Reviews from

in the past

Got it as a PsPlus game and fell in love with it.
The gameplay is so fun, the story so comfy and the looks are so beautiful.
I liked it so much I got every trophy even if it doesn't have a platinum.
I highly advise you play it, great RPG

Ubisoft locked me out of playing the game with their crappy launcher. Kind of a shame because it was a pretty cool game.

Definitely buy it on literally anything other than pc if you wanna play it.

joguei a demo no xbox e só dps de anos comprei no pc, ainda acho mto bom, espero algum dia ter tempo para recomeçar e concluir

real cool ideas and mechanics but im completely lost on the story.

Baixei apenas pra ubi não apagar minha conta com os jogos, não lembro quando peguei ele ou se comprei ele. Vi que usava a engine do Valiant Hearts e tinha uma menina com espada, achei que fosse como Ori, errei era combate em turno, gênero que, particularmente, não gosto. Contudo, a qualidade artística e a trilha sonora me fisgaram de tal modo que decidi continuar a jogar.

a história é legal, nada de extraordinário, mas você quer saber o desfeixo, a construção narrativa é simplória, mas apreciei os diálogos no formato de poesia.
a qualidade visual e de som foi o que fizeram jogar, o jogo é belo em vários momentos!
Achei a gameplay didática, como disse, não gosto do gênero, logo, não tenho muito conhecimento sobre o mesmo, já que não tenho o hábito de jogar, consequentemente, minhas builds foram horríveis, os companions mal upados e com as árvores de habilidade mal distribuídas, o que deixou o jogo mais difícil e curiosamente, mais divertido, de tal modo que as batalhas finais ficaram muito satisfatórias, principalmente contra Umbra, ao qual fui obrigado a usar tudo e todos que estavam disponíveis!
por fim, esse jogo me fez repensar sobre meu gosto acerca de combate de turno e certamente, em um futuro breve, eu jogue algum jogo semelhante novamente!

There's probably a decent game in here, but it didn't click with me. The visuals are pretty, but Vita performance isn't good enough to keep up with them. The writing is unique but stops just short of charming me. There's also something creative going on with the combat, but it still seems a bit too simple to be tactically engaging.

It was a fun fantasy but it didn't keep me

O jogo é incrivel, sempre quis jogar ele a muito tempo.
A minha maior tristeza foi descobrir que está impossível ter os 1000g por conta dos servidores.
Zerei tudo em uma noite.

El arte y la música son hermosos, la historia es sencilla y no inventa nada nuevo en jugabilidad, pero es enteramente disfrutable.

Guys can you stop rhyming for 2 minutes?

ok I know people hated the rhyming but honestly I didn't mind it

maybe it got old pretty quick but the storybook aesthetic was charming enough that I stuck with it until the end

I also really enjoyed the combat mechanics and found it to be weirdly engaging. Some of those boss battles felt like crazy difficulty spikes but it just made beating it that much more satisfying.

meglio spendere milioni di euro per l'ennesimo open world ripetitivo del cazzo che fare giochi originali come questo vero ubisoft ?

uma obra de arte, saudades DESSA ubisoft

Basically a playable fairy tale. Best translation/localization work i've ever seen

this was really pretty but honestly not fun or engaging story-wise

Amazing artstyle fun gameplay and interesting styling

Fun turn base game with great graphics and a charming story.

This game is sweet. The art style is beautiful and the battle system is unique.

Comprei na época que saiu para o PS3 e alguns anos depois para o PS4, desisti num mesmo ponto em ambos, devo me odiar, pq esse jogo é um porre

The game is beautiful, is naive, told the history as a Fairy Tales.

A proper hidden gem, absolutely loved this one.

I've heard of this one years ago and it has been on my list for a long time. Finally hit start and I'm not disappointed.

I liked the combination of 2D platformer with RPG battle system. There's a ton of recruitable characters with their own skill trees to level. Some are more useful than others and a couple are extremely similar.

The art style and fairy tale theme is fun. I don't think I was avoiding fights but the final handful of bosses were suddenly difficult. I would be okay in small battles, then destroyed in bigger fights. It took a few tries but thankfully I did not have to level up at the end.

The time length felt good at 5 hours. Any longer and the battles would be too repetitive. I'm glad most of the "platforming" was flying too. More my speed to fly to places than make timed jumps.

Una verdadera obra de arte, un cuento de hadas clásico que nos sumerge en la experiencia y nos hace vivir la historia de Aurora como uno más del grupo.

Ein interessanter Einblick, wie ein Spiel von kleinerem Umfang aussieht, wenn es von einem großen Entwickler stammt. Ich würde mich freuen mehr von der Sorte zu sehen, allerdings haben solche Entwickler heutzutage keine Interesse daran. Das Spiel sieht sehr schön aus und die Musik auch sehr gut. Ich finde auch die Dialoge in Gedichtformat sehr charmant.
Die Handlung ist jetzt nicht allzu besonders, aber ausreichend.
Das Kampfsystem ist ganz interessant und das Wechseln der Kämpfer im Kampf bietet viele Möglichkeiten. Da man am Ende recht viele Begleiter hat hätte ich es begrüßt, wenn man ab einen gewissen Punkt mit drei Kämpfern spielt. Manche Angriffe und Gegner sind einem Element zugewiesen, generell ist dieser Aspekt ziemlich ungenutzt. Das Ausrüstungssystem ist ganz nett, hat allerdings nicht viel Tiefe.
Insgesamt ein recht schönes Spiel.

seems alright but i got bored really fast

sarebbe bello se ubisoft rilasciasse altri giochi così

Bite-sized Japanese style role playing game and one of the only cool things Ubisoft has done in like two decades.