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in the past

it crashed twice at the same part of the final boss

Apesar de tanta gente falando que este jogo é ruim eu não achei, na verdade ele é muito bom, com mecânicas interessantes e até bastante conteúdo. O design desse Viego está 100x melhor que o próprio League of Legends

Es un WRPG sólido, los personajes y la historia son muy buenos si te mola el lol, el combate es interesante, el mundo está bien construido y cumple en cuanto a contenido opcional. Empecé el juego en veterano, y me ha parecido facilongo hasta llegar al jefe final, que me ha parecido un puto coñazo e injusto, así que me lo he pasado en normal. Hay más problemas, 2 de los 6 personajes jugables están un poco por llamar la atención, ya que sus arcos no están realmente relacionados con la historia principal; el juego tiene bastantes bugs, me he encontrado stuck en varias partes del mapeado, se me ha bugueado mucho la interfaz en combates y las barras de vida no se actualizan solas, lo que hace que tenga que actuar a ciegas sin saber cuánta vida tienen mis personajes. Mi mayor problema sobre todo es que las batallas se hacen muy largas e incluso tienen varias oleadas por la putísima cara. Ta bien si te gusta el lol pero si lo quieres jugar porque te molan los RPGS hay experiencias mejores.

awesome turn-based rpg. its combat system calls for a lot of strategic thought, and finding good character and move combos was a ton of fun. also, I really like the league universe but do not really enjoy league, so this was the perfect way to experience the world in a more enjoyable and meaningful way.

I play LoL and enjoy the lore but I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did! It was a really solid RPG that I think even people who know nothing about the franchise could easily play and enjoy.

I did figure out pretty early on which characters I liked and just kinda spammed those, but that's more on me than the devs. Was kind of annoying how the game forces you to play as Yasuo at one point though, like, stop shoving him down my throat Riot.

A game where I enjoy Ahri's gameplay is a massive achievement

Fun Game but once you get a good build going the game is trivial

A pretty good RPG at the core, suffering from a bland story and a severe lack of polish. As an oldhead LoL player who quit LoL itself years ago due to toxicity and multiplayer burnout I was excited for a single-player story-driven experience in this universe, but I ended up leaving the game unsatisfied.

Let's start with some positives. The visuals are generally quite good, with really nice looking in-game models and animations. The models do a great job of capturing something similar to LoL's aesthetic while adapting it slightly to fit into a more focused game with a different camera angle. The opening cutscene depicting the corruption of the Blessed Isles is gorgeous - on par with Arcane. The actual story cutscenes in the campaign unfortunately look terrible in comparison, but let's not get too hung up on that here. The music is great, with a very clear distinction between Bilgewater's music vs. the Shadow Isles'. The character portraits are all of extremely high quality, although I do kind of wish that there were a few variants for different facial expressions and such.

The core combat system is something that I immediately took to as a big fan of FFX. It uses a similar system of "turn-based" combat where the order of turns is fluid and mutable, but takes this concept to a much further extreme. You can change the cast time and cooldown of abilities in exchange for different damage values, you can delay enemy turns and advance ally turns, there's haste and slow effects, there's Doom counters, there's specific effects that trigger only if a character falls into a specific space on the turn order, the works. It's an extremely developed system and one that continued to keep my attention throughout the game's runtime, especially once I turned the difficulty up to Veteran and was suddenly at risk of my DPS characters getting 2-shot by most enemies if I wasn't paying attention. If the combat was worse, I probably would have dropped this game pretty early on.

The biggest issues by far all stem from a crippling lack of polish, in every sense of the word. This feels like a beta version of a game that needed another 6 months or more in the oven to iron out its myriad technical issues and other problems. Let's run through a non-exhaustive list of these issues. If you don't care about the details, feel free to skip this section while noting how large it is.

