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in the past

Builds a meta-relationship with the main character through emotional connection in such an effective way. Specially because to a certain extent, Henry and the player are in the same shoes, trying to escape reality. And when the ending comes, it hits the same way for both (even the players with negative views on it agree without realizing). Crushing game, but amazing at what it sets out to do. Loved it.

(Disappointing how the game sets the mood from the very start with a grounded heartbreaking story, but people still expect mysteries, conspiracy theories, aliens... but whatever, I'm just being cranky)

A wonderful game that managed to put me in a summer mood, despite the fact that it’s March outside. Wonderful views, good, balletic and exciting musical acting, and of course a chic atmosphere. I think this game is about two things at once. Firstly, about one thing, about all the delights and problems of such a life. Secondly, about how we like to deal with our problems. Probably everyone can find something familiar and dear to themselves in this simple plot. Personally, I found it.

Holy FUCK this game looks so good.
I think sunsets might be my favorite thing ever

As I get older and finish more games from my backlog, more and more I appreciate a tidy handful of hours telling a streamlined story. It feels great to feasibly finish a game in one sitting and have a whole experience, and Firewatch provides exactly that. While you do have player choice that ultimately doesn't change the story, I like how the choices color your emotional experience with the main character without interfering with the A-plot. Having all of the interactivity of the game be completely diegetic was a fantastic design choice that helps you feel immersed in the world at all times. Pulling a map out in front of you and unfolding it while listening to the conversation on your walkie feels like you're really out there.

still one of my favorite walking sims. lots of mystery, paranoia, impeccable vibes, atmosphere, and intriguing characters.

i always considered firewatch to be commentary on how expectations can make us feel so empty. sometimes the smaller things are the things that shatter us.

see you around, D

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Spoilers only discussed at the very bottom

Firewatch is a graphic adventure developed by Campo Santo in 2016. I’d call it a rare case of a walking sim penetrating the zeitgeist, but seeing as how a number of titles have done just that (good & bad), it seems they’ve outgrown the constraints of a formerly niche genre. Still, even within those parameters, Firewatch was one of the more notable releases given the large amount of press it garnered; I distinctly remember all the major news outlets and indie rags raving over this one as though it were the Second Coming.

While there’s no such thing as bad publicity, such acclamation never bodes well for a smaller-scale product as it inherently sets expectations too high- expectations that should never be handed to a walking sim of all things. It means certain newcomers will enter the game anticipating great highs, only to foam at the mouth when their unrealistic standards aren’t met- compare the Metacritic audience scores of Gone Home & Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture with The Stanley Parable (a game that didn’t get much pre-release hype) and you’ll see what I mean.

Thankfully, Firewatch wasn’t hit as hard by review trolls, however I’d still advise going into it with tempered hopes due to an inconsistent narrative. The premise is you’re controlling a, surprise surprise, fire watcher named Henry at Shoshone National Forest in the 1980s. Ole Hank arrived to escape some demons from his past, and in the process has inadvertently sparked a kinship with fellow lookout Delilah. Without delving into spoilers, things start off fine before the two begin experiencing weird events at the park; events that appear intrinsically tied to them.

We’ve seen this “Stranger in a Strange Land” set-up replicated in multiple pieces of media, and the reason it works is because it’s perfectly fine-tuned to the needs of any mystery: both the player and protagonist are in the same boat as far as being fish-out-of-water, and the unknown factor pervades every element of the world. Firewatch initially does a fantastic job molding this template for its own story, but where it goes wrong (IMO) is in its failure to sufficiently connect those introductory moments with the second half of the game.+ In some ways, it feels like you’re playing two different tales as everything about the first part is only tangentially related to its narratological successor, and it shouldn’t come as a shock when I say the latter isn’t as good. It abandons the grounded framework in favor of more outlandish and conspiratorial traits, which yeah, technically make sense given the 80s backdrop, but which consequently haven’t aged as well due to that generational restriction. For all the criticism the ending has received, I actually did appreciate it harkening back to the original atmosphere, though keep in mind it has plenty of issues in its own right(++), one of those being its reliance on optional dialogue. See, you spend most, if not all of, Firewatch strolling from Point A to Point B, and to fill in the empty space, the developers threw in a bunch of conversations you may instigate via telling Delilah about an observation of something in your surroundings. The problem is a good chunk of these are actually necessary to understanding the endgame revelations, meaning if you missed out on any of them while playing, you’ll probably be less-than-satisfied by aspects of the finale (yes, this did happen to me, despite my extensive reconnaissance for all things examinable).

