Reviews from

in the past

The greatest FPS of the 21st century has been buried under an avalanche of functionless bloat and baffling game design choices so great, that I don't know how big of a shovel we'd need to get it out.

Played this shit during lockdown during those gay ass online classes, RE teacher actually thought I was paying attention when in reality I was dismembering some demons 😂😂

Fantastic game, but not really my style I think. I could just be really bad at video games but even on the easiest difficulty I found Doom Eternal to be quite challenging, and I just didn't find it that fun some times, but I fully get the appeal to people who love this game. Soundtrack is fucking killer though.

Don't have any thoughts on it that you haven't heard: it's the perfect FPS campaign, with it's immaculately intense and engaging gameplay, fantastic presentation and a fun, earnestly ridiculous epic story. It's especially fascinating how modern Id managed to find a voice for this game that's so distinct to the original games, but so reverent towards them; a very satisfying natural evolution of the creative elements found in the original trilogy with totally innovative combat.

But you really should've been able to look at the DAISY_PICS instead of playing Doom II in the Slayer's mancave-esque demonic Watchtower. 0/10

also the multiplayer is kinda meh but whatever

Has to be one of my favorite shooters ever.

After being dissapointed by DOOM (2016) and its fairly hollow execution, I wasn't expecting DOOM Eternal (2020) and its DLC, The Ancient Gods, to blood punch me in the face and put me through over ten hours of what I can confidently say is the most intense, stylish, and layered first person shooting I've ever played. It has impacted me so much that I've decided to allow myself to review games that I haven't platinumed (as I currently don't have the funds to buy Playstation Plus for the online trophies), as well as allowing myself to give ratings (mainly five stars) to pieces of media I feel strongly about.

From the moment I opened the menu I knew the game was going to be something else. I love the menu music, the green and orange buttons, and the scenic background behind what is the coolest looking interpretation of the DOOM Slayer himself. The art direction as a whole makes up for every single orange tinted UAC base from the 2016 game. There isn't a single setting I didn't love, and every one of them, with their varied colour palletes and tones, had me stopping when I could to take in the scenery, which in a fast paced series such as DOOM seems pretty unheard of. I read someone compare the game's settings to a plethora of different metal album covers, and I think that hits the nail on the head. Even more so, the soundtrack somehow one ups the previous. Its a shame id Software messed up the whole soundtrack business, otherwise I'd be eating the soundtrack up like I'd never eaten before.

Alongside the settings, the enemy variety is plentiful, only complimenting the game's art direction. Not only have they refined the designs from the 2016 entry, but they've also added tons and tons of new enemies, doing what the beloved DOOM II (1994) did for the original DOOM (1993) tenfold. Even throughout both parts of The Ancient Gods, the enemy variety only increases, shaking up every combat situation and making it absolutely impossible to expect even the unexpected. You have to be on your toes at all times, which brings back that same trial and error gameplay I'd missed from the classic DOOM titles. It didn't feel mindless at all, and instead felt stimulating from start to finish.

The demons are as much fun to shoot as they are to look at with the array of weapons and mechanics you have to play with throughout the game. I was frustrated by DOOM (2016) and its overabundance of upgrades which made it a cakewalk even on Ultra-Violence mode, so I started DOOM Eternal on Nightmare mode expecting it to be the same. I was very wrong, Nightmare mode caused me to drop the game for a few weeks, reconsidering if it was a smart choice. Upon returning to it, I decided to knock it down to Ultra-Violence, which felt like the perfect challenge I was looking for. DOOM Eternal does bombard you with upgrades, guns, and extra equipment to help you manage your health, armour, and ammo, but it doesn't make it easier. I was pleasently surprised by how hard the game gets, and I was even more pleasently surprised by how painfully difficult The Ancient Gods Part One was, which had me biting my teeth upon every death. Despite that, by managing the mechanics the game had given me I was able to balance everything and by the end of the game I had pretty much mastered it. That's the beauty of the game, when you really get a hold of its horns you end up pulling off the most satisfying clutches, destroying several of the same types of enemies that a few hours ago were kicking your ass by their lonesome. It also helps that your arsenel is so well rounded with them thankfully removing the pointless pistol, tweaking certain guns to feel chunkier and well balanced, as well as bringing back DOOM 64's (1997) wonderful Unmaker, now called the Unmaykr. That alone shows the love id Software put into this game, and the diversity of the DOOM Slayer's weaponry had me using every single gun in every single fight.