MECHANICAL BUGS. One of the final bosses turned off all of my characters' runes (passive abilities, essentially), making the fight much harder, but when I died and retried, all runes worked again. Puzzle mechanisms occasionally became frozen and un-interactable for upwards of 30 seconds, forcing me to wait until the game allowed me to progress again. Some (extremely slow) elevators would re-activate before I could get off, forcing me to make the whole trip again. Enemies would become grouped together in multi-wave battles even when they were way farther away than the visual "chain" indicator. Enemies can attack you while you're in a dialogue box or cutscene, and this can cause the whole game to freeze after combat.

VISUAL BUGS. Ahri's orb gets stuck easily and ends up lazily floating around after every battle you initiate with it. Quest markers sometimes show in the wrong spot or don't show up at all. Some chests and lore pickups don't appear on the map, or don't get checked off as "acquired" after picking them up. Miss Fortune's Level 3 Ultimate ability seems to involve her summoning a ship which fires upon enemies, but the ship is invisible making it look awkward and unfinished; the follow-up shot damage also often shows as "[AMOUNT]" instead of a proper damage number. Idle NPC dialogue occasionally gets stuck in a loop on your screen until you're sufficiently out of range. Buff/debuff icons from the previous battle are still active for the first few seconds of the next battle. Hazard and Boon icons sometimes stick around on the turn tracker even when they are not active.

INCONSISTENT ABILITY TEXT. Different abilities word similar effects in different ways, for example one will say "boosts crit chance" while another will say "increases [name of champion]'s crit chance". Some abilities that last a set number of turns don't mention this in the description, and some abilities that stack a buff and then do something at max stacks don't mention the max number of stacks. Some effects say "do X each turn" where "each turn" means your turn, other times it means ANY turn. Attack Power is alternately called Attack, Atk Pwr, and AP. Some abilities will modify values in the description when you upgrade them (e.g. "100 damage" -> "130 damage") while others will just tack on sentences (e.g. "100 damage" -> "100 damage. Deals 30 extra damage.") The description for Ahri's passive is repeated in the description of another unrelated ability of hers.

POOR QUALITY OF LIFE. Maps are extremely large and fast travel points are scarce, despite a lot of mandatory backtracking both in the main quest and especially in side quests. Potions with the same name but different rarity don't stack, even when the effect is identical, and they aren't sorted in any logical way in your bag, so it's a chore to find a particular kind of potion or tell how many you have. The long intro logo animations when booting up the game are unskippable, and the intro cutscene has to be skipped by holding a button for 3 seconds every single time. Weak enemies are hard to avoid when backtracking even though they give virtually no experience, and even "scared" enemies who try to run from you often get in the way or run directly into you, triggering combat. Non-linear stats make stat increases hard to understand, particularly in the Enchanting menu where you aren't given a preview of the actual difference in effect.

GENERAL LACK OF POLISH. Some quest NPCs abruptly appear or disappear at the beginning and end of cutscenes. Ahri's Level 2 Ultimate ability has a shot where it cuts to all of your enemies standing stock-still off-center from the camera, which looks really bad. A handful of dialogue options have icons next to them which are never explained or used anywhere else. The lore rewards spoil every character who will eventually join your party from the first minute of the game. Braum's mustache is black even though it's brown in LoL and other Runeterra media.

Any of these problems, or even a few of them, would be easy to overlook. But there are simply SO MANY bugs and other problems that it seriously affects my enjoyment of the game. If this game was polished I could easily see myself giving it an entire extra star in this review.

With all that out of the way, how is the actual game despite the bugs? While it's not bad per se, it's unfortunately not much to write home about. While the core gameplay concepts are good and highly engaging, the game is not super well balanced. Miss Fortune in particular is so strong that I could never find a reason to take her out of my party, and Illaoi is so much better than Braum - being a tank that can also heal and revive instead of a tank that has clunky CC which bosses are immune to - that I never used him once I had 4 total party members. And while I like the Enchanting system in theory, the game throws new gear at you quickly enough to make it feel pointless. Spending rare resources on giving a powerful enchantment to a piece of gear only for it to be summarily outclassed by something you pick up 10 minutes later feels really bad.

Not every game needs to be a mechanical masterpiece though, right? What about the story? Well, beyond the initial "wow" factor of seeing characters and places I love from a new angle, it didn't do much of anything to interest me.