Besides the story, the biggest appeal of Firewatch was clearly intended to be the characters, and on that front we once again get mixed results. Henry is a rather stoic individual whose personality is primarily shaped via a good old-fashioned dialogue wheel. It’s a bit of an unfortunate decision as, while I understand why the writers did it, it ultimately comes across as arbitrary due to the lack of any branching effects -- the yarn unwinds exactly as it was planned, and though you’ll obviously hear different lines from Delilah, it doesn’t culminate in multiple endings, nor substantially differentiate the plot to warrant extra playthroughs. And because there are no tangible corollaries, the result is Henry turning into a rather forgettable demi-avatar in spite of his interesting backstory.

Delilah, on the other hand, fares a lot better due to being an unmodifiable character, and while it’s true you can somewhat affect her personality through the timing/type of rejoinder (or lack thereof), she’s not going to deviate from her core personality, that being a middle-aged smart@ss with just the right balance of snark and drama. Due to the slice-of-life nature of the script, I wouldn’t say she lights up the game the way other charismatic females have done before, but she definitely goes a long way towards counterbalancing Henry’s phlegmaticness.

Sadly, the biggest problem with the two’s relationship is the absence of strong chemistry between the voice actors. I know this is a highly-subjective complaint, but I personally never felt a genuine bond connecting the pair the way I did with say Simon & Catherine in Soma or even Cole & Moya in InFAMOUS. The performers (Rich Sommer/Cissy Jones) do a good job with what they’re given, but it seems each was cast based on their individual audition tapes over shared screen test results. And considering Firewatch’s heavy reliance on their banter, this deficiency is more detrimental to the experience than probably envisioned.

There are a few other miscellaneous voices you’ll hear over your journey, and though hit-or-miss, none stay long enough to leave a lasting impression. On the flipside, the score by Chris Remo is quietly memorable, usually taking a backseat to the general exploration before crescendoing during a dramatic story beat (a testament to the adept music editing). As you can imagine from the cover art, Firewatch indulges in those timeless melodies typically associated with campfire gatherings, the bulk of them conveyed via a good old-fashioned acoustic guitar (or what sounds like one anyway). That’s not to say Remo exclusively abides by it (I recall numerous percussion-focused tracks, as well as one synth-heavy composition) but they are definitely in the minority and not quite as potent as their stringed predecessors.

Regarding the SFX it’s surprisingly deep, with distinguishable clangs contingent on the item and impact surfaces’ material: cans, bottles, books, and balls vary not only amidst each other, but also among their own kin depending on where you toss them (grass versus a bed versus hardwood etc….). I didn’t detect divergences based on velocity; however, it’s not like it matters because you’ll almost never have to engage with this physics system, making the set-up admirable yet moot (note, I say this meaning the game should’ve incorporated it more, not that it should’ve been abandoned by the engineers).

Where Firewatch’s sound stumbles is in its ambience, or rather absence of ambience. Despite being set in a verdure ecosystem, you’ll hardly run into any animals, and when you do hear calls tied to certain species (birds, bugs) 9 times out of 10 they lack a distinguishable source. Even customary dins like forestal breezes and generator hums feel more stocky than manually-conceived, and it’s consequently a bit of a shame that the game has to fallback on its OST in lieu of an adequate soundscape.

