Reviews from

in the past

Its alright. Phenomenal vibes but not a lot to do overall. Its not mechanically deep in the slightest either. Tons of missed potential and I dunno how much of it was them banking on the sequel or if the game was rushed or both. This game gave us Tron Bonne though and that makes it worth its weight in gold.

Do not trust anyone who tells you that Legends 2 is better than the original

Presentationally exquisite in ways that I can only assume influenced just about every AAA game I can think of, at least in small ways. Exploring the island and finding new items to mess around with, and using those same items to push deeper into the maze of ruins under the island was consistently enjoyable. Something about the way this game is structured makes it feel so much bigger than it actually is, there’s a real sense of being in a gigantic labyrinthine world when in reality it’s like, a handful of small maps interconnected in clever ways. It seems crazy to me that this came out a year before Ocarina of Time, because there’s so many things it does that seem to be in conversation with that game, but it’s definitely just a case of multiple discovery.

Making a Mega Man Zelda-like is just a good idea and this executes it really well. I like how the dungeons are more like a dungeon crawler - mapping floors out, having limited resources and pushing as far as you can - than puzzle-solving. Perfect blue-sky-era Capcom vibes too; the low-poly characters are so expressive and the whole thing feels like a beautiful fun kids anime.

Some annoying bits aside it’s probably the best looking ps1 games ever

Really charming PS1 dungeon crawler. by far the best time I've had with tank controls.

The control scheme is clunky. This would've benefitted greatly from analog support.

In my opinion, the Megaman series is at its best when it has RPG elements and Legends does that and so much more. Sure, for today's standards a lot of this game might not impress many, the controls might irritate others but look aside those petty grievances and put yourself in the shoes of a kid from the late 90's / early 00's. This was / is the SHIT! the level of detail, the beautiful poly models, THE MUSIC! the sound font is so damn iconic, I mean listen to that damn bass. the fact so many buildings are enterable, the expressive and loveable cast, so many little secret interactions and items to make powerful side weapons. The voice acting in this game is charming as hell and whoever voices Tiesel deserves an AWARD. They really took a chance with this game and really wish more people appreciated it. Anyone looking for a fun throwback game to put some time into, look no further!

Nossa que jogo injustiçado kkk
Eu ouvia falar desse jogo como sendo horrível e um dos pontos baixos do Megaman. Eu não ligo muito pra série, então um jogo ruim dele ainda por cima não ia ajudar. Até que um dia eu dei uma chance. E pô é tudo tão bonito, a gameplay estilo Tomb Raider cai muito bem com os movimentos rápidos. Esse e a sequência, são jogos que você deveria jogar uma vez. Uma pena que não venderam bem e a saga morreu por ali

Pretty solid, though I got a bit bored around the middle

This game was as charming as I remember, but I actually enjoyed the gameplay a lot more than when I played it during my teenage years. This game is surprisingly difficult. You really need to upgrade your gear and weapons to stand a chance against the enemies you encounter.

I don't have anything novel to say about the plot and characters that haven't already been said (the villains are fun, the little robot guys are cute, etc), but it's still really impressive how expressive and well-acted the characters are in the cutscenes to this day.

Pretty damn good adventure game, I always loved to see a similar take with Mega Man and it does it with one of the best looking PS1 games. Only real complaint? Controlling the camera sucks, this is a game that desperately screams "I need right analog functionality".

Incredible game. Instills such a sense of personality that it comes across as surrealist pop art.

Very cute and fun game :) Tron Bonne is so cute, I ship her and Man forever

Peak. Fiction.

This game means the world to me and this tiny review won't do any of that justice but gosh this game is so good. It really feels like the type of game you can't just like. You either feel indifferent towards it or absolutely adore it, at least that's what I see alot.

This was one of the last Mega Man games I played. I went through all the platformers I absolutely adored and the RPGs only to come to this one niche sub series and have it absolutely blow everything else out of the water.

There isn't a single aspect about this game that isn't charming. The low poly playstation aesthetic is something I can't get enough, I seriously think it hasn't aged a day. Can we please get more retro throwbacks in this style?

Kattelox Island is an amazing game world, each corner of the small map feels alive and atmospheric despite the limitations, the above world just feels so peaceful (as long as you ignore those darn pirates).

There's a whole lot of memorable NPCs, weird optional scenarios and sometimes dumb yet endearing dialogue. Upgrading Rock Volnutt is really fun though I never really get much use out of the multiple sub-weapons.

