hypest music possible starts playing, will never get old. That's peak video game. I love these silly games.

Also, there's something about the serialized nature of these games that reminds me why pre "golden age of television", TV shows were great. Like, you actually have time to become attached to the characters and care about them y'know? Like season 12 of Supernatural is absolute garbage, but still deeply enjoyable cause I spent hundreds of weekly episodes with my bois and I still care about them and want to see what happens to them, even though they're fighting Trump-metaphore british people. Ace Attorney is kinda like that. I hope Edgeworth doesn't end up in Gay Super Hell tho.

Really solid game, I especially love all the excitement of finding what that one specific evidence is the clue to debunk a witness's claims

phoenix wright and elle woods are bffs btw

Sendo o primeiro jogo da trilogia, tive ótimos momentos e impressões sobre Ace Attorney.

Todo humor que a série transmite me cativou em cada minuto de gameplay, pude me divertir muito em cada caso que foi me dado. Na minha opinião, gostei como o jogo faz com que fiquemos hypados com os casos, tanto que me causou grande interesse nas histórias que estavam sendo contadas.

Cada caso é único, e todos eles me deu aprendizado e, com certeza, muita emoção.

O jogo é rico em seu design, seja dos personagens, como dos backgrounds. A arte é tão linda e expressiva que foi apaixonante a primeira vista. Não posso deixar de citar a trilha sonora, que consegue transmitir a tensão e a excitação nos momentos de reviravolta nos casos.

Os personagens são únicos e memoráveis, amei poder passar um tempo ao lado deles<3 (se bem que tem uns que eu ache meio meeeh).

Eu lembro de um "problema" que vi em discussão um tempo atrás, da tradução que os fãs fizeram não ser 100% correta e ter MUITA piadinha brasileira envolvida. Mas, sinceramente não me importei tanto, pude aproveitar o jogo mesmo assim, e me diverti bem mais dessa forma.

É compreensivo o por que desse jogo ser tão influente pras Visual novels de investigação, é um jogo muito bom e marcante. (btw o jogo deveria ter acabado no capítulo 4 tmj).


The soundtrack has blasted this game past the moon into the eternal void of space where it will be discovered, studied, and envied by aliens that wish they could make consistently good banger soundtracks.

Awesome murder mystery game with the right amount of zaniness. The DLC case was my personal favourite!

Amazing writing, amazing music, a unique premise, this game is fucking excellent. This game could have been standalone and it would have been a masterpiece by itself. And to think, people say Trials and Tribulations is even better.

I was thinking about finally playing the second game but remembered that I never actually finished Rise from the Ashes back when I played this game a couple years ago, so I thought I would go back and play it first. I'm very glad I did, it was a ton of fun! The mystery always kept me engaged and I think all the new characters are very entertaining and memorable. Granted, I think a big part of my enjoyment was just that I forgot how FUN ace attorney was, like I never wanted to put the game down, its crazy. The elephant in the room with RftA is its length and, like, yeah, it probably should've been shorter. I don't really think it drags at any point, it was pretty fun and captivating the whole way through, but there was almost certainly a more concise way to tell this story and it leads to some parts, especially in retrospect, to kinda feel like a waste of time. It's been a good couple years since I last played the game, but I also felt some parts are maybe a bit derivative of turnabout goodbyes too? Which makes the difference in length even more noticeable, especially since I'd still say I prefer turnabout goodbyes. Still, I had a great time! Very excited to finally start Justice for All soon!