But it’s the visuals you’ve no doubt heard the most raving about, and on that front there’s definitely a lot of truth. Those of you who have read my past reviews will know I’ve never been big on Unity games, and while Firewatch still has a few of the engine’s rougher elements (overly-sleek rocks, clipping, uncanny appendages) this is definitely a case where virtuosity outweighs defects. Campo Santo has brought to life that romanticized outdoorsy aesthetic I’m sure every kid dreamed of at some point in their life; you know, that fantasy of running through an orchard decked in springtime hues as the sparrows chirped on yonder. Much like Boggly Woods or the Villa Auditore, this is one of those serene video game locations you want to spend time in for the sake of inner peace, and it’s honestly not surprising why the devs threw in a free roam mode. The graphic design may seem repetitive at first, but look closer and you’ll notice a lot of underrated details accompanying Shoshone, chief among these being the sheer amount of tree genera. Like Dear Esther did with rocks, Firewatch has assembled a smorgasbord of perennial taxonomies to behold, a chart in your post identifying their specific classification should you wish to know it. Couple it all with some fantastic shadowcasting conditional on their soft sways and cloud overseers and you can imagine where the game’s immersion factor comes from. Considering how often trees get copy/pasted in video games, even in ones focused on exploration, this was a pleasant surprise and one I hope players take note of.

Unfortunately, exploration is significantly infringed upon by the map design, which is deliberately restrictive for no discernible reason outside of elongating the story. You’re forced to stick to set paths as every other avenue is deliberately blocked-off, and while a number of these are reasonable (unscalable mountains), it literally makes no sense why Henry can’t bypass others ala stomping on piles of bramble or ascending a small outcrop. It’s not an aggravating issue by any means, however the obviousness of the scheme coupled with large backtracking renders it a bit displeasing.

Gameplay, there isn’t much to say- per their namesake, walking sims are about walking, and you’re going to be doing just that…A LOT. You can pull out a map, compass, and of course radio, rotate certain objects, and dash to your heart’s content without worrying about a stamina meter. On the flip side, all other actions (climbing/descending/leaping) are purely automated and consequently come across as a little outdated by eighth generation standards. Still, I’ll give immense credit to Campo Santo for at least programming two different animations depending on whether you’re running or trudging.

In the end, though, it’s clear your appreciation of Firewatch will rest on its story over anything else, and contrary to what critics say, there’s a greater divagation of opinions towards that component. My spoiler-free tl;dr is you’ll enjoy the journey, but more than likely forget about it the second you move onto your next game. And for some, that’ll be sufficient.

-For a game about fire safety, did no one else find it bizarre how Henry keeps two flammable gas tanks right next to his tower???

-I can’t be the only person who thinks Henry sounds like a young Ron Desantis?

-There’s a notes menu completely devoid of anything, making me wonder if it was an abandoned feature accidentally left in the game.

-You get a camera to photograph random stuff, and while you’re occasionally advised to do so by Delilah, it’s never mandated and has no impact on the story (making me wonder if it was another abandoned feature as well). You’re able to upload the photos you take with it on a separate menu in the title screen, but when I tried to do so it literally caused the game to freeze up on me twice. Combine that with the fact that the camera only holds 20 shots and you’re better off using the screen capture function (for PC gamers anyway).

-The rotate function is severely underrated in terms of its animations- I loved being able to slowly peel/unpeel an object from left-to-right/vice-versa.

-You’ll find a lot of airplane books written by the same author. Makes me wonder if they had some concept involving him that never came to fruition.

+Firewatch initially spends an inordinate amount of time on Henry reckoning with his dementia-ridden wife and her hostile parents before completely forgetting about it until the end. It’s not that it doesn’t make sense for Henry to stop prioritizing that aspect of his life in light of more pressing matters, but a more furnished script would’ve found a way to connect those introductory psychological anguishes with the later stresses/toils Henry deals with. As it stands, it comes across as a half-baked way of giving him depth that otherwise wouldn’t have existed.

The larger issue, however, is how Firewatch sets-up a genuinely better premise before succumbing elsewhere. One of the introductory chapters sees Henry confront two teenage arsonists who later mysteriously vanish, and the idea of Henry and Delilah having to contend with a serial killer or other nefarious actor playing to their sense of isolation could’ve made for a tense ride! As it stands, the replacement is an overcomplicated scheme by a former scout’s father to derail the two from discovering the body of his son (whose cause of death is up for interpretation) hidden in a cave. Instead of doing the smart thing like, oh I don’t know, setting fire to the area or causing a permanent cave-in, he opts to engage in odd tactics like making Delilah and Henry believe they’re being spied on by the government. It honestly feels like the writers didn’t know how to characterize this antagonist (Ned Goodwin), leading to many holes in his personality: for instance, if his son’s death was truly an accident, why wouldn’t he be upfront about the situation from the get-go? On the opposite end, if he didn’t want anyone to find out, why not dispose of the body through one of the aforementioned means? Heck, why create a tape confessing everything to Henry? I know they claim he’s suffering from some mental illness, but that honestly seems lazy and disrespectful to actual sufferers.

