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This shit right here is what videogame stories were made for. To tell stories that aren't just good, but fully take advantage of the nature of the medium, to meld the player and the protagonist into one immersive message. This game is beautiful, this game is efficient and this game is powerful.

Immediately goes on Airbnb to find a little Cabin in Wyoming

A kind of wholesome or cute story between two park rangers. The story is really good and just sticks on you for a long time despite the fact that this is a very short game. The music is also a masterpiece and the graphics/environment is just one of it's own kind and looks gorgeous. Just bear in mind that this game is almost like a walking simulator so don't go in expecting it to be like any other first person game, for me it's not a problem but for some people this would really piss them off. My only problem with this game is that I wished that it was longer :(

This review contains spoilers

Firewatch cuenta una de las historias más humanas que yo he podido experimentar en este medio. Es casi como si hubiera llegado en el momento perfecto para mi. La calma de los bosques de Shoshone abre la reflexión sobre las complejidades de las relaciones humanas. Me hace pensar incluso que a mí me haría falta también un verano cuidando los bosques de alguna comunidad autónoma pérdida de la mano de dios. Pero como en la vida misma, la calma es momentánea y Firewatch sabe llevar eso de una manera excepcional.

El inicio de Firewatch es desgarrador. El pasado de Henry se va desgranando lentamente resultando en una historia terriblemente dolorosa, incluso para el propio jugador. Crea un contexto perfecto para lo que trata de contar. Las siguientes dos horas del juego te las vas a pasar haciendo recados por todo el bosque mientras reflexionas sobre esa situación. Pero no lo haces solo. Otra persona en una situación similar a la tuya, golpeada por las dificultades de la vida, ha acabado en el mismo sitio que tú. Las horas en los bosques de Wyoming se llenan de conversaciones entre vosotros dos, mientras vais conociendo el trasfondo de cada uno. Es obvio para Henry, es obvio para Delilah y también es obvio para el jugador que mientras más se conocen, más conexión hay entre ambos. Abre un debate que me parece muy rico. Está claro que Henry y Delilah se atraen, pero la situación con la esposa de Henry crea un dilema complejo. Sabes qué es lo correcto y lo que deberías hacer, pero no tiene que coincidir con lo que sientes que quieres hacer.

La calma dura poco y Firewatch pisa el acelerador dando un giro por completo al ritmo del juego. Mientras que las primeras horas te las pasas explorando el pasado de los protagonistas y construyendo la relación entre ellos, la segunda se vuelve un thriller que escala muy rápidamente.De hecho, escala hasta un punto que la tensión lleva a tu imaginación a lugares más allá, conspiraciones de escala global con gobiernos involucrados. Construye sobre toda esa incertidumbre de una forma brillante para “decepcionarte” después. No era más que un ex-soldado tratando de esconder su culpa. No era tan grandioso como tu mente imaginaba. Firewatch juega con tus expectativas sin olvidar que es un juego que trata de ser un reflejo de la vida , de sentirse humano. A mi personalmente me parece brillante. Porque tampoco es la única “decepción” que el juego te da en su final. Delilah y Henry nunca se conocieron en persona y Henry toma la decisión correcta. ¿Que esperabas sino que ocurriera verdad?

Por otro lado, Firewatch genera esa sensación contemplativa en su inicio que tanto me gusta gracias a su apartado artístico. Cada lugar del bosque de Shoshone es absolutamente precioso. Le da magia a esas caminatas en silencio disfrutando del paisaje. Silencio que solo es roto por la voz de Delilah y su excelente banda sonora para llevarte más profundo en la naturaleza de Wyoming.

En definitiva, Firewatch es un juego brillante con una historia excepcionalmente escrita que personalmente me ha golpeado duro. No quiero entrar en detalles personales, pero un juego que habla sobre las relaciones humanas tan bien como lo hace este título, era justo lo que necesitaba en su momento. Siempre le guardaré un cariño especial.

Firewatch is a beautiful, quiet game that really sticks with you. The Wyoming wilderness is stunning, and the voice acting is top-notch. It's more like a walking simulator with a great story, so don't expect tons of action. The mystery kept me hooked, but the ending might not land for everyone. If you want a short, emotional experience that feels completely different from most games out there, Firewatch is definitely worth checking out.

Jogo pra tu zerar em um dia. É walk simulator, então não é do tipo de mta gnt, mas a história prende sua atenção e gostei de caminhar por aí. As vzs, senti medo por estar sozinho na floresta, porém, não tem nada a se temer no joguin

A great, short, story driven experience. Some beautiful visuals and a great thriller plot. The setting is perfect for a walking-sim by the end you really have a good mental map of the forest with its many winding paths and shortcuts. The ending might not be to everyone's taste but I think this game really highlights the story telling potential the medium possesses. The writing is at times a bit cheesy and occasionally very dumb (When they find the walkie talkie being a painful example) But otherwise its really fantastic and can be beaten in just a couple of sittings (took me about 3 and a half hours) I highly recommend turning off the map marker as doing actual orienteering using the compass and landmarks really adds to the whole experience and is baffling that the game isn't like that by default.

