Reviews from

in the past

He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Revelations 21:6

almost as good as new vegas

Decided to finally give the series a try after the amazon series made it impossible to ignore.

Initially the game is straight up Bethesda junk, and while in the vault i was not so much hooked as i had hoped to be, but i kept playing till i reached the wastlands. I had no ideia of what or how to play, but for that same reason the game became more intriguing as i discovered how to heal properly and get rid of radiation and so on, thats when the game really clicks. The start-mid game is the best part and more challenging we have a good grasp of how the game works but not everything. Sadly the game can become a bit repetitive doin the same "subway" and underground areas can become tiring after 50+ hours. And as you explore eventually you get so overpowered that everything in your way just gets annihilated in secounds.

The story is just an excuse to send you over the map and explore, its not all that good. To the point i had to confirmed that i had finished the main story after completing it. Its pretty mediocre and when you think it will get interesting it just ends.

The post game seems to be pretty much 4 or 5 times the size of the main campain giving you plenty to explore after you end the main story. I still have plenty to see but cant say for sure if i will explore it all being that im burnt out in all the repetitive areas of the game.

The classic Bethesda flair is also here, that being the shitty ass bugs that for no reason just kept crashing the game, 3 radscorpions attack at the same time crash, too many explosions crash, alt tab the game crash [never alt tab the game...] Besides the anoying crashs and me getting stuck inside the floor once or twice the game runs as expected from a 2000's game.

Overall it is pretty enjoyable at its peaks, the major draw back i see in the game is the story not using enough of the map, and leaving most of it for the post game. Besides that, it was way better then what people on YouTube tell you.

dogmeat died bravely fighting 5 reavers

three solid attempts over the course of like five years and i made it further this time but i give up i just hate this game i'm sorry to say

zero compelling characters

ugly world

filled with pointless shit

boring mechanics

not for me i guess

Bastante entretenido, buenas canciones, algunos momentos memorables, aunque a diferencia de otros RPGs de Bethesda no me motiva mucho a rejugarlo.

Played this for the first because of the show, pleasantly surprised by how well it had held up. Getting used to VATs was nowhere near as clunky as I thought it'd be.

Comparing this game to my experience with Starfield is quite sad honestly, I want to love Bethesda like I did when they released Skyrim...they just aren't the same as they were from 2008-2011.

Decent main story, great side content and variety of characters, and DLCs that provide different experiences from the base game, definitely worth trying if you've never played it before.

It's the worst of the 3 Fallout games (Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4) but even then it's quite good especially for Bethesda standards.

rating this the same as oblivion for most of the same reasons (sidequests and lore), except this game trades the really nice aesthetic for actual good gameplay.

A really fun game it captures the abounded atmosphere really well with fun gameplay mechanics the story is alright

As with all Bethesda games, with mods it's so much better, but it's kinda funny how it is just Oblivion with guns.

Um dos melhores RPGs que eu já joguei. Ter descoberto esse jogo na época foi uma loucura (no bom sentido), o que me fez amar esse estilo de jogo, que trago como favorito, até os dias de hoje. E eu agradeço ao meu primo por ter me apresentado essa obra de arte.

PS.: Tentei jogar no PC anos depois e estava injogável. É muito triste a performance dos jogos da Bethesda no PC, principalmente desses jogos mais antigos. Mesmo baixando vários MODs de correção, os problemas persistem. E é uma pena pensar na possível quantidade de pessoas que não experienciaram esse jogo por conta disso.

While having some good ideas and few interesting quests, the game do not seem to understand its own universe. Most mutants that are roaming the wastelands should not even be here. Main story of Fallout 3 is in pure Bethesda fashion boring and predictable, however I remember being pleasantly surpirsed with quest in which i could decide fate of Megaton, at least some things important for the first two games were present here.

A great first entry in Bethesda's Modern RPG formula. This one compared to Fallout New Vegas has aged like milk, yet when compared to similar RPG games by other publishers, stands above.

Main game ending pre DLC was a copout and exists to sell you Broken Steel which provides a half-assed "ending" anyway. The Pitt was alright, even if you engage in Infant cannibalism. Point Lookout is your average expansion, nothing really crazy notable. Mothership Zeta is the same way, although fighting aliens was cool back in the day.