As a result of these endeavors, Henry and Delilah also come off as really dumb. Like, if you think about it, it’s actually silly that they would believe the government would randomly conduct a psyop experiment on two federal employees integral to preserving a national forest (you know, a year after a huge fire ravaged Yellowstone, which the game explicitly references).

++I pretty much discussed the ending above, with Henry finding a recording from Goodwin detailing what transpired. I know there are plenty of fans who wanted something deeper or more sensational, but I truly didn’t mind a grounded resolution. As I explained, I found the whole conspiratorial thought process absurd from the get-go, so the concept that it was actually the machinations of a disturbed individual was a welcome return-to-form (even if late). No, my personal qualms (besides those outlined earlier) concerned the decision to not have Henry and Delilah meet in-person. I’m not against the concept since you never saw anyone before (clearly anyway), so it thematically would’ve been concise; however, the lame-@ss reasoning they give is amateurish, with Delilah acting out-of-character via opting to hightail out of Shoshone before Henry gets there for no logical reason. I’m sure the game’s apologists will come out with some justification, but no amount of reasoning can cover up it being utterly stupid and purely done for the sake of Campo Santo not having to craft & animate a new character model.

That said, I will give the devs props for maintaining a level of tension and unease during Henry’s trek to the evac site- when you’re capable of such a feat, it indicates real talent.

A great short entertaining experience. The voice acting and chemistry between Henry and Delilah make the game. The visuals are stunning and the atmosphere is a fantastic mix between calming and tense.

The story is great for its length. I have seen a lot of people rag on the ending due to the twist but part of me likes the fact that it wasn't a big conspiracy or some paranormal being, It was just a scumbag dad who was bored.

While I think the game could of been a few hours longer as the ending does come out of nowhere a bit. However the story would probably need to be reworked if that was the case.

Overall a fantastic story with two great characters, short and sweet and 100 percent worth a play

Pra um jogo que se propõe a ter a história/narrativa como o principal motivador para o jogador continuar jogando, achei que deixou BASTANTE a desejar a partir do meio pro final. Começa muito bem, com uma introdução quase que perfeita, mas a história vai se perdendo e o desfecho foi muito mal pensado, pra dizer o mínimo.

Não considero um desastre completo, já que os elementos de exploração e investigação são muito divertidos. A combinação de mapa e bússola, procura por pontos para atualizar o mapa e seguir a exploração do parque florestal é bem divertido, e é suficiente pra entreter e divertir enquanto tenta desvendar os mistérios que a narrativa lhe apresenta.

O resumo perfeito para Firewatch é: um jogo curtinho, que se demorasse um pouquinho mais ficaria bem chato (mesmo assim, senti que tiveram coisas empurradas goela abaixo para aumentar um pouco mais a duração), com boas mecânicas de exploração e uma história que começa bem interessante, mas termina de maneira anticlimática.

No mais, é isso. Não considero um jogo ruim, mas poderia ser bem melhor, principalmente se expandissem um pouco mais as opções de diálogo para que expandisse a narrativa para diferentes possibilidades do que apenas aquele final esquisito.

good game for lonely people. makes you feel not lonely for like 4 hours.

This game is only getting worse the more i think about it, Henry and Delilah are pretty cool but the voice acting between them is a bit underwhelming, especially Henry who can't even sound serious in the most pivotal moments of the game, but thats probably more of a direction issue that comes with indie games at times. The plot goes from being pretty intriguing to "how the hell did these two idiots fall for this" and "none of this mattered". Not to mention the dead silence at times being a bit odd, not even in an unsettling way for tone, but in a more 𝘋𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘥𝘥 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦.

