Reviews from

in the past

tim willits is a fuckin loser bro. man made some good doom maps (with theresa chasar, his often uncredited sister) and did great work on quake pre-champions, but he never should've been elevated into the position he was by the end of his tenure at id

american mcgee calls him a "serial credit thief" and sandy petersen attributes the collapse of id to his meddling and refers to him only as "snake"; this guy's slime. man was making claims so erroneous that he managed to get both johns to team up on his ass which is saying something. saying he invented DM-only maps for quake when anyone can go check when idmap01 or cross.wad came out for doom, or better yet just think about how goofy it is for five seconds

so what happens when this rat fraud bitch teams up with soulless automaton john carmack? awooga. the most dead eyed fps ever made. together these two men really brought the heat and redefined what it means to be vacant and empty inside. one driven only by a love of machines, the other by cynical careerism. the result would be a tech demo that has virtually no redeeming qualities; even john goodman sounds like he'd rather be anywhere else, and how can you blame him

forget passion or heart or whatever fever drives the average person to create. forget anything that resembles human input. this is referential slop; echoes of better media, better games, better products — cos that's all this thing is at the end of the day — as interpreted and executed by pulseless weirdos. subpar linear shooter, even worse pseudo open world shooter; artless aesthetic sensibilities; internally and externally ugly borderlands gopher bullshit; fallout 3 brown and bloom mad max mcnugget slime created to advance tim willits' career

if I ever write another review this mean it means tim willits just put out another game

Mad Max sem Mad Max?

Acho que o mundo desse jogo tinha um potencial absurdo que foi totalmente desperdiçado com um sistema de missões fraco. Tudo no jogo é meio que tarefas iguais, tudo muito linear demais (O mundo aberto aqui NÃO EXISTE).

O sistema de tiro é o mais puro suco de um FPS datado da geração do Xbox 360.

Junta tudo isso com uma narrativa cansada 0 construída + personagens que são tão rasos que dói = Um joguinho chato.

- Gráficos envelheceram bem.

- Narrativa e personagens nada convincentes.
- Mundo aberto desperdiçado.

Jesse Pinkman has a pretty bad taste in video games.

The "from the creators of Doom and Quake" line on the box should've specified Quake 2

unfortunately fell prey to the 7th gen open world trend when it could've just been a top tier corridor shooter instead

iD please never get in the mood for a kart racer again please

shoulda just been called BROWN

ever looked at Fallout 3 and thought “ehhhh this could be more monotonous”? well Tim Willits did and so Id Software made this: a PS3-era unnecessarily-open-world shooter at Absolute Maximum Brownness. Just the brownest thing going.

I couldn’t handle more than a few hours of looking at it.

An underrated, if still flawed game. While the open-world is barren and the racing seems out of place, the shooting mechanics are incredible and if you can see past the flaws, RAGE is a decent time.

"Mom i want to play Mad Max"
"We have Mad Max at home"
Mad Max at home:

The fact that the main thing people remember from this game is a hot chick near the start of the game should tell you all you need to know about its quality. Pretty fun for the first couple of hours due to the decent gunplay and good character animation but it gets old fast. Also the most abrupt non-ending of any modern game.

This is one of the most pointless games ever made.

É um jogo datado da época do 360 mas eu não o considero ruim, muito pelo contrário, o fato dele ter esse cheirinho de 2011 deixa ele bem gostosinho e casual (até pra mim que joguei no difícil mesmo sendo extremamente noob em fps).
Fiz todas as corridas, upei praticamente tudo e fiz todas as missões (inclusive das dlcs) e posso afirmar que com certeza Rage é um dos jogos de 360. Zerei no hard.

Tinha tudo para ser um Mad Max dos jogos mas acabou sendo desperdiçado com um mundo aberto vazio e morto, história mais ou menos e um combate legalzinho.

Precisa de uma versão pros dias atuais, envelheceu muito mal

Somehow feels more dated and clunky than DOOM 3, even though it came out 7 years later lol. Wasn't feelin combat at first, but it grew on me especially as I got different ammos. Story, eh. Something about this game kept drawin me back in, idk.

Megatextures are so fucking sick dude, normal textures (or micro textures as i like to call them) are fucking shit, do not ask me to review any videogames with micro textures because i will not review them because they suck so stop asking why that's why.

Eu não acredito que a Id Software fez um jogo merda desse...
Agora eu entendo o fracasso do Rage 2, herança disso aqui!

Breaking Bad lied to me, this game cannot be played with a Light Gun.

First 30 Minutes of Rage Gameplay (in handy script form):

Rage Guy: awakens in space capsule

AI: hello welcome to videos game, anyway see you

Rage Guy: oh okay I guess (enters the Wasteland) wow this looks like Borderlands

Not-Borderlands Bandits: MMMM FRESH MEAT

Rage Guy: whaaaat no way

Some bald guy in glasses: Come with me if you want to live

Rage Guy: sure

Bald glasses guy: here's my village. anyway, go murder an entire hideout of bandits and only then will I give you armor. i won't give you the armor before you go on a dangerous solo mission that'd be silly hahahaha

Rage Guy: wtf I literally just got here, at least give me a chance to--

Bald glasses guy: nope. bye fuckhead


Rage Guy: lot of bald people in this game... no wonder this was on breaking bad... anyway, this should be easy enough--

Rage Guy: gets instantly captured, tortured, and murdered

Rage Guy: literally could not have seen this coming

Rage: forces you to play a weird ADHD minigame in order to defibrillate Rage Guy and make him not die

Me: what the actual fuck is going on

Rage Guy: kills all the bandits and leaves

Bald glasses guy: Haha you sure showed them, huh?

