Reviews from

in the past

If this game was actually good then Metal Gear Rex would be able to spam DOUBLE SPINNING EDGE

I played the remastered version of this game, and it was amazing, a bit clunky at times but i think its the hardwares fault overall, i enjoyed the story and gameplay, the characters were a treat too, otacon my beloved

Metal Gear is a game that feels like a film. but to differentiate it from the slop of today like God of War and The Last Of Us, it comes from the mind of Hideo Kojima who has a passion for films rather then treating them as prestige, and perfectly understands how to translate it into playable form.

What's not been said? it's an incredible narrative on Nuclear Warfare in the modern age and the ethics of genetic engineering. the voice acting is incredible and the gameplay never bores, albeit, combat is never the highlight.

Good shit, play it if you somehow haven't

My 'friend' told me he will never play this game because the graphics are 'ass'. So I performed CQC on him.

Early game level design was great, it felt like a decently built stealth game, as it should. As time went on, it devolved into either throwing a million enemies at me or placing a bunch of cameras out of sight with the radar disabled. That might not be so egregious if it weren't for the fact that you aren't really built to handle hoards of endlessly respawning enemies or if you didn't have a metric ton of chaff grenades to just disable the millions of cameras present.

Bosses were jank (not to say I didn't enjoy any, as Vulcan Raven and Psycho Mantis are great), but there's a reason that some fights take far too many attempts from anything but a skill issue.

Dialogue was cheesy but enjoyable. Skip Meryl.

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An extremely impressive game for its time. The story, voice acting, and presentation were all fantastic in a period of gaming where those weren't focused on much. The tone of the game remains much more grounded than the sequels, with the meta commentary and jokes being utilized far less (Psycho Mantis being the biggest exception.) The controls can feel a little dated, especially if you aren't already familiar with the gameplay of the series. I've never been a big fan of the button mashing torture sequence, though it is far from the worst one in the series. Despite some flaws, its an extremely memorable game overall and a must play for any PS1 fan.

very fun!! voice acting was amazing for a game this old and there were more mechanics than i was expecting

the writing felt a little dumb in a few scenes and some parts were a bit frustrating but overall very good!!!😋😋

This game was groundbreaking for the time, and even now holds up in most ways. It's lost some of its shine and bite over the years, but none of its impact.

Never in my life have I played an American video game with the absolute balls this one has. Real footage of the Gulf War, references to real UN bills and soldier phenomena, all set to the backdrop of intense discussion about the role of soldiers, both in war and peace time. The military-industrial complex and those who profit from it are front and center here, and it's ridiculously powerful. The gameplay mechanics back this up in a really clever way, too. Solid Snake literally gains life from killing those stronger than him. It's genius. There are some exceptionally dated and frustrating mechanics in the game that make it a massive slog at some points, but at other times the dated nature of the graphics and gameplay made for some genuinely hysterical moments, which had a lot of value even if they were unintended.
Otacon drives like an absolute MANIAC.

En vrai c'est un excellent jeu mais si je devais rejouer à un jeu de la série ça serait clairement pas celui-ci, y a plusieurs phases longues et de back tracking ça y est j'en ai marre

snake theres something ive really gotta ask you. its why i followed you up this far. have you ever... loved someone? thats what you came to ask? no, i was just wondering if even soldiers fall in love. what are you trying to say? i want to ask you think love can bloom, even on a battlefield? yeah, i do. i think at any time, any place, people can fall in love with each other. but, if you love someone, you have to be able to protect them. i think so too...

What is there to say about MGS that hasn't all ready been said. A pioneer for games as a story telling medium. At the time it was probably the most cinematic games released at the time. The acting, the cinematography, the story, the music are all master class. While the gameplay has aged it's still an entertaining ride beginning to end.

When I was a youngster I got this game on a trip to see my dad. On the way back I misplaced my PS1 collection including my memory cards, but still had MGS because it was in a separate bag.

Because of this unfortunate circumstance I got really good running through the game from the beginning to the Psycho Mantis fight.

Anyway, this game is amazing.

very advanced for an 1998 game, the voice-acting, attention to detail and story are ahead of it's time in terms of being an Playstation game, it still holds up if played today with some caveats.

the gameplay is a bit quirky to get through especially when shooting enemies is concerned if not aiming with Snake's pistol but it's simple enough for you to get the hang of it soon enough and it works well once you do, switching items is pretty intuitive, the UI design is also rather good for this time period.

the pacing is excellent, the game never loses steam for an long time, I never felt that the game was too long or too short.

the boss fights range from cool to slightly annoying though, the Tank and Helicopter fights comes to mind. Sniper Wolf, Ocelot, Gray Fox and Psycho Mantis were really good though.

pretty much the only thing that I didn't like about Metal Gear Solid is it's final section, uninspired backtracking take place on an otherwise well-paced game up to that point, the final showdown against Metal Gear and the main villain is also not that good on an gameplay perspective.

overall an brilliant game, it aged really well and it's definitely worth an playthrough, made me excited for the sequel's potential improvements, I will definitely play the GameCube remake when I am done with the rest of the games.