In short, maybe get it while its on sale if you like walking simulators but don''t go in thinking its some deep or even well written study into the human mind.

curto mas interessante, a exploração do game é muito boa, a historia eu acho que deixa a desejar, o final é bem qualquer coisa, esperava mais

no geral, bom jogo pra se jogar em uma tarde entediante, não esperem um jogo perfeito, vale muito a pena a exploração, é até relaxante caminhar pelas matas no começo do jogo, graficamente é bem feito demais, o estilo de arte do jogo é bem legal

mediano, mas bom


A compelling lil novella of a game, tho I think you run into an issue of disappointed expectations when your plot twist is that the Big Mystery it seems like youre cookin up is infact a very Small Personal Mystery. You dont typically want to promise Big and deliver Small, people just arent built for it.

Finally got around to playing it.
Super interesting game, big recommend :>

This review contains spoilers

NEW REVIEW 9/10: Yep. I get the point of the game now, I just had to get woefully educated but man, this game is so fucking good. The whole point of the story isn't to make you be satisfied or feel like you lived through this. The point of it is A STORY. It's like when you have a conversation with your friend and he tells you what he did that day, it probably won't be satisfying. The point of this game is to feel like you are hearing this story from someone else. It's unsatisfying because they may not remember all minute details, it's like asking them "hey what happened after all that?" and they will just tell you "oh. Well I just went back to how everything was before." Amazing game, I hate myself for not realizing sooner.

OLD REVIEW (was a 7/10 here): Good game, the only part of the game that I didn't really like was the ending. It felt kind of unsatisfying to me, I personally don't like endings where you have to imagine what happens next. I like a closed book, besides that it's super good though. Loved the environment and the way they told the story, wished it was a little more in depth though.

This review contains spoilers

Beyond the evasion that Henry is doing by going to Two Forks because of his wife's alzheimer, it's the parallel to the story between the father and the child what builds the layers for me. The kid built his own fortress in the mountains to not fall under his father's control and to have a place where he could plan out his dreams, a little "fantasy world" as Henry puts it.

The father took it to an extreme, and his cowardice and not handling his responsability made him evade the rest of the world in a demented state of mind, hiding away in the place he wanted to share to his son without being able to connect on the same wavelenght, just like Henry wouldn't be able to reach out to Julia anymore. Apart from the practical use of the information to frame the two protagonists, I wonder if in his little refuge he also was trying to figure out how Henry and Delilah were on a similar wavelenght not just from the walkie talkie frequency, but also in human connection, the kind that he couldn't have with his son.

beautiful game. like, I could walk around shoshone national forest for hours just taking it all in. compelling use of an unreliable companion character and one of my favorite intros to a game ever.

Even as someone who, until recently, was never really interested in walking simulators and their narrative-centric design, I was always well aware of the impact of Firewatch on its genre and the medium as a whole. Would it hold up to the high praise following it?

+ gorgeous setting with incredible vistas
+ a smart variation on the tropes of the genre
+ incredible, true-to-life voice acting
+ dialogue system always feel natural and organic...
+ ...and reacts to player actions in surprising ways
+ map and compass system are well-implemented
+ the easter eggs and references to other games are sweet
+ the narrative takes wide, daring swings...

- ...but misses more often than not
- technical performance is lacking and buggy, incl. a soft lock
- running has to be re-toggled every few seconds
- object interaction is pointless
- time limits for chosing answers are too short
- the initial multiple choice chapter seems perfunctory
- central metaphors of the narrative are heavy-handed
- story reveals arrive too late and seem arbitrary
- the ending feels abridged and unsure of itself

Playtime: Roughly 4,5 hours.

Blagic Moment: Finding something tragic in the last third and realizing that the main storyline connecting the two main characters is actually a Trojan Horse.

Regrettably, after finally playing through the game, I cannot help but feel like this is wonderfully presented but ultimately hollow narrative that never really knows what kind of story it wants to tell, directionlessly meandering between different character arcs without ever completing them. Neither Henry nor Delilah ever really change throughout their journeys, and the interactivity and choices the game offers in the beginning never amount to a coherent whole, including a severe lack of player-specific endings.