Minor spoilers follow.

A large part of the story's intrigue, the mysteries and reveals that power the first 50-70% of the runtime, hinge on dangling questions that I already knew the answer to as a LoL fan. I'm not questioning if Gangplank is dead, because I know he survived. I'm not wondering about who the Ruined King is, because I've seen his story already. I'm not intrigued by the vague hints Yasuo and Ahri give about their pasts and their true nature, because I'm already intimately familiar with both of them. I realize that these things might go over better with someone who isn't already a fan, but not having that perspective really makes it clear how much of the story is simply dangling the prospect of answering various questions in front of you. The actual STORY of what is happening for most of the game is that you need to go through a dungeon to find a macguffin, which then unlocks another dungeon where you can get another macguffin. The story feels like it could've started and ended within 5 hours if there wasn't an endless stream of magical barriers that can only be nullified by spirit stones buried in lost tombs. The latter half of the game is especially egregious with this - just when you think you've reached the climax you're instead thrown into multiple barely-relevant dungeons just so you can power up the most important and magical macguffin of them all.

On the note of plot points that barely feel relevant: everything concerning Ahri and Yasuo comes across as tacked on. These are two characters from a faraway continent who have nothing to do with either of the regions at stake in this story. The story bends over backwards to invent new lore about Ahri's tribe and awkwardly try to connect them to the Shadow Isles, but as someone who knows a lot about both the Isles and Ionia from other media this was hard to swallow. Yasuo and Ahri were included because they're popular characters, not because there was an important story to tell about Yasuo's past and Ahri's tribe that related to Bilgewater and the Ruination. Braum is in a similar outsider position, but the story is by contrast very happy to just let him hang out in the background and be Braum. No one tries to convince me that there's a secret lost civilization of Iceborn in Bilgewater or that the Watchers actually originated in the Shadow Isles. Braum is just here to be fun, and he is.

As far as the actual character writing, it's about what I would expect from something set in this universe. For as much as I love these characters they are LoL characters at the end of the day, and LoL characters tend to be pretty one-note in their source material. Expanding on that to the point that any of these people have a halfway-believable personality is commendable, and for the most part I think Airship Syndicate succeeded at this. Braum is still mostly a wholesome comic relief, but that's a good role for him, and he can be more serious on occasion. Pyke rarely has much to say that doesn't concern dragging captains to the depths of the sea, but considering he's a cursed revenant who barely does or thinks about anything else this simplicity works out and is even fun to watch interact with the more complex characters. The one stickler in my opinion is Illaoi. Illaoi can barely get through a single sentence of dialogue without mentioning Nagakabouros or her faith. Every other word is about motion, Mother Serpent, faith, worthiness, visions, guidance, etc. I understand that's the core of her character, and that her arc in this game is supposed to be about stepping outside of her all-consuming religious fervor, but it's just exhausting to deal with especially when she gets more screen time than most of the rest of the cast. Characters like MF and Yasuo have similarly simple goals or ideals at the core of their character, but they are still given room to talk about other things.

And through all the dungeons and Ionian distractions, what is the story at the core of it? A bog-standard tale of the good guys beating the bad guys with almost no additional complications. Your plans always work and you defeat each villain the first time you encounter them. Everything is played so incredibly straight that it's difficult to ever feel like there's any tension or stakes to what's happening, even when the world is on the verge of ruin.

At the end of the day this is a mechanically-sound RPG soured by a boring story and heaps of technical issues. Despite playing through the whole thing I would find it hard to recommend to almost anyone - fans will be bored by the reveals of information they already know, while newcomers will likely be uninterested in what seems like an extremely generic fantasy tale. I really wanted this game to be great, but it couldn't live up to those expectations.

Legends Of Runeterra turned me into a league lore simp. Anything I can get my hands on, that isn't main game league is pretty great in my opinion. This story does NOT disappoint, I was thoroughly invested from start to finish. Mostly in the stories of Miss Fortune and Illaoi which I think were intentionally at the forefront, but the other characters get good moments too.

Gameplay was surprisingly really fun too!