Relaxing! Other than yk the mystery horror aspect I enjoyed taking pictures of the scenery and talking to Delilah. A semi predictable ending but also satisfying. I don't like Henry very much because of how he was with Julia but I liked how his dialogue and how it changed over the course of the game. Played in one sitting. ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ

A really high quality short indie game.

Good indie game with a good story

what seems like a basic walking sim tells an amazing story worth the play made me cry a little and feel things at the end

Before I played this I imagined it as another heavily emotional walking sim with an obvious tragic ending. Now I finally got to play it and it went against my expectations, for the most part. The game opens with a huge emotional gut punch, something that might be close to home as a real life fear. So I found the protagonist’s choice to take the Firewatch job understandable, relatable. Something I would want to do myself if such a thing existed on these little islands I call home.
I enjoyed the radio conversations and casual strolling in nature. I was shocked and completely sucked in by the creeping paranoia as the game presented its mystery. When that was resolved it didn’t keep the gravity I was hoping for but it managed to end satisfyingly.
Since it annoyed me I will mention I encountered a bug with my late game save not loading, which I understand other players have experienced but never got fixed. Thankfully I was able to get a recent save from the cloud and only had to redo a few bits from earlier in the day.

Firewatch is a beautiful little game

Com visuais, proposta e temática lindas de se ver, Firewatch começa com tudo, te deixa preso já nos primeiros capítulos, tentando descobrir todos os mistérios que rondam a montanha com a ajuda de um única amiga. Porém o jogo não consegue manter isso até o final, o desenrolar da história nos últimos capítulos fica fraco comparado aos primeiros, o jogo levantou uma bola que não conseguiu manter lá em cima até o final, deixando um gosto amargo.

Interesting narrative sprinkled liberally through quaint and peaceful scenery is a good recipe for me.

Firewatch's moments of tense situations were really compelling and the few freak-outs captured that dread everyone knows. The ambience of walking from the watchtower to wherever was super nice, too. My games frame rate and animations made me surprisingly motion sick, and I struggle a lot with directions - but those issues are probably more on me.

I quite liked this but I kept thinking it was building up to some sort of big story reveal and then it was just like hey see ya later and the credits started rolling and I was like okay.

Watched - and rewatched, and rewatched, and rewatched.
Such a great story, really liked the mechanics although the ending is so so frustrating

beautiful game. couldnt take my eyes out of it for a second

El juego está bien, aunque tiene algunos bugs que no arruinan la experiencia.
Lo único que no me gustó fue que al principio el juego da a entender que va a ser un viaje de instrospección y termina siendo una historia de misterio y detectives. Se queda con mucho potencial desperdiciado a mi parecer.

Sempre tive vontade de jogar, e só pude agora por conta da oportunidade. Mesmo num jogo onde é basicamente um podcast, é muito interessante a cativante estar em controle.
Acho que eu só esperava algo a mais. Talvez fosse minha expectativa, mas eu gostei da história, e do rumo que levou. Me senti até um pouco abatida vendo os créditos.
Provavelmente vou tentar todas as conquistas, mas depois. Agora eu só estou só com aquele agridoce mesmo.

Confesso ter uma queda por jogos com a proposta de Firewatch, ser deixado isolado a deriva em um mapa sempre me faz pensar e questionar minha própria existência e solidão, ao mesmo tempo que observo uma linda vista oferecida pelo jogo. Firewatch entrega exatamente oque propõe: um thriller q busca deixar o protagonista, e por consequência, o jogador, sozinhos, seja para pensar e teorizar sobre a intrigante e extremamente bem escrita história do jogo, ou apenas esvaziar a mente e observar o pôr do sol. O gameplay pode sim ser considerado como um "walking simulator" mas isso não prejudica o jogo de forma alguma, pelo contrário, sua narrativa não teria o mesmo impacto caso houvesse um meio mais rápido de locomoção, o tempo sozinho é importante para o decorrer de Firewatch. Desde a direção de arte até a trilhas sonora, é possível perceber algo que é facilmente encontrado em jogos Indie: O amor e dedicação dedicados ao projeto, e isso é só reforçado pelo modo com comentários dos diretores.
Com algumas correções em sua render distance e consistência de frames, Firewatch facilmente seria um jogo perfeito.

Firewatch was a game that I had heard about for many years now, and has always been a game that I have wanted to play. I held off on it for a while, but until a sale came up, I saw the game on a deal for 3 dollars, so I just had to buy it, after putting it off for a few more months, I finally have played the game.

The visuals in this game are absolutely stunning, and they mix 3d stylized atmosphere, with drawn backgrounds that just fit in beautifully and perfectly.

The other huge positive of this game is the writing, the writing in this game is absolutely incredible. Every character feels alive, and their interactions actually feel like real interactions you would have with real people.

The game is also not too long, it does drag on a little, but the game is still well paced, and I know many people just find this a walking simulator, but I find this a little more than that. This has more to it than just walking, and I think that really heightens the experience even more.

This is a really good game, and a game that should be checked out, and even if people say the ending is really disappointing, I wouldn't listen to them. It's perfectly fine, and fits a fitting conclusion to the story.

Overall: 8/10

Un jeu sur la contemplation, mais aussi un beau moyen de faire la paix avec sois.

It's a walking sim with a fantastic story.