Reviews from

in the past

O primeiro eu dropei por causa de sono kkkkk
Mas ele parece bom se saber jogar DIREITO

"Yeah, you've got a great butt."

Jogo absurdamente inovador. KOJIMA GÊNIO

Un antes y un después en la industria de los videojuegos. Un paso obligado por todo aficionado.

Absolute cinema...
Este juego es absurdamente bueno incluso hoy en día, nada que decir que no se haya dicho hasta ahora, jefes icónicos, revolucionario, historia increíble e impactante...un absoluto juegazo que jamás se olvidará

Really interesting evolution of Metal Gear 2. The script could benefit from a little fat trimming but I'm pretty on board with this game

ابغى اعيد هذا الجزء يوم ما مع معرفتي لسياق القصة

MGS is definitely not a perfect game, and I could see myself looking at this more critically after I play solid 2&3, but this is still really fun. Not just kojima’s presentation and style giving everything that fun entry that spy thrillers and cyberpunk had around the turn of the millennia (alongside his own personal quirks), but also the gameplay holds its own with a lot of little moments that reward thinking out of the box. Though there is definitely room for improvement in terms of game feel in some areas

Demorei bem mais do que deveria pra zerar isso, mas tá aí.

Metal Gear Solid é sempre considerado um jogo acima de seu tempo, eu diria que ele é um jogo só acima mesmo, já que ele provavelmente vai ser melhor e mais ousado do que a maior parte dos jogos que você for jogar hoje em dia...

No entanto, não se engane em achar que eu vou pra essa vertente de velho bom novo ruim, ou então que eu só vou falar bem. Por trás de uma história maravilhosamente escrita que trata de algo como guerra se dando a liberdade pra brincar e acima de tudo SER UM VIDEOGAME, quebrando a quarta parede de uma forma que não seja forçado, existe um jogo que , querendo ou não, é um pouco antiquado de se jogar hoje em dia, com controles um pouco limitados. Alguns poderiam falar, provavelmente com razão, que o jogo envelheceu, mss eu não gosto desse termo então eu vou só dizer que certas partes parecem que superestimam um pouco o que você é capaz de fazer com o que você tem. Usar a sniper por exemplo é um pesadelo, fazer o que....

No geral, eu senti que cada ideia nova que o jogo colocava pra cima de mim, acima de tudo nas boss fights, que são um espetáculo de criatividade, muitas coisas tendem a te irritar até que você entenda como funciona. As últimas 2-3 horas não me geraram muito prazer ao jogar, e até me irritaram um pouco, por mais que a experiência no geral se mantenha excelente pela história que vai se escalando cada vez mais. Até uns 60/70% do jogo eu estava decidido em dar 4 estrelas e meia, mas isso foi o suficiente pra tirar meia estrelinha.

Um parêntese interessante que eu queria dar aqui é a qualidade de áudio, pra um jogo de PS1. Jogos dessa era costumavam ter aquelas dublagem abafadas, até mesmo difíceis de se entender, mas o Kojima/Konami/Sei lá quem meteram 2 discos pra ter uma qualidade muito acima pra época, superando até mesmo a maioria dos jogos do PS2 e preservando a integridade da experiência que é quase como um cinema poligonal de tão bem dirigido.

Meu primeiro contato com a franquia foi extremamente positivo, e inclusive chegou hoje aqui em casa a Legacy Collection de PS3 (tive que emular o primeiro porque o MGS1 da coleção é por código), pra eu continuar me aventurando nela, no que o arrombado do Alonso disse que são as melhores versões dos jogos. Não será a última review de Metal Gear que vocês lerão.

I have always been a fan of Metal Gear Solid, but this remark could only get me so far prior to today. Allow me to explain.

I remember when MGS5 released. At the time, a franchise of which I knew no prior occurrence or "lore" bit of. The series' infamous storytelling mishaps and contrivances was all that I knew of when locking eyes with a physical copy of MGS5 for the first time. I can't recall exactly what made me purchase the game, but part of me now knows why. Though considered a misstep in the series by many, I considered it to be a near-perfect revolution of stealth-action game design, and a staple from my late teens as well. Its story, though admittedly weak, and the game not even being finished by all accounts, does make it feel like a husk of what could've been. However, I still found myself compelled to attain all the S-Ranks that I could, complete all the mission objectives and side ops that I could. Why? Because I loved the game, simple as that. The sounds, visuals, mechanics: all a blend of kinetic though strategic gameplay action. Though this is a review of MGS1, I thought it important to include where I started the series from.

