Reviews from

in the past

This is a really weird one for me to review. I went into this with the knowledge that it’s a very old game and that part is 100 percent true. The gun play and general feel of this game just isn’t great. It all feels held together with loose tape. It’s a super difficult game to actually play with the controller.

NOW as an RPG game with an interesting story and side quests with good characters and role playing systems, that’s where this game truly excels. I found myself fascinated with the factions and the world and the RPG systems that were put in place.

I know most people say this is their favorite Fallout and it’s a 5 out of 5 and I can totally see that. I just can’t say it’s a perfect 5 though. I found it so so hard to physically play this game after a while and the shoddy technical performance just yanked me out of any immersion I was building.

I’m walking away from this game with only one thought….THIS NEEDS A FULL BLOWN PROPER REMAKE. Keep the amazing RPG elements and story but overhaul the gameplay and technical side and you’d have an all time 5 out of 5 game there.

Until then……I can’t call it a masterpiece.

In the middle of my friend's playthrough they were direly over encumbered, and trying to get up a hill. They had put a lot of their belongings in a crate, and had been pushing the crate inch by inch up this mountain road. Their eyes were drawn from the prize (a mound of loot-filled corpses at the top of the road), and as I warned them about moving too far, the box's physics slipped off the model and it slowly skidded back down the road to cries of anguish. That is the most I have ever enjoyed anything Bethesda ever made.

The most immersive game I have ever played.

"Player immersion" is a concept often at the forefront of AAA game development, whether that be creating extremely realistic graphics, telling a cinematic story or even the idea of using AI dialogue in NPCs to simulate a real life conversation- all of these ideas have one thing in common. They strive to create a truly immersive experience for the player. Fallout: New Vegas does not have any of these traits and yet is the most immersive experience I have ever had in any videogame.

For example, Red Dead Redemption II, another AAA open world game, boasts a beautiful world with compelling stories and character animations that resemble real life and yet, I never feel truly immersed in this world. Sure horse balls shrink in cold weather and Arthur Morgan will physically load a weapon with different ammo each and every time you want to switch ammo types and while yes this is realistic, the game as a whole is not immersive. You can shoot up entire towns and the story will still play out the same and NPCs outside of the story don’t really matter at all or have anything interesting to say outside of mentioning a small quest. This isn't to say that RDR2 is a bad game, far from it! But rather, that Fallout: New Vegas is able to build a truly immersive world solely with stellar writing and player choice.

Right from the get-go you’re given the main quest. You were shot in the head, go find who did it. Of course, the logical next step is to ask around town about the man who shot you but what if you just wanted to shoot up the whole town? Well you can! And if you do, the main quest marker is just GONE. You’ve killed the person who had information on the guy who shot you, so of course you’re gonna have no idea where else to go. Any other game would have had an NPC who cannot be killed forcibly tell you where to go to complete the main quest, but it doesn’t! And the game is FILLED with moments like these. NPCs will offhandedly mention places of interest and mark it on your map only if you choose the correct dialogue that would get them to do so. Or, you could find these places organically on your own and bring up to them that you’ve already been there before! Nothing is locked behind a quest or NPC. If you do decide to shoot up a town you are realistically vilified or idolized by different factions in the world. The NCR may be happy you took out a portion of Caesar’s Legion and organically bring that up during conversations, or you may not even be allowed near NCR outposts as you’ve killed too many of their members. The world feels like one cohesive experience where every decision and quest weaves perfectly into each other. Combined with the brilliant setting of the post-post apocalypse where as a player you believe anything can happen. Robots and giant hulking mutants coexist in a world where there’s a realistic power struggle for control of the Mojave wasteland. It’s so believable and immersive to the point that when I get tired of the 40’s and 50’s music present in the game I turn off the radio and listen to other 40’s and 50’s songs through Spotify just to keep myself in this world. I cannot stress enough how much I love Fallout: New Vegas, and I implore anyone to get immersed in this world as well.

I played this game to completion 11 times and was still finding new things within it.

the depth of its worldbuilding brings to mind one very important question:

what do they eat?

and it answers that question and every other question while not feeling like exposition somehow.

This was my first fallout game

i chose a helluva way to start.

Nesse jogo você pode ser um cowboy, um apostador, um "polícial" dos ermos, um paramilitar que usa tecnologia pré guerra pra recuperar tecnologia pré guerra, um maluco que se veste como alguem do império romano e ainda por cima pode ficar bêbasso no centro, é tipo minas gerais só que mais de boa.
Gameplay mediana, o combate é meio tosco, tem umas animações meio travadas mas ainda assim é muito bom, a câmera é meio esquisita também mas você se acostuma.
A história é simplesmente a melhor história de um jogo ja feito na face da terra, tem um milhão de finais (só fiz um deles) e cada quest secundária é algo que pode ou não influenciar no final, até na ajuda que você recebe na última missão

Depois de 13 anos eu finalmente terminei New Vegas, mesmo com uma gameplay simples Fallout ainda impressiona com sua narrativa, estética e drama político. Eu comecei a jogar pelo hype q tive vendo um ep. da série, mas continuei, pois tava realmente querendo entender as políticas que cercam esse mundo pós-apocalíptico de Fallout, é incrível como um videogame consegue fazer eu me questionar se o caminho que eu to tomando é realmente o correto, falando com todas facçoes (menos a Legion lol, eles que se fodam) e debatnedo comigo mesmo o que fazer. Foi definitivamente uma das minhas melhores experiências com jogo político e vai ficar na minha mente por um tempo.