Como meu primeiro jogo de turno, me agradou pra caralho. Gostar da lore do lol também me apegou muito pelas interações dos campeões. Infelizmente depois de umas 18 horas o jogo fica muito arrastado, o problema está na porta e metem 2 fillers. Não imagino que agradará o suficiente as pessoas que não tem conexão com os personagens previamente, pq pode parecer que tem muita conversa fiada.

Foi maravilhoso reecontrar os personagens do LOL em um jogo de turnos, o futuro para mim e o league, vai ser assim, investimento da riot em outros tipos de jogos vai ser maravilhoso, querendo ou nao fiquei bem apegado aos personagens do jogo original.

Platina bem tranquila, só tomar cuidado com um perdivel de bestiario, eles podiam ter caprichado na dificuldade tambem, depois de adquirir um certo level e a equipe Ahri, Yasuo e Braum fica tudo muito fácil.

Devo admitir que o jogo começa bem zzz mas vai ficando muito bom fora os personagens bem escritos pela riot deixando os dialogos e a historia muito boa (Braum melhor de todos) trilha sonora absurda mas é um jogo pra quem curte rpg por turno

It was okay, but it did suffer from having a buggy release.

Las primeras horas parece un clon the Battle Chasers con una skin del LoL, pero a medida que avanza la historia marca una notoria diferencia al tener una historia mucho mas interesante. Si bien los jefes están buenos, los demás enemigos se repiten demasiado y son muy genéricos, las escenas cinematográficas son lamentables, en el endgame todos los personajes están rotísimos y que leveleen los personajes aunque no esten en la party es ridículo, dentro de todo es un RPG descente, me gustó sobre todo por poder jugar con 3 de mis personajes favoritos de el LoL.

GOD Illaoi is my dream woman

I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this game. I'm glad Riot is starting to put out more content so we can actually see their amazing characters interact with each other. I loved listening to every conversation the party had with each other and watching them have genuine interactions instead of just random voice lines like it is in League.

The gameplay is really fun. I'm not much of a turn-based RPG player outside of Pokemon games so this was interesting to get used to. I think as per usual with these types of games once you have a rhythm going and your party starts reaching its peak it becomes not super challenging. Thankfully though unlike in Pokemon games, there are different difficulties to choose from so on my second time around I'll have to give Heroic a try.

The only real negatives I have are occasional bugs (fortunately none were game-breaking), lots of loading (played on the Series X so that wasn't much of a hassle) and some of the 3D models can look a tad weird in the ultimate move cinematics. Besides that the game is fantastic and I hope Airship Syndicate makes more games like this set in the League Universe.

League's lore is genuinely amazing and it deserves so much more love and hype. This game's story proves that. It's a shame we didn't see a more diverse cast of characters in it though. Ahri and Pyke are real highlights, but Yasuo was kind of boring and the others were fine. I wanted to see more Champs as bosses though. Nice to see other things in it like monsters from LoR and items from LoL. The gameplay was fine but you really just end up sticking with the same party members the whole time.
Final score: 7/10

amazing game, though has its bugs.

A truly special game. I don't care about League of Legends, but I care about these characters. The gameplay is fun, both familiar and interestingly new, and the music is absolutely stellar.

as a league of legends player and someone who plays way too many turn based RPGs this game was manufactured for me so its really good

Ruined King imerso no universo do League of Legends apresenta uma história centrada em Bilgewater e nas Ilhas das Sombras. Utilizando 6 personagens de Runeterra, Miss Fortune, Illaoi, Braum, Ahri, Yasuo e Pyke, a obra constrói sua história através dos objetivos de cada um dos personagens que convergem em parar o suposto morto Gankplank e o governante das Ilhas das Sombras Thresh em seu plano de dominar toda a Runeterra.