I gave it a chance after NV bc everyone was comparing one with another and after playing both I don't think people can be serious about this one, it's the worst game of those I've played from the series.

On dlcs, I only endured operation anchorage and as the clock kept ticking I could only think of finishing the game so I didn't play the other ones. I will never know if they're good because the base game kicked me off like a nuke

Приятно было вновь, спустя 15 лет погрузиться в разрушенный Вашингтон. Конечно, сейчас нормально на PC без модов не поиграть в эту игру. В целом, Bethesda как по мне, смогли в интересный трехмерный Fallout. Этот мир интересно изучать, в нем интересно быть. Да, где-то слишком много шутерной составляющей, поэтому New Vegas в этом плане мой любимый Fallout, там все в меру, здесь как и в четвертой части нужно много стрелять местами. Но это не такая большая проблема, как я сказал уже выше, мир, атмосфера, ее персонажи. Все это делает Fallout уникальной игрой, и в любую часть этой серии я обязательно рекомендую поиграть каждому.

Fallout 3 is not an RPG. You have your numbers and stats but you almost can't decide anything beside some side content story branches here and there. That's not something necesarily bad, but it's clearly lacking compared to other Bethesda games. You always are constantly on the verge of death, needing healing items or, especially, ammo. This is fun most of the time in games and here it does help creating the setting and some interesting situations, but the problem is the weight mechanic. You are carrying too much weight all the time. In a game where ammo is so limited it's recommended to play changing constantly between types of weapons. And you have to carry so many different weapons all the time. It's not only an annoying issue per se, having to constantly open and closing your Pipboy to change weapons is also quite annoying. At least ammo weighs zero. Thankfully.

Beside that, it's, again, a Bethesda game within its exploration. Everywhere you go, anything you see in the distance can be an interesting landmark and you'll find yourself making detours all the time even when you already had made up your mind to focus on the main story. Even if it's a wasteland, it's not just that. It's not empty at all.

I, tho, didn't like the metro gimmick at all. I mean, it looks like an open world game, but it really isn't, you have to get in the metro to access other areas. To be honest, an underground metro in a post post-apocalypse setting like is Fallout is something amazing in theory. Looks scary. Feels scary. It's an awesome idea. But it falls quickly to deliver what it meant and transforms into something just very annoying to traverse just to get to some other new place. Why can't I just go where I want or need in a straight line and deal with the consecuences of my actions by myself without having to lose a lot of time having to get inside the labyrinthic underground metro... That was the least I liked about this game...

But oh well, at the end of the day, Fallout 3 has quite a charm, despite its flaws. It's a game worth trying out.

This review contains spoilers

I really enjoyed this game, after years of playing fnv, f4, f76, I thought it was finally time and it was! I really enjoyed it, the story, the side content, it was all really spectacular, even the dlcs were amazing. The only thing I have an issue with is the original ending, it just felt really unsatisfactory and forced, and the fact anything you do other than sacrifice yourself the narrator will criticise you for didn't sit great with me.

not alot of games have made me feel like im really there i loved the simple rpg systems and the exploration so much and bathesda really nails atmosphere here i miss games like this

not as good as new vegas but better than fallout 4. can get really buggy but its still a fun game and was a great aesthetic

Main story sucks. Everything else is honestly pretty amazing. This would be higher rated with a mod that removes weapon condition but I don't rate based on gameplay mods but that mechanic is absolute dogass.

DLC ranking: The Pitt > Broken Steel >> Point Lookout >>> Operation Anchorage > Mothership Zeta

It's the fantasticness that is Fallout 3, but with all the DLC.

one of my favorite games of all time. god i love the capital wasteland

Didn't put in GW parkway, super fucked up of bethesda to remove the best view of the potomac

É um bom jogo mas a quantidade de bugs que tem é absurda tem mais de 10 anos e cheio de bugs que fazem você perder todo o seu progresso

Seule Fallout que j'ai fait. Fan de la formule Bethesda à l'époque donc très bon souvenir.

it didn't save anything when i completed. it restarted me when i finish main quest

worse than 4 but play this first anyways