In my review for DOOM (2016), I complained about how unsatisfying the ending was, but DOOM Eternal has both scratched the itch that game left and removed that itch entirely, leading me to reflect on and actually appreciate DOOM (2016) and its ending more than I previously did. Yes, the story is simple, but the presentation, the set pieces, and the fights elevate it to literal God-like heights.

I'm more than happy with my experience with this game. After thinking I'd simply fallen out of love with DOOM after DOOM (2016), DOOM Eternal pulled me right back in with the meat hook, plagueing my thoughts and dreams with visions of flying around demonic arenas and glory killing giant foes. Even when I thought the game might start to get old, the DLC introduced new weapons and enemies that tossed up what I had learnt and pushed me to try something new. I can't imagine how you could improve upon this, I honestly don't think its possible.

this game is so fun and uses its mechanics to their fullest. feels incredible to play due to rad movement mechanics, slick animations, and tons of options for how to approach a fight.

Absolutely loved Doom 2016. Knew it was going to be hard for Doom Eternal to come close to it but boy did it ever.

I don't know if I like Eternal more then its predecessor but I'm confident in saying that I like them the same amount for different reasons.

Doom 2016 revived Doom and was paced wonderfully (from what I remember) and encapsulates Doom so well in the modern gaming scene.

Doom Eternal expands on the gameplay wonderfully from enemies, movement, progression, and of course weapons. While the pacing of the game doesn't feel as good the lore and scope of the story expands dramatically, which isn't what I'm necessarily looking for in a Doom game but it was done well and therefore very much welcomed.

There is nothing bad in Doom Eternal but I wish there was 1 or 2 more one on one boss fights with unique enemies that don't show up regularly after you fight them as normal enemies.

If you enjoy FPS games or just badass characters that just fuck shit up I can't recommend the modern Doom games enough. Although you should probably start with Doom 2016 first because playing Eternal and going back is would be an adjustment.

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Полная рецензия: Айди выдали невероятный ультрадинамичный ЭПОС о древнеадских богах.

Ребята прокачали все достоинства 1 части, изменили кое-что в плане механик, создали мегакрасивые и масштабные локации и преукрасили все это довольно интригующей истории с парой невероятных твистов.
Битвы на аренах стали в 3 раза динамичнее и сложнее и каждое состязание с демонами является настоящим испытанием для игрока и одновременно приливом адреналина внутривенно, после каждый миссии ты стряхиваешь пот с лица как будто сам только что побывал в адской клоаке. Здесь так же изменили механику оружия на корню, так как в первой части юзать бензопилу и добивания было не столь важно, здесь же, из-за ограничения патронов, отсутствия бесконечного пистолета, тебя ЗАСТАВЛЯЮТ юзать все техники убийств, да еще и добавили огнемет для брони к тому же. И я не говорю что это плохо, просто иногда, на таких скоростях, что возникают во время файта, ты попросту забываешь обо всех абилках кроме основного оружия и вспоминаешь о них только в самом конце, небольшой недочет, но все же как по мне - недочет.

Так же очень понравилось, как они вводили всевозможные механики, делая это постепенно, на протяжение всей игры, следуя примеру Прей 2017 (а не как в Призраке Цусимы, где через час нас выкидывают в мир где доступно все, но нихуя непонятно). Но в Прее, из-за жанра и возможностей это все смотрелось разнообразнее, здесь же, ввиду того что это шутан, все смотрится менее масштабно, но все равно достойно. Боссы в игре крутые, правда из всех 4х проблем доставили только 2е (ну в Думе 2016 проблем вообще особо не было так то) поэтому зачет.

Что конкретнее про сюжет? Да, он удивляет, но это и все. В нем нет чего-то цепляющего или откровенного, это просто сай-фай, созданный чтобы заполнить дыру в вопросе "а для чего все это в принципе?". И в этом тоже нет ничего плохого, это же все таки просто Дум, просто расписал это, чтобы вы брали это в расчет при сравнение с другими играми.

В конечном счете мы получили один из лучших шутеров мира с минимальным числом огрехов.

It's been a while since I played an Action FPS game before, so playing DOOM Eternal felt refreshing.
Being my first DOOM game, DOOM Eternal was a complicated but interesting experience.
While the story is trying to take itself seriously and it really doesn't work, it's not an important part of the game anyway.
The gameplay is where DOOM Eternal truly shines; it's extremely smooth, running at 60 fps even on consoles, it's fast-paced and very diverse, from the wide variety of weapons to the resource management. It gets a bit frustrating at times but once you understand how everything works, it plays like a dream and it's undoubtedly one of the highlights of the game.
Another highlight of the game is the music; it feels like it's part of the gameplay, and it's awesome!
Also, the graphics and the audio design are amazing too.
Despite being a solid FPS game though, DOOM Eternal features platforming elements, however, they're not executed well; there's too much unnecessary platforming.