Years later, here we are, having finally decided to play through the mainline series, and what a start this was. Metal Gear Solid was so, so, so... authentic. There's passion and life put into every interaction, cutscene, mechanic, and level within the stirring-cold facility that is Shadow Moses. A story, that though cheesy by today's standards, still manages to leave a few tears in my eyes by the end. As every part of this game is: pure.

This in my eyes had what Death Stranding, another great game by its own merits, lacked: a compelling and human story that doesn't go running laps around the player in an attempt to confuse them or make itself sound smart for the sake of ego. Rather, Metal Gear Solid tells a story about life itself as put by Naomi Hunter. What it means to be free from the chains that bind us, and forging our own paths. I think this is why I wanted to buy MGSV, part of me could sense the pureness from the series, the labor of love that it truly was and ended up being.

So... yeah! I had a really great time with Metal Gear Solid. It's more playable by today's standards than I thought it'd be, packs fun gameplay, and has a story that'll leave you with a dumb wide smile across your face by its snowy conclusion.

Not as huge a step forward as I thought after playing the MSX Metal Gear, but graphically impressive for its time and the refinements to the stealth are great. That said, it doesn’t actually matter that much because this game is basically just a boss rush, the sequences between bosses are much shorter than I remembered. Still a fun espionage story and some classic characters that managed to be cool or cooler through subsequent games.

Um jogo que até hoje impressiona pela sua criatividade e inovações, algumas bossfights funcionam quase como um quebra-cabeça, que é muito bem feito, o fato do jogo utilizar elementos externos a ele, também é algo que poucas vezes eu vi ser tão bem utilizado. Além disso, a maioria dos personagens são iconicos e carismasticos, você fica ansioso pra cada novo chefe e personagem que enfrenta e a história corre muito bem. Assim que eu terminei a primeira vez, já quis zerar novamente, e o jogo possuí um fator replay que é muito fluido e divertido, fazendo as jogatinas posteriores ainda melhores.

This review contains spoilers

Somehow, a game from 1998 is still lots of fun to play today without any hassle. This games gotten a heap of re-releases, but I used the original discs on my PS3. I remember the Psycho Mantis fight, and putting my controller on my desk to have it rumble off onto the floor! Absolutely amazing, and worth your time if you have a passing interest in the metal gear series. My only complaint is that the game can be really slow to start, but after the Grey Fox fight it's at a tight pace. All in all, this game showed off the sheer power of the PS1 in strides!

I came home to my best friend and saw him playing this game. I just sat down, digged into the crisp bag on the table, and enjoyed watching a new game far from any other I had seen before.

Stealth game, puzzles and he had this Uber cool sidearm that I never forgot. Mk23 from H&K. Used by special forces like Seals. Ambidextrous, large cal and with the laser pointer looked sick.

I was forever in love with that sidearm, so much so that I bought an Airsoft version in full metal, gas-driven.
I started in an Airsoft club due to this new obsession.

I finally did get to play this at my friend's house, but I was an Amiga/PC gamer I had no idea how to use a controller. I am sure my mate had a great time watching me fail

I failed a lot but kept on. I met Psycho Mantis and blew a gasket trying to figure out why the F he was so hard to beat. I surely gave my inept controller experience the fault. He was literally reading my mind. Bugged game for sure. My mate did have compassion enough to let me in on a secret, a secret that blew my mind.

How meta was that fight. The innovativeness of Kojima to exploit the physical world combined with Psycho Mantis' ability to read my mind was genius.
I know of no other game that has done something this smart before this game or ever since. Something obscure probably exists but this was mount Everest to me.

I loved this game and it is one of the reasons I even considered buying my first console. The PS3. I was not going to let too many Metal Gear titles slip away from me.


An old and really polished gem of Playstation 1, almost perfect in every aspect of it.

It's honestly surprising how good MGS transitioned the 2D gameplay from the original games into 3D. There is definitely some jank in the controls (especially in the CQC and some bossfights) that made for some frustrating moments, but overall this game did impress me with all the different mechanics & creative boss ideas. I also really like how this was more streamlined in its level design as I never really felt like I had to use a guide.