A narrativa da obra é intrigante pois ela consegue de forma bem natural reunir todos os campeões e cruzar os diferentes objetivos em um único ponto para que a história fosse corroborada, a Sarah Fortune quer continuar sua vingança contra Gankplank por ter matado sua mãe, Illaoi precisa proteger Bilgewater devido ao seu papel de sacerdotisa da deusa Nagacáburos, Braum quer achar uma cura para a doença que afeta as crianças Freljord por isso ele desce ao sul a procura das ilhas abençoadas, Ahri quer saber mais sobre o seu passado e ela sabe que seus antepassados tiveram contato com os moradores das ilhas abençoadas, atual ilha das sombras, Pyke precisa matar Gankplank pois este está listado pelas profundezas como um alvo e Yasuo foi contratado como guarda costas de Ahri. Essa união dos objetivos cria a necessidade de cooperação entre as personagens, ou seja, o formato da história facilita a construção das relações entre as personagens.

A proposta da obra consiste em um jogo de turnos que conta com 6 personagens jogáveis onde o máximo de campeões ativos por vez são 3, o jogo segue o clássico modelo de andar pelos mapas e ao entrar no combate os turnos são abertos. Há bastante inovação no aspecto da gameplay que é o grande foco deste tipo de obra, mas ainda assim a obra não abre mão de contar uma história interessante com os diálogos e cinemáticas que constroem a história minuciosamente, nada é deixado de lado, o passado de todos os personagens são explicados, há motivação e há construção das personagens, elas evoluem, mudam, elas não são mesmas desde o começo do jogo, e tudo isso é contado calmamente e cadenciadamente, sem grandes saltos na história que deixam lacunas no enredo.

Para auxiliar essa construção das personagens o jogo em determinados momentos bloqueia qual personagens podem ser jogados, obrigando o jogador a ter uma personagem específica obrigatoriamente no grupo, a fim de contar e se aprofundar na história da mesma. Há na construção da relação entre as personagens os momentos de diálogo nas lareiras de descanso, esse elemento cria a sensação de companheirismo entre os campeões conforme a jornada prossegue, já que depende de quanto o jogador avançou na história para determinado diálogo seja liberado.

Essa construção da história compartilhada é muito interessante pois ela não dá protagonismo a ninguém, pelo contrário, ela compartilha o protagonismo e deixa na mão do jogador a escolha dos protagonistas, tudo dependendo do trio que o jogador prefere utilizar, esses 3 personagens escolhidos serão os protagonistas da história. Mesmo a história estando compartilhada ela não é fragmentada, ela tem um progressão clara e linear, até há ausência de plot’s na obra, mas ainda há a necessidade de saltos entre as personagens para desenvolver cada uma no seu momento e a sua maneira específica, porém isso acontece sem prejudicar a linearidade da obra.

A obra não propõe uma ideia de grind na dificuldade normal, é bem tranquilo passar por todo o jogo sem se preocupar por exemplo em explorar a mecânica dos encantamentos, mas é necessário certa atenção e habilidade para se passar dos bosses, mas nada surpreendente. O jogador consegue chegar no nível máximo(30) antes de enfrentar o último Boss, então na última batalha estará disponível todas as habilidades com todas as evoluções possíveis, além da árvore de maestria com todos os perks liberados e provavelmente o jogador terá bons equipamentos nesse momento. Falando em dificuldade a obra disponibiliza o modo história onde o jogador pode pular todos os combate e realmente só vivenciar a história do jogo.

O jogo ainda apresenta certos desafios para se obter armas lendárias e a terceira ultimate dos personagens, o que é um atrativo para alguns jogadores e os impulsionam a explorar ainda mais a obra e se aprofundar a fim de desbloquear todo o conteúdo disponível.

As sensações provocadas vão sempre passar pelo desafio, algo comum ao gênero, além de botar o pé numa dramaturgia durante a construção de toda narrativa e ainda consegue toda uma ideia de intriga, mistério e apreensão no desenvolvimento da história ao encarar um mal antigo junto com pessoas desconhecidas.

