Reviews from

in the past

The original vibes. I played this game by myself over the course of a single day and then roped my friend into playing it while I watched and gave hints.

My favorite game ever. Made me the person I am today and I still come back to play occasionally. I have no complaints. Such an odd, interesting, sometimes scary and comforting game.

It's basically an exploration game with some weird and messed up stuff. Definitely original or at least it was at the time of 2013.

no he entendido casi nada, me ha encantado el estilo visual

is this even a game? Jk, I love it

i used to hate rpgmaker games, but yume nikki disproved that

i used to hate valorant and i still hate it rn

I can't say its one of my favorite games but Yume Nikki is such an influential and important game and it still floors me how it has so much atmosphere despite having no dialog whatsoever.
Unreal OST. A must-play for anyone interested in outsider art, RPG Maker games, indie games, and videos games as a medium of creative expression.

I absolutely see the appeal but this type of game just isn't for me. Also respect it for being as influential as it is 20 years later

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a veces una chica necesita tener sueños raros antes de suicidarse

There’s very little one can say or analyse about Yume Nikki that hasn’t already been said before ad nauseum. Freudian unconscious analysis, Jungian dream interpretation, various ‘true’ game theories that ‘solve’ the mystery of Madotsuki and, in acknowledgement of the hefty amount of well-trodden discussion, a reader response that emphasises an individual’s teenage awakenings of queerness and alienation. These lenses are all valid and worthwhile (except perhaps for any game theories), but in the twenty years since Yume Nikki’s release, it’s become increasingly difficult to say anything unique about the game, its development or even the effect it’s had on countless internet freakniks around the world.

I preface with this because I both want to acknowledge the sheer dearth of discussion that has taken place since release and to think a little on Yume Nikki’s place in pop-culture before talking about it as a game. Personally, I can’t help but compare the impact Yume Nikki has achieved both in the online sphere and in the brain-DNA of deranged fans with that of the western evolution of the Neon Genesis Evangelion fandom. That is, First Impact into the minds of the disenfranchised youth, decentralised theory-crafting on the burgeoning web into a more centralised community dedicated to understanding and appreciating the work (EVA Geeks forum/Uboachan), countless theories appear alongside textual reading and community glossaries (various Wiki), YouTube takes off and eventually a vast majority of discussion appears on the site (Second Impact), analysis reaches critical mass due to algorithmic bloat and reader responses that focus on an individual’s experience become most popular. Third Impact has yet to occur though will likely be fatal and gay in nature (we become orange tang/jump off a balcony, etc).

Both series saw the rising, ever-shifting tides of Web 2.0 and have connected with a group of young teens (now middle aged or older), becoming iconic of how this generation felt about themselves and of their slowly deteriorating society. I believe this comparison is useful because it highlights what kind of work Yume Nikki is and what values its fans place in their discussions, which I feel is at odds with most discourse surrounding game design, dominated as it is by talk of what “good” design entails. That is, a level of intentionality and comprehension to forward ‘progression’. For example: shooting, climbing or any other present mechanic all leading to level two then three and so on.

Yume Nikki, however, is incredibly ambiguous in what progression looks like and there are mechanics that do not aid in forwarding game progress at all. Instead, there’s a level of mystery in what the player is expected to do or can do. Madotsuki is usually defenceless, slow-walking and unable to even jump on her own. Compared to Gordan Freeman, who would surely be able to bunnyhop his way out of any environment and off the apartment balcony straight into the ending, it makes one wonder why a character would be designed this way, with so many limitations in place of freedom and mechanics. Especially in the year of its release, which featured games that prided themselves on tightly paced action and mechanical satisfaction (MGS3, Half Life 2). Yet here comes Yume Nikki, without even a run button to its name.

But what the game lacks in mechanical design (either due to deliberate design or engine limitations, I will acknowledge), only strengthens its ability to connect with the player through its surreal environments. The exploration of the dream worlds become a distinct player-driven choice. Where to go and why, what the visuals represent, literally or figuratively and how the atmosphere of each world affects them. In some ways this is the most freeing a game has ever been. There’s no mountain in the distance you can climb; or a big tower that reveals map icons. Yet by rejecting mechanics and embracing a ‘hands-off’ approach to the player, Yume Nikki instead forges a greater, stronger relationship because any world explored, any discovery, any strange experience; was organically found by the player themselves instead of being carefully curated by the game’s level design or waypoint mechanics.

All this to say, you won’t be seeing Yume Nikki on channels like Design Doc. Thank God.

Sometimes, less is more. You don't need highly-realistic graphics or deep, wordy stories. You just need RPG Maker 2003 and a literal dream. This is one of the most atmospheric, zen games we've played, and we find ourselves engrossed in the dream world it presents. We're quite fond of Mars-san, and feel sorry for him.

We actually speedran this game and even did a few randomizers of it, which... of all games, right? ;P

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don't mess with light switches

remember playing this when it came out and it was mind blowing spent so long drawing physical maps out of all the areas so i could keep track of where ive been. shame i think its kinda dull now since other games have expanded so hard on what it did but i think its still worth playing to see what inspired so many other games

y esta es la obra maestra que tanto hablan la puta que les pario hijos de re mil puta?

Changed my personality in permanent ways. Made my taste for video games worse. It's simply a 10/10. A must play.

have you ever wanted to talk about something that you can't conceptualize exactly how to communicate? the word art is thrown around like a title of quality, influence, or simple authority. but the real function of art is a simple tool, an unpretentious one, where one gets to express all those feelings that one can't get to explain with simple words, signs, sounds and so on, when the means of communication are not ENOUGH and have to be put together in various ways to explain the thing clearly.

and yet, trying to say things as clearly as you can find a way to do so, it is ironic that not only does one get to say so little, but one is often more misunderstood...

one of the things that has plagued these last decades is the great growth of depression among mankind. a life where everyone can talk to anyone in the world and yet everyone feels more disconnected than ever.

why don't we start by taking a single step forward, make an EFFORT to fix these things for the benefit of all and limit our scope to a small, region of the world, in an apartment where a single girl lives, and see what she has to tell us?

el origen del origen del origen del origen del más importante
del mundo

I don't have as much love for this game as I do others, or even games that it inspired, but I still think it is a very original and unique game. The ending hits quite hard even now.

i was on the fence about giving this game a 5 star rating but honestly? i remember playing it with my friends over call a long while ago and making some great memories then, as well as genuinely enjoying the ambience and everything the game had to offer

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I had to play a few rounds of Nasu at the end to convince myself to jump

it's incredibly hard to describe my feelings for this game; it's very very close to my heart and i think i connected with it pretty deeply; it's perhaps the most immersive and intense game experience i've ever had

There's no specific reason to rate this less than a 5-star unless it isn't your cup of tea! I personally enjoyed the game, not fun, nothing entertaining, just a walking simulator and exploration without any dialogues and atmospheric music.

Bizarro, mas muito bom
Faltando aqueles últimos efeitos e áreas fica um pouco irritante de sair procurando.
Mas uma ambeintação incrível, sem igual, nunca vi nada parecido.
Melhor jogado se você não souber nada a respeito! Mas não sinta vergonha de usar um mapa se sentir sobrecarregado.

Respectable LSDlite. I don't like the visuals very much and I think visuals make these sorts of games so it's not for me.