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Much ink has been spilled about Firewatch's story regarding its facade of a mystery story.

Many people disappointed by the game find the mystery underwhelming, others trying to counter this opinion swing the other way claiming that it's not a mystery story at all and that the mystery is only a facade. I don't think the latter view is totally accurate.

I can see someone thinking the resolution of the mystery is underwhelming if they come into the game fully expecting a straightforward mystery plot and nothing else, but I'm of the opinion that the mystery and its resolution are actually quite good when you take it as part of the thematic tapestry of this game.

Firewatch's themes are obviously not subtle, it's really hard to play this game and not come out with a very clear idea of what it's trying to say. The beauty of it comes across in the way that every single element is so intentionally and tightly crafted around those themes, from the prologue methodically getting you to connect to Henry's backstory to the way the forest's layout and landmarks become familiar and ingrained in your brain as you play. The mystery plot, when seen as a piece of the broader thematic throughline rather than as a facade separate from the rest of the game, gains new depth when you can start to piece together what happened through the lens of people running from their problems. Trying to analyze the mystery in Firewatch in isolation from the rest of the game's elements is like asking why a cogwheel is bad at rolling over a surface when it's meant to mesh with others.

I think if you came away from the game disappointed or confused, this is a game that could greatly benefit from a replay, both to try other dialogue options and experience more of this game's objectively amazing writing, and to be able to see things that might've felt out of place with new eyes within the broader picture.

beautiful game. couldnt take my eyes out of it for a second

Before I played this I imagined it as another heavily emotional walking sim with an obvious tragic ending. Now I finally got to play it and it went against my expectations, for the most part. The game opens with a huge emotional gut punch, something that might be close to home as a real life fear. So I found the protagonist’s choice to take the Firewatch job understandable, relatable. Something I would want to do myself if such a thing existed on these little islands I call home.
I enjoyed the radio conversations and casual strolling in nature. I was shocked and completely sucked in by the creeping paranoia as the game presented its mystery. When that was resolved it didn’t keep the gravity I was hoping for but it managed to end satisfyingly.
Since it annoyed me I will mention I encountered a bug with my late game save not loading, which I understand other players have experienced but never got fixed. Thankfully I was able to get a recent save from the cloud and only had to redo a few bits from earlier in the day.

A really high quality short indie game.

Firewatch was a game that I had heard about for many years now, and has always been a game that I have wanted to play. I held off on it for a while, but until a sale came up, I saw the game on a deal for 3 dollars, so I just had to buy it, after putting it off for a few more months, I finally have played the game.

The visuals in this game are absolutely stunning, and they mix 3d stylized atmosphere, with drawn backgrounds that just fit in beautifully and perfectly.

The other huge positive of this game is the writing, the writing in this game is absolutely incredible. Every character feels alive, and their interactions actually feel like real interactions you would have with real people.

The game is also not too long, it does drag on a little, but the game is still well paced, and I know many people just find this a walking simulator, but I find this a little more than that. This has more to it than just walking, and I think that really heightens the experience even more.

This is a really good game, and a game that should be checked out, and even if people say the ending is really disappointing, I wouldn't listen to them. It's perfectly fine, and fits a fitting conclusion to the story.

Overall: 8/10

Good indie game with a good story

Do I even need to explain this?

Meh. Good atmosphere. No emotional hits for me though. Story was weak

cuuuuute game, nice atmosphere, rip wifey

what I said for edith finch but just a little bit better.

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was good and then... anticlimactic ending imo

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Almost a really good game. Sets up an interesting situation, but fails to deliver a satisfactory resolution.

I did not get what I was expecting. Still good nonetheless

me sorprendió, muy lindo juego la verdad

Un jeu sur la contemplation, mais aussi un beau moyen de faire la paix avec sois.

El juego está bien, aunque tiene algunos bugs que no arruinan la experiencia.
Lo único que no me gustó fue que al principio el juego da a entender que va a ser un viaje de instrospección y termina siendo una historia de misterio y detectives. Se queda con mucho potencial desperdiciado a mi parecer.