A jogabilidade é um dos carros chefes da obra e ela que faz a obra realmente ganhar vida, o combate de turnos em si é muito interessante, apresenta inovações notáveis como as linhas de combate (equilibrada, poder e rapidez), além das áreas de buff e debuff na turn order que adicionam um novo elemento de complexidade e variabilidade no combate. Outro fator interessante são os Bosses, eles possuem mecânicas bem únicas, onde é necessário ler as skills do inimigo para realmente poder derrotá-lo, é fascinante o cuidado dos devs ao realmente tentarem criar um desafio.

O que surpreende nas mecânicas no extra combate é a grande complexidade na montagem dos personagens, há bastante o que se testar e é possível variar bastante a forma de jogar, conforme a build que o jogador pretende montar.

Esteticamente a obra é avassaladora, o cartoon casa bem demais com a proposta surrealista, porém torna toda a ideia de sangue e morte pela temática de pirata menos impactante, o que talvez seja até bom, considerando o público alvo. As cinemáticas animadas a partir do desenho à mão complementam demais toda a proposta estética proporcionada pelo cenário, personagens e pela própria ambientação.

Concluindo, a Airship Syndicate ao assumir esse projeto baseado no universo de Runeterra teve uma grande oportunidade que foi graciosamente aproveitada e executada, criando assim uma obra fantástica que aflora a lore do LoL e expõe novas oportunidades de parcerias entre Riot Games, através da Riot Forge, com estúdios que saibam criar obras de qualidade contando histórias interessantes enquanto divertem e agradam o público através de uma gameplay excepcional.

Final Edit: Can recommend. Fun game but drags on in the last third. Controller support is extremely inconsistent and quest/key item bugs are still frequent. Expect to reload often.

Edit: The game has been patched fixing most of these issues. The game itself is very enjoyable so I will be changing my review accordingly. I'll return once I've completed the game.

Noticably buggy. had UI softlock, HUD disappear, combat lock-on issues, enemies attacking after dying, quest progress improperly, enemies despawn, etc.

m&kb controls are clunky (especially UI) and I've had issues with controller support consistency

gamplay and story so far is solid but this game needs cleanup bad

Frérot, le bug de la cinématique qui me fait recommencer direct le boss, FAUT ALLER SE FAIRE VOIR.

I lost the interest on turn-based RPGs a long time ago, but I'm surprised Ruined King re-ignited it again. It's fast pace and stratigic style of gameplay made the genre a lot of fun to me, also the lore is magnificent. I'm only giving 4 stars because Riot Games/Forge keeps contradicting themselves in the story as a whole.

Amazing, love the redesigns of specifically Ahri and Miss Fortune. Gameplay is satisfying, amazing animation. Braum is best boy <3

Fun story, fun mechanics, fun characters. Visually very nice to look at and good optimization. Very artsy landscapes and cutscenes. Definitely enjoyed that. The long walks to merchants, side quests, loot etc. were too much sometimes. Finished the main story, but am not motivated to 100% side quests or collectibles cause the travel can be really slow. League lore enjoyers get a nice treat and turn based strategy lovers have a decent game with a good amount of theorycrafting and building.

All around, nothing groundbreaking but I enjoyed it alot. Definitely worth to pick it up, especially on a sale.

Solid 8.5/10 Experience, 9.3/10 if you're into league of legends lore/world building

Quick Abilities + Lane Abilities division reminds me of card game mechanics, so that’s a way to learn/get used to the difference. Ties into the combat ordering pretty well and is relatively straight forward
Lane abilities affecting combat power + combat ordering makes sense. I will say, early on, there doesn’t seem to be THAT much benefit to it yet, but that comes later, especially on higher difficulties.

I guess also a big thing is that Wildcards (Hazards/Boons) play around the combat ordering- so you want to like- avoid them with differently timed abilities.

I do wish it was a bit more clear for when I plan an ability if it’s in a hazard or boon.

LOOOVE Dungeon abilities. It’s not just the damage, but the fact that it like, sets up things like Illaoi’s passive to start combat with 1 tentacle. It’s also an excellent like, opportunities to display skill mastery (albeit, twitch skill which isn’t the primary focus here but eh it’s fine). Super Neato.

Puzzles are fun, ability trees allow for numerous playstyles and team compositions, story is easy to follow if you are new to the League of Legends universe.