Coisas importantes sobre Fallout New Vegas:

- Existe muita crítica social e política tanto na quest principal quanto nas quests secundárias espalhadas por aí, quase todo mundo tem uma ideologia e dilemas sociais buscando uma resolução, que pode resultar em conflitos éticos com outra pessoa.
- Bissexuais dão 10% a mais de dano pra todo mundo
- I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle

First playthrough in several years, got through the entire game with the Yes Man ending. Enjoyed this so much more than before and I think I'm almost turned around on this franchise.

Both the RPG elements and the writing is insanely good, i found myself getting completely absorbed in the story and all it's characters and factions. But the gameplay has aged like a bottle of warm piss. To be fair the gameplay of both Fallout 3 and New Vegas wasn't exactly groundbreaking on release either.
I also cant believe you need to install mods so the game doesn't crash every 2 hours.

Feels like the most content dense rpg i've played ever its so cool and there's so many things i can do in so many different ways

Angry Florida man wrecks Vegas City in drug induced rampage

If you want to get a free heart attack to get out of work, just have Boone on your team.


Fallout: New Vegas
Desenvolvedor: Obsidian Entertainment
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks, Namco Bandai Games

Primeiramente ressalto que foi um milagre conseguir jogar esse jogo no PC em 2024, em razão dos problemas técnicos que ele apresenta. Tentei várias vezes ao longo dos anos e nunca havia conseguido. O jogo não é nada compatível com o software de hoje em dia e performa muito mal sem a aplicação de mods de correção. Por sorte existe um site chamado Viva New Vegas e, após seguir o passo a passo estrito que eles oferecem, consegui deixar o jogo perfeito, foi zero crash do início ao fim.

Fallout: New Vegas é uma excelente evolução de Fallout 3, que já era excelente por sua vez.

Em que pese a engine já ultrapassada para 2010, Fallout: New Vegas traz o player para o mundo mais vivo que a série já viu. Com o novo sistema de facções, em New Vegas, cada decisão do nosso "Courier" importa e influência na dinâmica de jogo, trazendo um elemento RPG que agrada muito o meu gosto.

O jogo também mantém outros elementos RPG de Fallout 3 como todo o sistema de up, exploração/loot, karma e opções elaboradas de diálogo.

A história é envolvente e pode ser finalizada de várias formas, podendo o Courier escolher qual facção irá apoiar, ou até mesmo seguir um caminho independente. Cada grupo encontrado possui uma história legal e personagens carismáticos, da pra sentir claramente se gosta ou não daquela galera rapidamente. O timing também é outra coisa que o jogo acerta, não há questlines muito longas de cada grupo, é muito bem balanceado pra não enjoar, considerando a quantidades que grupos que existem em Mojave.

O gameplay é o padrão fallout, V.A.T.S., drogas, reparo, loot, sobrevivência, diversas builds e formas de brigar, tudo muito divertido e bem feito. Além disso, o loot motiva a explorar o mapa, principalmente em dificuldades mais altas.

Como ponto negativo apenas a performance, que foi contornada graçar ao pessoal do Viva New Vegas, pelo que esse fator não faz diferença pra mim na nota.

No fim das contas, em que pese a escolha do jogador, uma coisa é certa, a humanidade continuará brigando pela sobrevivência em Wasteland, afinal, War... War never changes.

Minha primeira experiência com Fallout, e sem dúvidas a melhor que eu vou ter. Eu amei muito esse jogo e fiquei horas e horas jogando ele, fazendo muita missão secundária, explorando essa wasteland enorme e me divertindo de mais com os ragdoll, armas maneiras, armaduras iradas e interações muito fodas. Obsidian, te amo

esse jogo tem tudo que o homem precisa pra ser feliz, segue lista de algumas dessas coisas:
- prostituição (pode ser desde com pessoas normais até zumbis ou robôs)
- (muitos) jogos de azar
- a chance de ser um cowboy no apocalipse
- cachorro.
- bissexualismo (também pode ser gay, lésbica ou hétero, mas esse ultimo é o mais sem graça)
- poder sair na porrada com qualquer pessoa que voce ver na rua
- com a dlc voce pode colocar implantes robotikos (até porque quem não quer ser meio ciborgue?)
- eu falei do sexo com robô?


I don't get the hype man. I've modded it to hell and still its so boring. I hate the setting and I hate the color scheme.

Sorry Bethesbros...