Confesso ter uma queda por jogos com a proposta de Firewatch, ser deixado isolado a deriva em um mapa sempre me faz pensar e questionar minha própria existência e solidão, ao mesmo tempo que observo uma linda vista oferecida pelo jogo. Firewatch entrega exatamente oque propõe: um thriller q busca deixar o protagonista, e por consequência, o jogador, sozinhos, seja para pensar e teorizar sobre a intrigante e extremamente bem escrita história do jogo, ou apenas esvaziar a mente e observar o pôr do sol. O gameplay pode sim ser considerado como um "walking simulator" mas isso não prejudica o jogo de forma alguma, pelo contrário, sua narrativa não teria o mesmo impacto caso houvesse um meio mais rápido de locomoção, o tempo sozinho é importante para o decorrer de Firewatch. Desde a direção de arte até a trilhas sonora, é possível perceber algo que é facilmente encontrado em jogos Indie: O amor e dedicação dedicados ao projeto, e isso é só reforçado pelo modo com comentários dos diretores.
Com algumas correções em sua render distance e consistência de frames, Firewatch facilmente seria um jogo perfeito.

Sempre tive vontade de jogar, e só pude agora por conta da oportunidade. Mesmo num jogo onde é basicamente um podcast, é muito interessante a cativante estar em controle.
Acho que eu só esperava algo a mais. Talvez fosse minha expectativa, mas eu gostei da história, e do rumo que levou. Me senti até um pouco abatida vendo os créditos.
Provavelmente vou tentar todas as conquistas, mas depois. Agora eu só estou só com aquele agridoce mesmo.

A nice short game to play over a few evenings. Fun and mysterious

This was a beautiful experience in terms of graphics
I think that this game is kinda like Bioshock when it comes to it's story
The plot is not that important
It's the things that surround the plot
Where in Bioshock it was the narration in Firewatch it's definitely the dialogue and relations between our two main characters Delilah and Henry
And yeah i agree the ending was crappy and there are some big plotholes but it didn't break my immersion and enjoyment of the game

(also i dunno if this is a me thing only BUT i played the game on a Windows PC and GOD DAMN the game was lagging at some points and i don't have a bad PC i might add my machine can run The Witcher 3 on ultra for crying out loud)

cool story and amazing character chemistry, a little bit short but maybe it's better that way

I play a decent amount of walking sims, but Firewatch stands out amongst the pack. The main selling point of a walking sim is usually its story, but Firewatch's main selling point is its voice acting. The game has the best voice acting I've ever experienced in a video game, and the relationship between the two main characters is full of chemistry and intrigue. The story revolves around a man who takes a job as a fire lookout and the relationship he develops with his boss through radio. This is all I want to say about the story because it is best to go into the game blind. There is no mind blowing plot beat or twist, and some may not like the ending (I personally thought it was perfect and fit the game's message perfectly). The story ultimately is about life's problems. I came away from the game more grateful for life than I was going in. Life is hard, but that is what makes it worth living. This game encapsulates that. Outside of the story, the visuals and subtle music while not mind blowing were well done. The varying shades of oranges, yellows, and reds displayed throughout the game really made the visuals stand out. It is a walking sim, so there isn't much gameplay to be spoken of. You're mainly tasked with going to different points on the map, occasionally opening supply caches and unlocking gates. This is one of the few walking sims I'd recommend even to people who don't typically enjoy walking sims. Along with Gone Home, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Wide Ocean Big Jacket, this is one of the best walking sims I've ever played.

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i feel the ending is better than people say

Some of the most natural dialogue I’ve ever seen in a video game. It’s also really super replayable due to being so short but overall there’s not much too this game outside of the banter between Henry and Delilah. I do think that the portrayal of Henry’s mental state while he’s stuck for months in the wilderness was well done. Overall though, Firewatch is held together by its voice acting and characterization. A really solid game that I think would really benefit from a sequel eventually.

Firewatch probably made me feel the most immersed in a story I've ever been, as far back as I can remember. I felt feelings of joy, surprise, sadness, and so much tension. Despite being a walking simulator I couldn't stop peeking over my shoulders because of how tense everything was. Although the story itself is full of plot holes and obscure character motivations (as I discovered after beating the game and reading some discussions), the way the story is told makes you really immersed. The dialogue in this game (most of which you control for your character) feels really natural and genuine, and really makes you connect with the characters.

As for the gameplay itself, it's as complex as walking simulators go, but at least the game allows you to run.

One thing that I absolutely hated was on the technical side: the frequent fps drops. Every time some terrain would load in the distance, I would lose anywhere from 10-50 fps for a split second, so be warned if that kind of thing is a turn-off for you.

I really enjoyed my time with Firewatch, but due to its short nature and really impactful story, it's probably a game that I would never play again.