+ Exciting, fluid & challenging gameplay
+ Fantastic music
+ Beautiful visuals

- Very weak narrative
- Excessive amount of platforming

Narrative: 1/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Content: ?/10
Music: 9/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 8/10
- Great -
DOOM Eternal might look like a typical FPS game but the fast flow of the combat and the resource management make it a one-of-a-kind FPS experience.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes, unless you don't enjoy playing FPS games.

Dropped this game during COVID but finally ended up finishing it and it's a ton of fun. Sometimes I think I preferred the more old-school and streamlined experience from Doom 2016, but this game reaches higher heights and allows more flexibility with its additional movement mechanics.

Been trying games different from RPGs and open world games which I usually play. Got this and the Bioshock collection on sale a while ago and figured I'd give FPS a try. I'm really bad at FPS so I shelved this one. May come back to it at sometime if I'm in the mood for trying a FPS again.

Really makes you feel like a badass

You remain... unbroken... for your fight... is eternal.

simplesmente insano
é uma pena eu ter saturado no meio do jogo, acabou ficando cansativo

mas ainda assim valeu muito a pena, o jogo é bem divertido e satisfatório.
Tem provavelmente uma das melhores jogabilidades em FPS, que consegue entregar uma boa variedade de armas(com upgrades etc), deixando o jogo bem dinâmico. o sistema de habilidades é ótimo também, o que ajuda muito na hora da gameplay, habilidades como te deixar mais rápido após finalizar um inimigo, atirar em câmera lenta no ar etc...
enfim, não tem como não destacar a trilha sonora, que pqp, mitada sensacional

Every single thing about this game takes what was near universally applauded about DOOM2016 and throws it in the trash. The visceral combat, the gut wrenchingly hardcore soundtrack to match, anti-modern storytelling, and excellent pacing. And they destroyed the online mode for good measure.

I found this game to be obnoxiously overdesigned. On one hand the combat in this game certainly feels different than DOOM2016, so I can't knock this game for just being more of the same. But I can't honestly say any of the new things they force upon you are really any fun. 2016 isn't improved by making you low on ammo the entire game. It's not improved by having popups telling you what enemy to expect and how to beat them optimally in very dry, mechanical terms.

There's an achievement in 2016 for using the chainsaw 50 times. This was one of the last achievements I got. And it's sitting at about an 18% achieval rate on steam. It's like they saw people weren't using the chainsaw as much as they wanted and now you're forced to use it multiple times per encounter. No longer a novel power move but a constant thing you're forced to do. And it's just one of the many abilities they want you to cycle through. They slowed your running speed down to compensate for a new dash move. You have an awkward flamethrower that makes enemies shed armor pickups for some reason but doesn't really damage them. Grenades to 1-shot Cacodemons...Because every demon now has a very specific way to shred them and it's a waste of your much more limited ammo to ignore that specific weakness. Make sure you save your energy blaster for the enemy who specifically dies to the energy blaster almost instantly! Your punch now no longer does damage, unless you charge up the ultra punch through glory kills, then it kills things in an AOE whether you want it to or not, too bad if you wanted to use the enemies around it for ammo or shield replenishment. No longer a game about going sicko mode and mauling demons to a pulp, but a game about cycling through shallow abilities. And to top it all off the Ui is horrible about being clear what's even off cooldown or charged up. Way too minimalistic for how many gamey systems are being juggled. Also it felt random whether your gun auto-swaps to one with ammo when you run out with your currently equipped gun. Sometimes you'll sit there like an idiot trying to fire something with no ammo, sometimes frame 1 of your machine gun running out it'll swap to the BFG and blow up the single low-tier enemy you just wanted to tap for some hp drops.

I could totally see some people preferring this system though. Assuming they found DOOM2016 shallow. There's a lot more nuance to the combat here. Normally I'm all about that nuance, but I think they not only went too far, but they put it in a franchise it doesn't belong. So many times I went "Wow this set piece would be AWESOME in the previous game..." Like the final boss is absolutely sick. Too bad I gotta spend most of it roaming around looking for level 1 zombies to chainsaw so I can actually have ammo to fight. Then I shoot the boss for 15 seconds and have to go hunt down another trash mob for ammo again. The game's just way too restrictive in its design and all the mechanics are so isolated almost none of it came naturally into a seamless rotation, partially because of the minimalist Ui I mentioned. It's so restrictive the design of the game itself requires them to spawn an endless amount of trash mobs for it to even function properly. Almost forgot but there's a lot of weird upgrade paths and trees in this game and none of them felt like they did anything whatsoever.