I was highly disappointed in Firewatch, especially coming off Gone Home and its more simplistic but much more effective approach to telling its heartfelt story. Therefore, I cannot recommend it and did not much enjoy it, but I am aware that I am pretty alone with this opinion.

Men with demons will literally become hermits before seeking therapy. A lookout in the middle of a lush, breathtaking location is where you'll find Henry, a man like any others only with drunk harassment rizz... nah I'm harsh with him he pulled his wife earnestly. Henry's cool but the pull of the game is Delilah and seeing them connect throughout the summer. Not the right move to switch to a "look thats deep" direction in my opinion, the first days were a bit of levity and we skipped over all the mundanity to have some overarching dark plot which feels misdirecting. Cave really was delightfully claustrophobic though hats off to the cook 👏

I ate a rotten granola bar and suffered no consequence. What kind of man eats a rotten granola bar and suffers no consequence?

This review contains spoilers

Nicely paced with good vibes, people harp on the suddenness of the ending and the lack of closure - but I think that might be the point; thus I don't factor it in.

As a result of the above, there's not a great deal of consequences to the choices you make other than defining why you are this character you're playing - which in a sense is good enough.

The art style, pacing, chemistry of the main characters and the intrigue of the plot keep this going, but depending on your liking of the ending and how you feel about the choice that are occassionally made for you - you may find this a more shallow narrative adventure.

A genuinely engaging story that hooks you from beginning to end. It lacks a couple features I find would be necessary to make this a truly exceptional game, namely, the lack of any true 'gameplay' makes the game feel somewhat surface level. Regardless, I played through the entirety in one consecutive sitting, something that as a working adult I've come to appreciate. One could say it's simply an interactive movie, but sometimes, that's enough for me. Good story, interesting characters, and a mystery/tragedy that begs to be uncovered

Playtime: 4 hours
Score: 6/10

Always wanted to play this one and it's currently on Gamepass so I finally played it and it was a little disappointing to be honest. I liked the main characters of Henry and Deliah as there chemistry felt very believable and the voice acting was top notch. The story sets up a weird mystery which had me intrigued as to what was going on. The reveal though just felt really underwhelming to me. It made sense in the context of the story, but I was expecting something a lot more interesting.

Gameplay wise, its a walking sim with some light immersive sim elements. It played fine but I found navigating the map to be a bit annoying at times. The game is also really beautiul in terms of its lighting and enviroments.

Overall, if your interested in this game then I'd say play this on Gamepass. I couldn't really recommend buying it since its so short, and it will depend on whether you like the twist or not. I didn't.

All Games I've Played and Reviewed Ranked -

I really like how this game begins, and the chemistry between the two main characters is top notch, but there are way too many loose ends by the end, and it just feels like half of this already short game was just padding for the sake of making the story more mysterious. It's ok I guess but I wouldn't really recommend it.

When I started playing Firewatch I expected a short, cozy exploration game with a heavy focus on Story, which is sort of what I got:

(++) The absolute best thing about this game was hands down the voice acting. Without it the game would've not even had half the charm it has now, it was a delight listening to the conversations of the two protagonists. +1 for the numerous dialog options you can take.
(+) The atmosphere created is absolutely fantastic. The color filter(s) used together with the assets create a great atmosphere and the developers proved that they know how to set a mood.
(+) The sound design and music was really beautiful and really involved me into the entire world.

(+ -) The story: the story was overall really interesting and I loved the vibe between the characters. The mystery aspects was sort of really cool and I did not expect that. However, I was a bit disappointed with the ending, or at least part of it.

( - ) At first, walking around the map was really nice, to explore some new and nice scenery, but the more the game sent me around the map, the more it felt like a chore. Especially towards the end where I had to revisit certain areas over and over again.
( - ) Maybe that is just me but it was, especially at the beginning, super easy for me to miss dialog because i missed the interface pop-up or clicked on something / walked somewhere that brought me to the next dialog already. Controls were a bit of ''getting - used'' to but then was fine!