The story and characters are definitely the reason why I played this tho since the storytelling is incredible. They really flesh out all of these characters and make them feel real and grounded in this world. The story starts of with what seems like a simple mission but you slowly realize that there's something wrong here & something doesn't make sense. Which makes it really satisfying and interesting to see the game uncover all the different conspiracies going on until it all comes together in the end.

I could tell from playing it how revolutionary it was, and it has mechanics that are still unique even now. I wouldn't say I had much fun playing it. But still, I have to respect it for what it achieved so early in 3D gaming.

solid snake é um dos melhores protagonista de todos os tempos quero ser que nem ele quando crescer

The whole time i was playing this game, my thought was "I cant believe how groundbreaking this must've been in 1998". This game was so clearly innovative for how cutscenes in video games were done. Every game with in engine cutscenes owes it to the original MGS. Not to mention fantastic gameplay, memorable characters, and a final showdown reminiscent of Terminator 2's climax. Just all around an awesome and groundbreaking game.


Was expecting this to be that one bad entry in the series that you would have to slog through to play the actually good games (Yakuza in particular has a couple of these). But no, this game ruled. I will now scatter before you various nodes of my thoughts about Metal Gear Solid.

The first couple of hours were a slog, but after powering through the hooks of Hideo were firmly in for the whole game. I can see how the backtracking might annoy people but I liked it. Usually I would also be driven to madness by it, but here the quiet moments in between the action really helped slow down the pacing; something that was sorely needed in such a linear, rollercoaster-like game. I've been playing Final Fantasy X at the moment and, if you look at voice acting alone, it is absurd this game came out first. There are some truly terrific performances mixed in here. The ending kept going after what I thought was a really poignant note that worked better than the actual ending, but that is assuredly a nit-pick.

I suppose I am now Kojima-pilled, praise be to the messiah.

Autant évacuer de suite le seul petit défaut à mes yeux : les allers-retours sur les différents niveaux. Ils sont pas si longs mais ils sont là malgré tout, surtout sur la fin. Je pourrais parler de la caméra qui est de son époque mais à vrai dire, 5-10min d'adaptation et ensuite elle ne pose plus aucun souci. Oui l'IA est d'époque mais peut-on vraiment en vouloir au jeu sur ce point?

Et j'ai beau chercher mais je ne vois rien d'autre parce que pour le reste, c'est brillant. Que ça soit dans cette capacité à rendre le jeu aussi fun en jouant aussi bien infiltration que bourrin, dans la possibilité de gérer les situations de plusieurs façons plus ou moins ludiques ou bien encore les multiples gimmicks de gameplay qui procurent une expérience particulière à l'ensemble, il se passe toujours quelque chose à l'écran qui me dit "c'est un jeu vidéo mais c'est même un peu plus que ça et je vais te faire kiffer".
Parce qu'en plus de la partie JV, il y a aussi ce lien avec le cinéma qui est toujours bien digéré. Que ça soit dans les nombreuses références tout au long de l'aventure, dans les cinématiques et ses angles de caméras ou bien encore cette superbe histoire toujours captivante, tout sonne cinéma. Ce travail aussi sur le voice acting des personnages qui apporte cette touche d'émotion bienvenue. D'ailleurs, même les phases de codec sont toujours aussi cools grâce au rendu des visages par Yoji Shinkawa, c'est du miel pour les yeux de les voir s'animer.
Et bien évidemment la bande-son. Ok il y a une histoire de plagiat dans le motif récurrent mais ca n'enlève en rien qu'elle colle parfaitement à l'action, qu'elle est marquante dans sa sonorité et puis THE BEST IS YET TO COME bordel ❤️

Bon je pensais pas écrire autant sur un jeu rétro mais faut le reconnaitre : MGS 1 est un grand grand jeu que seul l'épisode 3 dépassera pour être l'un des plus grands de tous les temps.

Shows it's age
But really good game nonetheless
Went into this due to the memes
Ended up really enjoying mgs1,2,3 so far

this game is ahead of its time

one tip for playing the game is always check your codec because if u dont you might miss some wholesome dialog

Whoa!! Very cool game--the story was super interesting and very well executed all around. Gameplay was mostly really fun, especially the exploration aspect. However, controls feel super dated and some bosses felt miserable