The controls take some getting used to, they are outdated, I understand that... It takes like 5 minutes to get used to them, I don't think it is a big deal.

I love the contrast between the bright overworld and dark, repetitive depths. That's one of the reasons I actually prefer the samey ruins in this game compared to the themed ones of the sequel. I think the lack of variety helps contrast the regular world and gives a more dreary atmosphere to the place.

I love the Bonne family, I love the ridiculously loud bird chirping, I love running around, getting hit by cars in the city, I love the revearbots who manage to be both goofy and slightly unsettling, I love the missions (even if they almost made me give up multiple times on my first playthrough), I love the ending, I love collecting treasure in the ruins, I love beating up innocent cans, I love interacting with the people of Kattelox Island.

This game is everything. I absolutely adore it.

Esse jogo é muito melhor do que eu esperava, os controles dele são meio estranhos no começo porém eu até que consegui me acostuma rápido, gráficos dele consegue ser bonito até hoje já que eles focaram em algo mais cartoon e os personagens tem bastante personalidades.

For its time one of the best game I ever played, but even by today's standards I think the game holds up fairly well.

If you dont like this, I declare you uncultured.

This game might have the best art direction of all time. It looks absolutely incredible at both 240p and upscaled. The characters and backgrounds and cutscenes are just dripping with appeal. However, it's also a 3D action-platformer that predates the DualShock so the controls are insanely bad: running and strafing with the d-pad, turning with L1 and R1. I guess I can't fault it for being too ambitious. The plot is very anime-esque, and the writing is pretty funny. You can tell they really wanted this open-world city to feel like a real place.

Un solido comienzo para Megaman 3d
Con un mundo semi abierto y mecanicas bastantes divertidas, incluso para ocupar controles de tanque esta bastante bien

A very charming and memorable game though it had some really rough edges in its gamplay, game design and pacig that really drag it down for me. Nevertheless i still had a good time loved its characters and i can see the potential in the formula even though here it felt like a blue print for future games and not really a finished vision.

it was aight. the only thing anyone can say about this game is that it's cute and looks good and both of those things are true but overall im just very unimpressed with this game. i didnt feel anything from the townspeople, i didnt feel anything from the town itself or the world or the story it tried to tell at the end. gameplay wise it was fun to upgrade my weapons and get stronger and minmax my favourite stats on my gun but the whole thing was also pretty slow and clunky, but that's something i got used to anyways. idk. i dont feel very motivated to play the next games in the series.

Really super super charming game. In my effort to play all of the canon Mega Man games, I've finally reached the Legends games, my last stop!

Very briefly I was put off by this game, but I was sucked in pretty easily. The voice acting, animations, and characters are all unbelievably charming. I love Tiesel and the Bonnes, every scene with him was great, and I loved seeing MegaMan's facial expressions change when something fucky was going down.

Graphically this game isn't winning any awards, but the artstyle was so cute and the character designs were so adorable I give it the fucking pass.

Overall the gameplay was alright except for some jank controls. I heard this was like "The Legend of Zelda" of Mega Man games, and it does kind of feel like that, but it had its own unique charm to it. The dungeon designs were all kind of samey, but as per usual with the games I play, the bosses were the highlights.

In particular, I really really loved the final boss. Lore in Mega Man games usually goes pretty hard, and they saved those bits for the end of this one, which was really appreciated. Watching the final boss cutscene made me think, "Yes!!!! This is a Mega Man game!!!!" I am truly interested in what the deal is with the story, and I'm excited to play Legends 2 to get the scope of it!!

Overall, fun game, unbelievably charming, and I can't wait to play 2!

Very solid 3rd person metroidvania. Juno was annoying.

Fun story with a lot of charm with an interesting set up for its sequel at the end. Art style does wonders for it and helps carry you through the initial learning curve of its quite awful controls. If you're not a fan of the traditional Mega Man formula both in story and gameplay this is a great entry to play.

this game just has so much style. the color palette, the environments - 90s Japanese games were just built different.

game mechanically is very clunky and raw, but you have to remember this came out a full year before OoT was even released, so the "3D open-world action adventure" was still in its infancy.

ok im sorry but how do people like to actually play this game? it's actually aged like piss I'm not joking silent hill 1 and Classic RE play much better than this sorry excuse of a game gameplay wise

One of my favorites of all time and I STILL haven't gotten everything there is to offer in this game! (Played on PS3)