SPOILERS (smol ones):
( - - ) The game started off as a cozy, quiet game seemingly going towards a sad and emotional story. Somewhere in the middle it changed it's direction towards mystery / crime solving, which I enjoyed a lot at first. However, at some point, the first jumpscare (being hit in the head from behind) scared the absolute shit out of me. There were about 1-2 more jumpscares in the game and most of the vibe of the game from this point on was spooky and scary. I felt extremely nervous and anxious, afraid of another jumpscare. I am quite prone to jumpscares so I really got spooked at about 2 of them. I personally did not like the game including that when supposedly being a cozy exploration / story game. From that point on, I felt like i just wanted to get through the story and I was afraid of exploring further on my own. I felt like something was creeping up behind me all the time and I just felt overall nervous and scared the entire time. That did ruin the experience for me personally, but I absolutely understand people that give this game a high rating! Other's certainly are less easily to be spooked than me, so they will certainly enjoy this game, but for me it was hard to play after that!

Very fluid and natural dialogue between Henry and Delilah. They seemed like real, actual believable people. Rich Somner and Cissy Jones did a phenomenal job voicing the two protagonists.

The story feels as if it could be something that was "based on a set of true events." The mystery was great and the paranoia that accompanied it did a great job of providing a tense mood and atmosphere at the turning points of the game.

Overall, this is a story about escapism. Physically and metaphorically. You can only escape from your problems for so long before they will resurface and wait for you to confront them. Trying to avoid your problems is a temporary solution that is short. It is simply "A pause in the hallway of time."

A walking sim where a bunch of stuff happens but it all leads to absolutely nothing. Yet for some reason I found the journey enjoyable.

I have for my entire life been right next to the Canadian Rookies. Camped in them, driven through them with other and by myself, flown a Cessna right along them, you get the point. I can not in any way imagine my life without being within reasonable driving distance to such great beauty. So when I booted up Firewatch, and saw the insane level of detail and fidelity that this game was able to capture, I was aw-struck. Everything from the shades of grass, to the perfect representation of how forest fire smoke reacts with light to make that terrifying but beautiful and oh too familiar shade. It was perfect just how the developers where able to capture the world that they wanted their game to take place in. However, it would be ignorant of myself to not bring up the faults of the story at certain instances. As while I believe overall, and especially the ending where well put together and satisfying; a lot of the mid game story leans towards a direction that I did not feel was particularly in the best interest of the game. I try not to go into spoilers here, so its hard to explain just what I did not like without doing so. But its just gets kind of cliche, or off track? If you get what I am saying. Nevertheless however, I believe everything else about this game to have been developed in such a way, the faltered story elements become very much lost in the overall ending and world of Firewatch. Being very much a walking simulator it might not be for everyone, but I do still recommend it based on quality alone.

A masterclass in storytelling, Firewatch uses both the unknown and the unseen to create a terrifying wilderness where the player is made to piece the truth together like a meticulously designed jigsaw. The atmosphere in this game is like nothing else, the suspense and tension keep you constantly hooked, desperate for the next slither of information. Both the writing and voice acting bring the story to life, with some of the most impressive and convincing performances I've ever heard. It's impossible not to empathise with the characters and their chemistry is astonishingly natural. Additionally, the multiple choices in dialogue trees allows the player to really feel that they are shaping the story that unfolds. The visuals of this game are just gorgeous, the unique artstyle paired with the amazing scenery meant I couldn't resist stopping and taking pictures at every turn. Firewatch is a perfect example of how graphical fidelity isn't always necessary to have a beautiful game with a strong sense of identity. Lastly, although it's short, the story feels like the perfect length, with a well rounded structure and almost no unnecessarily slower moments for padding.

If you haven't already, I implore you to give this game a go. I promise it's worth your time.

The more I think about Firewatch, the more I appreciate the experience and its theme of escapism. Though the ending didn't quite hit at the time of playing, the game's deliberate way of disappointing both the main character and you as the player is admirably unique. I'm still unsure whether it was ultimately worth trying to tell this sort of story, but the experience was worth it nonetheless, especially because of the two main characters who are so well and believably written and voiced that it's just great to be a part of their lives and conversations.

A pretty relaxing game, nothing much happened but some moments were pretty sad and the ending was pretty lacklustre otherwise it was fine.

this game is the reason why i love this medium