This is legit one of my new favourite games of all time. I played this because of the recent fallout tv show and my love for fallout 4. It’s one of the best western rpg’s I have ever played and has an infinitely replayable story. I love this game to bits and I hope this review convinces you to play this masterpiece. Also fuck johnny guitar

fallout: new vegas has some of the best writing, stories, and world building i've ever seen in a game. unfortunately, i've only gotten to experience these second hand.
the gameplay feels like they copied an existing engine (which they did) without knowing what features they were working with, so it ends up playing horribly. you have to spend three hours installing mods to get it to not crash randomly, even though it still will.
i do like how getting to new vegas has two options; actually listening to npcs and following their directions, or going straight to the quest marker and getting your ass kicked. that's fun! everything else sucks. too bad

Even though I played this on a crunchy 360 port with long load times and shit frame rate and bugs, I loved every second of it. I feel like all fallout games need to take this direction of more that 2 endings and sides you can take. All of the factions are cool and so unique to each other with it's own lore and history and advantages and disadvantages with each one. New Vegas is such a cool place to explore and I'm really looking forward to the next time I play it.

The house always wins.

I love Fallout as a series and a franchise but had never really gotten into New Vegas that much before. More into the lore and story than the gameplay to be honest. That's where I have a big issue with this game. The gameplay. Gunplay is terrible and inaccurate, most weapons feel like crap, even later weapons. RPG mechanics are okay at best, it really isn't THAT RPG that many FNV d-riders will rave on about.

There is a few great saving graces here though which is the excellent politics of the Wasteland. Different factions with different agendas where no one really feels "truly good" or "truly bad". You can say the Legion is an evil - kill all for no reason - faction but the way I see it is they provide a safety with a large arsenal and army with protection within the Wasteland. They are cruel and quite stupid but what they're doing can be seen as beneficial for the majority. Dialogue in this game is fun and interesting at times, and talking really feels like you are trying to get information unlike other games where it just feels like a chore.

I'm abandoning however at this point where even after installing many anti-crash mods, the game is super unstable and the community says "welp ¯\(ツ)/¯ that's Fallout for you!" as if that's supposed to excuse how poor the game can really be. It crashes constantly and has other bugs that are worse than vanilla Fallout 4's. Why F4 as a comparison? The fanbase sure loves to hate on it when in my experience, the game "just worked" haha. They also like to say "mods can fix that particular issue" but like you're saying the vanilla game without any extra help is still good then lol??

While I'm a fan of the Fallout series, I've struggled to fully embrace New Vegas. It's disappointing to see such issues persist, especially compared to the SOMEHOW smoother experience of Fallout 4. It just isn't for me I'm afraid. This would be a better film or tv show because no one should have to slog through this mess.


Se não fosse um jogo extremamente mal otimizado, era 10

This game is so good, but the politics are so crazy, the decisions are so hard later in the game, it gets legit crazy‼️😭😭 love it tho

Simplesmente um dos melhores RPG que joguei, quest com amplas escolhas (até side quest). Eu ainda tenho esperanças da Microsoft entregar a Ip pra obsidian fazer um outro fallout.

Cara, eu tenho quase 400 horas desse jogo e literalmente TODA VEZ que eu joguei, eu descobria coisa nova. A Obisidian tinha 18 fucking meses pra fazer um simples RPG qualquer e eles fizeram a melhor experiência de Fallout até o momento com apenas 1 ano e meio.

Eu não quero pagar de fã chato do New Vegas que acha horroroso o Fallout da Bethesda (já fui assim) mas quando você joga qualquer Fallout da Bethesda e joga o New Vegas, ou até os da Interplay, você vê o quanto eles pecaram na parte do RPG e da liberdade de escolhas. Eu simplesmente descobri que tem como matar o Benny na base da bucetada e eu soube disso porque fui fazer uma run com uma personagem mulher e pegar a perk Black Widow. Tem muita liberdade de escolha, muito conteúdo, muito diálogo e muita liberdade, não é atoa que é o meu jogo favorito de TODOS OS TEMPOS.

Agora, por mais que eu entendo que não tinha muito o que fazer com pouquíssimo tempo de desenvolvimento, eu ainda acho que dava pra implementar várias coisas no jogo e por sorte, temos uma comunidade incrível que transformou o jogo com os mods. Quem quiser um Fallout: New Vegas "completo", sendo o que ele era pra ser desde o inicio, pode baixar o modlist do Viva New Vegas, que tem várias coisas que até o próprio criador dessa obra aprova e que melhora a gameplay em 1000%.

Enfim, eu só amo esse jogo de paixão e tudo nele é tão perfeito que eu até desacostumo de jogar outros RPG'S. Ele tem o seu charme único, a sua temática única, uma ambientação imersiva e uma história densa, profunda e que mexe muito com os conceitos de moral e ética pois nada é preto no branco, nenhuma facção é 100% boa e 100% má, TODAS têm seus defeitos e seus acertos. Eu só amo muito esse jogo e espero muito que a Obsidian consiga desenvolver, ou pelo menos ajudar, no próximo Fallout.

It's a good game, but it's a bethesda game so you need mods to make it good.

With mods, def 5 stars.