Reviews from

in the past

I found Rage quite fun. I enjoyed the vehicle combat and overall gunplay is very good. The open word is bland though.

Probably the most "eh" game iD has ever made, but it does have really good gunplay and car combat. Just don't play it on PC please.

the sawed off gangrenous limb of doom 2016. this game is so fucking boring it makes me angry.

id software accomplished things I never thought possible, including boring me to tears

A fairly solid action game! The story is entirely uninspired, at best uninteresting and at worst, tedious. But everything else about it was fairly good! It was generally fun to play. The combat isn't necessarily fast-paced as most modern shooters now of days, but a very fun lass frantic version of the classic id software FPS's. The vehicle combat was not as fun but it doesn't dominate the game, could've done without it though. Some impressive enemy AI in this. Enemies being downed but not killed, will literally crawl into cover and still try to kill you, enemies with shields providing cover for allies, some cool stuff! I also have to praise the art direction. There really was some very memorable sights in this game, like the hospital in the Dead City with blood streaming down the walls.

There were some cool level designs too, they way that some of the dungeons and missions were laid out were cool, and using main mission levels for sidequests but making you do it backwards or changed a little bit was a cool way to go about in when you're clearly like on a deadline and don't have the time to make new dungeons. I was kind of into it at the start but I got tired of it closer to the game's end, which, speaking of, was kind of underwhelming. Like obviously you didn't care about the Arks or whatever, so take it with a grain of salt, but it ends with you going into this place and then you set off the Arks and then the game ends. No confrontation with the chief bad guy or any final comeuppance. The last level in general was kinda lame. It was cool mowing down guys with the minigun they give you, but it was just reskinned mutants at the end, no like special boss or anything lol. Feels like they ran out of money at the end. Still, pretty fun!

Uninspired, boring, and trying to clone Borderlands, a little. Feels a lot like bioshock as well, and the driving in a game trying to prop up its driving mechanics.... need to be good.

Um dos meus jogos favoritos, infelizmente eclipsado por Skyrim, também da Bethesda, e no mesmo ano. 2011 foi a última vez que a Bethesda fez algo que prestasse.

Yeah, thats the emotion I felt playing this

Pretty boring game. It's like the Borderlands and Fallout 3 you have at home but with none of the depth. I would pass on it.

Blandest game id software has done

Un juego con muchas posibilidades, pero que está sin acabar (el final es lamentable). Pero el mundo postapocalíptico está muy chulo.

The first flop from Id Software. Fun at parts, but with no real staying power.

RAGE is one of those games that had real potential to be something great, but ends up falling short. The graphics are some of the best I've seen this gen. The music is serviceable, and the gameplay is solid. The story is nothing special and the ending is absurdly bad. I feel that perhaps the devs spread themselves too thin trying to make the game more than just a FPS, because in the end the best developed area of the game is the racing. No joke, it's almost as good as a full racing game.

Fun shooter game, Nanotrites are cool, horrible and lackluster ending..

Nothing massively to hate, the only major issue with the game is enemy variety

cool when youre young, lame when ur older

Played this in the summer of 2021, and it's 10 hours of go to place, shoot, rinse and repeat. It's boring.

Fairly enjoyable, but didn't motivate me enough to finish. I may return to this. The world is very Mad Max.

Rage takes a lot of the worst ideas from other shooters and fails to deliver as a result; actually, maybe it'd be more accurate to say it takes ideas that could be good and have definitely worked in other games, but doesn't put in the effort to refine them further or add something interesting to the mix. With so little of what makes nearly every other id game so fun to play, the final product is a game that's rather unsatisfying and unfocused with what it's trying to do.

Had this been the last game from id Software, it truly would've been a pity, as I definitely believe this was their lowest point. Not a game I really want to return to.

Fun concept, but it took too long to get into the car combat stuff. I'd rather just play mad max

Rage é como se fosse um Fallout mais linear, com influências óbvias de Mad Max em todo canto.

A jogabilidade é rápida e fluída, o que traz pros combates uma ação quase no estilo Doom (talvez tenha sido daqui que se aprimorou a ideia do reboot e do Eternal em termos de jogabilidade)

Os combates com veículos também são muito divertidos somados com a variedade de sub-armas, me lembra muito Vigilante 8 nesses momentos.

A inteligência artificial dos inimigos é 8 ou 80: ou eles são muito suicidas e vão pra cima de você de peixeira na mão mesmo você segurando um canhão nuclear ou eles são muito estratégicos, são imprevisíveis. O modo como eles reagem aos tiros tomados também é legal (se leva na perna, fica manco, se leva no braço, fica com ele inútil, etc)

Os gráficos são ótimos pra um game de 2011, correspondem bem ao período que foi lançado. E a ambientação é o que se espera minimamente de um jogo com tema pós-apocaliptico: cinzento e empoeirado.

Os pontos negativos ficam pra sua história que assim como muitos games, caem na sensação de ser um enredo "qualquer coisa", sem aprofundamento de nada, e com a sensação de ser algo corrido.

As missões de corrida como algo obrigatório pra prosseguir na história também foram um ponto negativo. Pra quem nunca foi fã do gênero de corrida, pode achar esses momentos cansativos.

Rage é plenamente satisfatório em seus combates, tanto a pé quanto de carro, mas não esperem que seja um Fallout com desenvolvimento de relações entre pessoas e facções. A cremosidade do game tá nos combates.

Eu não acredito que a Id Software fez um jogo merda desse...
Agora eu entendo o fracasso do Rage 2, herança disso aqui!

Precisa de uma versão pros dias atuais, envelheceu muito mal

The game doesn't offer a lot but thankfully it isn't too long so it doesn't become much of an issue. The gunplay doesn't feel too good and the constant brown hue made me depressed just playing the game.

Clicks button on computer console during the rising action segment of the plot

Game suddenly ends

Somehow feels more dated and clunky than DOOM 3, even though it came out 7 years later lol. Wasn't feelin combat at first, but it grew on me especially as I got different ammos. Story, eh. Something about this game kept drawin me back in, idk.

What a fucking depressing lack of potential. id making a Borderlands type game should've been a slam dunk. Instead, you have weighty gunplay that feels mediocre on controller and horrible on MnK, car combat that is fun but half baked in terms of how it's implemented, a horrible story that ends so abruptly like a wet fart, and characters who are truly lifeless.

had to stop playing after i lost the funny ragdoll quad bike.
the joy of crashing on the gate to every level entrance and entering it by means of a pop-up pirate, engaging with the world head-first, cobbing myself towards hell through contact with the floor, screaming and propeling my flailing body towards the next section of bullet-fuelled graphical violence. they really lost the vision on this one imo.