O último é exageradamente longo, tem o tempo de um jogo inteiro

Really good writing, but sometimes the trials make danganronpa almost make sense

I thought this was just a goofy, teehee I commited a silly little crime, oopsie woopsie.
And like it was, but man the characters they wanted you to love were so lovable, others were so insufferable.
Had me thinking sometimes
Music 🔥🔥

This review contains spoilers

Going through case by case

An alright opening case that's a lot more light than pretty much anything else in the series including future opening cases. Larry is a kind of shitty defendant but having Mia as your assistant and Sahwit being a great simple smug asshole to beat carry it. 2/5

God so much of turnabout sisters kinda fades into the white noise to me. I like Maya here more than some other cases because she has a good reason to be around and her and Nick first bonding is cool but other than Redd White and kinda April May, I don't really like most of the characters showing up here. Miles is awesome but doesn't really come into his own until the next case. 3/5

Sal Manella is a horror to behold and I despise him. I also hate Wendy but her dynamic with Edgeworth is one of my favorites because it's rare to see a prosecutor get pushed around by everyone as much as Nick. I like the culprit and Will is fun but there's so much unnecessary fucking around that kind of brings it down. 3/5

God I love Edgeworth.
To start with my negative, while Von Karma is absolutely a worthy final boss who provides adequate threat to everyone in the case, he's kind of boring especially compared to his daughter and Miles. Also Lotta is annoying.
That being said, god I love this case. Miles' arc of warming back up to Phoenix ultimately culminating with Phoenix having to defend him in court is excellent and the murder itself is super interesting, much more so than the previous three cases. Obviously cross-examining the parrot is a big highlight not just of the case but of the game. Ultimately, the big highlight of this game and a great finale. 4/5

Haha oops the game's twice as long now
look I know that's pretty much the joke everyone makes about this case but jesus christ it's so long. I like most of the new characters though Ema often does just feel like Maya lite and I don't even like Maya as much as the average person. Angel Starr and Jake Marshall are both pretty fun though I'm personally a much bigger fan of Jake because teehee cowboy. Lana feels more like a plot device than a character which I suppose you could say for plenty of other defendants but she gets in the player's way quite often which can really suck especially before the addition of Psyche Locks. Even once she finally starts to help, she's often just really dull though not in a hate-able way, and I should clarify I'm exacerbating my issues with her a lot.
I literally forgot Mike Meekins existed.
Oh yeah by the way Damon Gant is the best killer in this game and it's not even close. He begins amiable though in a way that's highly suspicious especially considering he's a high authority in an Ace Attorney game, and once you're finally on his scent he has plenty of tricks up his sleeve to try to slip you up and he's fun as hell to chase.
The fact this was made as a special addition to the DS version of this game is very very obvious from all the ways it tries to get you to use ds features and while some things like being able to fully rotate and look at evidence is really cool, Ema's forensics are pretty much all gimmicks that distract from the main attraction and often don't even function as well as you'd like.
Overall though, this is a great case that could be phenomenal with some of the fat trimmed. 4/5

Overall, as the first game of the series, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney certainly gives a good thesis on it's future ambitions, though it's lower scale with the exception of the last two cases merely hint at the things to come later in the series. Currently it is unfortunately tied for last place in my ranking at least until I finish replaying Apollo Justice.

Playing it in the trilogy set but I wanted to review them individually so. Very good game with silly writing but still able to have heartfelt moments. Parts of chapter 5 start to feel a little phoned in and overall chapter 5 kinda drags on but if you can ignore the kinda random selections you have to make sometimes its definitely worth playing.

ive only tutorial so ive basically beaten the game

What an amazing game! I just can't describe how I loved it! Some of the puzzles are kinda weird and sometimes, you can hesitate and make fatal mistakes (don't forget to save before making critical choices)

All the stories are really cool! I just loved it!

Very good story. As a child I thought the relationship between Phoenix and Edgeworth was very unique and cool to watch. Now I realize they're hella repressed and there's no hetero explanation for them. I hope the best for them

Amazing, wonderful game. Truly special. Epilogue kinda lost me for a bit since it wasn’t the gang I was used to in the beginning but still well done! Excited to play the next game!

When the autopsy report is outdated

Пройдено в рамках прохождения Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, тут оценка именно первых 5-ти дел, которые образуют первую часть.

Довольно душные, затянутые и очень часто высосанные из пальца Дела. Игра слишком скриптовая, причём максимально плохим образом.

Но в общем, это так-то приятно читать, хоть и тупость происходящего вкупе с излишней скриптованностью дают о себе знать