If it was just the combat that I didn't really click with I probably wouldn't rate it THIS low. Actually exciting encounters on par with 2016 are few and far between but it wasn't absolutely miserable otherwise. It was an ok challenge that was satisfying enough to overcome. Not what I like about DOOM in general but it's something. But you know how early 2000's low budget platformers often had mediocre combat systems thrown in to pad out the game? This game has the opposite. It's got some shallow, nothing platforming that takes up a weird amount of the game. If you told me 30% of the sequel to DOOM2016 was some Nicktoons Unite tier platforming I wouldn't believe you. But here we are...Constant platforming in a game with almost no platforming movement options, meaning the design can't get more interesting than making you dash into a dash refill so you can dash again.

They overcomplicated the combat and filled the rest of the game with baby's first platformer. And Doom Guy doesn't even fist bump the hidden action figures anymore. Smh.

Oh yeah remember how 2016 made a statement against pretentious, invasive, unnecessary stories in video games by making Doom Guy impatiently brute force his way through most of it without listening whatsoever? I got very little of that here. This time it felt like they actually wanted you to pay attention. Not a single word really connected to anything to me, aggressively uninteresting stuff. At least there's no scene where they lock you in a room for an exposition dump, major mistep of 2016 there. But otherwise it's yet another area that feels like they went "This thing everyone loved about the previous game? Bet it would be better if we did the exact opposite!"

Bringing up the soundtrack is risking bloating this review to three times its size given how poorly managed it was and how badly they treated Mick Gordon. Long story short they gave him obscenely unrealistic deadlines to write music with extremely ambitious demands...A literal year before any gameplay or even levels were designed. Forcing hardcore crunch and rejecting the work anyway. Refusing to pay him for anything rejected. Only to end up using 100% of the work they rejected in the final product anyway. Straight up scammed him for double the amount of work in his contract. And that's far from the end of that story. In the end the soundtrack came out ok. But this game as a whole feels like such an unfocused mishmash, not sure if it's the music itself being weaker or the game as a whole being a letdown...But in the end the music doesn't feel like the heart of the game like before. (Absolutely wild read btw if you want to read a long story about how comically incompetent the higher ups were, Mick Gordon released a statement they offered a 6 figure sum to keep him quiet about)

And to top it all off the online multiplayer is the most blatantly unbalanced garbage I've ever seen. And I've never been one to cry balance issues in online games, this is a nasty outlier on that though. One mode and it straight up sucks.

And that's to say nothing of the creative director who talks about crunch in game development like it's a super cool lifestyle. Would love to hear what his staff has to say about that.

H*eckin mid game and horrendously inflated egos of the higher ups after the success of 2016. You make a review on steam criticizing the game and the devs will respond going LoNg TiMe FaNs WiLl ReCoGnIzE wHaT wE'rE gOiNg FoR even if the person has comments turned off because they don't want bethesda and id fanboys barking at them for not loving the game. Bet they didn't expect a dev comment basically saying "you just didn't get it, hope you try it again".

(This review was written in 2020 on GG)

DOOM (2016) was a really fun reboot to the series with high octane, never-stopping action. I had a really good time with it, but I couldn't be bothered to do anything more than beat the main story. Once it was done, I was done. DOOM: Eternal takes the simple core of its predecessor and improves upon it in every aspect.

The entirety of DOOM 2016 took place in a space station on Mars. While it was an interesting environment at first, it very quickly became bland, only ever taking short pauses to takes us to the realm of Hell. DOOM: Eternal however takes you to environment after environment. You'll go from an apocalyptic Earth city to a medieval castle to a futuristic arctic lab, even the DOOM version of heaven which is... still run by demons apparently. There's a lot more color and vibrancy, with locations somehow maintaining a consistent look while also being incredibly varied. My favorite place to hang out in is DOOM: Eternal's hub world.

With the integration of The Fortress of Doom, The Doom Slayer's space station that acts as a hub world for the game, players can easily go back to a level and complete the remaining collectibles and side missions. Maybe the previous DOOM also had a way to backtrack, but I didn't find it and like I said after I beat it once I couldn't really be bothered to go back. The Fortress of Doom is a nice pause in the action to catch your breath and look at what you've done, as every weapon, toy, and music album you collect is then placed into the Fortress for your viewing pleasure. The Fortress' aesthetic is beautiful, mixing DOOM's futuristic tech with gothic architecture with heavy metal posters from your music albums haphazardly posted about its halls. Doomguy also has a personal office with a triple-monitor gaming PC and some sick guitars hanging on the walls. Also hidden in the Fortress are unlockable skins for Doomguy, and while they're mainly meant for use in the multiplayer Battle Mode they will also be used in every cutscene of the game which is really fun.