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la prima metà di metal gear solid è quanto di più vicino alla perfezione sia stato espresso nella storia dei videogiochi. il ritmo è serratissimo e vieni sorpreso da nuove trovate di gameplay l'una dopo l'altra. posso solo immaginare cosa abbia significato per un giocatore degli anni 90 la boss fight con psycho mantis, o finire in una cella di una base segreta con soltanto una boccetta di'essere stato qualcosa di simile a ciò che hanno provato gli uomini della fine dell'ottocento davanti al primo film frame-by-frame di un cavallo che galoppa. anche le cutscenes, così vicine al cinema e così lontane dal linguaggio dei videogiochi, proiettano l'opera in un mondo del futuro. fa niente se i dialoghi abbondano di imbarazzanti battute a sfondo sessuale che spesso rasentano il creepy o l'insensato. il sistema stealth, poi, funziona alla perfezione. hai a disposizione più di un metodo per penetrare negli edifici, raggiungere una stanza, risolvere un incontro con un nemico. c'è spazio per la creatività e la libertà. creatività e libertà che purtroppo vengono meno nella seconda parte del gioco. dall'essere uno pseudo-immersive simulator stealth, MGS diventa un gioco d'azione. nella torre di comunicazione dovrete percorrere una lunghissima scala facendovi largo con una quantità di nemici incalcolabile. spara, uccidi, vai avanti, ripeti. un episodio frustrante che spero finisca presto: e una volta chiuso eccoci sul tetto, ad affrontare una boss fight che non è che sia proprio entusiasmante. va bene, andiamo avanti. il gioco vira di nuovo sullo stealth nella sezione della fornace. una sezione troppo breve, un intermezzo che condurrà verso un'altra boss fight (questa più interessante: finalmente un boss con cui posso usare l'arma che mi pare, e sconfiggerlo come mi pare). dopo quest'ultimo boss, finalmente arrivi a cospetto del metal gear: dopo averne sentito parlare per ore, fa un certo effetto. ad esso è legato un puzzle la cui risoluzione, però, costringe a un abominevole (seppur relativamente breve) backtracking che non ha ragione d'esistere. va bene, puzzle risolto: ora sono a tu per tu contro il metal gear guidato da liquid snake. ho odiato questa boss fight con tutto me stesso. è troppo frustrante finché non capisci il trucco per chiuderla in scioltezza, e a quel punto diventa pure troppo semplice. ora a cazzotti contro liquid snake, bisogna sconfiggerlo prima che il tempo finisca: anche questa una sorta di boss fight più frustrante che divertente.

spiace che il gioco non riesca a reggere lo stesso ritmo dall'inizio alla fine. per questo faccio fatica a considerarlo un gioco "perfetto". ma è talmente iconico e talmente geniale e regge talmente bene dopo vent'anni, e cosa vuoi dirgli? rimane un faro, un obiettivo da raggiungere, ciò a cui vorrei tendesse qualsiasi videogioco, un'esperienza adulta nuova diversa e importante e che fugge dai soliti riempitivi perditempo a cui siamo costretti con il videogioco medio. importantissimo

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John Metal Gear

my friend good chicken asked me to play just this one game at some point in 2024 as part of a yearly tradition where we force each other to play one game per year, decided before jan 1st. well i jumped the gun slightly and started this one early, then finished it 5 days into the year because i couldnt put it down
this game rly pushes the boundaries of what i thought the ps1 was capable of, and those things are still impressive today. yes the game has a few problems but i think its easy to judge as somebody who could have only played this decades after its release. the only thing i really want to fault it for is the meryl plot which isnt dreadful by any means, i just think the romance between her and snake doesn't feel earned. as for the rest of the plot it stands very well on its own but does a lot to set up its themes and ask questions that we might get answers to in later games. or, not answers... just more specific and increasingly outrageous questions i guess. its all part of the fun.
im someone who loves janky gameplay and having to learn a game's language so this was a thrill for me (this is a cheeky little joke that we will understand a couple games down the line)
this marked the start of my metal gear era, my otasune obsession, my actual real snake sickness. i will never forget it.
liquid snake, i did like your sunglasses. god bless x

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A strong man doesn't need to read the future, he makes his own.

The PS1's library continues to impress me. I can't believe it took me all these years to finally play Metal Gear Solid. I had a very hard time putting this game down, I enjoyed every second of it. The boss fights were fun, innovative, and at times challenging but I love a good challenge. The gameplay was solid (pun intended) and the story was just perfect.

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metal gear?

MGS1 has been praised to hell and back and it deserves every single one of those praises.
From the voice acting, to the cinematography, the music, its revolutionary gameplay, you can tell every single part of this game was made with passion and love.

loooove how the 4th wall breaks make you feel more connected to Snake, as if the player himself is a part of this story.
Reading the back of the box to see Meryl’s codec number, switching controller ports, Psycho Mantis reading your saved data and even Liquid calling Snake and the player out about them “enjoying all the killing”, they all serve their own purpose and add up to this feeling of the player having more impact on the story and gameplay.

loved watching my dad play it when i was kid

very excited to play mgs2
Thank you mr Kojima! proper review will be written some day

"war isn't what it used to be."

bangerrrrr. a masterful combination of narrative and gameplay. gives the player the illusion of choice through it's freeform mechanics. it never feels like it's holding your hand (apart from the lore dumps). i was following the moment to moment plot pretty well but everything surrounding the story was a bit lost on me. there is a lot of dialogue in this game!! it can be easy to forget about what's going on but i think it ties everything together really well. the entire ending sequence is masterful. there were some gameplay sections that were overly frustrating but they're far enough apart to not break up the action too much. couldn't be more excited to dive into the rest of the series.

do you think love can bloom on a battlefield?

They gon hate me for this one …

esse jogo consegue ser foda em todos os sentidos vsff