Rage Guy: hey I almost fucking died why didn't you just give me the armor beforehand--

Bald glasses guy: go to the next village and deliver this letter for me, peon

Rage Guy: grumblegrumblegrumblegrumble

Literally Every Villager In This Fucking Town: talk to rikter, don't talk to me

Rage Guy: oh my god okay fine, i just wanted to make some friends--


Rage Guy: not particularly--



Rikter: Accept my quest HMMMMMMMM???????????

Rage Guy: ughh FIIINNEEEE

Rikter: okay, you may pass

Old Lady: oh hi dearie, would you like to do a quest--

Rage Guy: no, have a good day--





Me: turns off the game, sighs Where's Miku when you need her the most... anyway, 1 / 5 the graphics are good

I wouldn't say this game is bad. I feel it tries to do a lot of things but everything is average at best, making it a boring experience from start to finish. If they just focused on making a solid first-person shooter, you'd probably have a good game.

As is obligatory for any open-world game, Rage has sidequests for the player to undertake for optional rewards, with the most common being an infusion of cash. For the promise of $200, players will hop in their car, drive to a hideout, fight bandit buggies along the way, recover an item, and race back to the quest giver while being attacked by even more bandits. After cashing out, players need to take stock of their condition, paying for buggy repairs and armament replenishments, along with crafting and buying ammo to replace what had been used. If players weren’t particularly careful with their driving and selection of rare ammo, they may not profit much at all, even after spending so much time getting the job done.

In the first town, there’s a minigame called Tombstones, where the player takes control of a holographic sheriff surrounded by four attacking mutants. The player rolls four dice, each having a roughly one-in-three chance to kill one of the advancing enemies. If any of them reach the sheriff by the end of the third turn, the game is over. Players can place bets at the start of each game, receiving 10:1 returns on a round-one victory, 4:1 on round two, 1:1 on round three, and 0:1 for a loss. To spare you a lecture on Bayes’ Theorem, this calculates out to an expected return of 0.12, 0.984, 0.348, and 0.0 for each turn respectively. These cumulate to 1.452, meaning that the player has a 45.2% advantage over the house, and an average gain of forty-five cents on every dollar they wager. Notably, this doesn’t require the player to risk their buggy, waste ammo, use resources, or even spend much time. As long as the player has enough cash on hand to withstand strings of bad luck, even someone avoiding save-scumming can be expected to accrue cash in a reliable way. So, as tiny as it may seem, this minigame singlehandedly negates the motivation to do the majority of the sidequests in the entire game.

That’s the Rage experience, having different parts of the game collide in ways that make it seem like the development teams weren’t on speaking terms. It has cute minigames to flesh out the world, and that’s great, but the returns weren’t thoroughly considered and ended up negatively impacting the other content. The open-world formula would feel incomplete without sidequests that let players jump into the core combat, but wrapping them in long driving sections defeats the purpose almost entirely. The cars work decently well, but there’s nowhere interesting to drive them, it just keeps going on and on like this; the entire game was crafted by assembling a ton of random ideas that sounded good without considering how each piece fit with the next. It just ends up just being thoroughly boring, not committing to any of its ideas past the point of basic functionality. At least its technology formed the basis for subsequent id Tech games like The Evil Within, but on its own, it’s just a scattered pile of scrap parts.

It's funny the extent this is basically Sonic Adventure as an FPS. You drive around a hub world (which are little more than a brisk series of corridors) simply to get access to traditional FPS stages sealed off by a long loading screen. Very menial experience that offers little to no immersive value. Key locations all seem to be a stone's throw from one another, even those that feel like they were meant to be hundreds of miles away. The most fun I've had was probably the reality TV minigame, where you simply square off against enemies in a handful of small arenas for a cash prize. For me the absolute lowest points include being stuck in a stage bc there was no clearly marked exit (you expect me to pick out the obviously non interactive wall texture that triggers the loading screen to leave?) and the giant boss in the city area- a very typically videogamey boss that you have to hit the weak point x times while dodging telegraphed attacks, while you're locked to a small balcony-with only a few feet in any direction to evade- that conveniently breaks the moment the boss is defeated, allowing you to leave. That one sequence really took me out of the game even more than everything else already has. FPS games need to stop putting in bosses, they're almost never good.

id software accomplished things I never thought possible, including boring me to tears

The shooting mechanics are rock solid and RAGE constantly gives you fun tools to work with.

The racing I could do without and the game ends on a real "what the hell just happened" note. Overall this was stronger than I expected.

Steampunky post-apocalyptic first-person shooter capturing the atmosphere similar to Mad Max.

The game very well expresses the feeling of being a mercenary-like gun for hire.

I consider this to be a hidden gem and a great standalone title as a good portion of people are not familiar with it.

By the way: my guy Jessie from Breaking Bad has phenomenal taste in games.

RAGE is one of those games that had real potential to be something great, but ends up falling short. The graphics are some of the best I've seen this gen. The music is serviceable, and the gameplay is solid. The story is nothing special and the ending is absurdly bad. I feel that perhaps the devs spread themselves too thin trying to make the game more than just a FPS, because in the end the best developed area of the game is the racing. No joke, it's almost as good as a full racing game.

A mediocre shooter that fails to stand out among the likes of Fallout and Borderlands and excels at being a mediocre mish mash of those games that no one asked for. This was a product of the studio behind Quake and Doom?

The only thing more bland than this game is stale white bread