Enough about aesthetics, it's time for action which is just as kinetic and fast paced as the previous DOOM. Runnin' and gunnin' is the name of the game, and you need to think quick because ammo, health, and armor is surprisingly sparce. Thankfully you unlock tools to help you acquire more. Chainsawing an enemy can give you ammo while glory killing an enemy can give you health, and if you use Flame Belch on an enemy it will light them on fire and cause them to start puking out armor. It's an interesting concept that adds split second strategy decisions to DOOM and adds complexity to the game mechanics' simplicity. Scattered around levels are parkour sections where you swing off bars and climb up walls while jumping great distances with a boost/dodge movement upgrade. This parkour is also added to the battle arenas, where you can use swing-bars to escape being cornered at times.

I think another reason I like this game is because it's more goofy. I mean it's not like a Borderlands where everyone's meta and making jokes constantly. DOOM: Eternal uses seriousness to hide a layer of fun inside of itself. DOOM (2016) kinda did this, having every character in the game act like this is a serious situation except for Doomguy who just rushes in and smashes shit up. In DOOM: Eternal everyone else in the world feels a little bit more "in on the joke." Maybe it's because the world is a bit diverse now instead of just when you were on Mars stuck talking to the same 2 bland assholes throughout the whole game. The robot guy is back by the way but it does feel nice to have some connection to the previous installment. Animations in DOOM: Eternal feel more kooky and certain demons have been redesigned to have goofy looking pupils. There's even some cartoony sound effects hidden amongst the gore.

Composer Mick Gordon returns with his awesome heavy metal score, just as blood-pumping as his last bout into this hellscape. I saw a video showing off Mick Gordon's "Heavy Metal Choir" where he brought together different screamers from assorted sub-genres of Metal to add some extra gusto into Eternal's score. While I was super excited to hear them, I felt it was under utilized. Maybe I was getting too into the action to notice but I heard the choir very little. I'm hoping when the score drops on spotify I'll be able to hear them more.

All in all, DOOM: Eternal is insane fun. If fast paced, first person shooter gore-fests are your kinda thing thing, then this is a must buy. As of right now this is my game to beat for the year which I guess isn't really saying much yet, and I doubt it will be my game of the year when we've got Last of Us Part II, Cyberpunk 2077, and (hopefully) Psychonauts 2 on the way. Nonetheless this game is something you'll be hooked on during this coronavirus quarantine.

This game takes it fast-paced FPS to another level.

One million fucking percent improved and perfected from the previous title.

This is one of the most amazing shooters I've ever played, the intensity and music escalates as you play and you find yourself tearing through enemies as you learn their individual weaknesses. Moving around levels at insane speed and continually growing stronger as you go.

The story is much better in this game and allegedly so is the DLC. I love the arcade fashion they gave to the game as well as Doom guys base having secrets inside.

The atmosphere is extremely rich in gore and hellish elements and the arcade like gameplay reminded me much more of the older games however having its own elements to it.

Also, come on. Doom 1 and 2 for free in a secret PC? That's just amazing.


Super DOOM Bros Eternal.


Agora que já terminei de maratonar DOOM posso dizer quais são os melhores na ordem do melhor pro pior:

1°DOOM 93
2°DOOM 2
3°DOOM 16
5°DOOM 3
6°DOOM 64

Franquia realmente muito boa, virei fã.

Quick review:

Frénetico e com uma OST de invejar, Doom Eternal é a sequela que se esperava para o jogo de 2016.

Novas mecânicas e monstros ainda mais feios e demoníacos estão para vos atormentar nesta aventura.

Mais que recomendado.

Favourite chapter in the bible

i be geeked asf just slaying demons for hours bro

Yep, another banger. Glad this got a better treatment than Wolfenstein.

I dunno I think games like doom are really not my type of games, I had my fun with eternal but it’s definitely nothing I will replay in the future

DOOM: ETERNAL’s base game is the perfect balance of difficulty and fun, forcing you to play to the game’s Fun Zone. The Combat Loop is super satisfying and the variety in demons is great, environments are a joy to look at and the music will pump your adrenaline for days to come.